生き甲斐, pronounced ikigai, is a Japanese concept that means “reason for being.” In other words, what makes you get up in the morning without an alarm clock because you're so damn excited?!
Ikigai is at the heart of Financial Samurai, this personal finance site I created in 2009 to hep people achieve financial freedom sooner rather than later.
Once you have financial freedom, you have a greater ability to do what you want that provides meaning. Ikigai is your reason for being.
The Start Of Ikigai For Me
From 1999 – 2001, I had to get to the office by 5:30 am because I was a lowly grunt in the investment banking world. Making photocopies of last night's research, getting coffee for the traders, and making presentations was all part of the morning equities routine. But I was excited because I had a fast-paced job right out of college in NYC.
From 2001 – 2007, despite having to continue getting to work at a goodness forsaken hour, I was still excited because I got a new job in San Francisco with the opportunity to build my own little business out west. Working in a satellite office gave me my first glimpse of what entrepreneurship could be like.
But when the financial crisis hit in 2008, my excitement turned into fear. I no longer went to the office because I loved all that went on in the stock markets. I started setting multiple alarm clocks to ensure I got in on time because I was fearful of getting laid off. It was depressing to come in and see everything crumbling so quickly.
The global financial crisis crushed my ikigai. Working in finance became pointless.
Fading Ikigai At Work In Finance
Despite a recovery by 2012, my excitement for work no longer existed. Work had become a bureaucratic nightmare, so I figured a way out.
In retrospect, what I thought was my ikigai for 13 years was simply a job where I traded time for money. Helping institutions make more money felt shallow, even if some of the institutions were responsible for a teacher's pension.
But through work, I learned how to be a better communicator. Through the practice of writing daily newsletters (join 60,000+ and subscribe) about what went on in Asia while we slept, I slowly found my ikigai through storytelling. Clients and colleagues alike would regularly reach out to say how much they enjoyed the newsletter.
With no more compliance department breathing down my neck with Financial Samurai, it's a joy to help make people believe a little more in themselves by showing what's possible. Over one million visitors read Financial Samurai a month. I found my ikigai in Financial Samurai.
A Closer Look At Ikigai: What Is Ikigai?
According to Akihiro Hasegawa, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at Toyo Eiwa University, the origin of the word ikigai goes back to the Heian period (794 to 1185). “Gai comes from the word kai (“shell” in Japanese) which were deemed highly valuable, and from there ikigai derived as a word that means value in living.” He further writes:
Japanese people believe that the sum of small joys in everyday life results in a more fulfilling life as a whole.
I believe it. Small things for me like winning a high school conference tennis title and watching my boy take his first steps collectively bring an immense amount of joy.
Mieko Kamiya, author of the book, Ikigai-nitsuite, explains that as a word, ikigai is similar to “happiness” but with some subtle differences. He writes, “Ikigai is what allows you to look forward to the future even if you’re miserable right now.”
The Moment That Changed My Life
One sunny October day in 2011, I found hope that there could be life after finance. For a couple years prior, I was in a funk, no longer enjoying the day-to-day of the business.
After three hours of hiking up and around Santorini, Greece, I stopped to rest at an open bar overlooking the crater. I had my iPhone and the bar had WiFi. Perfect!

I ordered an overpriced $10 Mythos beer and began to check my messages. In my inbox was an advertising client based in London whom I had worked with before. He said he’d pay me $1,100 if I’d put a link on the homepage of this site.
I told him sure! So he sent me the code, I managed to copy and paste the code onto my homepage with my iPhone, and he Paypaled me the $1,100 within 10 minutes after I was done. The whole process took 30 minutes.
That was the moment when I finally realized I could finally escape my job. I immediately ordered another overpriced $10 Mythos beer and devised my layoff plans.
Ikigai Is Why You'll Be Fine After Retiring
Despite having enough money to survive, after you retire you'll always be worried for an unknown period of time. My worry lasted for about two years before I could confidently say that I 100% no longer feared running out of money or had made the wrong decision.
After you retire from a conventional job, you're not going to just sit on your hands and do nothing. You will naturally start doing what provides you the most amount of purpose. And because you will be so focused on making sure retiring when you did was the right choice, you will inevitably find your ikigai!
Please take a look at this graphic explaining ikigai. It might look like a lot of New Age mumbo jumbo, but ikigai has been around for centuries.

Now it's time to list all the things that will help you find your ikigai. Here's my list.
Ikigai Is What I Love:
- Connecting with people
- Learning different perspectives
- Traveling abroad
- Creating something from nothing
- Getting recognized for my efforts
- Reading great stories
- Taking care of my family
- Writing
Ikigai Is What I'm Good At:
- Telling stories
- Doing what I say
- Not giving up
- Building partnerships
- Simplifying the complex
- Getting the most out of my body and mind
- Getting people to believe more in themselves
- Writing
Ikigai Is What The World Needs:
- Access to free financial education
- More interesting stories
- Geographic, racial, and socioeconomic diversity in personal finance
- As many different perspectives as possible
- A stronger support network for those most in need
- Great personal finance books
- A positive motivator to give people the courage to change their lives for the better
Ikigai Is What I Can Be Paid For:
- My writing
- My speaking
- Hosting the best personal finance podcast (subscribe on Apple or Spotify)
- The Financial Samurai brand
Take Action Using Ikigai
After going through this exercise, I understand why I've been able to keep Financial Samurai going since 2009. Writing doesn't feel like work. It's also almost impossible to stay retired once you retire early. Your Ikigai will drive you to be productive.
Instead, writing is a joy that lets me experience a couple of the things that I love: creating something from nothing and learning new perspectives. If I haven't written for a couple days, I start feeling antsy, as though I hadn't exercised for a couple days.
As a big proponent of public libraries where I spent so many hours as a kid, I'm on a mission to improve free financial education. It's not right that only the wealthy or super talented get to go to the best grade schools or universities.
The system is so stacked against the poor it's preposterous once you discover all the details. Knowing that what I write can help someone with fewer means get ahead really motivates me to never quit.
Finally, I love that no reader pays me a cent to read anything. Asking for money or for business always feels a little bit off.
Create Something Of Your Own For Ikigai
Because I've built a brand in the personal finance space, financial companies come to me. I get to then pick and choose which product makes the most sense for the community. Then I go deep because it's likely I'm using the product or have invested my own money in the product.
Having a viable passive income stream has helped me turn Financial Samurai into a predominantly storytelling website. I really just want to write stories I would want to read. If I had retired without enough passive income, it's highly likely this website would be mostly about product reviews – good for business, but boring to read.
Always Find Your Ikigai
No matter whether you are still working or in retirement, always keep searching for your ikigai. It will not be easy getting all the parts to fit. Further, your desires may also change over time as well. But it's absolutely worth going through this exercise to improve your life.
Don't chase money, prestige, and status at all costs. Get enough of those things to feel good about yourself, but don't stop searching until you've found your purpose in life.
After you're done listing all your points, proceed to list out all the relevant jobs or businesses that fit as many of your points as possible. Brainstorm. I'm sure you can get most of them if you are flexible with your income requirements.
Family Is A Big Part Of My Ikigai
With a family to now take care of, running Financial Samurai has become even more meaningful. I've got so much to learn from readers who are more experienced parents. There are so many family-related financial topics to write about in the coming years.
Finally, I'm excited to use Financial Samurai to teach my children how to communicate better and run an online business. Providing practical knowledge and education to my children is a part of my Ikigai as a father. Theoretical knowledge in the classroom is great, but practical knowledge is more important for survival.
Please move on from your job if it no longer excites you. Trying to be an elite may not be worth it. There is a better fit out there if you spend time looking. Do not settle!
Personally, once my daughter goes to school full time in September 2024, my Ikigai will shift towards earning again. I will likely take on a part-time consulting roll to fill the void after being a stay-at-home dad since 2017. I've given so much effort to taking care of my kids, that I'll need a new Ikigai to return to work.
Money Matters For Ikigai
For those of you who've hit your retirement number, or who have achieved a net worth equal to 15X – 20X your average gross income or more, I encourage you to consider taking a leap of faith.
I promise you. You won't turn into a zombie in retirement, mindlessly wandering through a field of despair. Rather, with renewed vigor, you will rationally move towards doing the things you love.
If you still don't believe me, know that the Okinawans have the highest life expectancy of any country: 90 for women and for men, 84, a significant 8-9 years longer than American life expectancy.
Having something to live for truly matters.
Related posts about Ikigai:
Two Retirement Philosophies Will Determine Your Safe Withdrawal Rate
Learning To Be Happy With What We Have
Free Wealth Management Tool
Sign up for Empower, the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. Run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees.
After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. What you measure can be optimized.
More Recommendations For Ikigai
Pick up a copy of Buy This, Not That, my instant Wall Street Journal bestseller. The book helps you make more optimal investment decisions so you can live a better, more fulfilling life.
Buy This, Not That will help you find your ikigai because you will have more confidence and more wealth to do what you want. It will be the most thorough and best personal finance book you'll ever read.

Join 60,000+ others and sign up for the free Financial Samurai newsletter and posts via e-mail. Financial Samurai is one of the largest independently-owned personal finance sites that started in 2009. Over 100 million visitors have come closer to ikigai through my words.
Thank you for writing and for the images.
So I read this post after your one about losing interest and lacking time for your blog to be more involved in your son’s life…
Interesting shift in attitude in fairly short time but if I were offered enough money for something I created that meant I didn’t have to work to sustain current and future needs, I probably would do the same thing…
I enjoy your posts
I doubt that any corporate entity taking over your blog will engender the same vibe, but that is the corp’s issue…
Hi Sam,
It’s true that there is a need to find the interesting things to do during the retirement. Sometimes, the interesting things are within the blind spots which are applicable in my context.
I love the underdog team. I support a fan-owned club which is based in UK. I have been one of the owner fan in respect of this club. I am 40 and currently hold a full-time employment job in the country of my nationality. I am working towards my contributions to the fan-owned club which I hope to be fighting its weight above the league ladder of English Football. It’s currently in the third tier of English pyramid.
Such aspiration has been hidden as blind spot of my plan. I start to realise it and work towards making it part of my interesting item in my retirement journey.
Hi You’ll, I am 55 years old, worked all my life, as a diplomat and internationally. Spent all holidays basically working or worrying about work. Cannot tell you how many of them were spoiled by getting some bad news from work just during holidays especially about job assignments. International civil servants world is a strange one. Real merit matters little, politics govern. In any case, always reading your articles, I have finally pulled the plug. I am still in the separation period and it feels stomach-crunching, but I know that I don’t want to spend the last years yes-sirring someone. So I am writing to from the amidst of my doubts and expectations of freedom. I got my projects lined up and they would certainly require skills that I do t hav. But I will plunge in for learning everything.
Sam, i find myself spending so much time reading your countless blogs and people’s comments, I am just hooked. Only have been following you for 1.5 yrs, your name is constantly being mentioned to my children, spouse, and friends.
My passion is to bring financial sense to my children and friends. One of my kids got it (I think), the other one is totally tuned out (i got it, mom, i got it). I also forward your articles to my close friends (with comments and ask them to read more by subscribing), but never received any comments, which saddens me and feels discouraged wondering my actions were unwanted. I would really like for them to prosper (not that they are not) and enjoy financial freedom.
We started late in building wealth, plus not making much money as enlisted airmen in the USAF (both) and then working as civil servants after separating from the military, but we manage to have ~14x our income as we exited the work force just two months ago (houses included as we have no mortgage). Not as great as your stated goal of 20x, but at our age (65+), I don’t think we can (or want) to work (as employees) any longer.
We were fortunate enough to have stationed in Japan (two tours totally 5 years), but I have never heard of this term before. I am off working the Ikigai list, and hoping to find a side hustle that I would enjoy working toward.
Thank you for your unselfish desire to share your financial knowledge. Every one of your blogs is inspiring, I totally enjoy reading them.
So nice of you to read and share my work.
Congrats on retiring! Sounds like you guys probably have pensions too? If so, that’s wonderful!
Hope you guys have wonderful new adventures in retirement.
Yes, I have two (USAF/DoD) and hubby has one (USAF) & SS. We plan on letting my SS ride til 70 as it gets 8% yearly after 66.
Side notes – You really should start video blogs…. Also, how about holding an annual gathering with your fellow Samurais? That sure sounds GREAT!!!
Sounds good to me.
Happy to have you lead the charge on the video blogs if you have interest. I know you have time!
Some are doing video blogs on my posts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laBeyY8Abbg
Thanks for another insightful article into the mindset of the early retiree. Your ability to clearly articulate what many of us are thinking is why I’ve been a big fan of yours for so many years.
I’ve been early retired for three years now and I’ve found the search for Ikigai to be an ongoing process. I move from one area to another and often find myself coming back full circle over time. And that’s one of the great benefits of being retired. You’re not forced to focus on one single area.
Great work!
I very much enjoy your site and appreciate you offering great content for free.
I think the concept of Ikigai among retirees is easier in societies that value their elders. Here in America many elderly are placed in understaffed nursing homes and then drugged if they fuss too much that they want to go home. One walk around a Medicaid funded nursing home and you will see plenty of retirees with no Ikigai sitting around watching tv or sleeping in wheelchairs or otherwise waiting. Especially in the memory units. Early retirees with more energy could be different? I’m not sure about the sample size to know if it is so guaranteed. More likely it is up to each of us to make the most of each and every day we’ve been given. Thanks for the inspiration.
I think you make a great point Marie. In Japan, and in most of Asia, elders gain social capital as they age. In the US…. not so much sadly.
Hence, maybe we should all retire abroad.
Thanks for this article FS. I had to print out the graphic and put it into my personal journal. Will also do a list similar to yours to help me out as well and use it for a good meditative exercise.
Yes I’m going to print it out too. Thanks Sam for yet another insightful framework and brilliant article.
Never heard of the term before but I like it!
Finding your Ikigai and knowing it can change along the way is an important part of the journey:)
Net worth sitting at $3,600,000 not counting primary residence. Total retirement I am on disability but wife set to retire in August, she is 62, I am 65 and that always has been a fear running out of money.
Beautiful post. This is your best article in weeks (which is a high bar). I love the concept. I love the blend of career-oriented, practicality, philosophy.
I’ve been free after going out on my own in early 2017 (econ consulting). It’s been the best decision of my life. I’m still working hard, but on my own terms. I’m energized by every day of it. I like the *Start with Why* concept — why do we get out of bed in the morning? What’s our greater purpose for forward progress every day?
Anyway, ten thumbs up on this article. Nicely done.
– DeForest
Find pleasure in the sum of small things. We tend to think big even in retirement. Must be first class, must go to Europe. The simple act of walking my dogs brings me joy.
I linked over to another of your posts that mentions crowd funding for real estate. Something I’ve never done, so I’m leary and hopefully will dabble my toes in the water.
Thanks for your site, I’ve learned a lot over the years, and you still consistently write great content.
What a cool article! I haven’t heard of this before but I really like the concept. Love how you clearly organized and explained your own ikigai too. Great stuff!
The most truthful speech I’ve ever heard was by a colleague of mine who was receiving recognition for 40 years of service. He was asked to say a few words so he stood up and said, “I’m tired”.
I have defined my own meaning in life pursuing my goals and interests over the years. Now you can find me on the bay area trails early mornings or gardening in the backyard. No one really wants to find paradise. They just want to believe it exists. I’ve seen a lot of exchanging one set of problems for another all in the name of “insert Jargon here”. I picked something and worked hard at it and it lead to more successes than failures. Now I can look back and regret something else I didn’t pursue like that French girl traveling with her mother many years ago. Burt Reynolds was quoted recently, “Nobody had more fun than I did.” I believe it.
Man, ain’t that the truth! Tired is so right!
But imagine being tired only have doing something you love for decades. How rewarding is that.
Thanks Sam! Even we could retire years ago (@51, net assets excluding home ~= 50x pretax income), I’m still working because I haven’t found out what I’d do after retirement, until very recently.
The best advice was from my friend who retired @50, when I asked him for retirement advice a few years ago, he told me: “you need to find something to run towards in retirement and not just away from work.” That really woke me up since at that time I was depressed and had no motivation to continue working, so I stuck to it and keep researching for what I’d do after retirement (took a sabbatical, talking to various early retirees, talking to charities, tried out various volunteering opportunities, etc..). None were something I feel I can run towards.
Only recently I found out what I want to do after retirement: basically it involves starting a software business on a education topic I had been passionate about. The very thought of working on this idea get me excited and motivate myself to get up everyday, learn new skills that are required, and work on the prototype. The difference is night-and-day: even though I still work and only doing this on the sides, I’m no longer listless at work and only trying to get through the day. Coming home I used to be exhausted and simply want to watch Youtube, now I’m energized and still have a few hours to go at the problem. I guess that’s similar to your own experience when starting Financial Samurai? Hopefully I can develop my biz idea more fully in the next year or two, will keep you updated!
FI should lead to Ikigai, not Retire Early.
50X gross income is HUGE! Hope your software education business catches on.
Yes, when I started FS, it rejuvenated me. So fun to write and connect w/ others. I woke up wanting to see what was up with FS much more than what went on in the Asian markets overnight.
Now, with the launch of the FS Forum, I’m excited to check and see who has posted whatever every day too now. But shh, I haven’t been public about the forum yet. Soon though.
It’s just fun to build new things and watch them grow.
I think the French call the same thing your raison d’etre. The way you describe the Japanese culture reminds me of Elves. As silly as this sounds, I knew about the Tolkien Elves before I knew about Japan. My school read us and showed us the cartoon movie of LOTR in 1982 when I was in first grade. Since then, it’s been an aspect of my life. While I am not the best DIY person, I am always trying to improve my skills. Whatever I do, I want to be better, or the best version of that I can.
For me, while I too work in finance, but as a coder that supplies the data and applications that the money folks use, I do not see the end of my time here yet. I got started late, and my goal is to have enough to down shift to another industry where I can enjoy the work more while I contribute. Retiring early is still likely, but a lot of that depends on the market.
There is a lot of talk about the end of the current bull run; it is getting long in the tooth. I would like to hear your take on that, as I am starting to read the thoughts of many others on the subject.
I’ve heard of ikigai for some time and I think it’s a wonderful concept for finding life’s purpose.
I would also like to thank you for providing excellent free financial education. Your blog was one of the first financial blogs I’ve read. I continue to be a regular reader.
It must feel great to know that your work has helped so many people. I hope to achieve this one day!
Thanks! And no problemo.
Thanks so much for this great post. I think it’s my favourite and I’ve been reading Financial Samurai for awhile. A long time ago, I quit my job after working a year out of university in finance, to pursue my dream in animation. I made it and have been working in the industry for over 10 years, but the part of me that studied and enjoyed studying finance is still hungry for more information about how to better handle my personal money matters. Even within the industry you love, there are challenges to find where you fit best, so this is an awesome post about that. Thank you!
Wonderful to hear about your switch to animation! No reason why you can’t get your thrills in personal finance as well. Glad you enjoyed the post.
Finding your site was great for the financial knowledge and the storytelling you share. I never found myself attracted to reading many blogs but with time I see they can combine two of my favorite passions: finding opportunities to learn something new and reading great stories to which I can relate. I have written extensively for school and work but rarely about my own perspective. Blogging is an excellent opportunity to improve my storytelling abilities through sharing my perspective and I know with time, my storytelling will improve. I’m not quite on Xrayvsn’s level with having posts written to January 2019, but know the words will flow easier as I write more.
Aside from the selfish reasons I list above, another drive for me turning to blogging as an outlet to express myself is knowing that what I write can help someone with a less-envious position in life than me. Knowing what I write can in some way help someone out there truly motivates me to keep going and never quit. I plan to write down some items in my four categories and see what I can do to move closer to finding my ikigai.
In my two visits to Tokyo I certainly saw evidence of Ikigai. As a people the Japanese take so much pride in everything they do. Walking through Ginza early in the morning, I saw people cleaning the streets and shop keepers getting everything ready for another day of business.
There was pride and purpose in how they carried out their tasks. Their work matters to them so much. I think that’s why I always can’t wait to go back.
Financial Samurai has certainly been of great help to millions of people. It’s also inspired others to share their personal journey with the world. When you get old, I imagine that the people you’ve met, helped and loved will matter more than anything else.
If you’re Ikigai allows you to accomplish those things, I’d say you’ve done something right.
Yes, great observation! I worked in Tokyo for two years as a M&A lawyer and this concept was one of my favorite cultural discoveries during my time there.
The diagram is great. I’ve seen the simpler version, but this is much better. I’ve heard of ikigai before, but I think it was in the context of longevity. It’s a really neat concept. If you can make it work, you’ll be able to build a contented life.
I stumbled into ikigai somehow. Life is really good now that I don’t have an employer anymore. You’re responsible for getting me started on this journey so Thank you. Keep up the good work.
” …my excitement for work no longer existed.” You hooked me at this precise point!
What a really great article. I’m off to try my Ikigai list.. After reading Kondo’s book on decluettering, I’m off to a good start in cleaning things up to get greater clarity.
Will I be willing to accept what my list shows me. Not so sure right now, but I’ll give it a go.
Very inspirational, thank you for sharing. I think many of us have a passion to explore new things and share with others the things than we have learned.
Fear of the unknown leads far too many to inertia, and a corresponding lack of fulfillment and happiness.
I have been reading your blog for many years and this post, to me, is the most inspiring one to date! I studied Japanese language and culture for many years when I was young and live in Japan for a year teaching English and hadn’t heard of Ikigai. Thanks for giving us his fantastic cultural insight.
I am at a crossroad right now in my career, having done unfulfilling work for the last few years for more money, but now trying to find out what where my passions are so I can focus on doing work that I can sustainably do for the next decade before I call it quits to full time employment.
Income flexibility is one of the keys to most people following their passion instead of working for maximum financial gain, which is why I believe minimizing debt and lifestyle inflation are so important.
Definitely keep exploring something new. Don’t get hung up about the income. Unless the pay cut is something drastic, like 30%+, after taxes, it’s not going to be that big of a deal if you find something so much better. There is something better. Just got to keep on looking.
We reach our two years of retirement next month. I don’t wake up worrying about money but I’m still searching for my Ikigai.
“Doing what you say” is one of the most valuable traits a person can have, IMO. There’s much unpredictability in the world but the one thing we all have control over is our integrity.
Retirement is a long way off for me but I do agree with the advice of doing what you love if you can put that into action. Sam is correct when he says there’s never been a better time to look for a new job or line of work if what you’re doing now is in line with reaching ikigai. The economy is strong, the job market is tightening, and pay is rising. All lead for a great combination to consider a move.