Is Unemployment Really That High?

Is Unemployment Really That High, was originally written on 2/3/2011 when unemployment was high during the recession. However, unemployment has skyrocketed during the 2020 global pandemic.

The nearby Kentucky Fried Chicken has a help wanted sign up for the past 6 weeks.  I asked the manager how the hunt was going when I picked up my bucket of goodness and he said nobody was applying.

They pay $10 an hour for up to 8 hour shifts a day.  That's $400 a week and $1,600 a month.  Not bad right?  I think so, even for a city like San Francisco.  For $1,600 a month, you can rent a room with a couple housemates for $700 a month, and have $900 a month left over for food and entertainment.  Not bad if you're single.

If you've got a family to support, $1,600 in San Francisco is not going to get you very far, which is why many move out of San Francisco to one of the burbs and commute.

KFC's inability to hire got me wondering: Is unemployment really 10%?  Everyday, you see the media drone on and on about how bad the employment market is.  I truly empathize with anybody out of work who wants to work.  However, if KFC can't find a position for 6 weeks, perhaps the employment picture is actually much better than perception.

The city of San Francisco is hopping.  There is more money out there than you think.  I couldn't get a cab for 50 minutes the other day from downtown to the gym.  I gave up and ended up jogging 3 miles in the rain in my work clothes and 20 pound bag.  Shit, that sucked.  I asked my well-to-do friend who is approaching his 80th week of collecting unemployment insurance how much he gets and how he's doing.  He said roughly $450 a week, which he spends on going out at night.  He's having a great time.


Unemployment claims - Is Unemployment Really That High?

I actually think about it once every couple of weeks thanks to the media and my own paranoia.  The truth of the matter is, I'd probably collect the maximum amount of unemployment possible in order to find the ideal job.  I would hold out until the very end.  It's the rational thing to do.  However, when the unemployment benefits run out, I will be the first person to apply for the KFC job and then blog about it!

If for some miracle I had no savings after 10, 15, 20, 25 years of working, I would be the best damn deep fryer on the planet! I used to work for $3 an hour at McDonald's and know what it takes to be a star in the fast food industry.  I'd work hard for my $1,600 a month and I would spend less than $100 a month on food because I'll be stuffing my face with all the fried chicken, mash potatoes, biscuits, corn, and coleslaw I can!  I'd also take home all the leftovers which are thrown out at the end of the day anyway and feed others.

In fact, I would work hard to try and get promoted to manager and potentially double my income to $20/hour or $3,200 a month.  I'd still look for that ideal job, but I would also be making the best of my time at KFC.


Is unemployment really that high? It's hard to believe it. Seriously, for all the negativity regarding unemployment, maybe we have very little to worry about.  If you are under 40, you can go back and live at home with your parents or relatives.  You've had the luxury of working for 20+ years before becoming unemployed. Therefore, likely have a huge safety net to last you a while. 

Think about it. Saving just $10,000 a year for 20 years, 20 years ago and investing the proceeds probably leaves you with at least $300,000 in savings.

Finally, if you have absolutely nothing, you at least have a 13-month extension of the 99 weeks of unemployment which pay some $1,700 a month in many cities. Once the 99 weeks runs out, there's KFC for $1,600 a month and free food.  Couldn't you live off $1,600 a month with free food?  I know I can.

Note: Just the other day, I was sitting on the ski-lift chatting with a guy.  I asked him whether he is taking the week off since it's a Wednesday, and he said, “Nope!  Got laid off in December and am taking the winter off with a great severance package, healthcare, and unemployment checks until I plan to start looking again in April.  I've already got two job offers but I want to ski!”  Now that is the way to live!

What Do You Think About The Unemployment Situation?

Readers, is unemployment really that high? Or is it actually much better than the 10% unemployment rate would dictate?  Why do you think it's taken 6 weeks and counting for the KFC to find someone to work for them for $1,600/month?

If you're 45 years old and have been working for 23 years, isn't 23 years of savings enough to hold you through several years vs. a younger person, say 27 who has only had 5 years to save?


I think the best think you can do if you are unemployed is to build a blog and start your side hustle! Post pandemic, you need to learn how to make money from home in case there's another one. The easiest way to make money from home is with a blog!

Update 2021: Thankfully, the unemployment rate has come down to about 6% as of 2Q2021. Here are the states with the highest unemployment benefits. Personally, I plan to re-retire within 12 months because I'm tired as hell! Here's to President Biden saving us from a lifetime of too much work!



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Name withheld
Name withheld
13 years ago

Found this through your post on Untemplater. I’d love a job that paid $10/hr. I love any job that wasn’t yet another 2 or 3 month temp position. Stores seem to rather have an opening for months than hire an ex-con.

13 years ago

I think a lot of people don’t think about the changing demographics, especially California, New York, and others. Taxes are too high, and people are moving to other states. Arizona, Texas, and so forth. I don’t know if all the companies moving are going to have the same employees — maybe a few as a guess. The rest are out in the cold.

Moral of the story: Don’t tax so much and don’t regulate so much. Maybe business will move up a few notches where before they were leaving.

L Marie Joseph
L Marie Joseph
13 years ago

I see that you are so positive. To answer your question
on if it’s much better than the 10% unemployment
rate would dictate? I guess it depends
on the people you hang around. Some feel there is no hope
and some take advantage of other opportunities. I’m
an optimist and thinks everything happens for a reason

Yes there’s unemployment. But the majority of us are working
The ones that have given up is such a small percentage.

14 years ago

Dude what are u like Sara Palin and u can see Alaska from your front porch? You must be related to Marie Antoinette ‘if the people have no bread then let them eat cake!’. You obviously live in a well to do SF area where min wage jobs are available given the high net worth socioeconomic group that populates the area. People in your area are not looking for low wage jobs; those jobs have to be filled by those who have to travel into your area from poorer places; even then it’s not worth their efforts because after taxes a large percentage of the income is used for commuting to the job.
Have u been to Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan recently? I have for biz and let me assure you there is some serious unemployment there particularly in the large inner cities. You won’t see $10 hr KFC jobs offered like leaves on a tree because they are taken. You won’t see many jobs available because there is no labor shortage.

Your anecdotal evidence is a bit moronic. Using your logic, if I don’t see any homeless people in my neighborhood then they can’t possibly exist, right?

Wake up princess there is famine, sickness and poverty in your kingdom even if you are sheltered from it inside your crystal palace.

14 years ago

What’s this? No publishing of my rebuttal to u??

Invest It Wisely
14 years ago

I do think it’s easier for those who have had some time to sock away capital — if they’ve been prudent and have been saving, of course. For a younger person who might be still in debt, they don’t have as many options. Nonetheless if someone is getting 99 weeks of unemployment why on earth would they give that up in order to get paid less working the deep fryer? It’s rational to just collect the check until one finds something good.

Lee Rowley
Lee Rowley
14 years ago

If I were truly unemployed, I’d lose my mind if I wasn’t doing something productive! I lost my corporate job two years ago, but I’ve never collected a penny in unemployment benefits. Instead, I started drumming up freelance clients. It wasn’t the easiest path I could have taken, but I can hold my head up, knowing I didn’t sponge off taxpayers.

Seriously, though, if I had opted for unemployment benefits instead of forging my own path, I would have disintegrated into an alcoholic pile of goo within 3 months.

I realize that not everyone has the motivation to create their own success, though. Ability, yes, but not motivation.

14 years ago

I’d like to point out that your numbers are wrong. At 10 dollars an hour you actually get $1120 after tax, and those jobs don’t even cover health insurance. That might help clarify why no one seems to be biting the “generous” offer. Not only that but if you actually make the $1600 max in unemployment, you were making significantly more than that before you were unemployed. In most cases even if you applied for the job you’d be washed out as overqualified.

14 years ago

Considering I am looking at my pay old paystubs as I say this, I’ll happily take you up on that. Why are you surprised? It’s a well known fact that between social security taxes, medicare, etc, wages in america are taxed at almost 30%. That’s what makes the investment taxation rate so unfair. You might get some of it back come tax return time, but $1120 is what you’d actually be getting month to month to pay your bills.

14 years ago
Reply to  Twist

Though apparently is I was taking into account all taxes you’d be paying more like 40% . I was just looking at what your take home would be though.

Matt T
Matt T
14 years ago

Man Sam, it’s good to read some optimism out there. A part of where I disagree is your assumption/insistence that people are logical.

Is it really so unbelievable to you that someone might have no savings after working for 20 years? Do you not know anyone who knows they should be doing something (saving retirement, eating less and exercising more, etc) but, despite best intentions, never seem to get their feet under them? People act out of short-term interests over long-term ones all the time. I doubt many people without savings at 45 or 55 have anything planned for retirement – they’re likely just in a massive state of denial.

I’m certainly not defending them or saying it’s normal to have nothing saved. I’m just saying that your assumption that people are logical and always make decisions with conscious reflection on short- and long-term consequences seems a bit rosy.

Matt T
Matt T
14 years ago

“Miss T”? I like your abrasive style but I don’t know where you’re going with that. I do agree with you that the economy is better than people give it credit for; I just am not quite as bullish about just how well.

But anyway, touché. I am doing reasonably well for being 24. Certainly better than my boss who doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to retire because of various financial miscues. I have anecdotes on both the positive (my out-of-rehab aunt getting a decently paying job and that allowing her to get her life back on track, my sister who just bought a $2M house with not much, if any, money down) and the negative (the aforementioned boss, my roommate’s lack of work that makes him worry about rent and paying his parents back).

All in all I think people are doing better than advertised, but that doesn’t mean everyone is doing well.

14 years ago
Reply to  Matt T


I think he made a typing error and didn’t mean to call you “Miss T.”

Back to the program, I think the economy will likely worsen versus getting better but we shall see in 11 short months.

14 years ago

The real unemployment numbers are much more dismal than the absolutey fraudulent figures you are hearing , Part time , seasonal temp work , people that have simply given up looking for work and have entered the welfare system are all factors that aren’t even being considered in these equations , The US economy is on the skids and everyone knows it. American Industry , once the envy of the world , is now boarded up factories and tumble weeds , No amount of feel good articles penned by Journalists on the Wall Street payroll are going to fool the American people! The reality is that there has been no recovery whatsoever!

14 years ago

The 45 year old should have had enough time to pay off their mortgage and have a decent retirement fund. But what they’d be dealing with is trying to put kids through college. I guess the 27 year old could still be paying off their own college tuition too. I think it can be tough at any age to lose a job and hope we can all get more job stability and see the economy recover.

14 years ago

Wow, I came out of the reader to see how many people answered your question regarding savings and age. It’s too bad that David M is the only one to brave the question. I did enjoy Nicole “giving it to you something nice”, however. :)

To give my two cents with the majority, I know of two cases:

Case #1: Female, 28 yrs old, 2 kids, from Detroit. Collected unemployment until it ran out. No money saved. Currently about to get evicted. When told about an alternative to eviction, moving into a lower cost rental, the answer was, “I’ll rather be homeless than live on that side of town.” Haha. I guess we’ll see her when she’s an icicle and have baby iciclets.

Case #2: Female, 26 yrs old, 1 child, lives with mother. Looked for a job for about the first six months. Afterwards, she decided that its best to stay home and nurture her child as many mothers wishes to do. She saves pretty much all of her unemployment, so I’ll assume that she’ll be okay once her benefits runs dry; And she’ll have had the benefit of raising her child on the governments dime. Is this fine? Maybe, maybe not. But it supports the “screw that KFC job theory.”

To follow up on David M, great job, Sir. I wish all can save as you have. Unfortunately, we know this to be totally untrue. From what I’ve seen, there are two types of blog readers, those heavily in debt, or those who have come from a deep dark debt laden place but had found a love for personal finance in their climb out.

So, Sam, to answer the question that I was looking to find from others:

I’m thirty years old, have one debt, a mortgage that I ignorantly financed for thirty years. I’m renting it out now but hope to sell it (at a substantial loss) once my renters leave later this year. I do understand that home ownership should be a part of my retirement plan so after selling, I will purchase another home at today’s low rates with a fifteen year or less mortgage so that it’ll be paid off by the time I reach forty-years-old. I have about $40K in retirement and am aiming to save an additional $10K per year for the next 30 years.

The problem is that too many people reach their financial “wake-up” too late and by the time they reach it, they are already forty-five-years-old. So, hell yeah it’s enough if one has been saving for 23 years, assuming that someone has but savings first all of their lives and had no financial hiccups to delete them–like a job lay-off.

Whew. Back to homework.

Kay Lynn @ Bucksome Boomer
Kay Lynn @ Bucksome Boomer
14 years ago

I agree with Little House. I have a family member that’s been laid off for about 18 months now and hasn’t even really looked.

Little House
14 years ago

I definitely think the lengthy unemployment benefit period is making people piddle around about looking for a job. They are either holding out for a great position (i.e. high salary) or are enjoying their freedom to do what they want until the benefits run out (like my sister.) The Quiznos near me is also hiring and their sign has been up for a couple of weeks now. I guess no one really needs a job bad enough to work at Quiznos.

The Genius
The Genius
14 years ago

Not to burst your bubble, but most of the top financial firms have a 3.5 minimum GPA. Can you raise that your final year of school? It’s more like a 3.75 minimum ie A- or better.

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

i think unemp is higher for higher paying jobs (economic contraction), and maybe just about right at the fast food level. the issue, as highlighted already, is that those at the FF level are likely enjoying unemployment benefits, or just plain laziness

on a side note, what is the $3 an hour MCD wage worth today (inflation adjusted)? curious if minimum wages (typically what fast foods pay) have kept up with cost of living

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

wow – wondering what the world was like back then; whether in actuality or as portrayed by our favorite friends at the media :)

Andrew @ 101 Centavos
14 years ago

Siloam Springs, northwest Arkansas, just over the Oklahoma border. Population about 13,000. Right off Highway 412, which runs through the strip mall section of town, there is a large factory building which has been sitting empty for the last few months or longer, at least since I’ve been visiting. I don’t know yet what was manufactured there, but one could safely presume that the average hourly wage at this factory was higher than a $10/hr KFC wage. I also presume that it’s not been shut down for very long, as it looks new and the grounds are well-kept. Don’t know if the people that worked there for the last 5 or 10 or 20 years now rely on fast-food jobs or savings. The fast food joints in town don’t have any help wanted signs, that I do know.
I also know of hourly wage employees at my job that don’t take advantage of the 6% company match in the 401k plan. Short-sighted, undoubtedly. Saving 6% of a 40k/year salary may not seem like much to many readers here. I suppose that when living on the razor’s edge every month, that extra $200/month is already spent.

David M
David M
14 years ago

“I’ve not really heard of someone not having the ability to control their spending, so maybe they have psychology problems to surmount?”

It is amazing how people see the same thing so differently – this is what makes the world interesting!

I know so many people with this problem. For example I know people struggling to pay their mortgage but continuing to buy Groupons to “save money”. I want to scream at these people and tell them that Groupons are not saving them money and that they are wasting their money on Groupons.

I have no way to support this but if I had to guess I would say that 30 to 50% of Americans have problems with controlling their spending. What else would explain all the money spent on Christmas presents when people have so much debt and so little savings?

David M
David M
14 years ago

Regarding your debt post – that was another one of your very thought provoking posts that I made a posting to.

Am I doing OK, honestly compared to most of America I think I’m doing much better tha than okay.

You are absolutely entitled to your opinion and I respect it 100%. However, I just do not agree with the premise. As I stated before I believe people reading and posting to finance blogs are much better educated about financial matters and thus are doing much better than the average American when it comes to unemployment, income, debt, savings for retirement, etc.

When it comes to polls asking people how much they have saved and how much debt they have I can not think of any reason for people to overstate their debt and/or understate their savings. I do not know the typical number for either of these, however, I think the quoted numbers are accurate AND I also think the numbers for people posting to your blog will be MUCH better than the average numbers.

I’ll start out – I’m in my mid 40’s and have $400,000 house with a $190,000 mortgage. I have no other debt. I also have about $400,000 in retirement savings and $300,000 in other savings. These numbers are much better than the averages for people in America. However, I would say these numbers may be average or could even be below average for people posting to your blog.

As always, thanks for taking the time to read my post and everyone else’s post and more importantly, taking the time to reply to so many of the posts.

14 years ago

We’ve got a relative in the rural midwest, 34 years old, mother of 3, stepmother of 2. After she was laid off from her bartending/waitressing job (the bar went out of business) she has been trying to find minimum wage work for well over a year now. At the dollar store. At Walmart. At the Piggly Wiggly. There’s no KFC in the town, but she’s hit up Pizza Hut. There’s no jobs in the 60 min area surrounding the town, not even minimum wage (or lower than minimum wage, like waitressing) jobs. Her DH is making 36K/year at his construction-related job. Her bad credit keeps her from a lot of these jobs– The Dollar Store there doesn’t have to hire employees with bad credit and they do run credit checks. Sure, if they lived in SF she’d be able to get a job at KFC, but they couldn’t support 5 kids on that.

14 years ago

I think that’s what you call “selection bias”… people who are trying to make ends meet don’t have time to read a blog by a guy who just spent 10K in order to get the opportunity to play tennis with grand high muckity-mucks.

She did not have 5 kids, she had 3. #3 was planned. #4 was gotten even though she was on birth control. #5 was a miracle baby, Irish twins with #4 (there’s something like a 7 month difference in their births– #5 was a preemie) who was conceived while she was breastfeeding, on birth control (depo-provera), they were using a condom and he had an appointment for sterilization (which he has since had done). All kids were had long before the recession hit when minimum wage jobs were much more numerous and before the husband’s company went out of business or the auto industry started to suffer.

I cannot fault them for not believing in abortion as a choice for them.

All to say, I do believe that unemployment is that high. Maybe not in the tonier neighborhoods in SF, but in the rural midwest, there aren’t these fancy minimum wage jobs to be had for the asking. But you can make enough to feed and house 5 kids without government handouts in the rural midwest (even if you’re behind on your car payment) , so moving to SF would make zero sense.

14 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

Oh honey, you don’t have to explain your purchases to me. I don’t really care how you spend your money.

If I were making 36K/year supporting 5 kids and 2 adults, then I might want to avoid reading about such things. That’s the selection bias I was trying to explain, why folks who can’t get even minimum wage jobs might not be your target demographic, and thus might not be proffering their own stories to you.

14 years ago
Reply to  Nicole

1) It is no one’s business why anyone has five children.
2) It is quite possible to raise a large family in the rural Midwest on $36,000 a year.
Our schools are good, housing is cheap and fun is still the out of doors.
The high school football team is it.
Churches tend to be full and food is put on the table by neighbors when times are tough.
We learn how to live within our means.
Teachers are still paid in the $30,000 range- and they raise families as well.
3) Our children tend to do very well in the world-
Kansas ranks 5th in the nation for reading and 9th in Math and the state
universities keep pumping out real majors.
So…don’t feel bad for your cousin. She is, most likely, going to produce some
hard working, family loving kiddos….
Yes, there are some people who cannot keep a penny in their pocket-
but they are the ones with the third job and grandma watching the babies.
At least that is my experience as a transplanted big city girl in rural Kansas.

david M
david M
14 years ago

“SF is not special. We are no different from anyone else. If you’ve worked 20 years, you’ve saved 20 years. To not do so would be irrational. Are you saying people are irrational and don’t save for their future? Are you not saving for your future?”

Yes I’m saving and probably almost everyone that is reading your blog is. However, I think you need to realize that people reading financial blogs probably are much more educated and much more financially savy than the average person.

I come from a family of 9 children all in our 40’s and 50s. I know almost for a fact that 3 of the 9 children have virtually no savings even though they have been working for 20 plus years.

david M
david M
14 years ago

The reason they have no savings is they have no ability to control their spending. Any little extra money gets spent. Unfortunately, it is actually worse than just spending any extra money they spend more than the extra money.

For example, one sibling won $200 on a scratch ticket – I don’t remember now but I thing the $200 was spent 3 or 4 times over.

Regarding how we help people that need the help most – one idea is that everyone neeed to take a basic finance course in high school. I know some school do this but what percent I do not know. I think your question is a good blog entry.

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog

I think that unemployment benefits tell part of the story, but not all. I think a lot of people are doing like cousin eddy (From christmas vacation) and “Holding out for a management position” I’m of the opinion that you should take whatever job you can get, just so you can at least get some income coming in!
If it’s beneath you, transport yourself back a few generations (to when whoever in your family got to this country). Ask yourself if the work would be below them. I think the answer is no, so just go with that for the time being.