Judge Patrick Thompson Supports San Francisco Drug Dealers

San Francisco Superior Court Judges like Patrick Thompson are one of the main reasons why there is a fentanyl drug crisis in San Francisco. Despite dealing drugs and getting caught multiple times, judges like Patrick Thompson keep letting these drug dealers go. As a result, even more people get addicted to drugs and die from fentanyl.

Despite being an il­le­gal alien from Hon­duras who has been ar­rested 14 times since 2020 and has pre­vi­ously cut off GPS an­kle mon­i­tors while on bail, Judge Patrick Thompson let this drug dealer named Joshua Lopez go. Utterly ridiculous!

Judge Patrick Thompson Defies Prosecutors And Police Offers And Lets Drug Dealers Go

Here is a story from SF Public Safety News on Twitter.

An armed drug traf­ficker found with more than a kilo of fen­tanyl and a ma­chete, who se­cured bail from a San Fran­cisco judge, was or­dered de­tained with­out bail to­day by a fed­eral judge af­ter be­ing ar­rested again with mas­sive quan­ti­ties of the deadly nar­cotic.

Joshua Lopez ap­peared in court 14 of San Fran­cisco fed­eral cour­t­house this af­ter­noon fac­ing four counts of pos­ses­sion with in­tent to sup­ply. Gov­ern­ment at­tor­neys say that Lopez is an il­le­gal alien from Hon­duras who has been ar­rested 14 times since 2020 and has pre­vi­ously cut off GPS an­kle mon­i­tors while on bail.

“This is a lot of fen­tanyl that you are ac­cused of hav­ing” U.S. Mag­is­trate Judge Lisa Cis­neros told the de­fen­dant. “More than I’ve seen in the typ­i­cal fen­tanyl deal­ing case.”

Lopez came to the at­ten­tion of au­thor­i­ties at 11:00pm on Fri­day June 16, 2023. Cal­i­for­nia High­way Pa­trol of­fi­cers were con­cerned to see a white Mer­cedes CLA with an ex­pired reg­is­tra­tion tag and tinted front win­dows be­ing dri­ven in the SOMA dis­trict.

They ex­e­cuted a traf­fic stop on Eighth Street – so close to the CHP San Fran­cisco of­fice that the ve­hi­cle ac­tu­ally pulled into the po­lice park­ing lot. The dri­ver, who turned out to be Lopez, was “ex­tremely sweaty” and pro­vided a false name and date of birth. Of­fi­cers’ sus­pi­cions were fur­ther aroused on spot­ting a ma­chete in the rear of the car along­side a back­pack coated in white pow­der which a mod­est amount of fur­ther in­ves­ti­ga­tion re­vealed con­tained more than a kilo of fen­tanyl, smaller quan­ti­ties of metham­phet­a­mine, crack co­caine and mar­i­juana, plus a dig­i­tal scale.

Lopez at that point made an un­likely bid for free­dom – sprint­ing away across the High­way Pa­trol park­ing lot to­ward Eighth Street. There fol­lowed an un­seemly strug­gle di­rectly in front of the CHP sign dur­ing which an of­fi­cer en­deav­ored to place Lopez in hand­cuffs while Lopez en­deav­ored to put the of­fi­cer in a head­lock. He was not cool­ing his heels in jail for long.

Twenty days af­ter his ar­rest, court records show, Lopez was re­leased on his own rec­og­nizance by Su­pe­rior Court Judge Patrick Thomp­son against the wishes of the San Fran­cisco Dis­trict At­tor­ney’s of­fice.

Per­haps un­sur­pris­ingly Lopez was sub­se­quently ar­rested by SFPD of­fi­cers on Sep­tem­ber 7, 2023 – scarcely two months af­ter be­ing freed – when he was ob­served mak­ing hand-to-hand drug sales near Sev­enth and Mar­ket. He had al­most a kilo of fen­tanyl and smaller quan­ti­ties of crack co­caine, metham­phet­a­mine and oxy­codone in his pos­ses­sion. He also had more than a thou­sand dol­lars in cash.

This time ex­as­per­ated fed­eral pros­e­cu­tors took no chances. A fed­eral com­plaint was levied againt Lopez on Sep­tem­ber 25 and his state charges were dis­missed in San Fran­cisco Su­pe­rior Court on Sep­tem­ber 26. The charges pre­ferred by fed­eral au­thor­i­ties en­com­pass not only the crim­i­nal­ity in Lopez’ Sep­tem­ber ar­rest, but also that of the June ar­rest that had pre­vi­ously been be­fore San Fran­cisco Su­pe­rior Court. “I do be­lieve… that you should be de­tained un­der the Bail Re­form Act,” U.S. Mag­is­trate Judge Lisa Cis­neros told Lopez to­day – point­ing out that she did­n’t need to reach a de­ci­sion about his dan­ger­ous­ness as she was al­ready sat­is­fied that he was a flight risk who would­n’t turn up to court if re­leased.

“It is clear to me by clear and con­vinc­ing ev­i­dence there is a risk you would not ap­pear for court – es­pe­cially as in the last year you failed to ap­pear in your San Fran­cisco court case.” “This is a lot of fen­tanyl that you are ac­cused of hav­ing – more than I’ve seen in the typ­i­cal fen­tanyl deal­ing case.” Lopez will next ap­pear be­fore U.S. Dis­trict Judge James Do­nato on No­vem­ber 13 at 10:30am. The case con­tin­ues.

Who Is Judge Patrick Thompson?

Patrick Thompson is a judge of the Superior Court of San Francisco County in California. He assumed office on March 14, 2022. His current term ends on January 6, 2025.

Judge Patrick Thompson Supports San Francisco Drug Dealers

He was appointed to the court on March 14, 2022 by Gavin Newsom (D) to replace Newton J. Lam. Prior to assuming office, Thompson served as Partner at Perkins Coie LLP starting 2015. He was also a Partner at Goodwin Procter LLP from 2005 to 2015. Thompson was an Associate and Partner at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP from 1992 to 2005.[1]

Thompson received his J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Far Left Superior Court Judges Must Be Removed In San Francisco

Judges like Patrick Thompson need to be removed from office. Judges like him are letting drug dealers destroy lives. It is a mystery to so many citizens in San Francisco why superior court judges let illegal immigrants repeatedly break the law with no consequence.