Making Money From Home And Supporting A Family Just Got Easier

Making Money From Home And Supporting A Family Just Got Easier

Making money from home is more important than ever thanks to the pandemic. If you have children to support, then making money from home is what you need to do.

Why wife and I have been making money from home technically since 2009. 2009 is when Financial Samurai started. Since 2009, Financial Samurai has grown into one of the leading independently-owned personal finance sites in the world with over 1 million organic page views a month.

Making Money From Home

For many couples who want to start families, it's getting increasingly harder to do so without sacrificing a lot financially.  Education costs for kids are soaring and it now takes two incomes to afford a home in many big cities rather than just one 30+ years ago.

The nagging question on a lot of couple's minds is, “Can we afford to have one person stay at home to raise the kid(s)?”  An equally common question is, “Can we afford to have kids at all?”  It's kind of sad that many well-educated and well-paid couples have these thoughts. Part of the reason why I'm working so diligently on building up Financial Samurai and is because my spouse or I would like to have something to do if one of us decides to one day stay at home and raise a family.

After 14 years of blogging, I know that making money online is possible. I'm now earning in the multiple six figures a year online in 2016. Not only that, it gives the stay-at-home spouse something exciting to do for several hours a day, in addition to raising the kids. Working from home while being able to raise a family is an enormously attractive proposition and I'm excited to present another way to do so!


So many people have said you don't make money from your blog, you make money from a product.  Well, that's not entirely true, since you clearly can make good money from advertising from your blog, especially if you are in a niche such as personal finance.  That said, I do believe that having a product to sell is definitely necessary to take your online income stream one step higher.  A blog + a product is a winning combination.

Steve Chou, Yakezie Beta Class Member, blogger at My Wife Quit Her Job has created a fantastic step-by-step course on How to Start a Profitable Online Store today! I've followed Steve's blog for a couple years now, and what Steve and his wife have done is exactly what I and many couples want to do: have one spouse work at home to take care of the baby and create an online business that is automated and replicates one's entire day job income!

I have always wondered how the Chou's were able to create an on-line wedding store and make over $100,000/year after only one year, and now I know. Thanks to their new guide, Steve goes into step-by-step detail of finding your niche, setting up a legal business entity, marketing, and SEO to name a few.

Some of my favorite sections were how to determine the best pricing for your products, understanding the market place, and how to create a shopping cart on your site with a great explanation of all the different options available today.

What you will learn:

  • Why It’s Easier Than Ever To Start An Online Store
  • Why There’s Very Little Monetary Risk Involved In Starting An Online Business
  • Dispelling The Myths Of Business Ownership
  • Why Setting Up A Website Is Easy Even If You Have No Technical Knowledge
  • How The Create A Profitable Online Store Course Will Help You Run A Successful Business
  • Membership to the course
  • The course materials in PDF format which includes 9 modules and over 75 lessons
  • Over 35 hours of recorded video instruction that guide you through the entire process
  • Live webinars and telecasts where Steve will present the course materials and answer your questions in real time
  • 24/7 access to all archived webinars so you can review the materials at your own pace
  • Spreadsheets to determine your profit potential
  • Exclusive access to member forums
  • Worksheets to apply what you’ve learned
  • Checklists to make sure you don’t miss any details prior to launch
  • Questionnaires to you help you make the hard decisions

Bonuses Included in the How To Create A Profitable Online Store Course

  • Free upgrade to the next version of the course when it comes out
  • Live office hours and comprehensive email support

Making money from home is easier than you think. You just have to try. In fact, I wrote a free article on how to start a profitable blog and make money from home here. You should just read it and start.


I'm really pumped about what Steve has to offer and will be implementing his instructions over the coming year to build yet another income stream to my portfolio. Even if you don't plan to be a stay at home parent, wouldn't it be nice to build another solid stream of income on the side? I've currently got five active income streams as you read earlier and I cant wait to build one more.

Remember, action is what makes things happen, not day dreaming. At the end of the day, it's all about building multiple income streams for financial independence. Take a look at a real income statement example of someone who started a website and is leveraging the internet to make money and be free. Click the chart to learn how to start your own website like mine in under 30 minutes!

Here is my step-by-step tutorial on how to start your own profitable website.

Pro Blogging Income Statement - Making Money From Home And Supporting A Family Just Got Easier
You can start your site for next to nothing and potentially make a lot of extra income. Click to learn how to start your own site.

About the Author:

Sam began investing his own money ever since he opened a Charles Schwab brokerage account online in 1995. Sam loved investing so much that he decided to make a career out of investing by spending the next 13 years after college working at Goldman Sachs and Credit Suisse Group. During this time, Sam received his MBA from UC Berkeley with a focus on finance and real estate. He also became Series 7 and Series 63 registered.

In 2012, Sam was able to retire at the age of 34 largely due to his investments that now generate roughly $300,000 a year in passive income. He spends time playing tennis, hanging out with family, consulting for leading fintech companies, and writing online to help others achieve financial freedom.

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Related: How Much Do Bloggers Really Make?

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WayToWealth Guy
13 years ago

Considering that a stay-home mom or dad is a full time job, they need to be appropriately compensated by their spouses. Anybody know the market-related pay is for a full time house wife or husband? :-)

Randy Addison
Randy Addison
13 years ago

I kinda agree with Mike. Facebook is just a big waste of time. Well, if you are just playing the games and checking out comments and notifications. But Facebook is a great website to publish your products for free and gain a lot of traffic.

Jurrell Kemp
Jurrell Kemp
13 years ago

I can vouch for creating a online store a friend of mines have one selling auto parts that pays his rent and vacations I will be starting one myself this summer.

Steve |

Thanks for the awesome review Sam! Just wanted to let everyone know that the live telecast on March 2nd was recorded and can be found at . Let me know if you have any questions!

13 years ago

It is a fact that affiliate marketing is among the simplest and most efficient ways to generate income online. However, you will have to make an effort right until you can generate income from your affiliate business. You must work hard if you want to achieve success and you will also have to apply certain tools in order to earn money.

1. Commitment: The very first thing you have to do is to commit to yourself that you are serious with your choice, you’re serious with building your own business, serious about taking 100% responsibility with whatever you do. You might think that this sounds ridiculous, but it’ll guide you rightly on your journey. Once you can think, and are responsible like a real business owner, you’ll stand out from people.

2. Education: The next important part that can make or break your business is your education, or your knowledge about this online business. Most people failed because they did not know exactly what Internet Affiliate Marketing is, how it works, and how they can do things correctly. If you want to see results in the long run, you must arm yourself with enough knowledge. Don’t let something that you don’t know holds you back.

3. Focus: The laser beam can break through even the thickest plate of metal because it focuses its energy. You can break even everything if you stay focus too. Fact is, people have no advantages over you, everyone starts at the same level, the reason why some have success, some don’t lies in the word “focus”. Focus on what you can do best, on what you know the most, and go with them, you’ll join the 5% group soon.

4. Taking actions: Isn’t it true that only taking actions can bring you closer to your goals? You can’t achieve results just by sitting there, making a wish! It’s time to put what you’ve learned so far to real actions. I know this is the hardest part, but believe me that when you can do the very first action toward your goals, the next steps will come naturally. Whatever you do, make sure that it guides you to your goals!

5. Don’t quit: Quitters are losers! In fact, if you’re serious with your online business, having enough knowledge about what you’re doing, and are taking actions persistently, chances are you’ll never quit! Congratulations! Because most people came in fast, but they quit soon as well. If you just stay focus, taking actions, and don’t quit, you’ll be successful. Guaranteed!

Everyday Tips
13 years ago

Darn it, I missed the telecast!

I think you should be a stay at home dad. Take the baby to the tennis courts and such. Fun!

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
14 years ago

Sounds like an awesome product. If only I could get my wife to take an interest in online income. She loves facebook! Hates the idea of blogging. Who knows though, maybe it’s better that way so she’s not glued to the computer all day while the kiddos are home. As a blogger, I know it can become a little addictive at times and you need to just turn off the iPhone, close the laptop and enjoy 1:1 time with the kiddos. But surely this works for lots of stay at home parents. Naptime especially!

Mike - Saving Money Today
Mike - Saving Money Today
13 years ago
Reply to  Darwin's Money

Hey Darwin, my wife is the same way. I try to get her involved and her eyes just glaze over. I tell her if she stopped wasting time on Facebook and helped me we could reach our goals a lot faster.

The Genius
The Genius
14 years ago

Sounds like a good product. The main point you made about “taking action” and not just “day dreaming” is so true. I believe it’s very easy to make money in America, if people just get to work!

Little House
14 years ago

All of a sudden my husband’s taken an interest in my blog. Hmmm, might have something to do with making a little side money. I’ll have to check this out, thanks for the info!

14 years ago
Reply to  Little House

Little House, that’s funny about your husband. Cool post Sam. That’s awesome Steve and his wife were able to do all of that within one year. I can’t imagine what it would be like trying to figure out all of that of my own so that’s great he put together this course to help others.

14 years ago

Sam, this is exactly the product my husband and I have been looking for! He’s a lawyer and I’m an accountant and we are planning to have kids soon after a couple years of marriage. We live in Chicago and needless to say, we could use both incomes. That said, we’d prefer one of us to stay at home and take care of the kid.

If we can just make an extra $20,000 or $30,000, we’ll be happy. I know it will take a lot of hard work, but I’m willing to try.

Great idea on the support group in the forums!


Lisa @ Cents To Save
Lisa @ Cents To Save
14 years ago

This sounds extremely interesting! I am going to have to check into this great opportunity!