My Poorest Friend Is One Of The Richest People I Know

My poorest friend Jaabir is one of the richest people I know. In my mind, he is a time billionaire because he can do whatever he wants.

It doesn't matter what time of day I contact Jaabir to play tennis, he's always available. Jaabir is a certifiable tennis junkie and I love him for it. It's easy to go a little stir crazy working from home. Over the past eight months since I left corporate America, Jaabir has proven to be a wonderful outlet in the often lonely world of entrepreneurship.

You might think Jaabir has a tremendous amount of wealth to not have to work for the past three years. Skeptics might assume a rich spouse, government assistance, an inheritance, or a lottery win to provide him so much freedom. I can assure you that Jaabir is neither a self-made millionaire nor is he good looking enough to have a sugar plum. Jaabir simply found happiness by not requiring much at all.

My Poorest Friend Lives In The Projects

Some would call the area where Jaabir lives, “The Projects.” Jaabir calls his place, “Paradise.” With his mother, brother, wife, and daughter all living together in their two bedroom, one bathroom, 980 square foot apartment, there's not much quiet. No matter. There are two public tennis courts just three blocks away where Jaabir spends most of his afternoons. Not bad for a $1,200 a month rent-controlled apartment where he's been living for the past 10 years.

One time I went over to Jaabir's home courts to hit for three hours. During our session, eight different neighboring tennis players came and went. All of them warmly greeted Jaabir as if he were the president of the club where there are no dues. Instead of opening up a fresh can of $4 tennis balls, Jaabir kindly asks for his neighbor's balls once they are finished. They usually say no, but one out of every three say yes.

What about income to pay for rent, food, gas, and his daughter's education? I've wondered the same thing myself so I asked. Jaabir responded with a litany of things. He told me the one time he won over $30,000 playing poker in Vegas only to blow it all on “fun.”

He mentioned his $50,000 falafel store he started and sold for $100,000 when he was 27, eight years ago. Jaabir also talked about his dreams of becoming a certified US Tennis Association instructor for $50 an hour, but he didn't want to pay the $500 in instructor fees.

Knows How To Hustle For Money

Where I saw Jaabir work his magic was at the Apple store when the iPhone 5 first came out last September. Jaabir dutifully got in line at 6am just for the chance of getting a ticket at 8am to buy an iPhone 5 at 10am when the store opened. After striking out several times, Jaabir decided to camp out over night.

Over the course of two months, Jaabir managed to procure 24 phones and make a $4,800 cash profit. Jaabir even invited me to cut in line one morning at 7am in order to get two phones for myself to sell for $400. I was too lazy to get out of my PJ's to stand in the cold.

With $4,800, I'm set for the next four months, easy!” Jaabir told me. With Jaabir's daughter going to public school, free public tennis courts all around the city, and $350 a month for his portion of rent, there's no doubt Jaabir has it made. He makes money when he needs to make money. Any more time spent working is a waste.

Making The Best Of What He's Got

Jaabir's life is not perfect, but it's wonderful to anybody who has to work for a living. He has no boss and has the freedom to play tennis any time he wants. Jaabir drives a beat up 1996 Toyota Corolla and always seems to wear the same clothes. He doesn't even spend money on haircuts given Jaabir answers to no one.

Work to live not live to work. In this case, how about simply live to live and never work? Even your poorest friend has the ability to live a life of freedom.

A year later: After Apple came out with more iPhone supply, Jabir decided to drive for Uber for a year. He said he was able to make almost $70,000, but that's because he was regularly putting in 10 hour days. I love his spirit, because Jabir just went out there and hustled instead of complain. Uber is offering up to a $300 sign up bonus after you give 20 fares. It's worth signing up for at least the bonus to help make some extra cash.

Related posts:

How Much Income Do You Consider To Be Rich?

Who Are The Top 0.1% Income Earners Making $1 Million Or More


Start your own business/website. If you feel you're not getting paid what you're worth and want to boost your income, start your own business online on the side! It used to cost a fortune and a lot of employees to start your business. Now you can start it for next to nothing with a hosting company like Bluehost for under $4/month and they'll give you a free domain for a year to boot.

Brand yourself online, connect with like-minded people, find new consulting gigs, and potentially make a good amount of income online one day by selling your product or recommending other great products. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for starting Financial Samurai in 2009. Here's my step-by-step guide to for how to start your own website like mine in under 30 minutes.

Blogging For A Living Income Example: $300,000+ - My Poorest Friend Is One Of The Richest People I Know
A real income statement example from a blogger. Look at all the income possibilities. CLICK the graph to learn how to start your own site in under 15 minutes.

Recommendation To Build Wealth

Manage Your Money In One Place. Sign up for Personal Capital, the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. In addition to better money oversight, run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees. I was paying $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying.

After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. Definitely run your numbers to see how you’re doing. 

I’ve been using Personal Capital since 2012 and have seen my net worth skyrocket during this time thanks to better money management. I've encouraged my poorest friend to use Personal Capital as well.

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[…] Once again, I had to prove my worth by challenging other players. That’s when I met Jabir, the poorest richest friend I know. Things got better after […]

Brandon Ramlal
9 years ago

I am 20 year old Jaabir. After quitting my job (with the intention of forcing myself to produce income without a boss) and being exceptionally broke during this period, I have found peace by not needing much. Produce > consume. I would be content to earn $36,000 after tax income living single. Go ahead and scorn my ‘in-ambition’ but living in Texas with $3000 cash to spend a month at 20 years old, single and no boss to answer to, life would be great and any time spent chasing income would be stress added to my health. Share your thoughts I’d love to hear.


[…] To gain more human interaction over the past couple of years I would go to Golden Gate Park and play pick up tennis with the regulars. None of them seemed to have jobs as they were always there no matter what time I went. I got to know plenty of folks with alternative lifestyles. One fella drove for Uber from 4pm until midnight so he could enjoy the day. Discovering how other people lived was enlightening. You’ll be amazed how so many people are so happy without a lot of money. (See My Poorest Friend Is One Of The Richest People I Know) […]


[…] the “richest poorest person I know” actually became an Uber driver a couple years ago. He was unemployed for almost three years […]

Bruce Shepley
Bruce Shepley
10 years ago

I appreciate you talking about a person who has a different take on life. It reminds me of the story of the fisherman who fishes for a couple hours a day in the morning, then spends the rest of the day relaxing, playing with his kids and wife, and socializing. One day a business man sees him and says to him, why don’t you work harder, buy a boat, make more money, get more boats, hire staff, continue to grow your business until you have enough money to retire? The fisherman then asks, “then what would I do?” the business man then says, “well, you could then just fish a couple hours a day for fun, spend time with the family, and socialize”.

Thanks for the different perspective. I find I am focused too much on work, and need to get different perspective.

12 years ago

That’s pretty awesome! Just live life as it comes. The only question I have is what happens if there is an emergency that require more money? I’m sure he’ll be able to figure it out though. He sounds like a resourceful guy and has a strong family tie which mean a good safety net.

12 years ago

If he’s happy, and if he’s taking care of his child and giving her a good foundation for her life, then more power to him. The idea of freedom and answering to no one is something many aspire to, but have trouble achieving. Looks like he has it.

12 years ago

I think there is an important point, and you touched on it at the end (but IMO did not give it enough emphasis)… Work to live rather than live to work. I think it’s rather noble to build the type of life you want to live, and then figure out how you’re going to support that lifestyle.

You point out in another comment thread that you’re a planner, perhaps to the point of over-planning. I think that I’m much the same way. It must be the Engineer/Computer Scientist in me. I think for me the “light at the end of the tunnel” of all the micromanaging and planning is there (*fingers crossed*) will come a day when the results of the planning and engineering bear fruit. Will I be able to let go at that point and just live the life I’ve constructed rather than fret over the details? I cannot be totally sure, but I hope so.

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
12 years ago

In a way I envy people like Jaabir. I’d love to just sit back and be content but its just not in my makeup. I always have to be moving towards the next goal, no matter what it is.

Savvy Scot
12 years ago

Sam, I think Jaabir is truly rich. He has obtained self-actualisation – he has what almost everyone else doesn’t! Truly fantastic story

Charles Meyer
Charles Meyer
12 years ago

This kind of reminds me of one of my friends. He lives an income based housing. Is in the National Guard, does school and have a ton of free time. He pays less than $100 for his rent. I am kind of jealous of his situation.

I am hoping to do the same thing soon. I am currently saving up money to free up some time for 4 months. I am hoping to spend some needed time with family, travel and just not work for a bit. I am hoping to find a way to where I can live off a minimal amount of money and that gives me free time to do what I enjoy.

Debt and the Girl
12 years ago

I really like this article. It seems like a departure from your normal articles about investments and 401(k)’s. Thanks for writing about this. This guy makes me smile.

12 years ago

Almost sounds like an idyllic life-sure there are stresses but it seems that overall he isn’t too terribly worried about them. I wish more of us were like him as a person and could realize that we don’t need a lot of things to be happy.

12 years ago

That’s cool how much he loves tennis and I was moved reading how he asks other players for their balls after they finish playing. I could see how some people would feel too embarrassed or perhaps even scared to ask something like that, but he shows it never hurts to ask and he knows how to be resourceful. We really don’t need a lot to be happy.

12 years ago

Interesting how he does not feel the least bit stressed! I know I could not handle that lifestyle, definitely too stressful. I guess it is a matter of perspective.

Canadian Budget Binder
12 years ago

They say “you can’t miss what you don’t have or never had” so if it makes them all happy living this life than so be it. I’m not sure if it’s something I could do to that extent but he seems to not worry at all but must have some faith of where his next score of money is going to come from. The wife and I were talking the other day about how life used to be so simple when we were young. There is so much emphasis on having more, wanting more and being the best of the best. As kids we would go outside, play with out mates, collect marbles, play soccer, whatever else kids do. As teens we would hang out, watch movies etc. What’s happened to us and why has technology taken over our lives. 1- it’s all around us, even at work, 2- because we let it. Sometimes it’s a freedom to just let go, break free, go back to basics and if it’s playing tennis that gives him that freedom of being on top of the world, heck why not. Just turn off from technology for a week, all of it, and you will feel that freedom, I know I have.

12 years ago

I couldn’t sleep at night in his situation. I have a similar lifestyle, haven’t worked for money in three years and work a little here and a little there when I feel like it, but I could sit in a hammock for years and not have to worry about money. He looks like he could not have an emergency fund or too much money at a time. I need that safety to keep living the carefree life.

12 years ago

Good story. Makes you realize the importance of having a balanced life, not just a balanced portfolio.

12 years ago

If he covers his expenses and his family desires nothing other than what they have, I think it’s great. Many of us certainly are to living to work and get our priorities confused. I’m sure his family enjoys his presence more than they might enjoy more “luxuries” if he were working 80 hours a week.

However, if he is taking any form of public assistance, Medicaid, free school lunch, etc., then I don’t think taxpayers should pay for him to play tennis all day.

12 years ago

This doesn’t seem like your kind of philosophy. I kept waiting for you to bring down the hammer on why his life is unsustainable, and then the post ended. That’s not exactly how I’d like to live (i’m a fan of medical insurance for myself), but it’s great to see that everyone has their own definition of “paradise”. Sounds like a guy we could all learn a lot from.

12 years ago

Thanks for that, Sam.

12 years ago

“You can’t live in the future forever.” – Tom Waits

I admire anyone who can live in the present, and be content. From Sam’s account, he is law-abiding and a good brother, son, husband and father. Probably has a good half-volley, too.

“I have learned to seek my happiness by limiting my desires, rather than in attempting to satisfy them.” – John Stuart Mill

12 years ago

Re: breaking wrist on volley/half-volley, on occasion with seasoned players who have not mastered the proper technique, there is the possibility of an eyesight issue. That extra 6” – 12” in which the ball travels gives the player an extra split second to react, but at the expense of a crisper shot a locked wrist and contact out front would provide. Just a thought, next time you observe him play.

12 years ago
Reply to  JayCeezy

Thanks for the kind offer, Sam. I used to play, but not in 25+ years. Tennis is just another pursuit attempted at which I have failed.:-) But I will keep your offer in my hip pocket. Thanks!