Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste: Three Things Every Household Should Do Now

The coronavirus pandemic is a crisis. As such, we should never let a crisis go to waste. There's always something good to be done during difficult times.

Before the coronavirus, our family of four had everything planned out. We were going to lead a simple, early-retirement lifestyle in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Our three-year-old son would attend preschool during the day while my wife and I would take care of our baby daughter. During my free-time, I would write on Financial Samurai, as I have been doing since 2009, and play some tennis and softball to stay in shape.

Once our daughter turned six months old, we planned to go up to Lake Tahoe and escape for a month or two during the summer.

Once the coronavirus hit, everything changed. Not only were we robbed of our freedom due to the shelter-in-place rules, at one point, we were down over $600,000 in our equity investments alone. The sudden downturn was so swift, that I even thought about trying to find a job again to bolster our finances.

Thankfully, the stock market rebounded from its lows in March and I'm no longer thinking of going back to work. Although our family is ineligible for stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits that are doing a great job to support our nation, we are at least thankful that our investments have recovered, for now.

Here are three things our family is doing to ensure that this latest crisis doesn't destroy us. I recommend you do these three things too so that we may all potentially prosper in the end.

Three Things Every Household Should Do Now

1) Conduct A Spending Audit

My wife and I did a spending audit for the entire year and identified things to cut from largest to smallest. Before the coronavirus, we had never done an extensive spending audit because we had always saved between 20% – 50% of our retirement income before spending any money.

Even in retirement, we still couldn't quit the habit of saving. But after the coronavirus hit, our retirement portfolios declined and the income it generated were also at risk of declining.

Given the S&P 500 had corrected by 32% at one point, we decided that we would also cut our spending by 32%. So long as the economy looks dire, we will stay conservative with our spending.

We decided to list out the most expensive budget items and come up with a game plan to cut.

Things We Cut From Our Budget

  • Night time childcare ($5,000+/month savings). Given our 3-year-old son was still waking up 2X a night on average, we hired a night doula to help with night time feeding, general support, and sleep training for our daughter. A night doula was instrumental in helping both of us sleep more and help lower the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Because our daughter had acid reflux, just like our son, she wasn't a good sleeper. However, once the stock market started crashing in March, we decided to eliminate this huge expense and suck it up. Although it is rare for both kids to sleep through the night, getting rid of this expense feels fantastic.
  • Food ($500/month savings). When you live in one of the greatest food cities in America that also pioneered food delivery, it's hard not to get tempted by food delivery, especially during a global pandemic. Once the shelter-in-place rules were enacted, our food expense went up by over $1,000/month. We figured, it was better to pay up for good food and tip a delivery person than one of us risk going out and getting the virus with two young kids at home. After gaining several pounds, we switched more to grocery delivery to make more food at home. By switching more to grocery delivery, eating less, and eating leftovers three times a week instead of hardly ever, we were able to reduce our food budget by ~30%. Further, I'm back down to my fighting weight.
  • Reduced non-essential spending by 90% ($1,000+/month). Besides buying baby necessities, we have not bought anything for ourselves in over three months. The only non-essential item I bought over $25 was a small slide, a small basketball hoop, and a push car for my son. Given the playgrounds were closed, I felt it was a good idea to build our own so he wouldn't feel too deprived of fun and normalcy.
  • Automatic savings ($1,950/month). Although our preschool charged us for a full month's tuition in April, even though school was closed, it agreed not to charge us for as long as the school remains closed. We could have not paid for April tuition, but we didn't have the heart given the owners sent us an impassioned letter asking for help. I hope they got some PPP money, but we haven't been able to get an answer yet.

Conducting a spending audit will make you feel much better about your finances because it feels good to take action. You're not just some helpless person who can't do anything to ameliorate a bad situation. To make things more fun, try a no-spending challenge game together.

2) Conduct An Income Strength Audit

An income audit consists of identifying income sources that are most at risk. Assign each income source a letter grade for defensibility, an estimated probability of seeing a decline, and an estimate of the actual income decline.

We reviewed and updated our existing retirement income streams recently. Here are some income audit example:

  • Dividend stocks: B grade. 30% chance of income decline. 20% decline in dividend payments for six months.
  • CA Municipal bonds: B+ grade. 15% chance of income decline. 30% decline in coupon payments for one year.
  • SF Rental property: A- grade. 20% chance of income decline. 20% decline in rental income with an 80% chance of eventually being made whole.
  • Severance Negotiation Book: A grade. 30% chance of an income decline, but a 70% chance of an income increase given the mass layoffs and people looking to be more strategic if they are at risk. 20% decline in income for three months if there is an income decline.

After conducting an income audit, we calculated that our retirement income has the potential of declining by 20% – 30% for 3-12 months. This estimation gave us the motivation to immediately cut our expenses by ~30%. If our income doesn't decline over the next 3-12 months, then we will have stretched our savings. If our income does decline, then we were prepared.

After analyzing all your income sources, figure out which sources can use more help. Also look for investment opportunities.

I inaccurately forecasted my passive income in 2020, which caused more stress than necessary!

3) Focus On New Ways To Boost Income

It's important to always figure out ways to boost income and wealth. Many great businesses were created during the 2008-2009 financial crisis. I'm sure many great businesses will be created today.

Never let a crisis go to waste

To boost wealth, first start with the easiest opportunities and work your way up. If you have a day job, the easiest opportunity is to do more work and be more visible. Employers are looking to cut further and many of those jobs that have been eliminated are never coming back.

During the pandemic, I identified the following income opportunities and took action.

Income Opportunities During A Crisis

  • Financial Samurai. I've been publishing three personal finance articles a week on Financial Samurai since July 2009. Why not write more and be more entrepreneurial? I made an announcement in my newsletter that I would “run through the finish line.” As a result, I've decided to publish four articles a week until the lockdowns are lifted. Not only is there an endless amount of things to talk about, there's a strong correlation with effort and reward.
  • Bought more dividend stocks. After writing my stock market bottom prediction post in March, I decided to buy more stocks during the sell-off. I couldn't properly time the bottom with all my capital, but I did manage to buy over $100,000 worth of the S&P 500 in March in my taxable retirement account and $30,000 in my daughter's 529 plan and $5,000 in my son's 529 plan. Although I've sold all the stock I bought in March to de-risk, the stock I bought in my two 529 plans remain.
  • Hunt for more rental properties. Real estate prices move much slower than stock prices due to transaction costs, inspections, and financing needs. Regardless, I'm currently aggressively searching for real estate deals from property sellers who are the equivalent of stock sellers when the S&P 500 was below 2,400. These “Doomers” are hard to find, but they are out there. I got preapproved for a mortgage in order to amass as much capital as possible to make a no-financing contingency offer. I believe the easy recovery money has been made in the stock market. The biggest opportunity is now in real estate.
  • Create another digital product. My severance negotiation book is one of my best investments that has also provided the most amount of value to buyers. Every time I get feedback about how someone got a severance up to 1,000X greater than the cost of the book, I get pumped! I should create another product given I have the platform. It's just not easy to get the motivation to start. Here is a recent book testimonial that reminded me I should create more.

Severance Success Story

Hi Sam, I was just laid off today and start my new gig (with a raise) on Monday. Hard to believe I was just paid a $80K severance for a job I was planning on leaving! AND I got it during a pandemic.

I follow many of your philosophies (got my first house through a love letter, haven’t paid a broker in three real estate transactions and am a big believer in the side gig) though I am not nearly as disciplined as you. Also too nervous to leave day jobs for the side gig, even though the side gig made more money for us last year than me and my husbands day jobs combined.

Anyways, the engineered layoff was a first for me. I had bought the book for my sister a few years ago. I was excited to dust it off last month. The book was perfect. Just wanted to say thank you.

  • Start another website. I have a couple other websites that bring in around $1,000/month semi-passively for the past 10 years. These websites are updated about once a quarter on average. As a result, the income is not included in my passive income reports. I should not only put more muscle behind these websites, I should also start a new one. For those who've been waiting to finally start their own website, now is the time. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful I didn't start Financial Samurai during the last crisis.

Taking Action Until The Recovery

When chaos strikes, it's easy to feel paralyzed and do nothing. The general advice is to sit tight and hang on until an eventual recovery.

Instead of doing nothing, I encourage everyone to figure out where you can cut excess spending, analyze your existing income sources, and aggressively look for new financial opportunities.

You will feel great taking action.

Many fortunes are made during times of uncertainty. As the saying goes, “never let a crisis go to waste.” Use this opportunity to change your future for the better!

Stay On Top Of Your finances

During times of uncertainty, it is more important than every to stay on top of your finances. To do so, the best free tool to use is by Personal Capital. In addition to better money oversight, you can run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees and whether you are properly allocated based on your risk tolerance.

After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator. It pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms. There's no rewind button in life. Make sure you have your finances in order.

Personal Capital Retirement Planner Free Tool
Personal Capital's Free Retirement Planner

Readers, what are some things you are doing during this latest crisis to improve your life? Have you tightened up spending? What are some specific ways in which you're boosting your income and your income sources?

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4 years ago

This is an absolutely crazy time right now. I’m positioned in such a way financially and geographically that the combination of the virus and the riots have people piling into my area (Boise). I’ve done nothing but increase my net worth during this time.

To be honest though I’m a little nervous about all this. I have a tenant in one of my properties moving because they bought a home. This is really tempting me to sell that house and cash up. I keep a fair amount of cash but I view it as emergency/ I need 4 new furnaces/I just got fired/my wife has cancer/ a volcano erupted under my house money. Freeing up a few hundred thousand really seems like a good idea.

Here you are talking about buying rentals at a time when landlords are being equated with Hitler, Manson, and Atilla the Hun all rolled into one. Further you’re doing it in one of the most tenant friendly states in the country. You are either the most optimistic person I’ve ever come across or you have ten pound brass balls. I’m glad I’ve read your material. It definitely makes me rethink the direction my mind is going.

If I cash up, I’ll be in a position to buy but I’ll lose rent from the next tenant. I’ll also lose any appreciation in the property not to mention getting hammered with real estate fees and capital gains tax. I’ve read over and over that most people lose money when they make decisions based on fear. Thanks for giving me pause.

4 years ago

Long time reader here and love your blog! Just thought I would pop in and recommend a sleep training book: Twelve hours by twelve weeks. I had my twins in January and had a night doula for the first month. Then started training them and had them sleeping through the night by 2 and half months! My twins were also born early at 37 weeks. Keep up the good work!

4 years ago

My wife and I did all three things here.

During our spending audit, we realized we could save over 15% of our monthly expenses simply because we’re stuck at home. I want to say all-in-all we’ve saved over $700 a month (which is hugely significant for how we live)

We then did the income strength audit. Our income is limited right now as we are in the bootstraps of two businesses (blog and an online woman’s apparel/accessories/home decor store) – the store got hit hard because many suppliers are closed and those that are still open are inundated with orders, causing delays. I rerouted money to Lending Club to increase passive income. As of today, we have a NAR of 11.35% after 13 months of being invested.

To boost income, we’re simply plugging forward with the above as we don’t have many other ways to increase income without taking away much needed time to dedicate to the businesses. We are, however, debt-free, so that helps us a ton. Having my wife’s family as a financial cushion in an emergency has been very helpful (I enjoyed your post about asking parents to help pay for things. Her family is all about helping out as a way to pay it forward from when their parents helped them)

Glad to see you’re pumping out more content during these times!

4 years ago

Conducting a financial audit is also something I have never done. My wife and I save probably 30% of our gross income, perhaps closer to 40%, so I’ve just never felt the need to micromanage what’s left.

We did, however, save thousands of dollars due to child care costs going away in the lockdown.

Robert C.
Robert C.
4 years ago

Great post and a good reminder to look at both income and expenses. I took a long hard look at my expenses when Covid hit because I had a ton more money in my bank account and the balance was growing every month. I have always been a good saver putting 20%+ of income to retirement and saving, but didn’t realize how much I was spending on restaurants and entertainment until those options disappeared! My restaurant expenses are ridiculous. I am going to make a better effort to cook at home after Covid not only for money reasons, but my allergies are significantly better since I stopped eating out. Literally restaurant food is making me sick. I also cut the cable cord last week after the 3rd raise of my bill in the last year. Now after your post time to focus on income!

4 years ago

I think we have our financial situation well in order. I would say that I’m probably a money hoarder which is bad. Whenever we meet with financial advisors they always say we are in great shape. Often times reading these websites make me feel the opposite but there is always someone with more than you. That said, I have always wanted a website/blog like yours and feel that I have a lot of offer the world. I started one in November using a site called wealthy affiliate and spent A LOT of time on it but after 3 months no one was reading it and then 2020 happened and now it isn’t relevant at all. The reason I really wanted to start one was your website. I’m an on again off again reader. Just curious about any advice you can provide.

4 years ago

Do you think there will be a long term effect due to coid 19/riots etc? I am trying to figure how to audit my expenses as well plan in investing in asset class(maybe real estate etc) post covid. I feel like as much as money I make, my expenses are still high.


Financial Freedom Countdown
Financial Freedom Countdown
4 years ago

If you are 72 and enjoying life; I’d suggest not complicating your life with crowd funded real estate and adding stress. I did invest in the past; learnt few lessons after losing my principal. I now have become wiser and developed a checklist. But if I was in my 70s; I’d relax and continue with hobbies

4 years ago

I started tracking my spending Jan 1st. I made it till May and couldn’t do it anymore. It was a real eye opener to see where all my money was going. It really made me second guess every purchase no matter the size. I didn’t like that at all. The whole purpose of investing and working was to get to a point where I didn’t have to worry about the small stuff. I decided to quit worrying about spending and instead focus my energy on income. I figure if I make enough money and continue my normal savings rate than the hell with a budget.

4 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I would recommend continuing to track–it is a great tool once you have a significant data set. I didn’t see it at first, but a couple years in with a very refined excel workbook and it proved itself useful for various reasons. Trying to recall when you purchased an item? Trying to budget for future job change? Trying to understand changes in utility usage/costs? Trying to plan for future expenses, i.e. children, car purchase, etc.?

I understand the lack of interest of budgeting when everything is under control as we are the same way, but we still track it all. We have tracked all our income and expenses into 30 categories since 2007 and it is helpful to review trends and adjust when and if desirable.

Tracking and budgeting are separate animals–we don’t budget either.

Ms. Conviviality
Ms. Conviviality
4 years ago

We made two major changes since March. Our Airbnb started one year ago and we were so successful that we were excited to see how much more income we could make with repeat guests and a good history of positive reviews. Unfortunately, we are in a college town and all university events were cancelled, at least through the end of the summer, along with all students taking classes online. Since we rely on university visitors, we decided to convert the place back into a long-term rental where we could at least depend on consistent income for the next 12 months. We got lucky with a student who is doing his residency at the university’s hospital. We were able to charge 20% more than the usual rent since the place is nicely furnished and got the tenant to sign the lease agreement the first day the place was advertised. The Airbnb did great due to its proximity to campus and is proving to do well now since it is close to the hospital. The student liked that he would be able to bike back and forth. While converting the Airbnb to a long-term rental may not have been the best move financially, at least we have peace of mind. The other change was starting an Etsy shop which has brought in net income of ~$600/month. This was such a welcome change since I enjoy being creative and helped to fill in all the free time gained from sheltering in place.

Ms. Conviviality
Ms. Conviviality
4 years ago

Etsy is such a great place to quickly get started for selling handmade goods. The plan is to eventually feature my products on my own website where I don’t need to pay a 5% commission on each item sold, easily collect customer’s info to create a mailing list, and build-in additional sources of revenue such as from ad-clicks. I could use social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram market my products but it seems somewhat like a waste of effort to direct traffic to Etsy where the individual may or may not purchase my product since the way Etsy is set up makes it easy for people to navigate over to someone else’s product. I wouldn’t have this problem with my own website.

Gunnar K
Gunnar K
4 years ago

Good article, Sam. Your severance negotiation book seems like the sort of ‘anti-fragile’ asset that behaves well when the economy is bad, that’s good diversification! I think we’ve done a good job during this pandemic of keeping our spending low, mostly just by not doing anything unusual.

Now i’m trying to decide whether to take advantage of a good car deal i’ve been offered. I always like your take on cars, care to weigh in? Household net worth $1.6M, 90% invested and 10% cash. Currently both of us drive Hondas worth <$10K. Household income roughly $130K gross in medium cost of living area. We save an average of $40K annually. The car is a Porsche Macan Turbo and comparables are on sale for $47-50K, I have an option to buy one from a friend for $35k (he's very well off and owes me a favor). I'm hoping to keep it for a year or two, try to break even on the sale of it, and have a blast driving it in the meantime. My lizard brain is telling me to get it because vroom vroom, and the other part of my brain is telling me that if I want to splurge on a car there are more reliable options.

I know that's off-topic, but would definitely appreciate another opinion.

4 years ago
Reply to  Gunnar K

I’m on my second Porsche. Started with a 2006 boxster base, and moved up to a 2014 Boxster S. Super nice, super fun to drive – very expensive to maintain. Keep that in mind. An oil change from the dealer is $300, and the every other year maintenance is about $1,500. The car has been flawless, but still expensive. Popped a tire on a pothole, cost $350 for a new one. If you ever need anything else fixed, it will be expensive.

Drs Gan and Mo
4 years ago

Great post !!
What are your thoughts on acquiring or purchasing another website for urself

You already know how to run a good website and you already would have the traffic to generate a return quickly

4 years ago

Sam, first of all, great article! My wife and I really need to do a spending audit.

Do you have any digital product ideas that you plan to bounce off the community here to get feedback?

Also, are you comfortable sharing your other websites that generate income? FS is such a great resource I’d love to check out your other sites (and I’m sure much of the rest of the community would be interested as well).

4 years ago

Sam, regarding a spending audit, do you not use a written monthly budget?

Half of financial advice articles say the wealthy don’t budget at all, which I can’t really understand.

4 years ago

Thank you for the reply. That makes sense.

I ask because all the “Tips of the Rich” articles I read can’t agree on whether millionaires budget or not. 75% say they don’t budget.

4 years ago
Reply to  Kevin

I don’t budget because until recently we saved so much. Then recently our spending has been much higher after having two children so I started something like Sam’s auditing to see where the money was going.

Max Power
Max Power
4 years ago

With rioting in major cities, I’m thinking this will further devastate businesses in metro areas. And people will want to move out if the city. When the lockdowns are finally lifted, people will be shocked at the devastation in the urban core. May provide a window to buy urban real estate at a cyclical low. Also I am rotating into developed Intl stocks as other developed countries don’t seem to have these domestic issues that we do.

Canadian Reader
Canadian Reader
4 years ago

Great article!

We use a financial tracking App called Wally. It’s awesome to have all of the exact data easily available when it’s time to pull back on spending.

4 years ago

You lost me at night time child care. Aren’t you both retired? I’m just trolling. Love your page.

Eliezer A Caraballo
Eliezer A Caraballo
4 years ago

I hear you I got a 18 month old daughter now and I know she will be my one and only.

4 years ago

“Although our family is ineligible for stimulus checks and enhanced unemployment benefits that are doing a great job to support our nation”.

I’m not sure how either of these have done anything but hurt the nation.
Those who did not lose their jobs had no need for a stimulus check as for most their living costs have declined given the lack of most leisure activities. Robinhood has been seeing much more traffic and certainly a portion of those stimulus checks have been “invested” on their platform. One day last week Hertz was the most active stock on their platform. Anyone purchasing a bankrupt company definitely has too much spare money to burn.
The enhanced unemployment benefits have encouraged both employers to lay off more workers and workers to remain unemployed since they are often making more being unemployed. This is very true of many in the gig economy.
Unfortunately since all of this money was created through debt, those receiving the money will be the same ones paying it back for decades.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but I really see very little benefit.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alan

You are not wrong. Taxpayer funded debt money provided to those who do not need it is terrible and sets horrible precedents. This includes companies that got money too.

Sine when is it gov’t role to ensure no one fails (who is a “fault” is not the issue) I have heard too many politicians in last few months state that we have to subsidize people who lost jobs through no fault of their own. NO – NO we don’t.

The fiat is worthless and someday, our enemies who own our debt will call it in. We will be screwed as a nation on that day.

4 years ago
Reply to  Alan

Hey Sam,
I’ve been an avid reader for a number of years. I think I first “found” your site after googling Average Networth of a 40 year old. From there, I would check your site monthly, then weekly, now I find myself following you daily and on Facebook. Not stalking, just really enjoying how your writing has evolved. Often times, I can’t tell if you are being serious, or a Smart ass. I truly enjoy this and glean so much, not only from you, but the comments section as well.

One thing that I’ve done is tighten up spending by the obvious, eating out less. Although my grocery bill has gone through the roof, I’ve learned to be comfortable with online grocery ordering and pick. My family is also spending much more time together at meal time.

I also read an idea from a commenter on a previous post about the idea of saving money you would’ve otherwise spent to pay down a mortgage, and instead keep that cash on hand. I am doing a hybrid pay down rental debt and put cash in my credit union maneuver. The credit union is paying 1.5% on basic savings and the higher interest on the rental I am focusing on paying off is at 4.85. Between the mortgage pay down and extra cash going into savings each month, I am realizing about a 6200 per month networth increase just on this move.

Anyways, really enjoying the thought provoking articles, the humor and contribution from the peanut gallery. Thanks


4 years ago

I am 72. I do art ( oil painting). Not easy to sell.
I looked at Fundrise. I have not taken any action. May be afraid.
What do you suggest?

4 years ago

I have enough in my investments