Financial Samurai E-mail Subscription, Private Newsletter, RSS, And Forum

If you want to stay on top of everything I write on Financial Samurai, you can subscribe to the Financial Samurai e-mail and private newsletter. The Financial Samurai e-mail is probably the best way to keep in touch.

In 2009, the world was falling apart, and my net worth was taking a beating. I thought it would be a good idea to start a personal finance site to help myself and others make sense of chaos.

After all, I had spent 10 years working in the finance industry, studied economics at William & Mary, got my MBA from UC Berkeley, saved aggressively, diversified my investments, and still got financially rocked!

Since the financial crisis, more than 70 million visitors have stopped by Financial Samurai to learn, share, and grow. I’m also pleased to say that Financial Samurai is in its 13th year of operation in 2021

Best Ways To Consume Financial Samurai Content

1) Financial Samurai E-mail. For those who would like to receive each Financial Samurai post via e-mail, click here to start subscribing over e-mail.

3) Private newsletter. This exclusive content will only be published in these newsletters and not on the site. For those who would like an even more intimate look behind the scenes please click here to subscribe to my private newsletter or use the form to the right.

3) RSS Subscription. My favorite platform is Feedly

4) Financial Samurai Forum. Finally, if you really want to keep in touch with fellow personal finance enthusiasts, please visit the Financial Samurai Forum! It is one of the best personal finance forums on the internet. You can talk about everything from career advancement, to real estate investing, the current events.

5) Financial Samurai podcast. You can subscribe to my iTunes, Spotify, or Google Play channels.

Finally, please read my Financial Samurai About page and value proposition if you haven't already.



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1 year ago

Hi Sam, your latest podcast commentary re: SCOTUS AA decision was very balance and I thought well reasoned. I don’t agree with all points, but I do appreciate your overall message.

6 years ago

I Sam hope you can answer me this..

I am working on my Blog, and trying to find the right service for a newsletter,
but noticing its really expensive, there are free services for under 2500 subscribers,,
but i am wondering, do you really have to invest, to have people receive your updates to their email… how to you manage this… seems like an investment, how did you start, did it worked for you, when did you decide to upgrade to paid services…. thx

6 years ago

Sam I feel like I known you for years lol, but i do know that money is something we can always bring to the table and it’s out there… I’ll try free one for now, which one would you recommend to start, I might grab that monkey one, cause Amazon it’s too much to handle specially I don’t want to used their services or remember to cancel the trial ones… I am really excited about the blog y started lol, this time is serious not like when I did my geocities one back in 2003 , i used to work my part time IT consultant in MX, but here in the US, is a bit different the way things works… hopefully I should be Ok, cause I need to start pursuing the lifestyle I want to live when I retire, and trust me I don’t want to be moving computers when I am in my mid 50’s, so I still got a lot of time to make things good for my family, and what great way helping others and make a decen living. Thx Sam like I said I feel like if I known you for years lol, have a good weekend sir and keep up the good writing!

11 years ago

@RonBoyd feedly works in any browser as of early July….

KC @ genxfinance
11 years ago

Change is inevitable and you know, we’ve got to move on. So, moving on then… I’ll take a look at Feedly. Congrats with your forum and newsletter. More power.

11 years ago

Congratulations on the new developments. I have been following you for the better part of 2 years now and the one thing I hope is that you don’t lose the personal ties with the blog as you expand. Content is important, but a personal or emotional attachment is what brings me back.

The First Million is the Hardest
The First Million is the Hardest
11 years ago

Congrats on both the forum and the newsletter, you’ve been making some ambitious changes lately!

Roshan | Olim Dives
Roshan | Olim Dives
11 years ago

I see you have implemented Aweber for your newsletter. I have been using it for just over a year on my blog ( and very happy with the service.

One quick suggestion for Aweber – when a user signs up for the service you can direct them to a personalized page on your website rather than the default Aweber “confirmation page.” Simply create a “thank you” page and then redirect the users in the aweber control panel. You have the option in the step after you create the sign up form.


11 years ago

Feedly now has a Internet Explorer version?

11 years ago

And yet Feedly’s website claims they will only make it available to Internet Explorer some unknown time in the future… perhaps.

11 years ago

Glad to hear the FS Forum is going well Sam! Just finished the survey I think its great to get reader feedback. Especially about the posting and content length. Great way to put the community first.

11 years ago

Nice job starting a quarterly newsletter! And that’s cool you’re going to be using Aweber. I’ve used them for several years already and really like their platform. I filled out your FS survey and am looking forward to hearing the feedback from other readers. Keep up the good work!