Osama Bin Laden Is Dead: Good Or Bad?

Now that Osama Bin Laden is dead, I hope the tens of thousands of Muslims who died at his hands and the families of the 3,000 people lost in the Twin Towers find closure. After 10 long years of searching, we finally got the bastard who was hiding just 90 miles away from Islamabad, Pakistan.

Bye-bye Osama Bin Laden

It is now a certainty that President Obama will be re-elected to his second term in 2012 after taking credit for the killing. We will have more big government spending and higher taxes. That's not so bad given the economy continues to recover and people are finding jobs again.

The main question you should think about is whether the killing of Osama Bin Laden by US special forces is a good thing, or a bad thing in the long run? Osama Bin Laden has been the leader of the Al-Qaeda Terrorist Network for over two decades.

But, how much power has he had over the past 10 years given his need for secrecy? Undoubtedly hundreds of new Osamas are looking to take a higher leadership role and avenge is death. Expect retaliation.

Here's To Peace

Unfortunately, the killing of Osama Bin Laden brings about a new wave of terror. We've closed one chapter, but many more chapters of terror are about to be written. Let's be vigilant and aware. Here's to peace, one less evil on Earth, and a thank you to our armed forces.

Readers, what are your thoughts on the killing of Bin Laden? Do you feel safer as an American traveling the world now? Will there be retaliation and a never ending cycle of hatred and suffering? How do we know if Osama is really dead?

Further Reading



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Fredda Blomgren
Fredda Blomgren
13 years ago

Had Bin Laden been killed ten years ago this may well have signalled the death blow for Al-Quaida but the past decade has allowed it to grow independently of its founder so I think this death and the reported death of one of Gaddafi’s sons, will only provoke further terrorist attacks on the West.

13 years ago

We are going to be attacked or somethin like that. On 9/11/11 because bin laden was alot of things but not dum if u look at his last tape he looked like he was stressed Android in most things he taklks about 9/11/11 i can just feel it

Im 10

Sandy @ yesiamcheap
Sandy @ yesiamcheap
13 years ago

I’m a New York. My cousin died in the towers and my mother spent terrifying hours wondering if my brother was alive. I work in a high terror target building on the 49th of 59 floors. I take a subway to work for 1 hour every single day.

I didn’t celebrate, but I did make sure to bring in and leave a pair of good, broken in sneakers under my desk at work. How’s that for happy?

13 years ago

I’m a little worried about the backlash from the Muslim world and Al-Qaeda supporters. They buried him in the sea, but I understand that Muslims believe they should be buried underground facing Mecca? Would this burial in sea show a sense of disrespect to the Muslim community?

I guess we just have to wait and see what happens…

Hopefully nothing negative comes out of this!

13 years ago

Oh please.. As a percentage of GDP, which is much more indicative of spending
power, since that chart does not include the various state budgets.. The USA
is at 4.5% of GDP spent on military budgets, whereas Chad,
Jordan are around 6% of GDP, and Saudi Arabia is at nearly 12% of GDP.
The US Federal Government -should- be spending half it’s income on the military,
it’s one of the few things it does that its ACTUALLY SUPPOSED TO DO.

Robert @ The College Investor

I think we are much better off with him gone, but it doesn’t mean there won’t be more like him. In fact, there is probably someone doing the exact same thing right now, and we haven’t discovered it yet…

Justin @ MoneyIsTheRoot

Obama will most definitely be re-elected, not only because he was in office when Bin Laden was taken down, but also for a lack of Republican candidates. Does anyone really want to see Trump in office? Especially after his “birther” debate, it made him look like a fool.

Quite honestly, I would like to say I am above revenge, but in this case I am glad Osama is dead. He should not live his life in comfort, if at all. Al-Qaeda is never going to stop attempting attacks on us regardless, and i don’t think the rest of the Muslim population will be up in arms about his death. Muslim extremists in Al-Qaeda are far different than the rest of the Muslim population

Wealth Artisan
13 years ago

Hey Sam,
Well it definitely goes both ways. The good news is that it comforts most Americans and gives a sense of unity and accomplishment. On the other hand, many public and political figures are getting this attitude that we’re not afraid of anything. For example, Hilary Clinton goes off and sends a message to the Taliban saying “You cannot defeat us!” Personally, I’d take that as, “Come on, give us your best shot!” Hopefully they don’t take it that way, but I can’t imagine they’re going to take the death of their leader lightly. So I guess I would say Osama’s death is conditional bad news.

Mike - Saving Money Today
Mike - Saving Money Today
13 years ago

I’m not sure how much good it will do to end the cycle since there are plenty more ready to take his place. Can’t say I’m sad to see him gone though.

13 years ago

well all the comments above are corrects but can anyone tell me why he started this war?

13 years ago

While Osama was a terrible man, I do not think that killing him automatically solves all of our problems. In fact, I think they could create even more problems than we had before!

Like you said, there are hundreds of other Osamas out there that are now planning to avenge his death. I think we’re in for a rude awakening here in America. It may not be today or tomorrow, but I think we’re certainly going to have another plague coming our way via the terrorist clan.

13 years ago

It’s hard to believe. Even if he wasn’t killed I’m sure the hatred that terrorists have towards our country wouldn’t be any less severe. It’s really sad how so many young boys are totally brain washed and forced to join terrorist groups.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
13 years ago

Obama: “Well it took nearly 10 years and $4 Trillion but we finally killed Osama Bin Laden”

Bush: “That’s one heck of a job, Brownie!”


Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
13 years ago

It is good that Bin Laden was taken out, but seeing the people cheering in New York and Washington DC in the middle of the night made my hairs stand up. It was too reminiscent of the people cheering in the middle east after the 9/11 attacks.

How about some quiet respect for the closure of the incident? Something about cheering the death of another doesn’t seem right to me, even of a hated enemy.


My University Money
13 years ago

Honestly, I don’t have the money to be a bookie, but I would put the odds at more like 3:1 or 4:1 given the field of underwhelming republican candidates.

As far as the whole terror circle with Osama goes aren’t there really only two options? I can’t for the life of me seeing us stopping this, “He killed my brother so I will kill his” mentality that is so prevalent in both countries (great ending scene on this very topic in “The Kingdom”).

Aren’t the only real options either to kill every last Islamic/Middle Eastern person (terribly gruesome and bone-chilling thought) or else help them build an infrastructure that will allow them to compete with our economy? It worked after WWII with the Japanese and Germans.

As long as there are so many poor people in the Middle East with little-to-no prospect for improvement and no education, preaching jihad and killing Westerners will be a pretty easy sell in my opinion. I don’t want to lost anything off my standard of living, but I have tough time seeing any other way to fix the grassroots problems involved here.

Greg McFarlane
Greg McFarlane
13 years ago

The provocative headline notwithstanding, this doesn’t guarantee Obama a 2nd term. Let me be the 2nd person to point out how George H.W. Bush went from 90% approval to losing an election. Obama’s obviously the favorite, but he’s not the guaranteed winner.

I love how people say they’d prefer that he’d been captured, as if they had a choice in the matter. Armchair quarterbacking is bad enough when it doesn’t involve the most wanted man on the planet. I’d prefer he was slowly dismembered and his eyes gouged out before death, but I’ll take what the SEALs gave us.

So what if this increases anger among Muslims who hated America anyway? Does anyone think that there are people who actually thought, “Well, I’m starting to come around on the USA. They’re not so bad. But if they kill bin Laden, then it’s over”?

Still, visible proof of death would be nice. We have his body, but it’s at the bottom of the Persian Gulf? This is a time when a president should be as forthright as possible. I’m with Forest, at least partially – I always assumed he died years ago under conditions that left his body indistinguishable. We need photographic evidence.

I wish I could understand people who can’t rejoice at this news. On a purely academic level, I’d love to know how their minds work.

Greg McFarlane
Greg McFarlane
13 years ago

Well, I did say Obama was obviously the favorite.

3/2 odds on what’s essentially a bet that the Republican will win? No thanks. Bodog is offering better odds.

Sustainable PF
13 years ago

Readers, what are your thoughts on the killing of Osama Bin Laden?
– relief. Cdn troops have been “hunting” for him in Afghanistan for 10 yrs – bring our men and women home.

Do you feel safer as an American traveling the world now?
– I think I would, if I were American

Will there be retaliation and a never ending cycle of hatred and suffering?
– this is the nature of terrorism. Terrorism did not end with his death.

How do we know if Obama is really dead?
– we don’t.

13 years ago

The world is a better place now vs before the military operation. That’s the bottom line to me, making this event a good thing for the US in my view.

13 years ago

It’s probably too early to tell. The timing of his death coming as it does with the revolts in the Middle East could mean that a new era is sweeping the area–that would be a good news outcome. But it’s equally likely that the system that produces terrorists is bigger than any one man.

We always like to think that we’re stopping a movement by taking out a man, but that seldom holds up in reality. Also, as someone else wrote above, Bin Laden hasn’t been much of a force for a long time. Either way, my guess is that his death turns out to be more symbolic than actual.

As a Christian, I can’t get a warm, fuzzy feeling over anyone’s death, but perhaps the next would-be terrorist prince will remember the words of Jesus Christ, “those who live by the sword, will die by the sword”. And so it was with Bin Laden…

13 years ago

I probably would have felt better if he was captured! One person gone does not make me feel safer, however I won’t let it affect my travel or safety. Already there are a number of conspiracy theories reported that he was killed a month a go or he was already dead. Since he was buried at sea, is he really dead? I don’t know if it matters, since terrorism will continue. We should not let terrorism change our lives.

13 years ago

I don’t feel safer. But at the same time I’m 100% against the idea of leaving him alive. Last thing we would need is a public trial and him to turn into a martyr.

Bury him at sea and let the world see that we never give up. Something to think about next time someone tries to attack us.

13 years ago

It’s a good thing Osama is gone. He was a very smart guy with crazy plans. Who knows what he could do next if he’s still around? I don’t think the retaliation is going to be any worse than Osama’s plan.

13 years ago

I think the jump in approval ratings will be short-lived as soon as the reality of $4 gas and limited economic improvement sinks in. Bush 41 had a jump in popularity after taking Kuwait during Desert Storm but lost the election in 1992.


“It’s the economy, stupid.”

Everyday Tips
13 years ago

I am thrilled he is dead. To know that such a poisonous being is gone is a great thing. Of course, others will step up to the plate, but I think it is huge that the perceived mastermind has been hunted down and killed.

I think there will always be hatred toward the American way of life, so I assume there will always be a terrorist threat to us. I definitely don’t think that followers of Bin Laden will just say “our leader is dead, lets pack up our bags and be nice now”. There will be a lot of hate, and who knows if Bin Laden even planned some attack to be executed when and if he was killed.