Dear Prospective Client, did you know the average resume gets only seven seconds of attention? Then it gets tossed in the trash or slotted for a follow up. Employers are flooded with resumes in this electronic age and anything that looks off gets passed over. I can help you get noticed with my resume and interview optimization services!
Currently, I am only taking a few clients a year as my time is pretty limited. I'm busy raising two kids, spending time with family, writing, and playing tennis.
Personal Background
During my 13 year career on Wall Street I reviewed over 5,000 resumes. In addition, I interviewed over 500 people from some of the nation's finest universities. Harvard and Princeton resumes were routinely rejected because they were not presented properly. At the same time, candidates from lesser ranked schools were accepted for interviews because of great resumes.
I joined Goldman Sachs in the Equities department at 1 New York Plaza in 1999 after graduating from The College of William & Mary. It's a good state school founded in 1693, but not a target Wall Street school.
How was I able to join such a firm? I firmly believe it was due to a well presented resume that helped me land an interview. From there, it's up to each of us to make a positive impression during the interviews.
At Goldman I was immediately brought into the hiring process of new candidates after my first year as an analyst. Getting everyone involved in hiring the best people was part of company culture. By the time I left Wall Street in 2012 I was a Director who was responsible for leading a small team of people in San Francisco.
One of my responsibilities as a senior employee was to be a firm ambassador for undergraduates and MBA graduates at UC Berkeley and Stanford University.
I completed my MBA from UC Berkeley's Haas School of Business in 2006 and was happy to attend. During these events I spent tens of hours meeting with hundreds more interested candidates and assessing their credentials.
Invest In The Last Mile
The last mile to landing a coveted job after spending all those years in college is your resume and your interviewing abilities. I see people spend tens of thousands of dollars on a college education and then spend nothing to actually prepare themselves or their children for connecting with an employer!
This is an absolute travesty that must be rectified because there's nothing more disappointing than graduating college unemployed with a ton of debt. You don't want to look back and wonder whether you gave everything you got to landing a job.
I'm not guaranteeing you a job out of college. What I am guaranteeing you is giving yourself the best possible chance of getting your foot in the door through my Resume Review and Optimization service.
I have developed a skill for identifying what works and what doesn't work with resumes after all these years. If you are interested in working together further, I also offer interviewing consulting services in various time packages.
Resume Review & Optimization
I will thoroughly review your resume and give you a candid critique in the eyes of a potential employer. I will then point out areas of strengths and areas of weakness for which to improve. A lot about creating a great resume has to do with perception.
I'll optimize your resume with more impactful words and organize your resume to better stand out. We'll then wrap up the resume optimization with a 30 minute online chat session or phone call to make sure everything is in place.
Interview & Communications Optimization
Once you get your foot in the door you've got to perform. Your resume is like a script for a masterful or miserable performance. Employers can sense weakness like a wolf can smell blood.
I'm here to help you hammer out your weakness and come across as a confident candidate that's fantastic for the job. I've interviewed over 700 candidates during my time and can immediately tell who has a chance and who is wasting my time within the first minute of conversation.
If you sign up for Interview Optimization consultation we'll conduct two one hour live sessions based off your resume and sector of interest. I will act as the interviewer in the exact same capacity during my time as a Wall Street executive.
In addition, I will prep you before each discussion and will provide you written feedback for areas of improvement. I also provide tips on proper intonation, movements, and connecting strategies. Oftentimes we are blind by our communication weaknesses. I'm here to highlight them so you can improve.
Contact Details
We can do the live sessions either over the phone, over Skype, or in person in San Francisco, or sometimes Honolulu or Lake Tahoe when I'm traveling.
If you are interested in a consultation, please e-mail me at financialsamurai AT gmail DOT com with the subject heading “Resume Optimization” “Interview Optimization,” or “Resume & Interview Optimization” and I will get back to you within 48 hours.
Please also feel free to browse through my Career & Employment category in the meantime. is one of the internet's leading personal finance sites today and continues to grow.
[…] the ladies find me too ugly to hire as a tennis instructor during the day, I’ll ramp up my resume review service and personal finance consulting. I’ve seen way too many people screw up the last mile (the […]