Seeking Approval From A Critical Father

Seeking approval is what so many of us want from our parents. Unfortunately, I never got much approval from my father growing up. Instead of being encouraging, he was often critical. Even to this day as a 44-year-old adult, he is a critical father of my work.

Due to the criticism my father constantly gives me, I've decided to be much less critical with my two young children. Instead of criticizing, I will be support. I'll show them what's wrong and how to get better. That's what a father should do.

Seeking Approval From A Critical Father As A Teenager

My father would always tell me, “You're just not good enough,” every time I would lose a tennis match in high school. He eventually made me want to stop practicing so hard to see if I could make it to the next level because I was afraid of his disapproval. I asked him to stop coming to my matches, even though I went 10-1 senior year because I was worried he'd show up for that one loss. Losing is already a painful feeling. To then have your father be disappointed with you is terrible.

I remember coming home one day all proud of my 92% math final score. Instead of congratulating me he asked what happened to the other 8%. I stayed up all night for weeks studying because I'm pretty bad at higher level math.

I still don't know the purpose of Calculus in every day life. All I wanted was a high-five for my efforts. Once again I disappointed my father, but this time I didn't fade. I tried harder in school because I wanted to prove to him and to myself I wasn't a failure. I needed options.

But I realize no matter what I do, I will never live up to my father's amorphous expectations. He never told me what occupation to follow or how much money to make or what type of person to marry. He let me figure things out for myself, which is something I do appreciate. Unfortunately, I don't understand exactly what he wants out of me and that's frustrating. Best I go ask.

A Compliment And Then A Criticism

He recently shot me an e-mail telling me, “Congrats on trying a new site design. Should be awesome once kinks are worked out.” The problem is, I just stayed up from midnight until 4 am working out all the kinks. I was exhausted.

I decided to redesign Financial Samurai to make it brighter and more professional looking. Readership via tablets and phones is going up, so I wanted a “responsive” site that adjusts to the size of the screen for better readability. I figure why not do an update since it's been almost five years. My only issue is how the site looks on a mobile phone. I like the old look better but so far there's no way to have both.

Change is hard for people to accept, especially the older we get. I was excited to get my father's out of the blue e-mail, but upon re-reading his words now I should have known what was coming. Because he enlarged his font size to massive on his screen, the right side column of my site disappears and he doesn't like the layout as a result. Once he went back to regular font size, things appeared normal. Not good enough though.

Here Comes The Criticism

Then he said FINANCIAL SAMURAI in the header looks “counterfeit” and therefore unprofessional due to all the “white scratches,” even though this is the same font I've been using since 2009. The reason why I kept this font is because it reminds me of battle tested armor. Building wealth over the long run is not easy as the financial crisis has shown. Temptation to splurge also gets heightened the more you have.

We talked for 28 minutes about all the things he was dissatisfied with about the redesign until I couldn't take it anymore. He did begin to soften towards the end as he said, “I better go. I think I've said too much.”

I was once again so sad that he was so critical and utterly disappointed with my efforts because I try very hard when it comes to my work. It's difficult to please everyone all the time, but my father is someone I would like to one day please if no longer for my tennis and academics, then for my career and entrepreneurial endeavors.

I didn't understand why he had to be such a critical father. I was doing well on my own. I took a leap of faith after 13 years in banking to do my own thing. Financial Samurai was growing. Why to try and support m?

Parents, Please Encourage Your Children

If you are a critical father reading this, please send your kids some words of encouragement sometimes. Be proud of your children. Wrap your suggestions for improvement in a blanket of kindness. Think back to the time when you struggled to make something successful on your own. Your kids will appreciate everything you say and work that much harder to make you proud.

As for me, don't worry. I'll get over the hurt as I already have by writing this post. Writing is cathartic for the soul if you have some torment.

I'll experiment with more font types for the header and keep doing my best so that one day he might say, “Good job son,” and mean it. I'm not sure why he can't just say nice things, but on the positive side, if it wasn't for my father being so critical I don't think I would have tried as hard.

I Don't Want To Be A Critical Father To My Kids

When I originally wrote this post back on January 4, 2014, I wasn't a father. But I started wanting to be. Now I have a son and a daughter whom I love so very dearly.

I promise I will ALWAYS be encouraging. I will do my best to keep criticism to a minimum. And if I do criticize, it I will follow it up with a compliment.

A critical father makes kids fearful of screwing up. A critical father also causes kids to not try new things. I always want my son and daughter to try anything they want. If they fail, who cares? Not trying is actually the biggest disappointment.

Man Up Dads! Time To Be Better Fathers

Career Or Family? 5 Years Is The Most Career Sacrifice You Need

The Average Amount Of Time Spent With Children

Nature vs. Nurture: How Important Are Parents To Our Success?

The Importance Of Being Consistently Uncomfortable For Progress

Readers, do you have a critical father who never seems to be satisfied with your accomplishments? What are some of the things they've said or done that hurt? What did you do about the situation? Why do you think parents are so critical of their kids even though they know they work hard and know their words are painful? Do you think it's more of an issue with something happening to the critical parent than yourself?

For more nuanced personal finance content, join 50,000+ others and sign up for my free newsletter! I've been helping readers achieve financial independence since 2009.

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11 months ago

I did have a critical father. He died in 2018. I know he wanted better for me, and that his parents were never interested in him achieving academically (because they were poor and just needed him to leave school and work). However, it meant that, like your father, if I got 90% in an exam he would focus on the 10%.

My complicated relationship with my father (more than just the above) has left me with low self esteem and a tendency to seek approval from men (never women) who trigger some sub-conscious memory of my father. I’m actually in counselling because of it because I am sick of reacting like that. I would ask that parents take the approach of “as long as you do your best that’s all I can ask” and be proud of your children: their worth is not tied to a grade or a future salary. Their worth is in being a kind, compassionate person.

3 years ago

I get this. I am so tired of being afraid of messing up all the time because as soon as I do my Dad lords it over me. When I was growing up he was always pointing out little things like leaving pens on the floor, towels folded the wrong way etc. as a teenager I became incredibly stressed out over remembering all these little nuances that needed to be kept immaculate. My Mum and I used to tidy up together and remind each-other of things so that we wouldn’t have to see each-other get into trouble.
Now that I’m older it’s even worse because Dad expects me to know things that I can’t seem to grasp or remember. He gets especially angry if he comes home and finds the windows open or closed depending on the weather. Mum and I try to remember and remind each-other but it’s not easy to remember everything. The worst thing lately, is that Dad’s taken to accusing me of things that I haven’t even done, which is so much worse than anything I’ve ever had from him. I am apparently the culprit of messing up the laundry and loosing his tools, which, I am actually a tidy person by nature, so I would never mess up and lose (on purpose) my own things let alone someone elses.

3 years ago
Reply to  Emma

Just wanted to let you know, you definitely aren’t alone. My father is the same way with the little picky things. Putting a dish in the dishwasher in the right location or taking a quick enough shower or keeping the curtains closed are all some of the things that make my dad angry if they are not done properly by me or my mom. It is so frustrating. I just was accepted to a college and into their honor program and there was no congratulations or acknowledgement of how hard it is to get into those kind of things from him. A head nod was all I got. It’s hard but we both need to stop looking to our father for approval. You aren’t a disappointment and neither am I. Even when our dads make us feel like we can never do anything right. I’ll be praying for you and I hope things get better:)

Tom Slick
Tom Slick
7 years ago

My parents were born in 1936. My father had a difficult relationship with his father. My father was emotionally unavailable. He was hypercritical, a perfectionist, and practiced tough love. My father was a good provider, but my mother was cheap. I received only praise from people not in my family. My father once asked me why I was so negative.

I’m a perfectionist​. I know I have qualities that I learned from my father. I try not to treat people the way I was treated. My oldest sister has a Ph.D. Meanwhile at 50, I never finished college, I have no friends or relationships, and I can’t keep a job.

I’m not looking for pity—this is cathartic. Please remember what can happen to people who are emotionally abused. Years of therapy has not undone the damage.

5 years ago
Reply to  Tom Slick

I’m facing the same thing, but at 30. No matter how much I work on all that lovely baggage, I still have my father and mother whispering in my ear that I’m not worth anything. It is rediculously hard to fix child abuse and neglect.

Keep at it. We have to be able to beat this some day.

8 years ago

Really good article! I seem to have had several conversations about this very topic as of late. It is interesting, my father and step-father were both very critical and I did end up becoming an “over-achiever” which I think was attributed to me wanting their acceptance. Yes, I am happy for the “tough love” that helped me be successful, but the question: what is success? Trying to get someone’s approval your whole life is an exhausting endeavor, and we as a society attribute success with money, power, and maybe the white picket fence, 2 kids, and two car garage. But, we all know this success does not guarantee happiness, which should be our ultimate gauge of true success. So, is it really all that “helpful” for fathers to be so critical? For us to become such over-achievers? I think, at the end of the day, it wouldn’t hurt parents to be tough, encourage their children, but man, give them a high five every now and then. At age 40, I have come to the realization that no matter what I do, my father may never feel happy with my accomplishments. And, the truth is that it is not my problem, but his. He has to struggle with his own feelings of inadequacy and learn to no longer project them on to me. Parents need to learn that their children do not define their own success in life either. If we can all take a deep breath, love a little more and accept a little more, maybe we will not all have six figure salaries, but we will may live much healthier, happier lives. That, in the end, is a real measure of success anyway. P.S.–being a webmaster myself, your site looks great!

Priscila Duarte
Priscila Duarte
9 years ago

Hello Sam! I’m Priscila, from Brazil. You need to read “The Middle Passage” from James Hollis. After that you can also read “Under Saturn’s Shadow: The Wounding and Healing of Men.” from the same writer. These books will really help you. Not solve the problem, but to understand it in a way you never imagined before.

10 years ago

I feel your pain! But would have to say you lead by example. Your words are very inspiring and thought-provoking, and provide strength to everyone that looks up to you. Thanks so much!

10 years ago

Hi, I have a father who appears uninterested in my life and perhaps it’s just that our values are different. Parents encouraging focus, hard work and discipline should go hand and hand with displaying love, support and approval. Sadly it appears they are often mutually exclusive. I am now 53 and still deep down crave the interest and approval of my father for the small achievements I have made in my life. Sadly I know this will never be forthcoming. It’s just the way it is. I am slowly learning that maybe we can’t get to tick all the important boxes in life and it is important to come to terms with this rather than necessarily looking for a resolution. Not easy if you’re still wrapped up emotionally which I guess I still am. Just my take on it all for what it’s worth.

Well done for sharing your thoughts.

11 years ago

I just read alot of your website over the last two days. This is my first post.

I’m not sure what your Dad is dealing with. Maybe he thinks being hard on you is what he’s supposed to do. My Dad is kind of an awesome, always supporting wise genious type. I kind of lucked out.

What I wanted to say us that you are obviously a smart, accomplished, caring, awesome person. Any father would be proud of what you have a accomplished. That is just an objective fact. I know you want the most important man in your life to day that, but I don’t think he will. Doesn’t make you any less awesome.

11 years ago

Good reminder, Sam. Tonight I’ll be sure to tell my son how proud I am of him.

11 years ago

Hello Sam,
First of all, well done on the website update! I think it looks neat and clean, not only that but having a responsive website is definitely beneficial for us readers when we access the site with mobile and tablets :)

I think it’s very sweet that your father gives you feedback on your website maybe take on board with some of his suggestions that you agree with, and leave those ones that you don’t. Because after all, you know your readers better than anyone else.

My mother is the critical one, she sends me on a guilt trip when I don’t do things she approves. It’s only recently that I learn to filter out some of critical things she said. I’m grateful for things she points out however, at the same time it’s kinda of hard having an open discussion with her, because most of time we would go into an argument instead of a constructive discussions. Perhaps that’s how my parents show their affection.

Broke Millennial
11 years ago

Perhaps I am naive, but I believe there can be a healthy balance to create a driven and nurtured child. My parents were tough on me about grades, success and being financially responsible, but at the same time I felt supported even when I failed (well, minus getting grounded for some bad math test scores).

These days, I get a lot of feedback, which a times can feel critical but ultimately I can see and feel that my parents love and support me and my endeavors. Maybe it comes from gaps they felt in their own upbringings that they figured out how to deal with when raising their own kids? I’m grateful not to have been over-indulged though. The constant rewards and praise didn’t set up the millennial generation for anything more than major letdowns in the “real world.”

5 years ago

Don’t bash yourself too hard either. You must know how people in the forties, fifties, sixties and seventies could literally walk out of school one day and start working the next day with or without drades and there was a basic jobsecurity you can only dream of. It was easier back then in some ways. Today I would trade security for hunger any given day. Not for my kids by for myself.

11 years ago

Although, hard to have someone critizing what is not only hard work, but of superior quality. Your father is making an effort and taking a personal interest in what you are doing. Only by spending time on the website and looking through would he be able to notice such things.

I would rather have a parent vested and interested in my doings; taking the critique along with the vested interest than the alternative of no interest from my parents.

Oh I wept
Oh I wept
5 years ago
Reply to  Mark

Mark I dont Think you see the point where his dad always turns to criticisms of a certain kind. It’s the classic issue with the half-full glass. There can always be a worse or a better dad (daily beatings for some doesent make anyone elses emotional issues less important or problematic. The original post here and all the replies including yours are helping me understand my life and my relation to my dad. I dont want go diss anyone I am just answering right here because I think it is a good startingpoint for my contribution. I can see my fathers incapability for connecting emotionally too because he is stuck in his own childhood. Everyone in my family knows he and his two brothers got a horrible start and as soon as any of the brothers starts to act in a way anyone can see there must be a relation to their emotionally impaired 1950’s and 60’s when their dad made the first two brothers mom (my grandmother) undergo lobotomy and then leave her to what would turn out to be a 50 year mental assylum sentence. Thing is my grandfathers sister started to rent a house on a small island and “the boys” wich was the two older brothers, got to spend the summers there as some kind of compensation as their dad made a career abroad and the boys were separated living in Sweden and Germany, the youngest of the three got to grow up in Italy with his dad. The island ended up in the hands of the two older brothers after about 60 summers spent there. The summers there has always been heavenly for me, my three sisters, ofcourse the brothers, my cousins, the 11 grandchildren, boyfriends, girlfriends.. you get the picture. So what is my problem? What is my fuckin problem? Who has a private island that happend to end up in the poshest archipelago area of Sweden, where it once lived only fishermen and occational rather unusual urban hipsters of the 1930’s when life in the archipelago included no luxury whatsoever. There was a rowing boat, a fishing net and hard bread basically. If I live to see my generation becoming the owners, We are at least me and two of the sisters ready to sell and put an end to all the buried emotions that has made us all exentric and emotionally either hyper attentive or emotionally impaired. For me the elephant in the room is the sons of “the boys” wich is me and my male cousin who lives in Austria (we all came here simultaneously up until a turningpoint when my big sister had enough of our oldest female cousin who occupied the “guest house” for month every summer on the basis of living nearby but also because grandchildren were all over so we split summers in two between the two branches of the family. My problem today has a connection to being handy, and I can see how I always wanted to be handy, the guy with the toolbox, because “the boys” always were and because we were old upper class bred from a straight line of engineers from the 1850’s or more even though “the boys” devoted their lives to being rebels in that regard. I grew up in a fantastic mess of glorious 1980’s, emotional and physical abuse wich my sisters experienced none of (and I still wonder “was it only because I was a boy I got different expectations”? Did it happen to my male cousin too wich today suffers from some cleaning disorder and his own ways of trying to replicate his dad). Now as I write I am in a tent on this island. I just had an argument with my dad. I “stirred up trouble” wich means I questioned him. I asked if I could help out with something and the answere I got was outlandish. I got an answere in affection wich made me heckle him at the dinner table, sisters stepped in and I had to ask them to stop degrading me with dismantling my way of being and talking and solving my questions with dad. TAnd in the midst of that I see him leaving the table, just as I have gotten so used to doing. The bailing of uneasy situations, the regression, the anger, the eventual outburst of rage I mechanically came to as a kid. And I see how all my life has been circulating around getting dads approval or down right trying to be him. In latter years life is also about being what he never was, wich is the attentive super focused dad, and I lost contact with my oldest daughter completely due to todays feminism and I see his and his brothers idea of me is at least in part a really jokey one. I’m the black sheep who can never hold a job, nor a relation. I always gravitate towards debt and selling my stuff in a haste to keep my shit together. I even use him for selling my cars “cause he is better at it”(muthafucka..). So whyyy the fuck do I let him affect me? Because thats what dads are supposed to do right? They are suppose to affect us in a constructive way but not in a destructive way. It just becomes hard when short time gratification and “love” wins over the long term ending of the endless perpetuation of the story about who you are. The walls can be trembling with agony but someone yells “cofee time” or “dinner is ready” and we all make an effort to forget . I had a spiritual awakening earlier this week. I turned to LSD and it worked like a charm. The day after a very thoughtful trip with a friend in a classic car at a fantastic place and a Hollywood cliché sundown I had a laughattack and a crying attack. But it wasent about the issue at hand here, only related but yes indeed related. Tomorrow I will “meditate” and persist in being strong and not let my own dad in under my skin. How that can be a sollution is tragic but at least I have now dropped before my sisters I see my childhood as a disaster even though I have believed I had a lucky one. I was not lucky and I will have to cut off this emotional chain reaction very soon. My youngest daughter is a new beginning and my life today is a new beginning. I don’t see how I can keep praying for the hurt child my dad still is. I need to pray for my grandmother, both my daughters and myself.

11 years ago

Do you think your father might agree to a guest post about his perspective on success and parenting?

My mom was a high achiever and often told me I could do whatever I chose. She was big on education. My father was more laid back and had, or expressed few expectations. I always felt supported, but rarely pressured.

I’m more driven, and probably am a little more like your father. I expect excellence from my kids, but need to not demand it. Relationship is more important than financial or career success. Feels weird typing it, but I believe it.

11 years ago

I was in my mid-twenties when I began to have what I now to refer to as an “adult-child” relationship with my parents. It was at this time that I began to relate to them as an adult, rather than a child.

My perspective of my parents changed at this time as well. I just flat out landed on the fact that my parents did the best they could. Their parenting may not have been what I wanted or needed and it was their best.

I am age 49 and can see that my parents, my dad in particular, was a product of his environment. He was a child of the depression, came from a poor family that ate a lot of cornbread and beans – when they ate at all during this time – and he achieved his dream of marrying, owning a house, and having two kids who attended college.

When I was eighteen and graduating from college, he talked me out of joining the Peace Corp. He thought that it would put me behind my peers in terms of my life-time earning potential. He focused on my lifetime earning potential, aka how many years I could work, rather that the benefits of a Peace Corp experience that were other than monetary. Early retirement was not even a concept on his radar.

It was the best he could do.

Note: several earlier posts refer to motivation. I suggest you check out the book Mindset written by Carol Dweck.

11 years ago

It’s hard to balance being critical and being supportive. Of course, you want to drive your kid to achieve more, but you need to be supportive too. It’s probably the product of the culture of the previous generation too. They are a bit more distant and want their kid to succeed financially.
For me, I’m more of a supportive parent. I don’t see myself being disappointed with my kid’s 92% on a math test. I think for our generation, we are more open minded about success and happiness.

5 years ago

I wonder is it really about motivation (this something.. )? Referring to myself I grew up without any conception of money, totally spoiled, but interestingly enough believing I was raised well in that regard because I was never or hardly ever handed money so that I had any substantial amount I could nurture. Money was solely something that was seen as a fuel, like toilet paper or any other finite resource. My friends who grew up with both the idea about how it felt to own money and how they could be invested, became sucessful economically (even though not emotionally as it seems as far as I know even tho I dont know). Not having the hunger can be plainly being misinformed and lacking the ideas and conceptions even tho the urge is there. I always wanted to be independent but in my early teens I looked at museums and farms, soldiers houses “torp” in Swedish (thorpe.. in english /Swedish names) to learn about how to farm the land and use tools to be financially independent (yes what a joke). I did’nt go door to door selling breadrolls, did’nt sell my toys, did’nt arrange a lottery and did’nt ask for fences to paint. My parents conception of money incorporated the idea that one should “get a job” and they never ever even told me about different salaries and what their own life costed in terms of devotion. They became dentists both of them and through the years my dad grew an arrogance towards his son who he never saw as good enough. Even when I can see today how I technically speaking know more about money than him, that’s nothing I share with him. I don’t see any reason for our relation to heal now in a more constructive way than my becoming free of his negativity stuck in his own childhood trauma where critique was the only tough love a son could expect.

Mr B
Mr B
11 years ago

Isn’t it going to be awkward when your father reads this?

11 years ago

This post really resonated while my parents have never been that critical, I can see fragments of my growing up in your post. I truly believe it is a cultural thing where Asian cultures and parents have very high expectations and sometimes they themselves don’t realize what they want from their kids. The funny thing is I had a 98% in algebra sophomore year in high school, and my dad asked the same thing “where is the other 2%”. The funny thing is I don’t know if anything would have changed if I had gotten the 100% because then there might have have been something else which wasn’t perfect.

But yes, this thinking is heavily culture influenced, I believe.

11 years ago

I am a strategy analyst for a fortune 50 pharmacy retailer. Ummm…no I don’t wish they were stricter. I think they were strict enough at the time. I mean they never mandated anything but it was like underlying expectations which I mostly followed. For example, I wanted to study abroad in college and they never said no, but it was very apparent that they didn’t want me to and thought it was unsafe and why would I want to go study elsewhere when I am at one of the best institutions already and so on. Like they didn’t get the whole “getting the experience” aspect and having a holistic view on life. And well, I didn’t study abroad. I really wish I had. Maybe I wasn’t convinced enough myself at that point or I would have fought for it. To be fair, they are also very liberal when it comes to south east Asian parents, but I never really pushed the envelope and I wish I had so I would know if they were truly strict or just doing what Indian society has ingrained them to do.

One thing I do wish is that while they were strict in some sense where they have expectations, they always encouraged me to do whatever I wanted but just be the best at it. I wish they had been stricter in telling me: “maybe you should choose the following career paths and those will give you the best returns and so on’; they never pushed that maybe because they didn’t know themselves since I emigrated when I was 7. I am not sure if your dad pushed you into finance/wallstreet? or was it your choosing? If so, how did you choose?

Any who, I am going off on tangents.

Paula P.
Paula P.
11 years ago

I didn’t read all the comments, but I agreed with Nate. Your father has issues with himself or his own parents that he hasn’t dealt with; you probably need one, too. (I’m a big believer in a good therapist.) My heart goes out to you.
Would you tolerate this kind of thing from a friend? Then don’t tolerate it in a parent. You’re an adult now, and you can find an adult response to his behavior.

Criticism can make us better, but the way it’s given needs to be tailored to each person – adult or child.

11 years ago

Somehow I came to this post and feel sooo related to me, though I didn’t visit your website before. I totally understand your feeling. Thanks for your post and the following discussion. what i have is another similar but different situation: I’m from a family that my parents are always nice and supportive, while my husband’s from a family where both of his parents like your dad. Then here comes the conflicts, while i want my husband’s support so badly when something goes wrong (sometimes its my fault.)or i feel down. He will be just be as critical as his parents, saying “See,I’ve told you before…”althouth i know what he say is more objective or right, it’s just hard to undertake when he is the one that is closest to me. i don’t know, maybe he’s just honest to point out my weakness. And i’m just thinking I maybe spoiled…

Done by Forty
Done by Forty
11 years ago

I have some of the same issues, Sam. For a long time, I felt like what I did was never good enough for my father. In the past few years, I don’t know why, something changed. I think some of our personal finance successes triggered him to be impressed, and now it’s turned around. He says he’s proud of me at least once a phone call, and it’s great.

11 years ago

I have a friend who solved this problem with his mother. One day he sat her down and said to her ‘I don’t need a Mom anymore….what I need is a friend. I would like you to become my friend.’

It took some time for her to get over this comment, but eventually she figured it out, and by the time he was late 30’s, she became his friend. And their relationship has been much stronger ever since, although different than before.

11 years ago

My Mom can be that way with me, though not to same extent. She isn’t critical of my brothers, and I am by far the most successful. Mom is a competitive person and one day, it dawned on me that her behavior was motivated by insecurity. Now that I realize what’s going on, I share a lot less about my successes but what feedback I do receive is positive.

Good luck!


Very personal post…thank you for sharing…I really enjoyed it. I can definitely empathize. Maybe it’s an Asian thing. My parents were “Tiger Parents” if you will. When I got a 95, they would ask me what happened to the other 5 points. When other kids got rewarded for their academic success, my parents would tell me that doing well in school is a reward in itself and that it was expected. Well that was in childhood and I guess it did instill in me a good work ethic. In adulthood, I have to say it can be tough as my parents can still be a little overbearing and critical. It is one thing when you are a child, but much worse when you are a grown married adult. Thanks for letting me vent!


Wow great memory Sam! I was unhappy about the law track at one point when I was stuck with a large amount of student loans, but my salary is somewhat higher than it would have been. (Not by that much though…but I try not to think about it). I work in government and my position involves mostly research and writing…while it can be a little tedious and dull at times, I don’t have the personality for other type of lawyer work. It fits me I guess. My parents didn’t push me onto this track, though they did say I better not major in liberal arts. I was a double major in Business Mgmt and Poly Sci. Of course, my parents are enamored by the prestige of the attorney JD, the accountant CPA, engineering license…etc…

11 years ago

I get it! I spent a lifetime trying to please a difficult Mom. About thirty years ago, I realized I couldn’t! Instead I started to please me and I am now fine with it. It takes time and effort to stop listening to the negative words.