Shutting Down For Now: Financial Samurai Is Taking A Break

Shutting Things Down For NowBack at my parents' home in Honolulu one afternoon, my father asked me, “Are you sure you're just consulting 25 hours a week? Because it sure seems like a full time job!

Of course I'm sure Dad,” I retorted. But before I knew it, the sun had already set. Another day in paradise, gone. I was working too intently on a client project to care about my niece who wanted to play at the beach or spend time with my mother who just wanted to catch up.

Time Accelerates

If you're not careful, the best days of your life will pass you by without allowing you to fully experience each moment. I'm almost 39 now, still young to a 60 year old, but almost over the hill to a 25 year old.

What about having a family, I often wonder. I'd be 60 years old when my future daughter turned 21. Would she think I'm a cool dad or a grumpy old fart who pushed her too far? Or what if I can't have a family, as one reader shares in her struggle to combat infertility? It's going to be OK, because I've always wanted to adopt.

It's been a great seven year run, but after spending so many hours every week writing content on Financial Samurai, I'm burnt out. It's just too hard to keep going with the constant pressure to write something value-added while also consulting for corporate clients and personal clients on the side. I'm not sure people realize how long it takes to write some of my posts. Give it a go yourself!

Besides having the courage to press publish three to four times a week, it's sometimes hard to read the criticism from commenters who haven't spent time getting to know me. Many just land on one of my articles from a Google search, drop a turd and leave. Every time I ask them to explain their stance or write a rebuttal post, they decline. Why bother criticizing if you aren't willing to write your own solution? Human nature.

Maybe I need to revamp my About page to deal with all the antagonists. Yeah, that's it. But will anybody really understand? No matter who you are, it's always hard to be called names or told you just got lucky when you're the only one awake at 4am working away.

I've received a flood of e-mails every day for years asking me for financial help. I try to respond to everybody, but sometimes I don't, and I feel guilty because of it. I don't want to be that uncompassionate person one reader said I was in a post about wanting financial independence badly enough. I want to help everyone who takes the time to reach out, but the scale of this site has made constant interaction unwieldy.

Saying Good-bye

After much soul searching, I've decided to wind down Financial Samurai. The expectations are just too great and I need to go on a long vacation. Maybe I'll go back to Hawaii to lie on the beach and enjoy the simplicities of life. I do love a good poke bowl. Or maybe I'll go to Paris and then to London to follow my favorite tennis players on their quest for major victories.

In 2016, I've finally achieved my $200k passive income goal which I set in 2012. I hope all of you have gained great financial progress as well during this time. There's no longer a need to try and make more money, or spend so many hours helping others as a financially independent person. Every grenade lobbed my way now only eviscerates rather than strengthens my motivation. It's time to be greedy with the time I have left.

To all the supporters who add amazing insights in the comments section, thank you! To all the readers who share Financial Samurai on their social sites or tell their friends to stop by, you're too kind. I've gained more from starting this blog than I could have ever imagined. Not a day goes by where I'm not thankful for having taken action that one fateful, financial Armageddon day back in 2009.

The things you do today may change your life for the better. And when it's all over, you'll gain satisfaction knowing that no matter what happens, you tried your very, very best.

Readers, what are some ways to combat burnout while still trying to do everything possible to succeed? If you were me, what would you do to keep on going? Is it easier to criticize than support? Why don't more people try themselves?

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8 years ago

Dear Sam,

I have truly enjoyed reading your posts. From an Asian perspective coming from Southeast Asia, the goals you have set would have wagered you a millionaire here due to differences in standard of living and currency exchange.

In the words of a Street Fighter fan: “Go home and be a family man.”

Todd Guthrie
Todd Guthrie
8 years ago

If you really do feel like shutting down and locking away the keyboard, might I humbly suggest you pass the torch on to one or more other individuals who you know and trust, who share similar values as you, so that the site can live on, even without your personal input?
I’m sure there would be at least a few worthy candidates in your regular readership, if not in your personal life.
If you do in fact decide to retire from the writer’s life, then rest assured your insightful, relevant, and unique contribution will certainly be missed!

8 years ago

I was happy to see two more subsequent posts in my Outlook RSS folder after this one. I subscribe/read a few podcasts on finance that have really provided good information. This is one of them, along with Dave Ramsey and Suze Orman. The different perspectives make you think and their different approaches provide a wealth of solid information. I also like the FinSamurai non-financial related posts and the author’s response/challenges to commenters. Just wanted to take time and say I appreciate the content from your/FamSamurai site.

8 years ago

Now that it’s confirmed as an April Fools joke, let me provide my advice. (Love the blog btw, would have been devastated if it was shutting down)

Never shut down the Financial Samurai! This is a brand you are building. You need to find a number 2 (or three) that can learn the trade from you, so that they can take over the FS brand when you do decide that enough is enough. That #2 can start earning passive income on their content, but will certainly get a big boost from your existing library that will continue to drive passive income to you. In fact if you are looking for a #2 let me know! (c;

8 years ago
Reply to  Tim

Ha! Good idea! I too would like to be the FS grasshopper!

8 years ago

We wish you every happiness. My family and I are truly grateful for everything that you have done. Thank heavens for April Fools!

8 years ago

All I can say is that it has been a great ride following you and awaiting your next blog post every few days.

I wish you luck wherever this next phase of life takes you.

8 years ago

You are a cool dude, Sam.

Spend as much time with loved ones as you can and take it easy.

Dan Goodman
Dan Goodman
8 years ago

Assuming it is not a joke, please leave the archives up. Just discovered the blog and doing my best to catch up. Enjoy the break if it is for real.

Casebook Arbitrage
Casebook Arbitrage
8 years ago

April Fools. Ha!

The Artist's Way
The Artist's Way
8 years ago

April Fool’s!

8 years ago

Say it ain’t so! Long time reader here. I love reading your posts and always enjoy the strong dose of reality with quirky humor that only you can bring. I really do hope this was/is an April Fools joke. But if not, it is a break well deserved.

8 years ago

Please say this is a joke! This is my goto blog. I think taking some time off is healthy, but please return. Maybe make yourself less accessible- don’t respond to Twitter posts and turn off the comments section for a while. But with the ups and downs of 2016 sure to come up in this crazy market we really need you!

8 years ago

Did I miss a post on your 2000k goal? When and how you didn’t share! Sam like me you work to much. Take some time to regroup but don’t give up completely. THREE quality articles a week! Wow!! Wish I could write with such clarity! When I check my mail I look for your posts first. You have written and shared a wealth of information and I think of you as my personal financial guru. Hope to see a post soon. If not the best to you and yours.

8 years ago

Congratz on reaching your goal of $200,000 in passive income. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

You deserve a nice long break from it all. There is enough informative posts on this site to help people who seek it. Come back in 6 months or so refreshed!

In the meantime, perhaps you can have a few guest writers to offer their ideas towards FI as well?

Thanks for all you’ve done.

Lu from Brooklyn
Lu from Brooklyn
8 years ago

Thank you for your hard work and time devoted to make all of us learn to be disciplined with our finance. I discovered this site half a year ago and always happy to read your articles when they show up in my inbox. Enjoy your time with family and friend.

Dr. Mom
Dr. Mom
8 years ago

If it’s real, sorry to see you go. Yours and WCI are the only sites I read consistently. I didn’t have you pegged as sensitive to bullying. Sorry I never sent positivity your way. Enjoy your time off. Renew. Refresh. Refocus. Hope you come back better for some time off. You definitely won’t regret putting family first. Best wishes!

Jef Miles
Jef Miles
8 years ago

Man either way all the best! Not sure if this is an April fools or if it’s pure coincidence however it’s been a pleasure reading :)

Cheers & looking forward to seeing you back one day soon

Mike H
Mike H
8 years ago


I am not sure if the extended break will be part of the April Fools joke or not. But it is a good post to get us thinking.

Honestly I don’t think the critics bother you. It help add to the readership and the publicity, and you know that by writing controversial posts. And you love writing too much and have too much intrinsic motivation to quit.

Enjoy Hawaii though.

Thanks for adding value to so many other people. It is most appreciated.


Tristan @ Dividendsdownunder

This is definitely an April’s Fools joke, but nice topic nonetheless. Congrats on the money!


8 years ago

I very much hope this is April fools. Love you long time ;)

8 years ago

I’m going to assume this is all legit because he didn’t scream “April Fool’s!!!!!!!” at the end.

I can attest that it takes a long time to create a blog post. And while I don’t have anywhere near the demand that Sam has, there’s still a lot of effort that goes into making one. The research, the time spent in front of a blank page with Writer’s Block, all the effort to find the right photos, proofreading, editing, so on and so forth.

But you’re absolutely right, Sam, in that you don’t want the blog to consume your life. It shouldn’t be about the money. It should be about doing what you love, and if it’s burning you out then it’s time to take a step back from things. You’ve achieved financial freedom already; you can literally do whatever you want.

But as for everyone’s comments getting to you, you’ve gotta heed your own advice from the post you made about being a professional blogger and develop/maintain thick skin. Pissing people off means that your writing is well out there. I wish someone would spread my blog posts around the Internet with the intent of showing the world how much of an A-hole I apparently am, only for the controversy to drive more traffic to my blog. Let the naysayers come! The naysayers mean that you’ve made it, Sam. Remember that.

Thank you for the time and effort you put into Financial Samurai and into helping others. Hopefully we’ll see you back in the mix soon.

ARB–Angry Retail Banker

David Devries
David Devries
8 years ago

Thank you for all you’ve done here Sam.
I have been faithfully reading all your posts and while we don’t agree on every point, I have come to highly appreciate your genuine, forthright and well-considered comments. Your blog has consistently offered me a tranquil and thoughtful contrast from the 70+ hrs/week daily grind in Silicon Valley.

If I can do you any good turn at any time, do let me know.
Dave in San Jose

gordon gekko wannabe
gordon gekko wannabe
8 years ago

you got me fooled lol.

8 years ago

I think you can tell from all the comments that people love what you write.
If the vacation is what you need, take the time you need and enjoy!
If it was an April’s fools, it was a very nicely packaged one :) and looking forward to reading you soon.


Mikey V
Mikey V
8 years ago

Sam I am like one of many on this post that have never posted before, but have quietly soaked up countless bits of information, insight, and humor, and balance over the past couple of years. Your writing has been entertaining, your topics original yet relevant, and your attitude and work ethic as inspiring as no other. If this really is it I will truly miss both you and EVERYTHING you bring to the table with this. To even call it a blog is unfair, it is a Financial BIBLE. I am one of those cliche “high student loan/low net worth” young persons that everyone always reads about, but you have still inspired me that it is NEVER too late to change your money mindset and do whatever it takes to become more financially fit. You gave me hope when I was had previously resigned myself to live a life of debt and frivolousness.

Thank you for being you and everything you have done for the FS community. I feel like even though most of us don’t know each other, and we come from so many diverse backgrounds and situations (including financial), that this site brings us together as a family. You will be sorely missed around here.