Someone Always Farts In A Crowd: Moral Hazard Is Normal

Moral hazard is the way of life. We don't like the government, but just look at the government spend trillions in stimulus to bail out America during the 2020 coronavirus pandemic?

Everybody was quietly watching the puppet show at the Asian Art Museum when I hear a “boooooooP!” What was that, I think to myself as a stench waffles in the air.  Someone must have farted!  I look around to see if I can identify the culprit.  Then I notice others looking around, with some staring right at me!

“Not me!” I silently voice with my lips as I point towards a kid rolling around on the floor in front of the stage.  “Probably the kid!” I mime again with each crease of my lips extending more exaggerated with every word.

Once the show was over I tap the kid on the shoulder and say, “Hey buddy, you got me in a lot of trouble with the adults.  The bathroom is over there!”

“Sorry sir, I was just farting.  Everybody likes to fart right?” replies the kid with a big, teethy smile.

“You're right buddy, listen to this one!” KABOOM!  I let one rip right next to him.  We laugh and go on our separate ways.


Someone always farts in a crowd, both men and women.  It's sometimes hard to hold it in, and frankly even if you unleash the beast, nobody will know it's you if you keep an oblivious face.  “Whoever smelt it delt it” was a favorite elementary school phrase because we're able to lay blame on some poor classmate.  Furthermore, any weak retort never seemed to work!


When you know  the government will bail you out of your home, why not try and borrow as much money as possible and live the life you couldn't otherwise? 

If rough times occur, just hand back over the keys and let the bank deal with the fallen asset. Meanwhile, you've enjoyed a lovely 5 years living large on someone else's dime!

Please everyone, follow the 30/30/3 rule for home buying so we never get into another financial mess.

Here is also my House Expense Guideline For Financial Freedom post for those who want to retire earlier.


The financial bailout of late has recently been punctuated by an even more ominous sign of moral hazard.  The government quietly allowed Citigroup to save billions of dollars in future taxes by changing the rules!

The Washington Post's article is somewhat confusing, but all you need to know is that Citigroup received another multi-billion bailout because the government is a shareholder and wants to claim investment success from its initial $45 billion investment.

Thankfully, the mortgage industry is now very tight in 2020+. The banks have learned their lesson from the 2008-2009 crisis!


A friend of mine is a genius at driving cars he can't afford.  He leases them.  The other day, he picked up a new Audi A5 with no money down, and a payment of $968/month.  The duration of the lease is 60 months, and he figures after the second year, he'll just tell the dealer he's got no more money and hands over the keys. 

What is the dealer going to do, repo his car?  Fine!  He has no equity in the car in the first place.  What about his credit?  Who cares, as the dealer gave him the lease with his mediocre credit rating in the first place.

Related: The 1/10th Rule For Car Buying Everyone Should Follow


Facilitator, collaborator, slacker.  There's always a slacker in a group project.  I remember being so tired after a long week that I fell asleep during a Friday night conference call.  We were strategizing about our final presentation!  Each member had their role.  I volunteered to hold the clip board and dozed off.

Do I feel bad for not carrying my weight?  A little bit, but not enough to stay awake.  In my heart, I knew that my team of go-getters would carry me towards a good grade because they felt it important to get straight A's.  Getting a “B” was good enough for me, as there is a non grade disclosure policy.


The National Health Statistics say that 34% of Americans are obese and 66% of all Americans are at least overweight. We Americans know there is universal health care reform coming, and “the rich” will be paying a disproportionate amount for this catch-all system.  If there are magical pills to pop and cheap doctors visits to extend the life of our hearts, why not keep eating to our heart's content?

Can you imagine if America had NO health care system?  We'd probably be the fittest people on earth because everybody would work out like crazy knowing that there's nothing to save them.

Related: How To Get HealthCare Subsidies As A Millionaire


Congratulations to the 300,000 teachers out there who are going to receive a $26 billion bailout by the Obama administration!  It is wonderful that Congressional Democrats came up with an emergency bill this Wed, August 11th to help teachers keep their jobs. 

Although some may argue that our system doesn't reward performance, and needs some serious overhauling.  Teachers are the lifeblood of society!  We need more teachers, even if they aren't very good, than less.

Furthermore, many of the teachers, firemen, and policemen were the loudest opponents of the financial services and automotive industry bailouts.  With them receiving bailout money themselves, maybe they'll be more accepting of others who received and who will receive bailout money.

Now that I review this post in 2020, I think teachers need to get paid more and support more by the government. Asking them to teach in person during a coronavirus pandemic is not fair. There needs to be hazard pay!

Moral Hazard Is Everyone

Confucius once said, “Wise man never play leap frog with unicorn.” In other words, he who knows the pitfalls makes informed decisions.  Americans are much smarter than the world gives us credit for.  We adeptly exploit inefficiencies to our own benefits, sometimes to the extreme.

Smart people somewhere in a boardroom are rubbing their hands together figuring out how far they can push and still get away with all the spoils.  The government will bail us out as they've demonstrated time and time again.  Just remember that when it's crowded and you need to let one rip, go for it!  You can always blame someone else and walk away.  USA!


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Updated for 2020 and beyond. Moral hazard is everywhere.

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Len Penzo
Len Penzo
14 years ago

Good post, Sam… and I agree with most everything you said. :-)

However, please explain the logic behind this comment:

“We need more teachers, even if they aren’t very good, than less.”

Why the lack of standards? Why settle for mediocrity, or worse?

If you owned a business, I bet you wouldn’t accept hiring substandard employees simply because you needed more employees. I know I wouldn’t.

I know certainly don’t want a lousy teacher educating my children. (Actually, I have had a couple lousy teachers teach my kids, and I would have rather had the school district tell me to keep my kids at home because they had a lack of qualified candidates.) :-)

I cringe every time I hear a Congressman, or American citizen say, “The bill that was passed today has some flaws, but it was the best that could be done.”

No. If the bill had obvious flaws, it shouldn’t have been passed!

My $0.02 (after taxes)

Len Penzo dot Com

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago

I’ve got one more for you:

Slight cheating on paying taxes. For the average W2’er this is not easy but for small business owners you can decide not to declare cash income and exaggerate your deductions slightly. Do it a bit and you won’t get caught- go overboard and you may risk an audit you cannot defend.

Anytime you have a system of voluntary declarations there is bound to be some leakage- just like there is one in every crowd!


15 years ago

Nice work. Man, why didn’t I think of that title and write this article… or at least my interpretation??

Well played!

…btw, the kid’s response cause me to laugh out loud… mostly because he’s right!

.-= DoYouDaveRamsey´s last blog ..Discover, You’re An Idiot =-.

15 years ago

Sorry Sam, but the one who denied it supplied it.

Kosmo @ The Casual Observer
Kosmo @ The Casual Observer
15 years ago

The ultimate moral hazard is being the beneficiary of someone’s life insurance. At a certain price point, it’s awfully tempting to whack them to expedite the release of funds.

I’m, um, kidding. Yeah, that’s it.
.-= Kosmo @ The Casual Observer´s last blog ..Kosmo’s Favorite Sports Moments =-.

15 years ago

The financial bail out, that happened globally is in my opinion a good thing up to some level. Without the bail the credit crisis would have hit us much harder!
.-= Wannabe´s last blog ..2nd day =-.

15 years ago

Very true. For years I sat out the housing market because it was so obviously over-valued, and everyone else piled in. By the time it blew up it had become so pivotal to the economic health of the nation that 0% interest rates were implemented to stop the price crashing.

So everyone farted eventually, to use your metaphor, but only a few of us suffered the blow back!

Love the Unicorn quote! ;)

15 years ago

That cow picture is awesome!

People already know they can die or go bankrupt from not taking care of themselves, but they still do it. There needs to be some type of massive shift in attitudes towards health.
.-= Cena´s last blog ..Avatar Movie Budget Cost vs. Gross Record =-.

15 years ago

@FS – Not lying, just being selective about which information to display more prominently based on common belief. I don’t think there’s a conspiracy, I think that people are ignoring a lot of information because its easy.

Bytta @151 Days Off
Bytta @151 Days Off
15 years ago

A social study class once convinces their professor that socialism is the way to go. He is a good teacher, so he proposes an experiment to prove/disprove it. The concept is everybody will get the same grade for the future tests. The grade is the class’ average grade.

On the first test, everybody gets “B”. The students who don’t study before the test are excited. On the other hand, the students who work hard for the test resent it. So they decided not to study as hard next time since they will not get the best grade anyway.
The result for the second test is “C”. And as you can imagine it grows worse; until the end of the semester, the professor has to FAIL everybody in the class.

Anyway, the reality may not be this harsh (although I think it’s a true story I read in a psychology book). Just a thought.
.-= Bytta @151 Days Off´s last blog ..Day 11: Designing Your Life with Savings Snowball =-.

14 years ago

Nice! This is a perfect example of what bad incentives can do to people, and to a society.

15 years ago

I totally agree with your comment in healthcare. I’ve heard too many stories of people gorging themselves just so they would qualify for that stomach stapling surgery. Gross. More Americans need to start taking their health more seriously. It’s good that a lot of fast food joints are offering healthier options like salads, fresh fruit, and juice, but there are too many weak willed souls who still order the hamburger and extra large coke instead. Why can’t more people realize soda is diabetes in a bottle?

15 years ago

FS – you never fail to amaze!

When you think about life, were is there not someone passing the buck(bill) to someone else for payment? When people bail on their credit cards the rest of us make up the slack. When someone steals candy from the gas station we have to make up the slack. When one person get a discount someone else has to pay extra to meet profit targets. When Obama stimulates via infrastructure spending who’s paying for the 4 guys that are watching one dig?

Crap, FS, this is depressing. Is anyone not passing the buck?

Oh yeah, the 40 or 50 PF bloggers that follow FS! Because we don’t believe there will be S.S., we don’t believe our companies will follow through with a pension, we don’t believe there will be a sustainable health care system when we get to our golden years. So we are not sleeping on our conference call of retirement planning. We are working our personally responsible arses off to make sure we can take care of ourselves.
.-= LeanLifeCoach´s last blog ..If You Lived 130 Years? =-.

15 years ago

My apologies for using the word fat as an adjective to describe people who have BMIs above 25. People who have had problems with self image and eating may seem a little defensive about sizeism to those who haven’t. So I derailed the thread. FS was the one to validly attack my main point, addressed below.

My relevant point was – the original post is incorrect in one of the moral hazards because overweight/obese people don’t get sick and die earlier or more than people with a bmi between 20-25. I know this is very hard to believe (@FS) –

Studies that disagree with our “common knowledge” don’t get any publicity. It’s a better story for the media if thinner people (society currently thinks they’re better-looking) are healthy and people who weigh more (society thinks are ugly) are unhealthy and going to die.

I would love if everyone did some weight-study research but realize this isn’t going to happen. Instead, my plea is to please use things other than being overweight/obese as negative health examples in posts.

The Genius
The Genius
15 years ago

If you read the bottom of the post, FS asks “Readers, any additional types of moral hazard examples you can provide?” You bring up smokers, drinkers, fair enough.

You really do seem overly defensive. The word “fat” is offensive and not the correct term if we are going that route. Obese people is just an example.

You’re absoultey wrong that “fat people can’t help they are fat.” Fat people are fat because they want to be fat. And if they don’t want to be fat, they won’t be. Just look at the show The Biggest Loser.

15 years ago

Snark aside, why is it so hard to choose a group of people who are _provably_ likely to be a burden on the system? The main point of the post seems tragedy-of-the-commons-esque. What about smokers and heavy drinkers, or people who don’t exercise?

I’m not “overweight” by government measurement but have had some serious eating problems in the past due to self-image issues. Thank you for asking.

The Genius
The Genius
15 years ago

@Geek It’s actually offensive that you use the word “fat.” I didn’t read anything in the article that uses the word “fat”, only you.

Are you overweight Geek, hence your super defensiveness? If so, don’t worry. Nobody knows who you are anyway. Don’t think the articles uses obese people as scategoats at all.

You’re right, “fat people can’t help they are fat” and it’s all someone elses fault. lol.

15 years ago

, @genius

The scientists aren’t wrong, the media’s reporting is wrong. If fat people just died really young, then health care for them would be pretty cheap, all things considered, and we would encourage people to get fat so there would be more resources for the rest of us when they died off. Exercise and nutrition I’m on your side, but fat has very little do with it. Most dieters gain back the weight. quick post on a blog i read on this:
I suppose fat people could be more expensive when they’re old, since fat will help you live through chemo/radiation therapy as you lose massive amounts of weight. In which case, yes, fat people are more expensive for the system.

It’s offensive to use fat people as health-care-system scapegoats – most people can’t help it if they’re fat (a vast majority of diets and diet+exercise programs don’t work). Use smokers instead, or people who don’t get yearly checkups and thus let problems go until they’re much more expensive to fix.

David @ MBA briefs
David @ MBA briefs
15 years ago

This was a great idea for an article, and funny lead in. I’ve been silently fuming about a lot of the stuff you touched on, bank bail outs, mortgage bail outs, Cash for Clunkers, and now health care bail outs. This is the bailing-est administration we could ever wish for.

Thanks for the compliment, and I hope I’m pulling my weight with the fund (even though ABM isn’t).
.-= David @ MBA briefs´s last blog ..The definition of FAILURE =-.

15 years ago

example of a moral hazard:

A guy I knew in college was graduating and at the end of his last semester went on a huge shopping spree buying all kinds of lavish gifts for his family on credit. He was an international student who was going back home – so he had no intention of paying his credit card balance, and joked about how he was going to “screw the system”. As far as I know, he never had any repurcussions.
.-= thriftygal´s last blog ..Fickle Alliances =-.

15 years ago

Until you can win office on your actual stance on issues over the size of your war chest and the lies you are willing to tell about your opponent and how many major corporations you have in your pocket, this is the silly stuff we will deal with in government. Oh did I mention redistricting? Another winner.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..New Car or Used Car: Eco-Friendly Or Not? =-.

The Genius
The Genius
15 years ago

@Geek You’re right. Santa Claus has been alive forever!
.-= The Genius´s last blog ..W&M Dining Services to compost food waste =-.

15 years ago

I agree with Jason on health care issue. It’s more of an issue about priorities than access.
.-= Matt´s last blog ..Artificial Intelligence, Chess, and the Stock Market =-.