State Budget Problems Are Going To Screw Us All

If you haven't heard, the United States of America is having some serious state budget problems! It's estimated that 44 out of 50 states will have a budget shortfall for fiscal year 2012, which starts on July 1, 2011.

The largest absolute dollar offender is my home state of California, with a $25.4 BILLION shortfall. That accounts for a whopping 29.3% of the state's 2011 budget!

Everything is relative though. And there are three states more screwed than California based on a deficit as a percentage of 2011 budget. Nevada at 42%, New Jersey at 37.4%, and surprisingly Texas at 31.5%. The overall US shortfall is $112 billion dollars, accounting for 17.6% of 2012's overall budget. Talk about some serious state budget problems.

* In order to pay for President Obama's $450 billion Jobs Act Bill, he has proposed removing the muni bond tax exemption benefit for those above the 28% marginal tax rate (~$200,000 for singles).  Given those in the 33% and 35% tax brackets invest the most in muni bonds, there will be a huge sell-off, and a resultant rise in borrowing costs for State governments.  This will lead to more budget shortfalls due to higher expenses, and less local construction.  As a result, MORE jobs will be lost or never to be re-created!

Taking advantage of State level governments to pay for a Federal Jobs Bill is very astute.  The more States get crushed, the more dependents and voters will be created for the Crusher. 

No Pleasant Solution To State Budget Problems

We've heard the alarms ring loudly by many prominent analysts in 2010 that 2011 is the year of reckoning for states. You've seen muni bonds sell off in 1Q11 as a result. Yet, it's so funny to see how strong the economy and stock markets are. In reality, nobody really cares about such massive budget deficits. If they did, they wouldn't be buying up stocks like crazy.

The solution to balancing our state budget problems is quite clear: 1) cut spending and 2) raise taxes. No politician wants to be the one to do either, which is how we got here in the first place. I proposed several months ago to introduce a Renter's Tax to raise money from all Americans, and not just homeowners. 

Many of you shot the proposal down, presumably because most of you are renters and think part of your rent goes to pay for property tax. Maybe, but all one has to do is compare the absolute amount of state taxes you pay vs. the homeowner and you will see a huge difference. Tell me, how does a homeowner raise the rent to pay for his/her property taxes when most homeowners live in their own homes?

Is it so bad that all citizens pitch in to pay for public services equally? I don't think so. The Renter's Tax is a great example of how we are all fooked on a larger scale. We all demand access and benefits the government provides, but we don't all want to pay for it the same. 

Let the “rich”, who consume the least amount of public resources pay for it instead. Brilliant! I'm sure a Renter's Tax proposal would anger a lot of people, and guess what? That's THE POINT! Everybody thinks they pay their fair share already, and nobody wants to pay more. It takes sacrifice people.

What people don't understand is that if the most indebted states announce fiscal emergencies or bankruptcies, we are ALL going to pay, not just the wealthy who pay most of the taxes. The stock market will implode. Muni bonds will implode. Companies will start firing people and taxes will go up anyway!

Take The Medicine Now, But Maybe Not!

If you like big government, just look at how well supposedly smart politicians have done in balancing their own budgets. Why anybody would entrust a stranger to overspend their money is beyond me.

There is another solution though, and it is a very easy one. All states have to do is play a game of chicken until the Federal Government can't take the pain anymore. 

No stage is bigger than the Presidential stage in Washington DC, and he and his buddies Timothy and Benny will have NO CHOICE but to bail out the most indebted states! We've seen it happen in Europe with Greece and Ireland, whose economies are smaller than California's. Surely, we will see it happen again in America.

The Moral Hazard Of America is alive and well. Let's watch it play out again in 2011.

Further Reading

Readers, how do you feel about the state budget problems? Do you think we are screwed? Or, do you think the problem is overblown?

Why do you think President Obama wants to crush local State governments? Do you think it's a way to make people more dependent on Federal Government?



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Dividend Monk
Dividend Monk
13 years ago

Reagan tried the proposition that a deficit is ok and you can grow your way out of it. Our debt really began accumulating in 1980. Cutting regulation is rather broad; I’m sure some regulations need to go while others are there for a very good reason. Repealing the Glass-Steagall act, for instance, may have played a role in the wall street bailouts that occurred.

A lot of growth over the past few decades has been a result of debt. Federal debt has accumulated, which has allowed people to spend where they would otherwise not have been able to. Personal savings rates dropped, and personal debts increased, which fueled spending and growth. Our trade deficit has increased dramatically; we’re sending cash flows to other countries. State debts, as per the article, have increased as well.

The best people can do is contact their elected officials, voice their opinions and concerns, , vote intelligently, and save and invest diligently to have more flexibility with harsh economic conditions and not-so-fun global deficit and debt reduction.

My University Money
13 years ago

Agree about 90%!

13 years ago

I agree with what you say. I am also worried about our senior citizens. Who’s gonna take care of them when Medicade and Medicare are cut. The government is screwing them and should be ashamed!

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
13 years ago

I agree with this comment (or is it really an article in itself)!

However, getting others to all at once agree to give up their free handouts is an entirely different story. Unfortunately (and fortunately), in a democracy the politicians elected are those with popular ideas, and cutting entitlements isn’t going to go far… The best a politician can do is attack one entitlement at a time. To get the rest of the entitlements, it would take years and years. And to overhaul the entire tax system… well, good luck. I agree, but people in general are resistance to change, and apparently President Obama’s change isn’t to cut entitlements and trying to make the economy fiscally functional.

It’s a shame huh…

13 years ago


I live in Michigan, so I definitely agree with you…but I try to remain optimistic. Im a Democrat at heart, but we recently elected a Republican as governor,and I truly believe he is doing what’s right for the state. He is eliminating a confusing tax structure filled with arbitrary credits. Basically he is simplifying our tax structure and making it fair for more people.

It’s no secret the trouble Detroit is in, they are closing half of their public schools and reopening them as charter schools. They consistently face a shortfall in the budget as well.

Im hoping 2011 is our first step in balancing the budget and returning to some level of prosperity.

The Genius
The Genius
13 years ago

Well done pointing out the problem of our system. Nobody wants to pay more than they have to. You’d think that if one group of people are already paying the most in taxes, that you’d want to spread the tax burden around a bit since there are so many who pay little to nothing. Oh well.

Little House
13 years ago

California is in deep trouble for various reasons. But instead of focusing on a renter’s tax (preposterous in my opinion and yes I’m a renter), they should revise Prop 13. That proposition limited property tax to 1.5% of the sale of the property over 33 years ago -we are the largest state with the lowest property tax income. This has been one serious reasons CA is in the state it is in. Then, if landlords want to raise rents due to their higher prop. tax, then so be it. Obviously, there are some hole in the CA budget as well that need to be plugged up, but I’m not holding my breath.

Matt Wegner @ Financial Excellence
Matt Wegner @ Financial Excellence
13 years ago

Sam, that’s a good point but the key is your last sentence : “if one chooses right.” There are far too many people taking on massive student loan debt for degrees that aren’t paying enough to cover their debt. I agree with JT – government has been encouraging people to take o higher education at any cost, only to go bankrupt later when they don’t make enough. It’s the blind acceptance of student loans and other debt without thinking through the options that bothers me.

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
13 years ago

just sell some of the states to the French….or Germans…

on a serious note, let the problem fix itself . . . let US collectively work to get out of it. just like the bailout debate, to bail or not to bail? let the states figure it out. there are some smart brains in this country (i’d like to think). shame on US if we can’t figure out a way.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
13 years ago

Wow, a contrarian post fro you Sam; you’re always citing how great the economy is and no looking back! Yeah, eventually these problems will come home to roost, but with such a large resilient economy, the US can play this game for some time. It WILL screw us all eventually, but it may not be any time soon. Most in this generation either don’t care or figure the next generation will get screwed so get while the gettin’s good.

A comments on your post –

Plenty of Republicans are all for cutting spending. But that’s not popular if it touches anyone’s sacred cows, like unions. (witness New Jersey, Wisconsin, etc.).

Next – this is a paradox but may well continue “In reality, nobody really cares about such massive budget deficits. If they did, they wouldn’t be buying up stocks like crazy.”

The reason equities are rallying while federal and state budgets are a mess is that corporate profits are at all time highs. The balance sheets of large caps are immaculate. They’re partyin’ like it’s 1999 – but this time, they’re actually profitable and have little debt. So, stocks look good; sovereigns look bad.

Where we all get screwed – is when market loses faith in the our ability to pay, interest rates spike and we hit hyperinflation. We can only print so much until the paper it’s printed on doesn’t mean much.

13 years ago

Yikes. I didn’t realize that many states are in trouble too. California is a disaster. I feel so bad for my friend who’s a teacher. The state is always cutting school funding. A few years ago my friend and all her colleagues were pink slipped and even though they were hired back after a break, they all lost their initial hire dates (greater than 5 years for many of them). So tenure for teachers doesn’t do much in CA anymore. There really is no good solution to balancing the state’s budget though. There will be more and more cut backs and we’ll still end up paying more taxes.

13 years ago

What do you think about legalizing pot and prostitution – but having a very high sin tax?

My University Money
13 years ago

You would save money on the back end too because law enforcement wouldn’t have to spend so much of their resources (not to mention the courts) enforcing useless laws that everyone ignores anyway. I would never use these services/products, but I find it ridiculous that we continue to give the proceeds of the industry to biker gangs instead of budgets (see what happened with prohibition).

Arthur Garcia
Arthur Garcia
13 years ago


Great article, but you left out one other option for getting out of this debt situation. In addition to raising taxes and cutting spending the Fed can just INFLATE the debt away. If you beat up the dollar enough you can maintain fiscal obligations and still keep the wheels moving.

Even if the government raised taxes and cut spending, it simply isn’t enough. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Fed gave a bailout to CA eventually. I am a firm believer that the only way to truly protect your wealth is to secure it with fix interest rate debt (30 yr mortgages). Think about a 5% interest over 30 years…if I am right about the coming inflation (which is already starting to appear in gas, gold, etc) you’ll pay back the money owed with cheaper dollars.

The government can’t cut spending – too much political pressure – raising taxes and inflation – good bye dollar!!

Roger, the Amateur Financier

Sam, an interesting post, as always. Coming from one of the states that took the longest to get their budget squared away last year (Pennsylvania, that is), I know that state budgets can cause their share of problems. That said, I’m fairly optimistic that we’re not at the end of the road yet, and I hope that our elected officials will look seriously at the budgets of the states (and the federal government, while we’re on the subject) and make some of the hard decisions needed to get us back on a more sure footing. (There’s nothing like a shortfall to make you have to seriously re-evaluate your budgets, and to the best of my knowledge, every state but Vermont is required to (a) have a balanced budget and (b) not default on their debt, so I’m pretty sure things will work out.) It might be painful, particularly in the short run, but I think we’ll be better off for it.

13 years ago

This has been going on for several years in California. Do I expect the politicians will actually do something to solve the problem? No! That takes vision and political will to actually solve the problem. Brown is trying to negotiate with the Republicans for a special election of extending the temporary tax increases and is getting nowhere. Circa 1978, Prop 13 was supposed to tell the government to spend less, instead they continue to increase spending. Whether it is a renter’s tax or something else, if they do not correct the underlying problem, we be here again. The “Governator ” was in a similar spot for 8 years.

Jeff @ Sustainable life blog

My state is one of the 4 with no budget problems – in fact, I believe we will be running a rather large surplus! Running the surplus with no personal income tax, even!
Budget problems are very easy to fix – all it takes is the brass to make tough decisions. If you’re anybody, you’ve got 2 ways out of debt (or to close a deficit) – spend less or earn more. No one wants to raise taxes (earn more) because if they want to, they will lose their jobs – no one wants to spend less, because they are busy trading favors.
Even though growing out of it can work – it wont solve the problem. Many of the deficits are structural, meaning they are spending more than they are taking in during good times AND bad, and those require additional revenue and cuts.
There is simply no two ways about it, and it’s amazing that no one realizes it (or wants to do anything about it)

david M
david M
13 years ago

For example? Say you were a govenor or state senator or represenstative what would you propose/change?

Kevin @

I hate to beat a dead horse, but renters are already paying taxes when their landlords raise their rent to pay for the property tax.

Kevin @

They don’t. When you live in the home, you pay your own taxes. When you rent the home out, you pass along the taxes to the renter. That way, whoever is living in the house is the one paying the taxes. No need for a renter tax.

david M
david M
13 years ago


I agree with you – I think we are screwed. The numbers you have are probably understated. They probably do not include the unfunded pension and insurance liability for retired State employees – that is going to get worse and worse every year.

Regarding the renters not paying taxes – I look at it that part of their monthly rent is going towards paying the real estate taxes on what they are renting.

“Smart Politicians” – those are few and far between – no?

I have a question – how could this possibly happen, I thought all State constitutions require a balanced budget every year? (I no part of the answer – they balance the budget with smoke and mirrors and/or by borrowing money.)

Thanks for blogging about this very important topic that is not getting the news coverage it deserves.
