The $300 Million Dollar “A” Yacht Owned By A Russian Billionaire

Well, well, well.  Not everyday does a $300 million dollar mega yacht stop by the San Francisco Bay Area!  The creatively named “A” yacht is owned by 38 year old Russian billionaire Andrey Melnichenko and his lovely supermodel wife Aleksandra!  Andrey made his money in fertilizer, banking, and energy and is worth a reported $4.4 billion dollars.  Interest alone on $4.4 billion at 4% is over $178 million a year!

The “A” looks like something out of a James Bond movie.  Can you imagine all the crazy parties on this bad boy?  Wow!  I rode my bike to the very north end of San Francisco to take a look and boy oh boy is it big.

Some nice mouth watering yacht stats for all you billionaire wannabes out there!

* 25,000 square feet of total living space

* 2,500 square foot master bedroom suite

* 160 foot long main hallway

* 62 feet wide

* 6 cabins in addition to the owner's master bedroom suite

* 3 speed boats

* 3 mini swimming pools

* A crew of 37 and staff of 5

* Can outrun pirates (or the Russian IRS) with a top speed of 24 knots

* Costs $500,000 to fill up the tank of gas

* Costs $20 million a year to operate

* A secret escape pod to outrun the pirates or the Russian IRS

* A secret “nookie” room for indiscretions with other super models


Some people might say this $300 million yacht is an absolute monstrosity and that $300 million could have been spent helping save the world.  Yes, Andrey could have spent the $300 million on someone else, but shouldn't he have the right to occasionally indulge?  Andrey already donates millions of dollars a year to charity and he's living the dream because he can.

I used to drive to the toniest of neighborhoods in San Francisco and walk around the neighborhood just admiring the mansions.  Whenever I felt down and out, these mansions would pick me up.  If you happen to be in San Francisco, tell the cab driver to drop you off at Broadway St. and Lyon.  Bring your running shoes too as you'll arrive at one of San Francisco's most popular workout routine.

The street is littered with $25-50 million houses and I just gawk in amazement.  Do I envy these mega millionaires?  Not at all.  They give me inspiration to work harder and make it on my own.


I don't know about you, but if I was worth $4.4 billion dollars I'd happily own this mega yacht as well.  Furthermore, I'd probably own 20 different properties around the world where I'd sail to for 6 months of the year.  Of course, for the other 6 months of the year I'd be building my online blogging endeavors so I can diversify my income stream (I kid)!

Oh yeah, I forgot one thing.  If I were a billionaire and owned this mega yacht, I'd immediately fly over all the members of The Yakezie Network and party it up all weekend long!  OK, all month long!

Readers, if you were a billionaire, what kind of indulgences would you splurge on?  What are some of the things the rich do to inspire you?  To look at more pictures of the “A” yacht, check out the WSJ's feature!


Sam @ Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money’s Mysteries”

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5 years ago

Any chance you can provide analysis with regard to someone that wants to buy a $1.5 M yacht?


Paul Fund
Paul Fund
10 years ago

The man earned it. Let him be. The rule is that if you earned the money, you should have the right to spend it as you wish…I wish I can afford that kind of luxury…

14 years ago

Owning a luxury yacht no matter how capacious it might be is a privilege that a few people can afford. If you worked hard for the money that’s financing the purchase then I don’t see why you cannot splurge.

Beth Oleander Epstein
Beth Oleander Epstein
14 years ago

Owning multiple homes is a headache you DO NOT want.

Owning a well-buillt home is nice. I didn’t find it necessary to spend over $20million, and it would have been one quarter of that had I not built in Maui.

Owning a capacious yacht is… nice, but some people do go overboard. (Pun intended.)

The trust fund comment is the best way to ensure what you want to give keeps on giving long after you are dust, but if your investment return is only four percent then you need a new consultant – NOW.

Cheers! – Oleander

Iretipaul@personal development blog
Iretipaul@personal development blog
14 years ago

Cool yatch. If i have that kind of money, i’ll get myself a Jet to travel the world and ease my business trips. I’ll also drive say a maybach (my dream ride).

14 years ago

Nice boat :-) .. although I must say the yachts at are beyond luxury .. and priced accordingly.

14 years ago

you are one shallow guy and will never be satisfied in life. lets you get $10mil, then you want $100 mil, then you want $1bil, then $2bil, and so on and so on.

how old are you? still haven’t figured it out?

14 years ago

Yes, enjoy the fruits of your labor. But be generous and give a lot away. The best way to get more of something is to give it away freely (e.g. love, wisdom, money, etc.).

14 years ago

cool post! I love reading about what the ultra wealthy spend their money on!

If i were a billionaire… hmm… Well, I’d prolly try to use a lot of that money for good. I feel like if more ultra wealthy individuals where to investigate, truly look deeper into different parts poor and impoverished areas, they would be able to find so many ways to help them, with a lot less money than one might thing. For instance, supplying every public school in the inner city with actual computer for children to learn on. I remember I used a computer in elementary school ages ago, and yet I was in a public, inner city school a few months back delivering them free computers from my company because they had none. yes, none. What a world we live in!

AND I’d play tennis, wake board, surf, and go 4 wheelin alllll day:)

Penny Frugalista
Penny Frugalista
14 years ago

If I were a billionaire (although I’d be happy with multimillionaire, too!), I’d buy a home in Hawaii that had its own private beach! And I’d also purchase a larger home for myself and my family, but not as big as the mansion featured in this post! I’d love to do the interior design on a mansion — that could be a full-time job in and of itself.

14 years ago

wow. It’s hard to imagine what kind of life that guy lives. I think I’d get home sick being on a yacht for so many days but it would be fun to sail around the world! The design of the yacht reminds me of the Nautilus in the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago

An old colleague who was ex-army told me:

“Hey college boy, remember this: If it floats, flies, or f***ks, then rent… don’t buy!”

8% upkeep a year on an asset is a terrible investment- it’s the opposite of the rosy stock market predictions of 8% gains a year… the only faster way to destroy wealth is getting divorced on that yacht.


Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Roshawn @ Watson Inc
14 years ago

This will not sound like your typical indulgence. However, if I was a billionaire, I would purchase a big production company

14 years ago

Thats a huge boat. You know something just happened to fall into that guys lap to get a boat that big. Some day things will be different for most of us if we change things on a personal and financial level.

14 years ago

How far can he go on one tank of gas?

Craig Gonzales
Craig Gonzales
14 years ago

Hi Sam,

Great post! This reminds me of my college experience (not the yacht, the inspiration!).

I come from a low-income background (mom is a school nurse and dad is on medical “retirement”), but had strong grades and got accepted to a private, expensive, liberal arts school. I wanted to save the world, but I was surrounded by oil kids and telco kids. (It’s texas, after all!) Some of my other normie friends, the non-rich, continuously hated on the rich kids. They would complain about the bmw’s, the ferrari’s, and the two-story fancy frat houses that daddy paid for. But I didn’t. I saw what my friends had, and I realized that I could give my kids all that my friends’ parents gave them. I realized that I could have this life if I worked smart and got a little bit lucky.

The lives they lived inspired me.

Now I travel, make money, and love my life. Those normie friends that complained still complain about their lot in life, still live in poor neighborhoods, and still work at tiny companies making 15$ / hour. They accepted the life they were born in to, while I was inspired to earn the life I deserved.

When i am a billionaire, I will splurge on condos throughout the world. Im lazy to clean and cheap to pay staff, so Ill get condos to have a place to stay throughout the world. Capital cities and such. In addition, i’d want a really nice sound system for my house and a pool.


14 years ago

I can’t imagine. Even the master bedroom is bigger than my home + my mom’s home. Ridiculous.

I wouldn’t want any of that if I had that much money. I’d want nicer things than I have now, but not that extravagant.

Bucksome Boomer
Bucksome Boomer
14 years ago

I was thinking the same as Rob. That master bedroom is 50% bigger than my entire home.

Although I would love to party on the yacht with the rest of the Yakezie, I wouldn’t want this yacht or a $50 million home if I had that option. i would want to live more modestly (although upscale) and give a little more to others.

Rob Ward
Rob Ward
14 years ago

Wow that is insane. The master bedroom alone is almost three times as big as my house! But, of course that is what $300 million can buy you.

As for my indulgences, I don’t think I would have a yacht. But I would definitely have a plane (or two or three…I’m kind of obsessed with flying).

Rob Ward
Rob Ward
14 years ago

Just remember that you are safer in a plane than a car.

14 years ago

@ Investor Junkie

If I’m not mistaken, I believe that house is author Danielle Steel’s mansion in Pacific Heights which can be found here:,-95.677068&sspn=41.496446,93.076172&ie=UTF8&geocode=FZisQAIdreez-A&split=0

Washington/Octavia in Pacific Heights, SF

14 years ago

That yacht looks like it’s half submarine. All set to take a dive from the Russian IRS.

Well, if I had a ton of dough at the moment I would probably spend it on traveling. I’d go back to Africa for a long long safari. Then I’d hit Egypt. My favorite art is Egyptian so I’d check that out up and down the Nile. Then off to China to see that great terracotta army of the Qin Dynasty ruler Shihuangdi. I saw a few of those statues at the Met and they were amazingly powerful. With billions left after that I’m sure I’ll think of something interesting to do…

Khaleef @ KNS Financial
Khaleef @ KNS Financial
14 years ago

I honestly have no idea what I would buy. I know who I would want to help out, but I can’t think of anything outlandish that I would buy. That’s not to say that I wouldn’t, but maybe I need to have a bit of that cash before my imagination gets going ;-)

Khaleef @ KNS Financial
Khaleef @ KNS Financial
14 years ago

A flemish rabbit? Hahaha!

I know it sounds weird, but I really can’t think of anything. My house would probably have 5 bedrooms, tops!

I’ve just never been attracted to anything like that, but as I said, my imagination might get sparked by getting that type of money!

Money Funk
14 years ago

LOL. thanks for including the Yakezie members to party it up! BTW, there is a beautiful yacht named Mercedes that is located in the Newport harbor that I would dearly love to own! ;)

14 years ago


I’m a bit shy of the Billionaire status but I formally announce the opening of the Yakezie mega year long Los Angeles party. Anyone in LA call me up and we’ll party down anytime. Who needs fertilizer? We got Yakezie.

Minority Fortune
14 years ago

Hmmm. We’d have to say that we’d build an Oprah Winfrey-like school in one or several impoverished area where girls face many learning adversities. We’d also build a series of linked orphanages around the world. After reaching certain philanthropy landmarks, we would consider buying a private island.