The Best City In The World To Make Money: San Francisco

If you want to get rich you need to go where the highest paying jobs are. The highest paying jobs come from the fastest growing, economically strongest companies. The best city in the world to make money is San Francisco hands down.

Getting rich, like dating, is a numbers game. If you're in a room with 80 millionaires and 20 non-millionaires, you've got a better chance at meeting a millionaire than if you were in a room where the ratio was reversed.

According to a Deutsche Bank study of over 50 cities in the world, San Francisco is the #1 city to make money. Since 2018, average salaries in San Francisco have risen by 31% and by 88% since 2014.

Damn, since I live in San Francisco, I really should have kept working instead of retiring in 2012. I could have been so rich! Alas, there's always the next life to fix my current mistakes.

San Francisco Bay Area Has The Big Tech Companies And AI

With company giants, such as Facebook, Google, Apple, Uber, and Salesforce, all paying healthy six-figure salaries on average, it should come to no surprise that San Francisco is #1.

In 2019, people in San Francisco can expect to be paid an average of $6,526 per month or $78,312 a year. Put two of these people together and you've got a healthy $156,624 a year in combined income. If you want to make over $20,000 a month, consider being a public transit janitor or a city government employee.

New York residents, on the other hand, make 29% less than San Francisco residents at only $4,612 a month. However, comparing New York to San Francisco is a little misleading given NYC has a 10X larger population. Comparing San Francisco to Manhattan is more apples-to-apples.

Let's take a look at the rest of the cities on the top 10 highest paying cities list. See if you can guess which other cities are on the list before proceeding.

The 10 Highest Paying Cities

  1. San Francisco, U.S.
    Monthly salary: $6,526
  2. Zurich, Switzerland
    Monthly salary: $5,896
  3. New York, U.S.
    Monthly salary: $4,612
  4. Boston, U.S.
    Monthly salary: $4,288
  5. Chicago, U.S.
    Monthly salary: $4,062
  6. Sydney, Australia
    Monthly salary: $3,599
  7. Oslo, Norway
    Monthly salary: $3,246
  8. Copenhagen, Denmark
    Monthly salary: $3,190
  9. Melbourne, Australia
    Monthly salary: $3,181
  10. London, U.K.
    Monthly salary: $2,956

The biggest surprise on this list is Chicago at #5. With terrible weather for half the year, bad local government, high state income and property taxes, and one of the highest murder rates in the country, I would have thought Chicago would be outside the top 25 for sure.

But there is a huge silver lining for Chicago residents: great value.

The median property price in Chicago is only $226,400 compared to ~$1.7 million in San Francisco. Yet pay in San Francisco at $6,526 is only 50% higher than pay in Chicago. If you can withstand all the negatives of Chicago, Chicago is a great place to make your fortune.

It's no surprise London is on the top 10 list. But I am surprised London is 10th and not higher. According to the Deutsche Bank study, income for London residents was 13% lower partially due to the ongoing Brexit debacle.

I've been to London several times, and each time I go I'm amazed by how much more expensive London is than San Francisco and New York City.

The cities with the highest salaries in the world

Cities With The Highest Monthly Rent

  1. Hong Kong
    Monthly rent for average 2-bedroom apartment: $3,685
  2. San Francisco, U.S.
    Monthly rent for average 2-bedroom apartment: $3,631
  3. New York, U.S.
    Monthly rent for average 2-bedroom apartment: $2,909
  4. Zurich, Switzerland
    Monthly rent for average 2-bedroom apartment: $2,538
  5. Paris, France
    Monthly rent for average 2-bedroom apartment: $2,455

Everybody likes to complain that San Francisco rent is too damn high. But people who complain forget the other side of the equation: income.

Hong Kong Is A Tough Place To Live

The worst combination is when residents live in a city with high rent and low income. Hong Kong fits this bill perfectly. The social unrest there is becoming untenable.

I've been to Hong Kong over 20 times for work and it is congested, hot, and polluted. Average earnings for Hong Kong residents came in under $2,500 according to the Deutsche Bank analysis, but rent costs were $3,685.

Think about this for a bit. The average rent for a two-bedroom apartment is 47.4% higher than the average salary in Hong Kong. How is it even possible to live and start a family?

The only solution is to live with your parents or live in a one-bedroom or studio apartment. Certainly don’t have kids.

Below is an example of a “nano-apartment” measured at 128 square feet. The average cost of an apartment is roughly $3,000/sqft. Therefore, expect to pay over $300,000 for this apartment below. You're basically in a capsule!

The second poorest value city is Paris, given it is in the top 5 highest rent cities in the world but not in the top 10 highest paying cities in the world. Paris didn't feel nearly as expensive as London when I visited several times.

Cities With The Highest Disposable Incomes

Deutsche Bank calculates disposable income as income left over after paying rent. The highest disposable income list is what matters most. At the end of the day, it's what you keep and not what you earn.

  1. San Francisco, U.S.
    Disposable income after rent: $4,710
  2. Zurich, Switzerland
    Disposable income after rent: $4,626
  3. Chicago, U.S.
    Disposable income after rent: $3,298
  4. Boston, U.S.
    Disposable income after rent: $3,188
  5. New York City, U.S.
    Disposable income after rent: $3,157
  6. Sydney, Australia
    Disposable income after rent: $2,615
  7. Melbourne, Australia
    Disposable income after rent: $2,485
  8. Oslo, Norway
    Disposable income after rent: $2,342
  9. Copenhagen, Denmark
    Disposable income after rent: $2,285
  10. Wellington, New Zealand
    Disposable income after rent: $2,075

The analysis assumed two working people were sharing a two-bedroom apartment, and calculated disposable income by working out the difference between average monthly earnings and half the cost of renting a two-bedroom apartment.

San Francisco Is The City With The Highest Disposable Income

San Francisco comes out on top with disposable income after rent at $4,710, which is a whopping 100% more than Oslo, Copenhagen, and Wellington, and 49% more than New Yorkers were expected to have leftover.

Median pay for San Francisco Bay Area Companies

Being #1 on the disposable income list is the reason why I believe San Francisco is also the cheapest international city in the world. Prices tend to converge among international cities. Therefore, I'm also a long-term bull on San Francisco real estate.

I'd be buying real estate on the west side of San Francisco. The west side of San Francisco is booming due to schools opening, work from home, more affordable prices, and the UCSF Parnassus $4+ billion remodel.

In addition, I would be investing in private artificial intelligence companies through an open-ended fund like the Fundrise Innovation Fund. Artificial intelligence is set to revolution the world. And if it doesn't, at least you're hedged and your children's jobs will remain intact.

Hottest Job Markets To Make Money And Get Promoted

Now that you know the best occupations to make money and retire early, below are the hottest job markets in America. Work in one of the best occupations in one of the hottest job markets and you could achieve financial freedom well before your peers!

Best job markets in America 2024

Make Your Money, Then Move

San Francisco Is The #1 City In The World To Make Money

If you want to get rich, you should probably come to a city like San Francisco. Yes, the cost of living is high, but you will get paid accordingly.

It's not like Hong Kong or Vancouver, where you have to pay crazy high real estate prices, yet get paid way below what a commensurate income level should be to support such high real estate prices.

Like every city, each has its problems. San Francisco has a traffic problem, a homeless problem, and a cost of living problem for those who do not make the average wage.

But overall, if you are a capitalist, San Francisco is clearly the #1 city for opportunity. Further, San Francisco is diverse, accepting, and has comfortable weather all year. I've lived here since 2001 and give the city a thumbs up for fortune hunters.

Work In Big Expensive Cities To Get Richer

If you don't want to come to San Francisco, that's fine. Go to New York, the best city in America for six months of the year. If neither of these cities appeal to you, make your money in one of the other highest paying cities in the world. As you do, save aggressively, invest wisely, and leave once you've had enough.

We're planning on relocating to Honolulu once our boy is eligible for kindergarten. The average wage in Honolulu is much lower, but it doesn't matter because we're not working day jobs anymore.

Americans don't know how truly great our living arrangements really are until we live abroad. Let's appreciate all that our magnificent country has to offer!

Invest In AI And Private Growth Companies

Today, one of the things I stress about is whether artificial intelligence will take away my kids' future jobs. The world is already ultra competitive thanks to globalization and technological advancements. Now AI has the potential to wipe away millions of jobs in 20 years.

Because I care for my kids, I've come up with a solution. I am actively investing in private and public AI-related companies as a hedge. If AI does revolutionize the world over the next 20 years, then my AI investments have a high likelihood of making a positive return. If not, then my kids will at least have decent jobs after so many years of education.

I recommend checking out the Innovation Fund, an open-ended venture capital fund that invests in AI companies and only has a $10 minimum. Specifically, the fund invests in the following five sectors:

  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  • Modern Data Infrastructure
  • Development Operations (DevOps)
  • Financial Technology (FinTech)
  • Real Estate & Property Technology (PropTech)

Roughly 35% of the Innovation Fund is invested in artificial intelligence, which I'm bullish about. After my kids are out of the house, I don't want them asking me why I didn't work in AI or invest in AI near the beginning! 

Most venture capital funds have a $100,000+ minimum if you can get to invest in the first place. The InnovationFund only has a $10 minimum and you get to see what the fund is invest in first before deciding on how much to invest. Fundrise is a sponsor of Financial Samurai and Financial Samurai is an investor in Fundrise. 

Related posts:

Housing Expense Guideline For Reaching Financial Independence

The Best Area To Buy Property In San Francisco

The People Who Make Over $1 Million A Year

Readers, if people want to get rich, why wouldn't they relocate to one of the highest paying cities in the world? How is your city for money-making opportunities? What do you think is the best city in the world besides San Francisco?

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5 years ago

Better yet: Move to San Francisco, get a $$ job, then negotiate to work remotely and move to someplace like Salt Lake City for the geographic arbitrage!

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

I also cannot understand why a place that has all the technological powerhouses are so bad at telecommuting/remote working. You would think it would be an easy case study to drop costs massively by using remote workers across the US/world. Guess it’s just better to work face-to-face despite the technological advances.

5 years ago
Reply to  Matt

wish to SanFran tech corporates would let more remote working happen considering they’re tech companies.. wonder why they’re so keen to have face-to-face workers, rather than outsourcing globally to reduce wages?

5 years ago

We bought a house in Lafayette CA in December 2012. Sold it July 2015. Moved to my Kansas hometown and became a one-income family with a toddler and baby on the way. Baby began sleeping more and breastfeeding less, as babies do, so when he was 18 months old I returned to work, negotiating my SF salary (which my partner kept, too), and a 4-day work week. I miss the Bay Area sometimes, but we have so much financial freedom. We have family close by. We can donate money to charitable causes, take simple or extravagant vacations, and visit SF whenever we want.

5 years ago

Hi Sam,

I am an avid reader of your blogs. I just want to say I am a young man who recently graduated and I’m living in Chicago. I have always thought Chicago delivered great value for the price of housing, and it was great to see you say that as well. Although I love the big city feel of NY, I plan on living in Chicago long-term, as NYC housing is just ridiculous. However I am in the field of finance, and sometimes I worry I won’t have the same opportunities as my peers because I’m not living in the financial capital of the world. Did you ever think about this when leaving NYC after only a short amount of time? By the way, thanks for another great post!

Thanks for another great post.

5 years ago

It seems like most of the stats here are averages. I’d be curious if the overarching argument holds if inequality is taken into the mix. E.g., I could see SF’s average pulled up significantly by the fact that it has one of the highest billionaires-per-capita on Earth.

Also, I’d argue the cost of living in SF eats up a significant portion of whatever you earn. A super burrito at the hipster taqueria on my street was $10 after taxes and tip in 2010, and today it’s over $18. It’s one example, but it’s part of a pattern I’ve noticed.

My read on the situation is that “support-the-wealthy job” salaries (anyone who supports the top earners… many of these jobs are within tech companies, like accountants or PR reps, but some are outside, like barbers and burrito-makers) are just barely able to generate a healthy standard of living. Non-tech businesses who can’t support Bay Area wage inflation are leaving.

So, my personal hypothesis is that the Bay Area is a great place to have wealth, or attract VC wealth, but maybe not the best place to generate it, unless you have a very narrow category of skills. I wonder if the wage inflation (24 year olds with nominal coding skills making $150k/yr to move pixels) is actually a bubble that may deflate as tech agglomeration halts in the Bay Area (due to remote work or other tech hubs cannibalizing).

5 years ago

Hi Sam,

I’m an avid reader of your blog. What are your thoughts on San Francisco’s earthquake risk? Is this just a risk you take in living in a high income earning environment?

5 years ago

I can’t see living in SF as a health care worker, other than a doctor perhaps. No way could the salary you’d receive match the cost of living. They just don’t pay nurses, etc. what they would need to live there comfortably.

5 years ago

“If you want to get rich, you should probably come to a city like San Francisco. Yes, the cost of living is high, but you will get paid accordingly.” Couldn’t agree more with this.

I moved to SF from NYC in 2014, as a 27 yr old making ~$135k per year in Manhattan. Transitioned from banking in Manhattan to tech (SF’s biggest tech employer). Hustled in a couple promotions and switched two jobs (at companies mentioned in this article) since 2014, and have now been able to triple my salary from 2014 to 2019. I can’t imagine being able to triple my salary in 5 years anywhere else in the world. Particularly not in corporate.

These are exciting times for the Bay Area and San Francisco is indeed a land of opportunities. Think I have been purely blessed to have had an opportunity to experience such times in this great city.

To top it I am an immigrant, and could vouch for the acceptance and diversity of Bay Area. Not possible anywhere else in the world, not in my home country.

5 years ago

Am a mid-level manager managing growth strategy & finance for a major software giant. The salary includes base+cash+stocks. Stocks estimated at actual allotted value while joining the firm and not market value.

Born and brought up in a third world country. Father went bankrupt when I was 10. Lived with 6 family members in a 500 sq ft apartment. Came to the US to pursue MBA during the peak of financial crisis (2008) while putting my family’s only asset (our house) as collateral, with no plan B. Somehow got an entry level banking job and have been hustling since.

Blessed to ride the wave and to be living in SF.

Financial Nordic
5 years ago

“Make your money, then move”
That is a good piece of advice. Glad to see few cities from Scandinavia on the list too! High salaries come with high living costs, so it can be a gift or a curse.

Jasper Stojanovski
Jasper Stojanovski
5 years ago

I live 45 minutes from Melbourne, Australia. I already take the train up during the week for University classes—and plan to move up there for work!

Wayne Lam
Wayne Lam
5 years ago

IMO best city in the world to make money is indeed san francisco – but not if you’re living there. It’s ought to be something like a software engineer who works for a silicon valley company, remote.

I always think one of the biggest life hacks is utilizing the cost of living discrepancy between different countries. You could be making $150K USD/year doing software engineering for a sillicon valley while enjoying life in Vietnam. I’d bet you would be able to easily save at least 80% of that after-tax money. 10 years of that and you’ll already have $1 million in savings, pre-invested money! And of course, we all know compound interest works wonders ;)

5 years ago

yes – have done this hack while working for European firms from Africa. It works well, and especially at the moment with the strength of Euros, GBP and USD versus emerging market currencies. Works better for software though, as opposed to investment banking/private equity where I am now.

Sport of Money
5 years ago

I live and work in NYC. I had a few of my coworkers, after a decade or two in the finance profession, decide to call it a career, pack up and move elsewhere (usually back to where they grew up).

They can live like kings and queens back home versus staying in NYC. I get a bit envious when people do that. I can’t see myself moving anywhere except after my kids leave the nest and when I retire.

5 years ago

Very good points.

On a side note- it would be interesting to do an article on what types of opportunities existed on this weeks armageddon day (Monday the 5th).

Recently we have been looking to refi our house that we recently purchased 3 months ago as rates have been declining. I was able to secure a 30 year Jumbo loan refi, 835k, in a 68% LTV, on a 30 year fixed mortgage through for 3.375% WITH credits towards closing, and 0 points paid and 120 day lock.

Disclaimer- I am depositing some money with them at closing to get a slight rate discount, but then I can pull it back out.

This was much better than what my existing bank was offering, and only slightly higher than the 10/1 ARM I was looking at. When the yield dropped like a rock Monday morning, I started making calls and saw lenders rates were dropping, took all day but locked my rate late Monday night.

I’m sure others made out by buying stocks, etc before Tuesday’s bounce back, but just remember there’s always opportunity out there.

Who else had a win this week?

5 years ago
Reply to  John

Can you please let me know which bank you refinanced with? I am in the same bucket.


5 years ago
Reply to  John

Hey John,

That sounds like a great refinance deal. Any chance you could share the name of the bank? I am currently in the market for a mortgage for an investment property.

Thanks in advance for your help.

5 years ago

Every single one of us will eventually become the victim of our successes or failures!

If I am young, single and just start out my life I would consider moving to San Francisco just to have higher probability of making more money.

But, just to move there to make money and then move somewhere else to live so I can find purpose and joy is such illogical. Long term, this strategy will fail miserably.

We must find a place where our family and friends are clustered (maybe just a few miles away) – and be the most useful person in that town or city and you will have everything you need in life…including money!

5 years ago

I find it amusing that people often cite diversity as a plus when talking about San Francisco. I understand the diversity in ethnicity or cultures but how about political diversity? Try wearing a MAGA hat in San Francisco or Portland compared to wearing a Bernie hat in Dallas or Spokane. You’ll get your ass kicked in the supposedly more diverse areas.

I understand its more comfortable living in a area with like minded people, but if a city is truly diverse you would think they would be more accepting of other people’s beliefs.

Incremental Returns
Incremental Returns
5 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I think you’d be fine wearing a MAGA hat in SF. There’ no shortage of that here in Seattle, at least.

5 years ago
Reply to  Bill

I don’t live in the USA and am not interested in politics but that’s an interesting (if controversial) point.

5 years ago

The thing about those average salaries in San Francisco is it really depends on the industry you’re in. If you’re not in finance or tech, the higher salaries don’t make up for the higher cost of living. People outside those industries typically can do better in other areas, even with lower salaries.

I do agree with you, though, that the cost of living in America–even in rip-off San Francisco & New York, is lower than in other rich countries. Yes, I know our health care is a rip off; but still, other things, (including taxes for the middle class) are much cheaper. I took a recent trip down the coast a month ago and talked to people from New Zealand who mentioned (without my bringing up the subject) how much lower the cost of everything is here in high cost California compared to New Zealand.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mysticaltyger

And in NZ, what companies are paying the big bucks? Even though HONOLULU real estate is about 30% cheaper than SF, unless you are already wealthy or have an Internet business, on an income adjusted basis, Honolulu real estate is way more expensive than SF RE.

Btw, janitors and elevator technicians make $200,000+ here as well.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sam

haha, big bucks in NZ.. yeah, no.

5 years ago
Reply to  Mysticaltyger

My Uncle’s family is from New Zealand and come every once in a while to visit (San Diego), and they literally did all of their shopping here and sent it back on a ship. They couldn’t believe how cheap everything is here vs what they have to pay at home

5 years ago

Well written and interest article. I would love to see an article with maybe the top 10 best cities in the US. I say this because where I live currently (South Florida), I feel as the salary appropriate for the massive increase in housing prices within the last decade or so.

5 years ago

Having lived and worked in Chicago for the past 20 years, I’m surprised they are #5 on this list as well. We do better than most and live comfortably with a home in the Lincoln Park neighborhood, but sky high property taxes and bad weather are reasons why we will eventually leave.

5 years ago

This is such a fun and fascinating post! I’m a little surprised SF is #1 worldwide but also not that surprised. The city has really grown like crazy. When I first moved here the city felt calm a lot of the time. Now it’s constantly busy and traffic is nuts.

Shocking to learn about how misaligned Hong Kong’s real estate/rental prices are with their salaries. I knew they had high RE prices but didn’t realize the incomes were that out of sync. Glad I don’t live there as that must feel so defeating.

4 years ago
Reply to  Untemplater

I am currently living in Hong Kong
A small apartment (300-500 sq. ft) can cost 3 million HKD/ almost 400k USD. I even found one for 750k USD

And median household income here, based on HK gov, is only 28k HKD/ approx. 3500 USD

All my local friends are pretty much accepting that they have to live renting for whole life or live elsewhere

5 years ago

This is so misleading…

I work in IB in Houston. I make the same as my colleagues in SF and NY, yet my standard of living here is way better. Last year I hit half a million in income for the first time and none of it had it go towards state income taxes. Plus my rent is only $1900/month for a really nice 2 bedroom with a short walk to the office.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

You know about average is right? Just because you make a good income in Houston, doesn’t mean the average person makes as much as those in in New York City.

Besides, not many people who want to work in investment banking want to work in Houston. There’s a reason why Houston and other Texas cities are called the armpit of America.

Go read liars poker by Michael Lewis where he talks about “equities in Dallas.”

5 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Look Andy, that’s great and all, but… Making money is only 1 side of the equation. And yes it’s the average I understand. Averages themselves are misleading. I was not ripping on FS himself, of course not, he’s my hero! I happen to prefer to stay out of the cold. My only point was if the whole idea is to make as much as possible then move to the low COL city, why not just do both at the same time? That’s what I’m thinking at least. I realize it’s much harder to do in reality for a number of reasons. 1 clear reason that i see all the time with my friends is they love the theory of what I’m saying, but their positions are in Boston, NYC, SF and they already have an industry expertise so it’s difficult to switch to the O&G sector down here. Also, I’ve read multiple Michael Lewis books, he’s a tremendous author.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andy

Houston is a great city for an average earning household. Our household income never went over $110k / year but because of low costs of living our net worth is close to $1 million, mostly in stocks (we are 41). And this is with childcare costs. I’m not sure we would be able to achieve this in an expensive city as our jobs are not in banking or tech.

5 years ago
Reply to  Andrew

We make $200k after tax in Africa working in finance, but CoL is only $35k. It’s definitely not average, but it’s possible everywhere in the world I guess.

5 years ago

I am really surprised that northern VA and MD (near DC) is not somehow on this list? I assume it doesn’t make it because it’s not classified as one city?

Anyway, incomes in Loudoun County (VA); Fairfax County (VA) and Howard County (MD) are very high when compared to the rest of the nation. And I imagine that cost of living is much lower in these areas than in San Francisco…

5 years ago

I don’t necessarily agree with SF, as I’ve seen a lot of struggling people in SF (I live in one of the wealthiest parts of SF, coincidentally, but know of people who are 10+ people to a co-op, in other parts etc). I don’t know why SF keeps being lumped together with other wealthy parts of the Bay on these lists.
However, other parts of the Bay, like Palo Alto, Sunnyvale, San Jose, Cupertino (with a good job) I’ve absolutely seen people make a killing (own two houses, etc). Chances are, if you live in those parts of the bay, also, you’re probably doing pretty well (and percentage-wise, pretty educated), too. Either way, typically 1/3 of your income is gone up here with taxes, but things like RSUs really help you make a killing, particularly if you stay with one of FAANG for years.

1 year ago

If you work in a sector that is not finance or tech (healthcare) where there is not much room for upward mobility (not talking about hospital administration, medical sales, or the business side of healthcare), does being in a city that has immense opportunity still matter such as SF or NY? Or would it be optimal to live in a lowest tax burden state?

5 years ago

I am surprised Boston is on the list and not DC.

We are planning to make our money and move, as you suggested. We have HQ2 coming in four miles from us so that should help build equity in our home prior to exit.

5 years ago

Boston is a very intriguing city on the lists but absent from your write-up. I’ve lived in SF, Seattle, LA, Atlanta, and Manhattan (and Maui by the way), but now Boston is front and center on my brain presently because I’m actively considering a couple of different high paying opportunities there. High income, great schools (and colleges), diverse/vibrant city. Yes, it has harsh winters but the fear of those are overstated. The fall is beautiful, the summer is tolerable and the spring is a toss/up.

5 years ago

I used to think that exact same thing when I lived in NYC (1999-2004)! But NYC has believe lost some of that luster it used to have IMHO (disappearing retail diversity for one thing). I’m seeing a lot of that vibrancy in Boston now. Also, we left NYC because we started having kids and the logistics seemed challenging. That seems relatively easily addressable in Boston. We’ll see!

Simple Money Man
Simple Money Man
5 years ago

I live between DC and Baltimore so the potential here is good. If I was younger and single, I would either continue to live with my parents or find roommates to reduce living expenses. That way you’re working in a major city and have the ability to continue to save significantly as well.

Tom Amon
Tom Amon
5 years ago

How does SALT taxes play into the equation? Has to have some impact on the disposable income number, since its a mandatory expense.