The Best Time To Buy Property Is When You Can Afford It

best time to buy property

The best time to buy property is when you can afford it. Ideally, you buy real estate as young as possible. This way, you get neutral real estate and ride the benefits of compound returns for as long as possible. With a lower cost basis, life gets more affordable over time. Inflation is too powerful of a force to go against.

Life also tends to get more complicated as you get older. You might get married, have a baby or three, and have your parents move in with you. As a result, you might want to buy a property before you can comfortably afford to.

Stretching to buy property is OK, only if you are confident in your job security and you believe your income will continue to rise. However, if you're unsure, I would not buy property just yet.

Boost your wealth through private real estate: Invest in real estate without the burden of a mortgage, tenants, or maintenance with Fundrise. With almost $3 billion in assets under management and 350,000+ investors, Fundrise specializes in residential and industrial real estate. I’ve personally invested $300,000 with Fundrise to generate more passive income. The investment minimum is only $10so it's easy for everybody to dollar-cost average in and build exposure. 

Renters Are Short The Real Estate Market

It's important to realize that if you rent, you are short the property market. Every time rents and property prices go up, you're losing. If property and rental prices go down, you're winning.

Over the long run, shorting the property market doesn't make sense because property prices having been going up since the beginning of property ownership in our country.

Shorting the property market is like shorting population growth or inflation. Bad move if you want to build wealth. Shoring the real estate market by renting is similar to shorting the S&P 500. Long-term, it's a bad move.

I encourage readers to be at least NEUTRAL property. And the easiest way to be neutral property is to own your primary residence.

Ideally, you own your home and have it decline in value as a percentage of your net worth to 30% or lower. This way, the majority of your net worth will be invested to help you boost wealth and generate passive income.

The Best Time To Buy Property

Inflation is really a tricky beast. Just when we think a particular amount of rent or an asking price seems too high, 5-10 years from now, these asking prices tend to look cheap.

In 2017, I realized I could no longer comfortably afford to purchase my single family house in San Francisco. As a result, I decided to sell the home for $2,745,000 and buy something cheaper in a different neighborhood.

I asked several property owners in Hong Kong, Singapore, Manhattan, London, and Paris whether they could afford their homes today. At least half of them admitted they no longer could at today's prices.

Inflation will sneak up on you while you're busing working, taking care of family, and living your life. The best time to buy property is when you can afford to. You won't always get the timing right. But if you run the numbers extensively, plan for bad case scenarios, you should be fine.

Look at the below inflation chart that highlights housing up 96.2% from January 2000 to December 2023. If you could own hospital services and colleges, you would be even richer today!

Inflation of various goods and services and college from 2000 to 2023 - The Best Time To Buy Property Is When You Can Afford It

A Home Buying Rule To Follow

Consider following my 30/30/3 rule for property buying. This rule will help you buy something affordable, while also minimizing yourself of a blowup.

The 30/30/3 Rule

1) Cash flow: Don't spend more than 30% of your gross income on your monthly mortgage payment.

2) Down Payment. Save at least 30% of the value of the home as a down payment. 20% is for the downpayment to avoid PMI insurance. The other 10% is for a healthy cash buffer. 

3) Value of the home. The value of the home you wish to purchase should be no greater than 3X your annual gross income.

Remember this rule too: You can always refinance your home, but you can never change your initial purchase price.

Good Example Of The 30/30/3 Rule

Income: $100,000/yr

Down Payment: $120,000 in cash saved

Desired Home Value: $400,000

You take out a $320,000 mortgage after putting $80,000 down. You still have a $40,000 cash buffer. Your monthly payment is $1,918/month PMI. At a 6% mortgage rate, you are paying just 23% of your gross monthly income in mortgage payments. In case of layoff, you have 21 months of mortgage coverage with your $50,000 buffer.

Lending Standards Are Getting Stricter

Although I think the best time to buy property is when you can afford to, it's more difficult to get a mortgage nowadays. For example, the global pandemic caused lenders to tighten their lending standards. Here are some examples from Wells Fargo bank:

  • Temporarily stopped allowing for cash-out refinances
  • No longer fully counting RSU values when calculating how much a person can borrow
  • Schedule E income (rental income) is no longer includd when calculating how much a person can borrow – big shocker
  • Home Equity Lines Of Credit (HELOC) have currently stopped
  • Minimum downpayment is 20%
  • Raised minimum credit score to qualify for a mortgage to 680

In other words, lending standards are as strict as it gets. As a result, perhaps there is upside to real estate liquidity if there is a reversion to pre-pandemic level standards sooner.

To get the best mortgage rate possible, check out Credible. Credible is my favorite mortgage marketplace where prequalified lenders compete for your business. You can get competitive, real quotes in under three minutes for free.

Why Didn't You Buy When Property Prices Were Lower?

Because I was stupid. How about you? The biggest mistake one could have made was selling their property between 2008-2012, if money was the primary reason for the sale.

The second biggest mistake is therefore not buying property between 2008-2012 given prices were depressed and competition was also much less. Waiting for the perfect price to buy a home is impossible. You will likely end up waiting too long to the detriment of your lifestyle and happiness.

I didn't buy additional property in 2008-2012 because the markets were falling apart from 2008-2010, and I was already figuring out a way to leave a job that no longer paid as well or provided as much pride. Leveraging up felt like the wrong thing to do at the time.

In retrospect, leveraging up was the absolute right thing to do at the time to create more wealth. Now that I've regenerated enough income to purchase a place, everybody else has made more income as well.

In 2020, the real estate market was tricky. With so much of the economy shut down, it was prudent to try and get a discount. In 2021, vaccines are now widely available and more states are reopening. Things are starting to return back to normal in most of the country.

More people are also looking to improve their quality of life. Real estate is back in high demand in many areas, including San Francisco, and mortgage rates are still quite low. Based on everything I've been observing, the housing market won't crash anytime soon.

Related: BURL: The Real Estate Investing Rule To Follow

Buying Property In The New Decade

Over the long term, shorting the property market by renting is a losing proposition. Thirty years from now you will be paying even higher rental prices while owning no assets. After the 11 Fed Rate hikes since 2011, we're past the bottom of the real estate cycle and headed higher again.

Hopefully you will have used the savings you generated from not owning and invested it wisely to generate wealth. But we all know that few people are disciplined enough to consistently invest the difference over a long period of time.

Foreign investors buying US property because it is so cheap - best time to buy property

There will probably be many times when you can afford to buy a property, but don't because you are unsure about your future. That's absolutely fine.

What I'm suggesting is that you figure out your future as quickly as possible because the price trend for desirable properties in desirable locations is almost always up and to the right. As soon as you find that perfect property, you'll realize that everybody else has found that perfect property as well.

The only way to get that perfect property is to be the top bidder. The winner's curse is a dangerous situation to be in because your offer price leaves you no room for error. Only you were willing to pay that top price at that moment in time.

But if you find that perfect house to raise a family on a large lot, with views, in a safe neighborhood, do your best to take it down. It will always be highly desirable in the future.

My Property Buying Journey

I decided to buy my first property in 2003 because I knew that I would be in San Francisco for at least three years because that's how long the Berkeley MBA part-time program would last. I felt with about 90% certainty that I would stay for at least five years after purchase, and I ended up living in SF for 11 years post purchase.

The longer you can stay in your property, the better in general due to the outrageous cost of moving (5% selling commission, transfer taxes, etc).

In fact, I encourage all property owners to go on strike and never sell your property so long as the selling commissions are so high.

I plan to continue buying property in the San Francisco Bay Area because the job growth and innovation is tops in the country. With artificial intelligence and big tech booming, buying single-family homes on the west side of San Francisco is a good idea.

Investing Aggressively Into Artificial Intelligence Companies As Well

After Facebook and Google went public in the early 2000s, property prices in the Bay Area boomed as thousands upon thousands became multi-millionaires. Over the next 30 years, I expect thousands upon thousands of new multi-millionaires to be formed thanks to AI companies like OpenAI, Anthropic, Databricks, and more growing.

To invest in this trend, I've invested $140,000 so far in Fundrise Venture, which invests in private growth companies, especially in AI. In 20 years, I don't want my 4 and 7 year old kids asking me why I didn't invest in AI near its beginning!

And if AI turns out to eliminate millions of jobs and make employment more difficult for my children, I'm hedged as that means my AI investments will turn out well in the future.

Time To Face Reality About Property

Here's the simple fact about affordability: It's your income growth vs. a property's price growth. Given the median household income is roughly $76,000 vs. the national median home price of roughly $420,000, the median household income has to grow by at least 4X the pace of price appreciation for affordability to occur.

Once affordability does occur, it simply might not last very long. Imagine if you lived in San Francisco where the median home price is $1.6 million dollars compared to the median household income of $96,000. No wonder why only 36% of residents own property.

If I can't increase my income by 2X for two years, I can't afford to buy a property of at least equal value to my current primary residence. There's no point in buying a lesser property that lowers the quality of my life just to build more wealth. I'm at a stage in my life where I'm very focused on optimizing lifestyle over money.

Please don't waste money on depreciating assets, specially an overpriced car. Your goal is to keep car expenses as low as possible while getting neutral real estate by owning your primary residence. Follow my House-To-Car guide to help you achieve financial freedom sooner than later.

House-To-Car Guide for financial freedom

Buy Real Estate As Soon As You Can Afford To Do So

I bought one of my houses 15 years ago when I just started making enough money to barely buy a single family home. If you were to ask me back in 2005 whether I'd be making much less income later in life, I wouldn't believe it. I would probably feel a little depressed as well.

We all think we'll just keep on making more money over time – at least until we reach our peak earnings years in our 50s. The reality is that life isn't linear at all. Some of us burn out, change industries, go back to school, get married, have kids, experience poor health, or make bad investments. We must adopt a savings habit to help buffer when times are lean.

If you want to buy your first property and can afford to buy, then I suggest you do a lot of research now and buy. The most important step is to properly analyze the property's cash flow just in case you have to rent it out.

Invest In Real Estate To Build More Wealth

Real estate is my favorite asset class to build wealth. It generates income, provides shelter, is tangible, and is less volatile. In my opinion, real estate is much more desirable than stocks. In fact, investing in real estate since 2003 was my top financial move. 

To invest in private real estate, take a look at Fundrise, my favorite private real estate investing platform. Fundrise was founded in 2012 and manages about $3 billion with over 300,000 investors. The firm focuses on residential properties in the Sunbelt, where valuations are lower and cap rates are higher. For most investors, investing in a diversified private real estate fund makes the most sense.

Another great private real estate investing platform is Crowdstreet. Crowdstreet offers accredited investors individual deals run by sponsors that have been pre-vetted for strong track records. Many of their deals are in 18-hour cities where there is potentially greater upside. Crowdstreet is a solution where you can build your own select real estate portfolio.

Personally, I've invested $954,000 in private real estate since 2016 to diversify my exposure and earn more passive income. Both Fundrise and CrowdStreet are affiliate partners of Financial Samurai, and Financial Samurai is currently invested in Fundrise. 

Fundrise Due Diligence Funnel
Less than 5% of the real estate deals shown gets through the Fundrise funnel
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4 years ago

Always a tricky question to answer but I guess 3 factors tends to insure a stable growth and perspective : economics, demographics, foreign policy. Mentioning those 3 aspects, from my investigation, I found that Vietnam and Cambodia are 2 places in south east asia with great potential of growth (and even after covid time !)

Max Briggs
4 years ago

This article appears to argue that since property prices increase faster than incomes you should buy property ASAP. I have two counterpoints:

1. This could actually mean that the price increases are unsustainable and the market is due for correction. If people are in the same income percentile but affording less and less, at some point something has to give. The plot of the shiller home price index only shows about 15 years of data, and yes they go up and to the right. But the entire thesis of Shiller, when he made the dataset and analyzed it was that the actual long term trend is flat, and that increases indicate bubbles. He used that analysis to correctly predict the 2008 crash and sees similar issues now. So… I don’t know that buying a house in a skyrocketing market is always advisable.

2. If the difference in the price of rent and the price of a mortgage is very substantial then renting and investing the difference in stocks could very well beat the investment in your primary residence. Real estate doesn’t appreciate very fast, it’s the leveraged appreciation that allows you to keep pace with stocks, and you aren’t 5:1 leveraged on a primary residence because you continue to make payments throughout the life of the loan. So you’re return on investment is likely to look more like 3% than the 5:1 leveraged 15% that you may expect from a rental property.

Derek McDoogle
Derek McDoogle
5 years ago

I did not know that with 20% down, you don’t have to pay the wasteful PMI insurance. My brother told me that she would like to get to her house before she gets married so that they can have a place where to live together. I will suggest to her to make sure they save a little more than 20% of the value of the house so that they don’t run out of cash.

Michael Lee
Michael Lee
6 years ago

Your 30/30 rule is good advice about when you are ready to buy a house. I have never heard someone say that they believe that you should be able to put 20% down on the house and have another 10% saved away. The next time that I am in the housing market, I will be sure to follow your rule.

7 years ago

Hi Sam, what do you think of buying an old house? Say a ranch house built in the 60s or 50s? By the time its mortgage is paid it will be 80 years old which is very old. I may be able to afford a newer house built in the 90s but then the lot will be much smaller. Some people say older houses are more sturdy than newer ones.

Reid K.
10 years ago

If someone is buying for investment purposes, there is one thing that many property developers in Asia do which is selling units “off-plan”. You have to make sure it’s from a reputable developer, of which there are many, but you can essentially “reserve ” a unit, put a ~10% down payment, and not pay the rest for 5 years when the property is complete.

Many of this happens in booming markets such as Malaysia and Thailand, allowing you to make money without even having to purchase the property yet. I bought property 3-4 years ago in this part of the world, and had them double in price before even having to pay for the condos, having my money sit in stocks/bonds in the meantime and make more money.

10 years ago

I’ve heard it asked: “When’s the best time to buy a property” – the answers are always “now” and “never”. Property AND Equities do pretty much the same thing. If you’ve got them and you hold them, you’ll do well.

What kills most people is one of two things:
a) over-leveraging (too much mortgage, lack of liquidity for your commitments or new opportunites) and
b) trying to time the market

Personally, I kissed about 40-50k away because I tried to sell my apartment high and buy low. If I’d just stayed invested then I’d be that much richer.

This guy has a take on it. It’s UK-centric but given how crazy the brits are about property it’s worth a read:

10 years ago
Reply to  mistersquirrel


You are missing an item on your list.

c). Making long term projections of your employment/income stability

Now, more than ever, we cannot rely on a 30 year career in the same job at the same company. This poses a problem as you need to be within the same geographic area in order to hold on to your house for an extended period of time. If your job dries up and you need to move to another part of the country or state for employment, you may very well lose a lot of money on your home investment. You don’t get the luxury of waiting out a bad market. This is like buying equities that you may be forced to sell within a short time period because they are tied to you paying a large amount of your income to maintain (shorting stock with 5 to 1 leverage).


10 years ago

I would have to disagree with your premise about “buying when you can afford it”. Timing and valuation analysis are critical elements in any investment decision. Take the equity market for example, would it have been wise to buy stock in a company that is overvalued by 40% because you have enough cash to make the purchase and like the abnormally high dividends they are throwing off? Property markets are the same way but with greater risk as you must pay taxes, maintenance, and insurance on them. There are areas in this country that are 30-40% overvalued and there are areas that are 30-40% undervalued. If you don’t want to get fleeced of your hard earned money, you need to do your research and figure out where on the valuation scale your “investment opportunity” stands. Here in southern California, unless you are buying away from the water (i.e. inland empire or higher crime communities) you are speculating, not investing. All the big money has decided to pull out as ROI on property is negative in many beach communities. I recommend you read to see what is really going on with the real estate out here.

10 years ago

30 years old. I plan to buy when a decent house (i.e. stand alone 3 bedroom in a good neighborhood) is no more than 3 times the average household income of its zip code.

10 years ago

The price to income ratio is currently is over 8.0! I think it will get down to 3.0 when any of the following things happen:
a). Federal Reserve increases interest rates above 6% for 30 year treasuries (they will have to eventually to entice people to purchase long term bonds)
b). Baby boomers start to pass away leaving their cash poor children with multi-million dollar estates and a very large property tax bills.
c). Mortgage interest tax break is turned into an income tax credit that renters are eligible to receive as well. This idea is being floated in congress as I write this.
d). California eliminates proposition 13 forcing home owners to be reassessed at current market values. This will eventually be needed to balance our state budget and service our state pension commitments.

10 years ago
Reply to  Darin


The other macro dynamic in play here for home prices is the dual income household. 30 to 40 years ago, dual income households were much less common. Over the last two decades, highly educated women have entered the labor force and thus pulling in very high salaries. Thus two earner married couples pushing up house prices.

The problem is of course, in the United States, you can only legally have one spouse. It’s going to be extremely difficult to increase household income in the current stagnant wage environment.

So here we are again. Enthusiasm is exceeding reality!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ace


Where the DINK theory starts to fall apart is when you look at all of the regions/pockets in the United States where housing is more affordable now than it has been 30-40 years ago. Take the rust belt for example, housing there has been cheaper than anytime during the last 50 years (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, etc …) relative to average income.

Buying a house right now is like buying a stock and leveraging yourself 5 to 1 in order to do so. Only, its more restrictive as you cannot buy into an index of homes you want to own, you can only buy a single home, and you better hope the neighborhood does well over the next 30 years or you are going to be out a lot of money you don’t even have.

10 years ago
Reply to  Darin

It’s more like DIWKs – Double income with kids.

To understand the US economy and the housing market, you absolutely must understand the middle class. The middle class buys the cars, homes, iPhones, etc. without them; there is no economy.

The American middle class lives in the suburbs (across the entire nation). They don’t own beach houses in San Diego. They live in three bedroom single family homes. Own two or three cars and are primarily interested in family friendly neighborhoods with good schools. Typically both husband and wife work.

Now if you wish to dig into micro economics: West Virginia has always been poor. It’s coal country. Coal is dead, due to fracking technology.

The Great Lakes states have suffered the loss of manufacturing jobs over the past few decades due to China and robotics technology. Consequently, a drop in median household income. The other big factor: plenty of open land to build upon.

FYI: The macro trend is changing. First off the United States remains the worlds number one manufacturer, but more importantly; it has become too expensive to produce and ship from China. Fracking technology has brought an over abundance of cheap natural gas, and manufacturing technology has advanced by light years. There are now un filled jobs in manufacturing. These are high skill/education positions and pay very well.

10 years ago

Well, the middle class American family is the largest consumer of automobiles.

Typically, there is a car for each family member with a driver’s license and both husband & wife work. In most US suburbs, public transportation is not developed enough to be practical.

Thus, you see anecdotes such as people commuting from Fairfield/Vacaville to San Francisco every day and clogging up the Bay Bridge!

So yes….. It’s sad when cities have not invested in good public transportation infrastructure. FYI: Buy a house near a BART station!

10 years ago


I have an interesting anecdote: I have a really old family friend (decades); he made his living (career as a small business person) doing painting and house renovations. His big buck jobs were always on the North Shore (Wealthy suburbs along Lake Michigan, north of Chicago. Think Hamptons and you’ll get the flavor).

These were always the most difficult people to collect payment from. He said that they had all this illiquid wealth, but no cash.

10 years ago

Bank of mom and dad only has $120,000 in their 401k. You may want to read “Baby Boomers: Poorer in Old Age Than Their Parents” here …

10 years ago

This is an excellent point.

Intergenerational wealth transfer. I think that might be part of it. But I suspect much of the recent California real estate value run-up is caused by well financed investors.

In any case, it does seem like sales volume is starting to drop.

Jon Maroni
Jon Maroni
10 years ago

This seems like a similar argument as to why you should invest in the market when you can, because waiting to time the market can end up costing you. Market fluctuations are inevitable (for both housing and stocks) and you cannot let that scare you from getting into a home. I also think that a little tempering of our expectations (buying a smaller more affordable home) can really help. Our expectations have grown over time, the average size for a house for a family of 4 has doubled since 1950. As time has gone on we have wanted bigger and better homes.

Tahnya Kristina
Tahnya Kristina
10 years ago

This is so true. As a financial planner I used to have clients come in to get a mortgage every time the rates dropped. They couldn’t necessarily afford the property they wanted, they would just want to buy something because rates were low. It’s a bad idea to buy a home if you aren’t ready for the financial commitment. Good luck with your property search.

Thomas @ i need money ASAP!
Thomas @ i need money ASAP!
10 years ago

Those home price indexes are quite telling. We’re definitely in an up swing again. There is no way I would be able to afford my house if we had to buy it now. We bought in 2009 (it was shear luck) after looking for 1 whole year. That year of looking was a godsend since we bought at almost the perfect time. Now our house is worth significantly more than we purchased it for. While thats great for us it also means we could never afford it if we had to buy now. I truly hope this isn’t the start of another crisis.

10 years ago


You have a real estate obsession. Of course, this seems a common affliction in California.

What impresses me about your second graphic, is the volatility of prices in California and especially San Francisco. Not something I would want any involvement. I prefer calm, stable, predictability.

The Web 2.0 bubble will eventually burst, interest rates will begin to rise soon, and these property prices will start to creep down. Median incomes are not high enough to sustain this. In the long run, fundamentals always win.

If the San Francisco median household income cannot afford a house with 20% down, and a conventional 30 year fixed rate mortgage, you are in a bubble!

10 years ago

The Fed has been blatantly signaling its intention to induce moderate inflation.
It will eventually succeed and interest rates will rise.

Buy some TIPS and go scuba diving!

10 years ago

What makes you think that tomorrow will be like today?

Mortgage rates have already started to move higher. Which means even fewer people can afford to purchase an $800,000 house.

10 years ago

Ok Sam,

So you want to rent out your current home and purchase a different home to park your shoes. Nothing wrong with that. But since you seem to have little interest in any property outside of San Francisco proper, and all the properties for sale in the city itself are overpriced, I don’t see any good solutions to your dilemma.

I would just sit on my hands. First rule: do no harm (or in finance: don’t loose money).

Why not consider a suburban home? It’s not exactly a desert out there! LOL!
The weather is actually better too!

Mr. Utopia @ Personal Finance Utopia

I wish I could find the article, but I can’t. Instead, I’ll do my best to paraphrase although I likely won’t do it any justice. A while back I read an intriguing article that suggested, or predicted rather, there would be a huge housing downturn in the coming decades with signs manifesting around the time we transition into the 2020’s. The driver? Not lending this time. Instead, the baby boom generation is going to start retiring in droves. In doing so, they will no longer want or need the large homes they raised their families in. They will want to downsize and become more mobile. Homes will start flooding the market and supply will far surpass demand because the subsequent generations are A) much smaller and B) oftentimes have different priorities in life. Some retirees who are unable to sell might simply walk away from their homes especially as they get older and can’t keep up with maintenance, yard work, etc. or afford someone to do it for them.

The areas of the the population that are growing, such as the Hispanics, tend to live in extended family situations with generations occupying the same dwelling. So, they won’t be able to (income wise) or want to scoop up the superfluous supply of homes.

So, in summary, the housing market is going to flatten out and decline for quite a while because the population growth is going to slow down and not be linear. I honestly don’t know how credible this theory is, but it does seem at least somewhat plausible. Of course, such a trend would probably have less impact in cities like SF, but large sprawling cities with big suburban areas could be really hard hit if this actually unfolds.

Mr. Utopia @ Personal Finance Utopia

Well, I don’t know if the theory meant there would be gains all the way to 2020! Just that there could be a severe downturn starting about that time. And, yes, it seems like SF and many other parts of the Bay Area might be much less susceptible to a “Baby Boomer” induced downturn.

My living situation? I’ve been a renter since having to walk away from my home in 2008 due to the toxic mold and seller disclosure issues. I’d like to get back into owning my primary residence especially as my family grows, but don’t quite have enough yet for a 20% down. I’m targeting the full regular cash injection because I simply don’t want to waste any money on mortgage insurance. I also don’t want to deal with the hassle of fighting the back to remove it when I’ve achieved a LTV of less that 80%. We are close on the down, but as the local Northern Cali market continues to rebound, we have to set our savings target incrementally higher.

Fortunately, for us, we sort of go against the “rents are increasing” premise. We are in our 4th year at our current location (a large, upscale apartment complex) and the landlord hasn’t raised the rent on us once yet. It is privately owned, so that’s probably part of it. Plus, I think the management values high quality renters who don’t cause any trouble and always pay on time!!

10 years ago

Sure seems that you have done some very intense analysis. However, after following lots of your posts about Real Estate, I have come to the conclusion that you are biased towards San Franscisco. While the metrics support your analysis, I see very little comparative analysis for other parts of the country or the world (not that you have to, but San Fran isn’t the epicenter of Real Estate).

Additionally, I don’t recall much analysis on Commercial Real Estate or Multi-Family Residential (I could be wrong, so please correct me if I am). Any reason for this?

10 years ago

No concern about SF allowing high-rise buildings? Pretty unique risk that’s really hard to hedge. It would worry me, but I’m not in tune with the local view on that.

10 years ago

Paying market price for goods is not the same as shorting something. I am not shorting bananas when I go grocery shopping, and I am not shorting property markets when I pay rent.

Rent is closer to a long-term contract or hedge than it is anything. By renting, I have established a fixed price for my housing. That is not something that a property owner can do. My risk level and my monthly expenses are known and non-variable until the contract is renegotiated. The property owner must keep a large cash cushion on-hand to take care of expense volatility. You can argue that I pay a premium for such options, but I would argue that rental prices are a rather inefficient market. There are always landlords that are in a pinch and will underprice their goods. Business acumen is not a pre-requisite for a mortgage.

From a purely financial standpoint, renting and investing is often a better choice than buying. It is certainly a more flexible one. If I ever buy a property it will be because of emotional reasons.

10 years ago

I am not a student. I am an early 30-something with a low six figure income living in Chicago.

I have been renting for the past 7 years. During that timeframe my rent has remained unchanged. I pay ~$900 / month for an 800 sq. ft. 1 bedroom apartment. Actually I only pay half of that. I charge my wife for the other half :)

There is not a single, comparable property in my neighborhood that would have put me further ahead financially than where I am now. The taxes and maintenance / association dues alone on a comparable property would be in the $3-400 a month. Not to mention the costs associated with tying up capital, paying interest on a loan, etc…

For now, I choose to rent and invest every spare penny that I have. Eventually I will buy a house, but not because I believe they are financially good investments. I will buy one because I believe they are emotionally good investments… good for raising families, not good for raising net worth.

10 years ago
Reply to  Archaicx

Dude…… You live in Chicago? Go buy a house. Now is the time to do this.

Go buy a single family home in the Northwest suburbs.

I’m an old guy….. Trust me, you are missing an incredible window of opportunity.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ace

This is hilarious. The guy is spending only $900/mo on housing in Chicago, saving extra $$ and investing it, and you tell him that he’s missing an incredible opportunity to MOVE TO THE NORTHWEST SUBURBS? C’mon. What is the “opportunity”?

I am so tired of hearing bull like this. The guy said he will buy a house for emotional reasons at some point, not investment.

I lived in Chicago the last several years, and I know people who bought in the suburbs in 2005-7 who got stuck and couldn’t move because the house lost so much value. Even if housing is still depressed out there, that isn’t an argument to MOVE THERE. Samurai at least has the argument that SF is a hot market and tech money will flow in (though you could easily (EASILY) argue that tech has inflated expectations and will lag for several years, bringing SF back down with it) – what do the suburbs of Chicago have?

This crazyness of owning to become rich has to stop. Buy a house when you are financially and emotionally ready for the commitment. There should be no other reason driving such a decision (“Oh, what a deal! I’ll be rich when the economy just picks up!”).

10 years ago
Reply to  Adam

This guy hasn’t moved for seven years; so, he and his wife are not going anywhere.

30 years old is child bearing age. Children are better off in a house, in a good neighborhood, with good schools.

With an income of $100,000/year, you could probably afford 80% of the suburban neighborhoods.

Houses are cheap right now. The investment game is about “buying low and selling high”.

Besides….. Renting your entire life is a 100% waste of money! When you pay rent, you are paying the landlord’s mortgage off. You might as well pay for your own.

10 years ago

I noticed a few people mentioning the chance of an earthquake when you talk about purchasing in SF. Correct me if I’m wrong but for the most part single family homes usually don’t sustain much damage from earthquakes. Most of the damage can be seen in older larger buildings. Yes, its a concern but your emergency fund should cover most repairs sustained from an earthquake.

I believe that yes we are experiencing a housing bubble – but this one is different. At least with this bubble we know that home owners can actually afford their homes due to increased lending regulations. We also know that SF is a hotbed for high paying jobs and there are no signs of this growth slowing down. Even if the Fed raises interest rates, the SF area housing market will continue to prosper with all these high paying jobs. Location, location, location…..

10 years ago

Sam – do you include HOA fees, taxes, estimated maintenance/refurbishment cost, etc in the CASH FLOW component of your 30/30 rule for home buying? These can be massive expenses. For example my HOA fees cost more (monthly) than the interest on my mortgage…

10 years ago

I suppose the other factor is – if you own multiple properties how would the cash flow rule play out? All mortgages combined should be ~30% of your gross income (from all sources including rental, passive incomes)?

Of course every situation is different, just trying to wrap my head around your math.

10 years ago

Austin’s downtown real estate market is really hot. He had a second rental in the same building he made 20% on last year. Across both it was 1.5 to 2.3.

Brent @ All About Interest
Brent @ All About Interest
10 years ago

Great post. I love leveraging my money to buy an appreciating asset while interest rates are still low. I recently closed on my 3rd rental property. Austin is a like a baby San Fran, lots of tech companies, booming population and housing prices. It’s still nowhere near the prices in CA but a lot of people from CA seem to be moving here. I’m targeting rentals with positive cash flow and high projected appreciation. Income allowing, I may try to get another rental before the year is up.


10 years ago

My dad sold his home yesterday. He had been there for three years and realized a 70% gain with no major improvements. The sale set a $/sf record in Austin. He’s now going to rent down the street. The fed has created a major asset bubble and it will correct. In general, you are best to pay all cash when interest rates are high and sell when low.

10 years ago

One more thing. It’s true that it makes financial sense to hold onto a home in SF or NYC where the prices are sky high and likely to go up over the long run. However, life forces most people to leave the city and sell their homes once they have school aged children and leave for the suburbs. Unfortunately, the public schools in SF or NYC are not that great, so unless one is truly a very high income/networth family, it can become a huge financial burden to afford both a large mortgage and private school tuition.

10 years ago

Are you concerned about earthquakes at all in SF? Also there’s been discussions of gradually eliminating or reducing the mortgage interest deduction recently. Do you think it’ll occur?
Even with these factors, I absolutely agree with you that housing in highly desirable cities such as SF or NY is a great value over the long term since so many people with tons of money in both U.S. and overseas want to buy properties in these world class cities.

10 years ago

I think one criteria which is important to assist that makes the decision a bit more conservative is the same criteria you mentioned, but evaluating it based on a 15-yr mortgage instead of 20/25/30 yr mortgage.

In my opinion, if it takes you 30 years to pay something off, then you can’t really afford it. It’s the equivalent of buying a house at age 29 and being BARELY done paying it by age 60… basically an entire standard career length!

Just because you CAN borrow more doesn’t mean you SHOULD.

Also, you’re likely to save at least 100bp/year in interest.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ravi

I also agree that the condo I own (currently renting it out, but lived in it until late last year) I probably could not afford today. I got in around $95K in 2012 and it’s probably worth $135K if I had time to list and market it (Zillow says $150K).

10 years ago

My wife and I are both 27 and we pushed ourselves out of our comfort zones the last couple years buying a couple rental properties and a new primary residence. It wasn’t easy maneuvering through all the mortgage requirements, but we did it, and I am happy we did. We have given ourselves roughly $700 a month in passive income and one property in particular has, at our estimate, taken a nearly 70% increase in value. We were so scared at the time – but so happy we took the risk now!

10 years ago

We are in the Lafayette, Indiana area.
Rentals seem to do very well in our area with Purdue University being here.