The Carrot That Makes You Jump Through Hoops

Needs the carrot that makes you jump through hoops. Otherwise, it's too easy to get lazy, get out of shape, and do nothing.

I started Financial Samurai in 2009, and I've been writing 3-4X a week since. I'm constantly looking for motivation to continue because life is too good in America. If you're wondering, the secret to success is being competing for 10+-years in a row!

It's crazy to revisit this post I wrote in 2010, more than 10 years later. However, it is absolutely clear to me now that people are successful stick with things.

The Carrot To Make You Motivated

One of my best friends is blessed with skinny genes.  At 5′ 3″ tall, she weighs all of 105 pounds.  When we go out to eat, she doesn't just order a glass of iced tea and salad with dressing on the side.

She goes all out with mash potatoes, creamed spinach, BBQ oysters and then a nice juicy ribeye for a main course!  I gawk in amazement at her appetite while secretly groaning at trying to keep up towards the end.  After all, shouldn't she eat 40% less than me if she weighs 40% less?  Guess not!

Despite my friend's envious genetics, she isn't exactly iron woman when it comes to sports and outdoor activities.  After three miles on a 10 mile bike ride, she's pooped and waves at me to take a break.

Meanwhile, I'm going “lah, lah, lah” in my head, not even breaking a sweat as I soak in the glorious views of the Bay.  I let her catch up and we take a five minute pit-stop where she catches her breath as I go do some stretches and sit-ups.

The Gimmick

One day my friend tells me about a great incentive program at our local gym.  I kid her often because despite her $100/month membership, she never goes.  She comes up to show me a gleaming new card which says, “BURN TO EARN!”  Hmmm, what's that I ask her?

She tells me that if she goes to the gym 20X in the next two months, she will be entered for a chance to win a free t-shirt, socks, swimming goggles, a weekend in Napa, or two rounds of golf which she does not play at some country club somewhere.

Suddenly,  I notice a transformation.  From going maybe once a month, my friend starts going 3-4X a week!  All for what?  A chance to win a simple T-shirt?  Needless to say, after two months, she was absolutely ripped.

We're talking Madonna-like abs, and thankfully not Madonna-like arms, because that's just scary.  When the time for the drawing came, she gleefully whipped out her BURN TO EARN card and gave it one good luck kiss.

As fortune would have it she won absolutely diddly squat in the first round.  Luckily, there was a consolidation round and there she heard, “And the winner of  a brand new pair of tubular socks is….. Lisa!

A shrill of joy belched out of her little frame as she jumped up and down “I won!  I won!  Wheeee!”  I think I rolled my eyes because I didn't win anything and couldn't believe her luck.  New tubular socks.  Sweet!

Awards Matter

By just administering a small rewards program, our health club was able to get a notoriously great client (one who pays on time and never goes) the motivation to go 15X more than normal. What a nice carrot!

I go 10X+ a month anyway, so it wasn't a big deal.  But for Lisa, it was like watching a new person altogether.  The lesson learned is that the next time you want to get someone to do anything, tempt them with cotton that warms the feet!

Recommendation For All Parents

If there's one thing the pandemic has taught us, it's that life is not guaranteed. We must do everything we can to protect our children while they are still dependents. Living a long life is our carrot.

As a result, please get life insurance. Not only should you get enough life insurance to cover your liabilities, your life insurance term should last long enough to get them through college.

The best place to get life insurance is through PolicyGenius. PolicyGenius will help you find the best plan for the lowest price tailored to your needs. PolicyGenius provides free, no-obligation quotes so you can get the best rate. 

In the past, you would have to get a life insurance quote by applying to individual carriers – the process was completely opaque. Now, you can have multiple qualified life insurance carriers compete for your business after applying on PolicyGenius. It's so much more efficient! 

If you don't have life insurance, please get life insurance before you need to. Life insurance gets more expensive the older you get. If you get sick, depending on the severity of your sickness, you might not be able to qualify.

If you do have life insurance, I highly recommend checking PolicyGenius to try and get a better deal. Chances are high you're not getting the best terms. Not everybody has the carrot to jump through hoops. Life insurance makes life more certain so you can get on with you life.  


Sam @ Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money’s Mysteries”

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14 years ago

Hey Sam,

The end of the article really made me laugh, I wish I had her luck, when it comes to win stuff. Sorry that you didn’t win though, you could have one a new pair of socks and a T-Shirt! Little rewards can drive people to get a new big step in their life. To bad, usually after the rewards disappear, the effect fly away too with it.

Money Smarts
14 years ago

Rewards and/or free stuff are extremely motivating for a lot of people. it’s part of the reason why rewards credit cards are so popular – they stress the idea of getting something for almost nothing – and end up motivating people to spend more of the rewards that far too often are never even redeemed!

14 years ago

Good story. Rewards can really motivate people, it’s a common business tool. If we could come up with our own rewards program for ourselves, it might add that extra motivation to do things we need to do but don’t always have the discipline to follow through on.

14 years ago

oh the carrot. how it can work so well.

just be careful not to give to much then people all of a sudden expect it all the time

14 years ago

The last time I went to a gym regularly was when I got a break on my insurance for going. Now, I just do it at home. I do think incentives work, however. And, if it leads to more members at the gym then why the heck not part with some super sweet tube socks.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

Hmmm, sounds like your friend (while wanting the golf package) thrives on winning… No matter what the reward. Some people are competitive like that. I personally don’t get excited about contests like that unless the payout is very good. I do know a receptionist that would constantly call radio stations while at work. She would actually win a lot of decent prizes (to her). I always though she’d get in trouble eventually, but surprisingly, she never did.

You friend sounds pretty cool and fun! I bet she can keep up with you on those bike rides now!!! ;)

14 years ago

I, like your friend am an incentive “sucker”. I am drawn to the thrill of the competition, or chance to win or receive something. Funny how a free T-shirt, mug, or one year supply of something motivates me. When it comes to the gym, my motivation comes from feeling better about myself-so free T-shirt or not I drag myself there even when I don’t feel like it. This is a great post sharing an important message!
Social Media Specialist
CareOne Debt Relief

14 years ago

LOL LOL Madonna arms!! You’re right, they ARE kind of scary- they are so ripped looking =)

Wow- that’s pretty intense your friend did that for a chance to win a t-shirt!! Maybe it’s just the CONCEPT of winning something that she wanted. I would do it if i was guaranteed something (something good… i don’t think tube socks or T shirts do it for me), but not for the chance to win something (cus I never win anything ever!)

I have high metabolism too.. but in my late 20’s it’s catching up to me! =(

Bankruptcy Ben
14 years ago

I’m a dietician by university qualification, 2 of my friends have done their phd thesis on these points and can I say frankly that the idea that some people have “skinny” genes is bull. Your friend might eat a big meal out, but if you add up her total calorie intake- total calories burned over 12 months and compare it with yours I assure you it will be less than yours. It’s just the reality. On a personal note I have 2 female friends who are like this people are always amazed at what they eat but the reality is while they may have a big dinner out they’re might have forgoten breakfast, morning tea, lunch, had a chocolate bar for afternoon tea but it total they at less calories.

Bankruptcy Ben
14 years ago

It’s even less than 20% I think it accounts for something like 2% of weight (if I remember university correctly:)

They main issue, much like PF Samurai is the example eating our parents display. Our parents are the main source of food modling. If you parents are overweight chances are you’ll be to not because of genetics buy because your concept of “normal eating” is scewed.

Mike @ Saving Money Today
Mike @ Saving Money Today
14 years ago

I like Evan’s suggestion of accountability as a means of motivation. For me it’s mostly my kids. I want them to be happy and enjoy the best of life and that motivates me to keep going when all I want to do is take a nap.

Nunzio Bruno
Nunzio Bruno
14 years ago

Congrats to your friend Lisa – Socks are kind of a big deal :)

I loved the story about the gym and it just goes to show what a little incentive can do or patrons. Or maybe it was just the lure of the “cotton that warms the feet”. I’ve been seeing a lot lately about “calls to action” and it’s great to see a non-internet example this time around. Great post Sam as usual!

Just think for the PR they received and the word of mouth advertising that was done for them, the cost of the give away was totally worth it. I’d be curious to see how many new memberships came out of it.

14 years ago

Isn’t that funny how some people’s metabolisms are like that? How awesome for them! My skinny gene/jean days disappeared after high school!

I guess the moral of the story is to entice yourself and others with prizes to get going on whatever they want. It’s kinda like how credit cards have cash back rewards…the more you spend, the more you get back. :) Isn’t that nice…but for whom? hehe… :)

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago


Is your friend from SE Asia by any chance?

Reason being that in many cultures having FUN is a big motivator, this is certainly true in Thailand. I’ve found out that people would much prefer fun and a small reward over something stressful & too serious with a chance of a bigger reward.

From the story about your friend it sounds like she had a lot of fun in the process along with the incentive. Conversely maybe the bike ride wasn’t fun for her, though it sounded good for you.

Different strokes for different folks right?


Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
14 years ago

Wait a minute. She doesn’t like to sweat but goes to the gym 3-4X a week? Huh?

14 years ago

ha, nice. Great post! I’m a total sucker for rewards programs myself. I utilize frequent diner cards for lunches a lot – even though it takes around 8-10 paid meals to get a reward, I love handing in a completed card and getting a free lunch!

14 years ago

I use accountability to provide self motivation. The fear of having to answer to The Wife, to Buddies, to my blog really keeps me on track (maybe that isn’t good enough in the long run). I have found it is the only way to get me to do anything!

Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Roshawn @ Watson Inc
14 years ago

This whole area of motivation is so interesting to me. For the last 9 months, I have been using “rewards” to motivate MYSELF to do undesirable tasks. It often works phenomenally.

14 years ago

nice story. I too work with a woman who has the WORST eating habits… Breakfast: Cheezits and Oreos. Lunch: Burger King, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, or Chic-fil-A. And wouldn’t you know it? She is skinny as can be. I watch my weight, and go to the gym during my lunch hour 4 days a week, and I just barley maintaining!AHHH!!!

Sounds like this gym truly wanted to help their members get into better shape, which I think is awesome. This kind of experience probably would not attract too many new members, perhaps they were trying to show their current members the perks of a healthy lifestyle? Either way, it was an awesome story!

14 years ago

Really thought provoking. People I know are crazy afraid of running out of money so the “reward” they seek is safety — and they give up lots of life and serenity for it.

You know how many people I’ve met who run out of money?


Things mostly work out and running around in fear is a complete waste. The “reward” they wanted and paid so dearly for…they already had it.

14 years ago

Without incentives why would we attempt new ventures? Why start a business if you don’t enjoy the activity and could care less about making money? Why lift weights without the incentive of feeling better and attracting the opposite sex. Recently, I have been “forced” to learn to dance salsa, kumbia, and merengue. At times I get disgusted and swear I’m done with it, but the rewards (having fun and beautiful women) make it worthwhile…

Rob Bennett
14 years ago

the next time you want to get someone to do anything, tempt them with cotton that warms the feet!

Incentives change behavior. There’s no question about it.

The mistake that people make is to be too crass about it. They think it has to be cash. What people want most is strokes. Strokes incentivize more than anything else.

But even the strokes have to be sincere. If it is baloney you are offering, people will catch on. Then they will be incentivized to do the opposite of what you want just to show you. You’re playing with emotions when engaged in this sort of thing and emotions are powerful but also dangerous stuff.


14 years ago
Reply to  Rob Bennett

Strokes don’t pay the bills. I’ll take the cash. :)

Rob Bennett
14 years ago

It matters more to an employee that his boss understands the work he does and
praises him when he does well and helps when he is under challenge than
it does how much he earns. He has to be paid a reasonable wage, of course. But
most care more about the intangibles. It really steams people when their boss
does not even understand the basics of the work being done and they will go to
a lot of trouble to find a different job in those circumstances (many will accept
being paid a little less than what they view as proper if they respect their boss).

Many companies try to fake the incentive stuff. They either give cash, which has
less influence on employee behavior than strokes, or they give insincere strokes,
which often has the opposite of the intended effect. Companies have to be willing
to put in bosses capable of providing the proper strokes. That of course takes
more money than what it would take to hand out a few bonuses. So incentives
programs often fail.

The concept is strong. The real-world implementation often leaves a lot to be
desired. People try to go with quick and easy approaches which can do more harm
than good.


14 years ago
Reply to  Rob Bennett

RB writes: “It matters more to an employee that his boss understands the work he does and praises him when he does well and helps when he is under challenge than
it does how much he earns.”

I’ve heard this idea expressed before, and I wonder what evidence there is for it. My totally personal reaction is that this is something I’d expect managers to want to believe, because it lets them feel good about paying workers less than what they’re worth, but I’d like to know if it is based on any survey of actual employee reactions.

Aaron @ Clarifinancial
Aaron @ Clarifinancial
14 years ago

I guessing it was the weekend in Napa Valley and not the t-shirt. Either way, some people are teetering near the edge of a decision and they just need one small excuse to go through with it. People are not rational critters.

She sounds a lot like me – being a “hard gainer”. Hopefully, the results she got in such a short time will help her keep it up. I’ve certainly fallen off the edge, but for my scary good results, not for tube socks.

Everyday Tips
14 years ago

That is a great story. So was the gym a lot busier during the promotion? (In other words, did many people get motivated by this little program?) I wonder if your friend will continue on and her new habit will truly stick.

Its funny because I always equated thin with being ‘fit’, but that is not always the case. Endurance comes in all shapes and sizes I think.

Little House
14 years ago

Wow. Bribes, I mean incentives, always motivate people. I use this strategy to get my students to work, stay on task, and clean up their desks. Candy (bite-size of course) usually does the trick in their case. Maybe I should give away tube socks instead. ;)

14 years ago
Reply to  Little House

hmm yeah, giving students toothbrushes or floss probably won’t have the same appeal! haha =)

DIY Investor
14 years ago
Reply to  Little House

I liked the bribes/incentives statement. One time I was getting rid of a number of algebra workbooks at a yard sale and a grandmotherly type was spending some time leafing through one of them. We chatted a bit and she wondered whether the workbook would be good for her grandchild who was having problems in Algebra because he hated to do the homework.
I told her the book was excellent and maybe she should think of having him do a couple of problems out of the book the next time he wanted a ride to the mall to be with his friends.
She got in a bit of huff and said she would never bribe her grandchild that way.
I guess one person’s incentives is another person’s bribe.