The Ideal Withdrawal Rate For Retirement Does Not Touch Principal

The ideal withdrawal rate for retirement does not touch principal. Ideally, you want to live off your retirement principal income for the rest of your life. This way, you won't have to stress about running out of money.

Further, if you never touch principal, you can leave a legacy for your children and charities following the Legacy Retirement Philosophy. Leaving a legacy honors your family name and helps others for years to come. As you get older, I promise you will think about what you want to leave behind to make the world a better place.

The ideal withdrawal rate for retirement also allows you to pass on your wealth. You can amass up to the estate tax threshold so your heirs don't have to pay the onerous 40% estate tax rate. Further, you can give away your state to charities that may need your money the most.

Your goal, if you choose to accept, is to create a large enough estate that will provide incredible passive income for your loved ones long after you are gone. This is what endowments do.

Why not consider doing the same if you are a magnanimous and financially savvy individual? For 2025, individuals can accumulate an impressive $13.99 million before having to pay an estate tax upon death. The estate tax threshold limit changes every year.

A 4 Percent Withdrawal Rate Is Too High

I always scratch my head when I hear advisors talk about the “4% withdrawal rule” or any withdrawal rate that's greater than a risk-free rate of return for that matter.

Times have changed folks. Interest rates are close to zero. The stock market isn't a slam dunk with all that's going on in the world. Further, we are living much longer now.

The proper safe withdrawal rate = 80% X the 10-year bond yield, at least for the initial two or three years in retirement as you figure out your new life out.

When the 4% Rule was conjured up in the late 1990s, the 10-year bond yield was at 6%. Therefore, of course you could withdraw at 4% since you could earn 6% risk-free back then!

There are so many variables that it is impossible to calculate a bullet proof withdrawal rate rule unless that rate is 0%. Sure, there's a 99% chance you will die before 110. There's also a 99.9% chance you'll die before 150, but who really knows? We might be one with machines by the year 2030 and live forever!

Instead of thinking about how much you can withdraw to bleed your retirement funds down to $0 by the time you die, I highly encourage everyone to think about leaving a financial legacy for your loved ones. Make your estate so vast that it will never run out of money.

Even if we fail to come up with a perpetual giving machine to leave for others, the end result will be much better than if we only focused on ourselves.

The Ideal Withdrawal Rate In Retirement

Let's assume everybody retires at 65 with $1 million dollars. Becoming a millionaire is fast becoming a rule rather than the exception thanks to inflation. Therefore, don't think becoming a millionaire by retirement is out of reach.

You've now got to calculate your life expectancy, health care costs, market returns, withdrawal rate, and living expenses. These are five variables that must be figured out.

There are 120 different ways to arrange these variables to make them work if each is a stand alone permutation. Let's say each of the variables has multiple permutations. There will literally be hundreds of thousands of combinations to choose from.

Even with the basic assumption of retiring by 65 with $1 million dollars and a 4% withdrawal rate yielding $40,000 a year, this might not be reasonable for many people. Everybody's lifestyles are difference.

The calculations therefore become simply academic gymnastics that help us feel better about our chances of living a comfortable retirement. The more conservative our assumptions (leaving money left over), the better we will feel and vice versa.

Different Retirement Withdrawal Rate Scenarios

It's fun to run various scenarios for retirement as I did with my 401k. You can do so easily since it's free and easy to do nowadays.

Years ago, I ran a Conservative, Base, and Blue Sky Scenario with Empower. I came up with inflation and tax adjusted amounts of $500,000, $1 million, and $2.5 million after 25 more years of saving and investing. A $2 million spread is huge and not something one can easily plan for.

With $500,000, $1,000,000 and $2.5 million inflation and tax adjusted, I will have $20,000, $40,000, and $100,000 a year to live off for another 25 years until I'm 90, assuming I retire at 65. And what do you know? The annual retirement money is based off a 4% withdrawal rate assuming zero growth.

Everybody can probably comfortably live off $40,000-$100,000 a year in retirement in today's dollars. But again, what if we live until 100, or what if health care costs skyrocket further? What if we have an even more aggressive President who decides to raise tax rates on everyone and not just those making over a certain amount?

All of these assumptions are based off other assumptions. If one assumption is wrong, the entire retirement foundation may be off.

If you've ever seen the cult movie Memento with Guy Pierce and Carrie-Ann Moss, you understand exactly what I mean.

Asset Class Returns By Decade (Stocks, Bonds)
Asset class returns by decade

The Ideal Withdrawal Rate Should Be Based On Two Figures

To make things simple, use the below two figures to calculate the ideal withdrawal rate in retirement.

1) The 10-year government bond yield.

The 10 year US Treasury yield changes every single day and is another metric for the risk free rate of return. For the past 30 years the 10 year bond yield has come down due to lower inflation and more efficient economic policies.

I encourage everyone to adjust their annual withdrawal rate based on the average rate for the past 12 months. The 10-year bond yield is currently around 4.5%. If you subscribe to the legacy retirement philosophy, having a withdrawal rate equal to the risk-free rate of return will enable you to leave that legacy.

2) The S&P 500 dividend yield.

The current S&P 500 dividend yield is roughly 1.8%. Dividend yields can rise when dividend payout ratios increase or the market tanks. If what you are mainly focused on is income, then withdrawing at the rate of the market's entire dividend yield will mean that you will never touch your principal.

Your principal might collapse, as many portfolios did between 2008-2010, but your portfolio will never be further reduced by your own doing.

If you look at the historical chart, you can see how a 4% withdrawal rate made sense in the 1970s, 80s, and early 90s, but not now. Not even close. If you are a reader not from America, choose your own market's dividend yield instead.

20-year yield versus S&P500 dividend yield
Post presidential election, the 10-year yield is now higher than the S&P 500 dividend yield

The two figures are at very similar levels as you can tell. It's up to you to decide which asset class is a better investment based on your risk tolerance. If you are an early retiree looking to tap your IRA penalty-free, I wrote about Rule 72(t) and creating a perpetual income stream.

Better To Be Conservative With Your Retirement Withdrawal Rate

Some of you might be thinking that it's foolish to die with too much money. In many ways, you are right. Paying a 40% estate tax is truly a waste when you could have donated your money while living or spent the money on a better life.

But remember, we are talking about financial security and leaving money to those we care about. Our loved ones don't have to be our daughters and sons. They can be a cause we care about such as fighting cancer, supporting the arts, helping an alma mater, or providing funding for foster children.

Retirement Withdrawal Rate Table

If you end up old and broke, there's little hope of getting back on your financial feet for the remaining years of your life.

Using the S&P 500 dividend yield or the 10-year treasury yield as a safe withdrawal rate will ensure that you do not run out of money in retirement. When you are in retirement, only then will you truly know how much you will need to be happy. Just go about your adjustments in baby steps.

A Lower Safe Withdrawal Rate Is Better

If you would like to do a deeper dive into the proper withdrawal rate, then I suggest you read my post: The 4% Rule Is Outdated: Consider A Lower Withdrawal Rate Instead. It was meant with a lot of backlash, but the logic behind lowering the ideal withdrawal rate is sound.

When we shift our retirement withdrawal rate to a level which does not touch principal, we suddenly start changing the way we view money. We save more because we're not only thinking only about ourselves anymore.

A lower withdrawal rate makes us invest more carefully because people are counting on us. We also do more research and invest more carefully with a lower ideal withdrawal rate.

Inflation is a perpetuity, so too can your retirement funds become through CDs, real estate crowdsourcing, stock dividends, and royalties. The more income streams you can produce the better. With relatively low interest rates still, retirees need to inch up the risk curve to find higher yields. My favorite way to do so is through a private real estate fund that invests in the Sunbelt.

When it's time to start sleeping in because you no longer have to work, you just might not need to withdrawal any of your retirement funds at all!

Generate More Retirement Income Through Real Estate

Real estate is my favorite retirement income source because it is a tangible asset that is less volatile, provides utility, and generates income.

In 2016, I started diversifying into heartland real estate to take advantage of lower valuations and higher cap rates. I did so by investing $954,000 with real estate crowdfunding platforms. With interest rates down, the value of cash flow is up. Further, the pandemic has made working from home more common.

Today, real estate makes up 40% of my net worth and generates over $150,000 a year in passive retirement income. Without real estate, I wouldn't have had the courage to retire early in 2012 and live free.

Take a look at my two favorite real estate crowdfunding platforms.

Fundrise: A way for accredited and non-accredited investors to diversify into real estate through private eFunds. Fundrise has been around since 2012 and manages almost $3 billion for 380,000+ investors. It predominantly invests in residential and industrial real estate in the Sunbelt region where valuations are lower and yields are higher.

CrowdStreet: A way for accredited investors to invest in individual real estate opportunities mostly in 18-hour cities. 18-hour cities are secondary cities that have higher growth due to job growth and demographic trends. If you have a lot more capital, you can build you own diversified real estate portfolio. Just make sure to due extra due diligence on each sponsor and deal.

With commercial real estate trading almost as low as they did during the 2008 global financial crisis, I see great value in buying residential commercial real estate today. Stocks are expensive and real estate generally is highly correlated with stock performance, yet real estate has lagged.

Commercial real estate prices and how much they declined in 2022 - 2024 compared to how much they declined during the Global Financial Crisis in 2008

Manage Your Finances Better

I recommend signing up with Empower, a free online wealth management tool that tracks your net worth, aggregates all your accounts so you know where your money is going, and provides useful analysis on your investment portfolios. I ran my 401(k) through their “401(k) Fee Analyzer” under the Investment tab to discover $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying!

You can also run very useful retirement scenarios based on various return assumptions in your retirement accounts through their Retirement Planning Calculator. Unlike other calculators, Empower uses your real data and Monte Carlo simulations to produce realistic financial results. There's no better free online wealth management tool.

Retirement Planning Calculator
How's your retirement planning results? Make sure you link all your accounts to get a realistic picture

For more Financial Samurai, you can sign up for my free weekly newsletter here. The Ideal Withdrawal Rate For Retirement Does Not Touch Principal is a Financial Samurai original post. I've been helping people achieve financial independence since 2009.

This article contains references to products and services from one or more of our advertisers. Fundrise is a sponsor of Financial Samurai and Financial Samurai is an investor in Fundrise. When you sign up through links on our site, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your readership and support.

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Quadian Warrior
Quadian Warrior
6 years ago

**Portfolio Half-life**

I honestly think the 4% rule is a very nice rule, its easy to calculate…..and will get most of us part of the way there, but at the end of the day it does decimate principle, it just takes approximately 15-30 years to do so. I want to draw bond coupon payments and dividends if at all possible and not touch the principle, otherwise my investment goes from being a financial perpetual income producing asset to having a “half life”.

By my rough back of the envelope calculations a 2% withdraw should be sustainable, and at four percent we are likely to erode two percent of the principle annually. At this rate, a two percent of erosion of principle, assuming few severe market crunches(that’s assuming a lot), it would take approximately 35 years to eat your principle down to half of its size. That doesn’t sound bad until one notices that the monthly withdraw has also been reduced by half. This gives us about a 35 year half life for a portfolio with a safe withdraw rate of 2% and an actual withdraw rate of 4%, and that’s assuming that people don’t cheat and withdraw more as their financial core assets become depleted. You can calculate doubling and halving times by dividing your percentage by 70 to speed test this.

Of course asset appreciation can step in and ease this a bit, adding another thirty years if one is strategic about selling their shares……but this is not nearly as elegant as simply drawing money off of dividends and bond coupon payments.

**Mostly-Passive Income: Real Estate**

Real estate is a wonderful investment with good earnings potential, but depreciation which we can write off is an actual cost that must be considered later, the “principle” is being eroded if one doesn’t save enough money from the rents to upkeep the structure…….and the worse we let a structure get the faster that depreciation can occur. Let the roof get trashed and soon we have water damaged walls, ceilings, electrical system damage, and potentially even foundation issues where freeze and thaw is an issue. Cash land rent is attractive, but has a lower price to earnings ratio than most house rentals offer, at least where I live.

**One of the Best Investments A Person Can Make**

However there is, at least in my opinion, a powerful real estate investment that trumps almost all other real estate investments in its adjusted Price to Earnings ratio: buying your first family home, large enough that it can be built onto for additional family or even duplexes. Warren Buffett had said that his home he bought for a reasonable price was one of the best investments he ever made……

When we pay rent to a land lord we have to pay to upkeep their structure(naturally, I build upkeep into rents on my cash rent land lots) and give him/her a certain profit. We actually pay more than the properties PE ratio, without getting any equity. From the perspective of the renter, unless we have to move often for career reasons, we are throwing money away. When we buy a home that we are living in we get equity, property appreciation, and an instant savings after it is paid off, a savings of what we would have to pay a land lord, thus our price to earnings ratio in money saved is actually more than renting out a property.

Furthermore if we bought a home that could have rooms and floors added to it, then we can rent out a sleeping room, or storage space, if our family members move out. Thus the first home if bought in a good area, and bought with space for additional work and rooms, is in my opinion one of the best real estate investments a person can make.

Pensioners that don’t have to pay rent see less of their checks devoured by rent. Property taxes are a concern, but for the most part you lower your cost of living, your overhead, and have more options, and can make your SS and pension checks go farther than someone who is paying rent. As Jack Bogle has said regarding investments: Cost Matters.

As a land lord(cash rent from farm ground) I have a very high opinion of real estate. If we can get a price to earnings ratio of 14 or better, generally I consider it a good investment. My target PE ratio on real estate is 10………….The PE ratio on a the home you live in with family due to its tax exemptions and the money saved by family that live there mostly rent free is far better than 10, possibly around 5, at least by my rough back of the envelope calculations.


People may want to look for jobs that offer pensions, even tiny ones, a pension can be worth a lot more than it looks. Regardless of your political stance on unions, one thing most union jobs offer that other jobs do not is pensions. Where I work it is in the private sector and it is unionized, people I know there do not save for retirement, and do not care about the pension they get from working there, I however have turned down better paying jobs because of four things:

1. I get a pension, and while its small ($400 a month after ten years of service) it is guaranteed income, from a very large company, if I had to use a portfolio to get this with a safe withdraw rate of 2% or 4% then I would have to have a portfolio of at least: $240,000 or at 4% $120,000, I therefore see that pension as a free hundred thousand dollars or so, and all I have to do to get it is go to work and pay my union dues, which I can deduct on my taxes……pensions are rare in today’s day and age, I greatly appreciate that opportunity and don’t intend to leave it on the table.
2. Virtually guaranteed job security and other benefits packages from both the union and the employer
3. Short drive distance, cost matters in employment, just as much as cost matters in investment.
4. Our health insurance package currently costs around $20 a month and covers almost any essential medical need……..this is almost free insurance.

For me any new job I choose will almost exclusively be jobs that offer pensions or high matched 401ks that I can max out. I would take less pay now for a defined benefit pension any day. Its not necessarily going to let me retire early, but it means that I will have a guaranteed retirement amount.

My friends and co-workers that were combat veterans have guaranteed retirement programs, thrift-savings investment plan, deals on medical care, deals on housing, and in some cases guaranteed disability payments……..while their pay might not have been stellar, their defined benefit and defined contribution plans are actually worth a lot of money when one considers the cost of planning retirement.

**The True Cost of a College Education**

A person can take free classes or learn things themselves by using a library or the internet. Its not that difficult to read a book, listen to professor lectures online……so its not about the knowledge as much as it is about the shiny degree, a hunting license for a job……and that hunting license is very pricey, its like the opposite of a financial nut, debt you cant escape from, not even with bankruptcy. I worked my way through community college, and found that the career I went for in medical paid less than the warehouse work I used to pay my way through college……and while I paid very little and have no debt, it have lost time and overtime in the work force, and spent money for a degree that doesn’t do a whole lot, especially because experience and a degree trumps just a degree and an internship any day.

I would only go for STEM, not including anything in medical, or take a skilled trade that is desired in your area that has low competition. Psychology and a few business courses are great side courses to take that can spruce up a STEM degree or skilled trade.

**My Personal Investment and Retirement Plan**
This is not a perfect retirement plan, but it should have a high chance of success. It won’t sound sexy or magical, but it should work well:

1. Minimize Costs of Living and Investment
*Cost matters, live frugally and lower costs of living and work whenever possible
*Use cheap index funds and cheap brokers
*Buy and own my home, make sure its a home that can be enlarged. Pay off debts as rapidly as possible, especially large home debt. Use a down payment of at least 50% if possible.
*Buy used vehicles, not new, a new vehicle looses half its value just driving it off the lot. New vehicles cost more to insure and are the enemy of making money because debt is often used to purchase new vehicles.
*Maintain employment
2. Maximize Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Retirement Products
*Choose places of employment that offer pensions, or at least a matched 401k.
*Keep an eye on Social Security benefits and delay using them.
*Buy Medi-gap insurance when older
*Max out 401k and IRA
*90% in low cost S&P500 index fund, 10% in low cost bond fund, rebalance only annually using contributions
*When approaching retirement move to a 50/50 asset allocation
*Withdraw dividends and bond fund dividends and avoid drawing principle if at all possible
*When PE ratios for real estate are better, acquire more cash rent real estate or storage real estate
4. Retirement
*Keep costs of living low, primarily draw from pensions and social security to avoid drawing down portfolios.
*Maintain part time employment to offset potential costs of living. Working two or three days a week really isn’t that difficult and will make my retirement go much farther. It also keeps work gaps out of my resume and might give me a better deal on health insurance.

3 years ago

Wow! Great thoughts. You have put alot of planning and thinking into this.

My only disagreement is on *Keep an eye on Social Security benefits and delay using them.*

I think it is pretty well established that the best option is to take them as soon as possible…IF you don’t need the money for living expenses and can/do invest it instead. It is likely it will grow larger in 5 years of investing then if you wait say 5 years to take the larger payment.

Isaac, Live Fi and Free

I’ve been wondering about this. I see 4% as the gold standard withdrawal rate everywhere. I am in the boat where I don’t want to die with no money. I’d like to die with a legacy that will live for generations. Be able to fund charities and sponsor local events. This is the goal. Looks a like a lower withdrawal rate is the best way to go to achieve that goal.


6 years ago

Hi :)
Your article is very interesting, but I’m looking for something in opposite direction and I want to know if you can point me to the right place.

Here is the thing: I’m looking for a way to calculate a safe withdrawal rate where my principal will diminish and end – on purpose – by the time I am like 100yo.
I don’t want to leave any money, I rather retire a bit earlier and/or spend a little more.

Do you have anything about that?
Thank you!

Praveen Chawla
Praveen Chawla
6 years ago
Reply to  Marcia

Marcia, There is a calculator launched by Morneau Shepell (a very large HR benefits company in Canada) which help calculate the safe withdrawal rate.

The author found that a large number of people end up over-saving and wasting their years in miserable and stressful jobs when they could have left the rat race years earlier. You have one life to live and being yoked to plough till 65 does not make a lot of sense if you could have had your freedom at 50.

6 years ago
Reply to  Praveen Chawla

Thanks you Praveen! :)
I will look into that!

6 years ago
Reply to  Praveen Chawla

I enjoy what I do (trading, research, investments, startups) and do not plan to retire. Folks obsessed with retirement maybe should find what they love. As Bukowski said: “Find What You Love and Let it Kill You”.

Mark D.
Mark D.
7 years ago

interesting article. What do you think of this? what I thought I would do. I have most of my assets at Vanguard. I am not working but my wife is. When she retires, i plan to roll over her 401K into Vanguard which currently is only a couple hundred thousand dollars since she has only been there a few years. Vanguard on their performance page has a market gain (loss) column by month for ten years and there is a column for income earned also (on the entire portfolio)., so if I look at the income column for the last year it shows 81,098.00 dollars. So, that would be how much I could spend that year from the portfolio which by coincidence comes out to 2.4% of the portfolio. That is kind of what you are doing I believe, just taking what should be income and not spending any more.

7 years ago

4% seems like a fair number to use for understanding where you stand with respect to your retirement odds. The general thrust of the article seems to be that one should plan for unlikely outcomes. Of course one can do that, but the consequence of doing so itself becomes pretty dire. Suppose you solution-eer a safe withdrawn rate of 2-3%, the implication I suppose is you can feel secure if you have reached those bounds, but on the other hand are at risk if you are relying on 3-5%. If you fall into the latter category you have just allocated another large swath of time working to diminish your model failure rates. This additional amount of work is then a certainty.

What isn’t certain is the future. I could be there are some bad years where you need to potentially make adjustments (though down the road in 15-40 years). On the other hand, things may really turn out awesome. If you want a laugh equal to your fear check out present day dollars return for your portfolio with an upside probability equal to the negative outcome you are offsetting; it is crazy large. What is the top 5% return value on your current model?

Also, missing from the considerations above is all the unpredictable outcomes that could happen. Could WW3 break out? Implication? Could you draw a terminal cancer card from the deck? So on and so forth, exogenic risk not accounted for by the existing data. And how large is that risk cumulatively?

Net net, if you are going to concern yourself with the outlier scenarios on the down side, you should also balance them out with the other equally unlikely outcomes. My feeling is that the article above doesn’t do proper justice to addressing the risk of waiting too long to retire. And in the end, all these models are just that models. They inform us and help us understand there is uncertainty with the outcomes of choices we are making. If you can’t assume any risk, you are very likely cutting your life experiences short.

7 years ago

The risk of waiting too long to retire is just that; the path not taken. It could be the trip to Egypt you promised yourself to take in your 30’s that you didn’t. It could be that post occupational freedom career you didn’t pursue, those walks you didn’t have with your kids, etc.

Building financial buffers and legacies for others is a pursuit, and perhaps a noble one. I just don’t think overrotating on downside risk scenarios makes much sense. Ultimately there isn’t any ‘certainty’ to be had. In my mind the best guidepost is simply what the past can tell us with an acknowledgment that if you want to get to the new world you have to set sail…else you just live out your days where you are.

3 years ago
Reply to  jdogsupreme

I live off of my dividends. I am fifty-seven. If I had to, I could live off half of the dividends. I am still reinvesting 33% of my income back into the market on a DRIP. It’s working out well. My income works out to 4% of what I have invested in stocks. It’s nice to be able to travel and relax while I am still feeling young and healthy. I think living on $20,000. a year for most of my life trained me to be disciplined and frugal in retirement. Great article…I agree.

8 years ago

Dividends from the S&P 500 and interest from US Treasuries are apples and oranges.

Dividend amounts largely trend up and exceed inflation. Their yield will fluctuate based on “Mr Market” prices but the dividend amounts largely track corporate earnings and the long-term trend line is up. Interest paid on a bond is constant. The nominal UST interest rate (its coupon rate) includes an implied amount for future inflation that must be reinvested to maintain a real (inflation adjusted) income.

Your article says to use either one interchangably to determine safe draw rate but they say very different things.

8 years ago

Agree mostly with OhioDale about quality of life and time are essential factors to consider. The underlying assumption that people are incapable of managing theor own money if given access is ridiculous. The burden has already been passed and given to them.

Denial of access to their own monies while taxing them equates to anarchy and slavary. Basically you stating that you do not trust people and their behavior.

Well I say, the system is designed not to help them but denied them of their monies. Mortality stats shows that at least half of the people die before accessing their money. Government borrows against it to pay recurring bills and as the population dwindles the funds dry out and their monies are gone.

Social justice can only be achieved by the preservation of our freedoms and denial to monies we pay is contrary to the principle. Just my two cents.

Agree with your withdrawal analysis preservation of capital for the first 10 years then the withdrawal becomes less important.
Trading money for time work but trading time for money in the third of your life doesn’t.

8 years ago

I do not subscribe to the idea of not touching the principle. I also do not believe science will come up with a means to expand life expectancy by 20 years in the next 30 years. I plan to withdraw 4.5% and increase it every year by 2% and will make my money last at least 20 years. I can easily earn 2% on my investments with little to no risk so I my money will actually last much longer than 20 years.

I will not take my social security until I reach 70 so for me and my wife that is $56k in today’s dollars. If my 401k runs out I will easily live off the $56. By the time I am 87 I doubt I will be traveling.

I am not saving my entire life to die with millions in the banks and this is very bad advise. My advise is to live life to it’s fullest but do not live beyond your means. What I mean is everyone should save 10% of their income, pay off their house, and exercise to have a good retirement.

4 years ago
Reply to  ohiodale

ohiodale. Agree. I don’t think I need to work my entire life so someone else can enjoy my money I earned. I plan on using it up and soon as I have enough. At 2.3 m, a withdraw rate of 6.5% should work out just fine for me.

4 years ago

I just would never put much or any of my money into Bonds. I have done a lot of research on stocks and bonds, right now it is best for me to be 100% in stocks. These are Vanguard EFTs, so basket of stocks, diversified. Even with a down year or two I have plenty of savings to cover expenses for those years. I just do not see the point in not being 100% in stocks. Over the last 7 years I have not made less than 12% on them, and last year I made 46.2%.

3 years ago
Reply to  carol

Thanks Carol! Thats exactly my plan… The last few years have been amazing earning 17-28.5 % each year. YTD I’m up 21%. I’m 66 and never touched my 401k started in 1990… Just took my pension in a lump sum and have invested in good dividend stocks that’s done very well. I received this money in Dec 2020 and invested most of it 1st qtr 2021… So far I’m exceeding the month to month benefit payout combining gains and yields YTD… It’s been fun. And, if I die my kids will get the money, not the company :) Thinking about starting withdrawal, 4-5 % would never touch my principle I’m thinking. Even in a bad bad market, the recovery has always been quick in my opinion.

3 years ago
Reply to  carol

The one who plants trees knowing that he will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.

Rabi Tagore

9 years ago

I ran across this post today. 2015.

I’m not a savvy investor and would like to know how (the steps needed) to invest in treasury bonds and how (the steps needed) to withdraw 3 percent per year.

Based on what I have saved and the chart you show above I believe I can retire for about 75 years. I don’t have anywhere near that much to live so I will have the rest to leave for others.

Can you guide me to where I can learn the step by step or someone who can show me this?

9 years ago

Thank you. I read that article several times.

It does not tell me the step by step. I have saved that much and more.

How do I get the 2% safe return?

In the chart of the original article you say if I withdraw 4% of assets I would have to take out 10K in principal but the money would still last 50 years. My question is what asset allocations will allow for that specific situation or 3.5% with money lasting around 70 years or so? This way I can leave some for others.

9 years ago

Honestly, for me, any money left over when I die is a complete waste of money. I worked hard for my money, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to die and leave a million bucks on the table.


[…] As for me, although I’m accepting of the backdoor Roth IRA, I will likely never do a backdoor Roth IRA because I don’t want to ever give up my option of potentially reducing my taxes in retirement. I still plan to figure out a way to set up residency in a no income tax state such as Nevada, Florida, or Washington by the time RMD is required. Besides, I doubt I’ll ever have enough homerun investments in my retirement portfolio because I’m focused on capital preservation. […]


[…] fears I had before leaving my job was going from being a prodigious saver to a wanton spender. The ideal withdrawal rate in retirement touches no principal, after all. But my fears were unfounded because I naturally made sure I did everything possible not […]


[…] above average person isn’t drawing down capital to survive due to their creation of multiple income streams, smart asset allocation, discipline to […]

Ken Carlson
Ken Carlson
10 years ago

I find it interesting that no one brought up RMDs…..for those of us with almost all of our retirment in traditional 401ks our withdrawl rate is only for us to decide on the first few years of retirement assuming a person retires at full retirement age! In my case, I will only be able to decide this for 4 years before I am forced to wirthdrawl based onlife expectancy….I know I know I will hear that this can be reinvested or some may have Roth accounts but by and large the masses in the private sector won’t control the withdrawl rate for long.

10 years ago

Again, I LOVE this blog, just have to say that.
There are many variable on how to draw down your portfolio in retirement. There are many drawdown models to consider:

First, the draw rate does not have to be constant. I will semi-retire at age 56. My life expectancy is 96. So I need at least 40 years worth of income. But the income I need is not constant. My wife and I view retirement as phases (active, passive, and declining), based on what we have seen happen to the elderly in our own families (we all get old and die). Active is roughly age 56 – 70. Passive is roughly 70 – 80. Declining is 80+. During active years you will travel, spend money on your kids and the grandkids, and just have fun. In passive years you are hopefully still able to get around, but let’s fact it, things are going to get pretty slow. In the declining years. you will sit around and watch TV, hopefully healthy enough to stay out of assisted living. So your draw rates are going to vary quite a bit based on what your needs are during these phases of old age. I’ve done spreadsheets on my portfolio and can easily handle a 5% active, 4% passive, and 2% declining drawdown profile.

Another drawdown model I like is to only draw what you actually need. So if you are taking a big vacation you draw just the money you need for that expense. No point in pulling a set amount if you are not going to spend it.

Another model is to drawdown no more than 1% less than what you earned in the previous year. So if you made 5% in the previous year the most you would draw is 4%. This gives you a whole year to adjust your portfolio as the markets change.

Assuming your house is paid for, another model is to use your house as a cash reserve at the end of the declining period. This is when you are 90 and in assisted living. Most people won’t be able to live in any house by yourself any longer at that point.

In practice, I believe it is a combination of multiple drawdown approaches that will work the best. But you do need to be active in the management of your money, or get someone you trust to help you with it as you get older.

As far as an inheritance goes. Well, we are planning on preserving our principal for out own safety net, not for our children’s. If we need to spend it up for fun or necessity, so be it. Our first order inheritance is to provide a college education and possibly beyond that. This is how the stealthy wealthy manage their money. If we happen to die prematurely and leave a bunch of money to our kids, well how lucky they will be. But it is total foolishness to purposely plan to leave money to your kids – especially if it will cause you to compromise your own retirement goals or lifestyle. Research shows that this practice is demeaning and demotivating to young adults. There are exceptions. For example, we may plan to gift money to help fund our daughter’s IRA and other retirement tools or to contribute to our grand children’s 429 plans, but not for spending money that she can use in her working years – that she will have to earn.

Best to everyone. Work hard, play hard, and be balanced in all aspects of your life (health, wealth, and relationships).

11 years ago

With a mixture of stocks and bonds, how is a withdrawal rate of 4-6% difficult to maintain whilst preserving capital? Seeing as how the stock market returns around 9% on average, why would it be so hard to maintain a 4-6% withdrawal rate? Sure, you would need to adjust with the market. If the market is doing bad, don’t take as much cash out (thats what your bonds and dividend paying stocks are for). But seeing as how the market is up ~22% this year, you could have withdrawn anywhere from 0-22% and still preserved your capital.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ricky

Ricky – this has always been my question also. I’ve never seen it answered in a way that made sense.

9 years ago
Reply to  Sherri

They factor in inflation so that you have the same buying power 30 years down the road. So I believe they’re going with the historical 7% average market return minus average inflation 3-4% which puts you close to 4%. People are now saying choosing 3.5% to 3% withdrawal is safer.

3 years ago
Reply to  Sherri

Yes! I too, Am struggling to understand this.

No where do I read anything that addresses this.

Your capital should be untouched or go untouched if you’re simply withdrawing the proceeds from your stocks.

11 years ago

This is quite a thought provoking. I’ve never thought about leaving a legacy or endowment behind but I can clearly see the benefits it would give to the future generations especially if the money was not split too much. I have an only son and it would be great to leave him the entire principal so he could do the same. thanks for sharing, interesting piece

Shobir | Find Some Money
Shobir | Find Some Money
11 years ago

I’d love to leave a financial legacy or at least try to leave one. This post has made me think about something after retirement. It would be great to leave the principal intact or have enough principal so I’m living off the interest that’s accrued from the interest, this means the principal with continue to rise. I really enjoyed this post, thanks for sharing.

11 years ago

Why not consider a SPIA? That would ensure you are always guaranteed a SAFE withdrwal rate and you dont need to save as much either

11 years ago
Reply to  John

The Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) is a tough one for me. It is sold as a product (Life Insurance), and the company has teams of actuaries and reams of historical data to make sure that the odds are in the company’s favor for making more money than it will pay out.

If you have checked out Annuity payouts lately (I have, very discouraging returns just like every other investment class), they do not keep up with inflation. There are products that do incorporate an inflation factor, but the buyer pays dearly for this.

In the meantime, the risk goes to the buyer for an early demise (in which the lump sum stays with the life insurance company), that the lump sum won’t ever be needed for anything else, and that the risk/return/inflation snapshot in which the SPIA is negotiated will always be sufficient to provide for the buyer’s future needs.

11 years ago

I prefer to look at retirement as needs based vs income (withdrawal based). Safety doesn’t matter when you have a non-discretionary monthly nut that equals 10% of the portfolio.

Bethany A. Mckee
11 years ago

We computed portfolio outcomes in a similar manner for each of the 100 scenarios. Although most scenarios resulted in portfolio success (the portfolio was able to sustain a 4 percent withdrawal rate over the 35-year period), we were surprised by the proportion of scenarios that resulted in portfolio failure—18 of the 100 scenarios. In order to be consistent with some of the other studies mentioned previously, we redefined portfolio success by shortening the retirement period to 30 years. The portfolio failure rate dropped to 14 percent, but is still higher than Milevsky and Robinson’s 9 percent (2005), Spitzer, Strieter, and Singh’s 6 percent (2007), and Scott, Sharpe, and Watson’s 5.7 percent (2009). We also computed the portfolio balance (in real dollars) at the end of the 35-year retirement period for successful scenarios. Finally, we inverted our model to calculate the sustainable withdrawal rate (the maximum rate at which a given portfolio may be drawn down without depleting the portfolio before the end of the 35-year retirement horizon) for each of the 100 scenarios. Portfolio outcomes for the six previously described retirement scenarios are presented in Table 3.

Arnold Reynolds
Arnold Reynolds
11 years ago

When it comes to retirement planning, the key question is how much the client can safely spend out of his or her portfolio during the golden years. The rule of thumb is that 4% is a safe withdrawal rate. However, given that many bond yields are well below 4% — and retirees tend to invest heavily in bonds — the appropriateness of this rule has been called into question.

Anton Ivanov | Dreams Cash True
Anton Ivanov | Dreams Cash True
11 years ago

I’ve been waiting for somebody to write about not touching your retirement principle for a while! This is the strategy I have always used when conducting my retirement planning and have never imagined myself drawing on my portfolio principle. A 3-5% yield (achieved through dividend stocks or, most likely, bonds) is the number I use to calculate my estimated yearly retirement income.

I do agree with the other commenters that for those who don’t have enough saved to use this strategy, drawing on their principle is the only viable options. But that’s poor planning on their part, in my opinion.

My Own Advisor
11 years ago

Great post.

I use 4% as an estimate, that’s it.

My current dividend yield is around 4.5%. Will it always be that way? Maybe, maybe not.

I figure a 3% withdrawal rate is what I need. I plan to have a $1 M portfolio in about 20 years, before my 60s. Once I hit that value, I will retire.

11 years ago

This post will answer the question, after I got my ‘hand-wringing’ done previously. My only comment on the table is that it seems pretty severe. Not many people that pulled $1 million together are going to be happy pulling out $18,000/yr.

My own strategy is to take the longest life-expectancy for me and my wonderful wife, add 5, and divide by our net worth (including home equity). i.e., one of us is expected to live another 35 years, plus 5 equals 40. The ’40’ equates to a withdrawal rate of 2.5%. This is our starting point. The 5 year margin, plus the ‘shadow asset’ of Social Security payments not counted against future spending, will give us flexibility if we need to make a serious deviation. A previous poster noted that spending is likely to decrease as we age. Like the FS example, our strategy assumes 0% appreciation (our very conservatively invested nut is in cash instruments, and we assume a wash with inflation) and 0 contributions going forward. Recalculating as needed, we live modestly, and this will work for us for now.

Of course, this is quite conservative and assumes a bottom 1% performance. At one point in years past, we made plans for a charitable trust; it is kind of embarrassing now, and seems grandiose in hindsight. But at the time, we had the money to do it. Now, not so much and we are happy just to enjoy our time together. “The future’s uncertain, and the end is always near!” – Jim Morrison, ‘Road House Blues’