The Katana: Help Haiti If You Can 1/17/10

So far over $7 million has been raised to help Haiti by just texting the word “HAITI” to 90999.  You'll get a confirm receipt from your mobile carrier once sent. Please consider donating!

This week on Financial Samurai, we'll share our thoughts on the latest government rhetoric, highlight a guest post by Flexo, introduce a new fun challenge, and perhaps discuss one of the key things to consider for job seekers.

THE SAMURAI FUND UPDATE: +3.85% vs. S&P 500 +1.88% as of Friday, Jan 15th. 203 basis points of outperform puts us in the Top Tier of all funds.

Stars: Lenar +25%, Toyota +8%, GE 9%, Harmon +7.4%,, Calgon +7%, Big Lots +7%.

Dog Poops: Lumber Liquidators -7%, Berkshire -1.6%, Steris -1.25%, ABM -1%, Monsanto -1%.

Looks like there's some good demand from new entrants, and investors who want to give us several hundred million more to build new positions!  Contributors, please provide an update on your name in the TSF page above, especially if your name is sucking wind.  Will be making room for new names in February.

Week In Review: Let's Help Haiti

The 2010 earthquake in Haiti was a devastating 7.0 magnitude natural disaster. The epicenter was near Leogane, about 16 miles west of Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti.

It's estimated 3 million people in Haiti were affected. And several hundred thousand people died in the tragedy. Haiti is asking for emergency aid to help survivors.


* People now realize that converting to a ROTH IRA is pretty ridiculous as Kevin M reminds us that the first $18,700 (equivalent to $470,000 in pre-tax funds at 4%) you withdraw from your retirement funds is tax free. 

Meanwhile, JoeTaxPayer highlights that if you retire with $2.17 million in today's dollars, you only have to pay 15% tax!  You'll have to retire with more than $5 million dollars to average a 25% tax rate, based off a 4% income return. 

$5 million is only 50X your $100,000 “average” income. Always good to dream big for those of you who've justified your ROTH IRA contributions.  Joe, you made my day!

* Family seems to be the number one reason why people choose to freeze during the winter, and melt during the summer. FYI, it is possible to make friends in paradise folks. It's also possible for your family to fly out and visit you on the beach. If you're miserable, don't limit yourself! Just think about how much easier it is to travel now vs. 300 years ago.

* The “Get Financially Naked” book giveaway ends on Saturday, January 23rd. It's a great little book for couples who feel they need some help in improving their communication as it relates to finance. With all our book giveaways, we'd like to share them with those who'd like and need them the most.

* Americans really shouldn't complain about our finances since we're wealthier than 99% of the rest of the world. That said, it's all relative, and if everybody is wealthy, then it's really hard to feel special. The key seems to be to amass your wealth, and move elsewhere!

Further Reading


Sam Samurai – “Slicing Through Money's Mysteries”

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15 years ago

It’s so kind of you to keep Haiti’s earthquake victims in mind.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Now you’re talking!
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog ..Are Credit Card Companies Evil if They Don’t Waive Fees on Haiti Donations? =-.

15 years ago

TM finally gets some steam…. will it hold?

Rock On SamauraiFund…

So when are you launching the Samaurai Hedge Fund?
.-= LeanLifeCoach´s last blog ..Sometimes More Is Less =-.

Kevin M
Kevin M
15 years ago

Actually Kevin M (me) is not related to the website you linked to.

Credit Card Chaser
Credit Card Chaser
15 years ago

Thanks for the mention!
.-= Credit Card Chaser´s last blog ..Are Credit Card Companies Evil if They Don’t Waive Fees on Haiti Donations? =-.

15 years ago

Go Samurai fund!! In the news: HAR, Harman International, reached an agreement to amend their convertible senior notes indenture last week. The CEO said “This amendment will allow us to save millions of dollars in unnecessary interest expense while maintaining financial flexibility. We also view this as a vote of confidence by the Note holders in Harman’s improved balance sheet and financial performance.”

YTD returns look good so far, up 7.4% yihaw!

Investor Junkie
Investor Junkie
15 years ago

Hmm… No I can’t. Isn’t this supposed to be long term? a few weeks isn’t long term ;-)
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Weekend Reading for January 16, 2010 =-.

Investor Junkie
Investor Junkie
15 years ago

Thanks for the mention!
.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Weekend Reading for January 16, 2010 =-.

Money Funk
15 years ago

Thanks for the link love! I still can’t decide what to spend on, but I have an inkling I will figure it out soon. :)

BTW, I wish I told myself to join 5 yrs before it went public, too. LOL.

David @ MBA briefs
David @ MBA briefs
15 years ago

Thanks for mentioning my post on Aesop’s Fables, and sorry about ABM last week. I’ll let them know they need to shape up or else. Good thing we’re long.
.-= David @ MBA briefs´s last blog ..How to analyze stocks like a pro – part 5 =-.