The Katana: 200 Posts And A Thank You To All Readers!

Today I'm celebrating writing 200 posts on Financial Samurai! It's been a wonderful journey so far and I want to thank you for visiting my tiny slice of the matrix. We may not always agree, but that's the beauty of it all.  Through differences of opinion, we're allowed to learn from each other and flourish mentally, and hopefully financially as well. Besides, it's not like I'm going to hold your puppy hostage or something if you challenge my opinion! Hope you feel the same.

Sometimes it's hard to to respond to all of your wonderful comments (7,100+ so far), yet I will always try. I wish there was an easy way to tag all of the most interesting comments and show case them. Perhaps I still will! It's so fun to visit other sites, comment, and interact, I want you to experience the same here.

Celebrating 200 Posts

Each blog has a different personality and tone to it. I'd like to think that Financial Samurai is unique with a flavor that challenges conventional thinking. It's been a lot of work getting to 200 posts, but it's also been such a great learning experience and a ton of fun. (Fast forward to 2021, and I've written well over 2,000 articles and counting!)

We can go back to basics regarding budgeting, savings, and retirement planning. Or, we can continue blazing new trails. It's really up to you frankly. What would you like to read more of going forward? Generally we should enjoy writing what we'd enjoy reading.

Finally, I thought it would be fun to dedicate this song to all the female readers who helped share their viewpoints. Five String Serenade was composed by Mazzy Star in her 1993 album, So Tonight That I Might See.  The original plan when I learned Five String Serenade 12 years ago was to sing to a girl after an evening picnic on a beach somewhere. I never got the chance until recently. And now it's been recorded, in my own version for you. Funny how things never turn out quite like you plan.

Here's to another 200 posts! Thank you again!

Some Favorite Posts

Here are some of my favorites among my 200 posts for further reading.

Diamond Engagement Rings Bling Bling! A comprehensive guide to getting the right stone and understanding what women really want.  Furthermore, you'll find a new rule on how much to spend.  It makes perfect sense!

Everything Is Rational – The Answer To All Things Irrational – There's no need to question anybody for their choices ever again.  It's good to mind our own business and not force our will on others.

The Curse Of Making Too Much Money And Not Pursuing Your Dreams – A story about someone who makes multiple six figures, but is thinking about giving it all up for his hobby.

If A Panda Didn't Look Like A Panda, Would The World Still Care? – A look into how we're fooled by attraction, and why it's necessary to floss and brush your teeth.

Don't Have Children If You Can't Take Care Of Yourself – A discussion about the cost of kids and why we have so many when there are so many orphans who need our help.


Sam @ Financial Samurai – “Slicing Through Money’s Mysteries”

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Aury (Thunderdrake)
Aury (Thunderdrake)
14 years ago

7000+ comments and climbing eh? Aha. Ain’t that awesome? :P

Hopefully I’m not your 8000th already!

You’ve come a long way. Even though I’m fairly new to the blogosphere myself, I definitely like seeing milestones like these build up. Besides, your blog is fun to comment on!

Might I also add that the samurai was a very fantastic choice of personification? Based on what I know, samurais are known to be very frugal and non-materialistic. Which I consider two very powerful components to success in personal finance.
.-= Aury (Thunderdrake)´s last blog ..3 more things you can put in your hoard =-.

Funny about Money
14 years ago

Awe, what a cool song! You can sing on my blog any day. :-)

IMHO it’s not just the 200 posts but the high quality of the 200 posts. I’ve been posting every day for over two years–wouldn’t that put the number at something over 700 posts?–but though I hit the gong now and again, the level of my posts is not as consistent as yours. Great work!
.-= Funny about Money´s last blog ..DIY Veterinary: The dog-proof hot-spot bandage =-.

14 years ago

awesome job! It’s been really fun following your blog. :)

14 years ago

that is awesome 200, wow.
thanks for the list of articles to read, i will be checking them out for sure

Kim | Money and Risk
Kim | Money and Risk
14 years ago


Congratulations on your #200. That’s a lot of work and sweat.

I would vote for writing challenging articles. It’s more beneficial and important for people to think past assumptions.

I’ve seen more loss and hardship for people through taking someone else’s advice blindly than they could ever lose in the stock market.
.-= Kim | Money and Risk´s last blog ..5 Good Habits for a DIY Investor Using the Internet =-.

Mike @ Saving Money Today
Mike @ Saving Money Today
14 years ago

Congrats Sam! I’m looking forward to many more thought-provoking posts!
.-= Mike @ Saving Money Today´s last blog ..The Financial Impact of the Super Bowl =-.

14 years ago

Thanks for the link love Samurai. By all means keep on blazing new trails and don’t look back.
.-= LeanLifeCoach´s last blog ..Frugal Printing, Is It Possible? =-.

14 years ago

that is awesome 200, wow.

thanks for the list of articles to read, i will be checking them out for sure

Darwin's Money
14 years ago

Congrats! 200 and going strong. Keep it up man, always look forward to a post I won’t find anywhere else – sure to stir the pot.
.-= Darwin’s Money´s last blog ..New Teachers and Graduates out of Work to Fund Obscene Pensions =-.

14 years ago

Congrats on the wonderful milestone! the insight you provide has been vital in my progress in turning my financial situation back in order.

Continue with your wisdom, wit, and knowledge!!

14 years ago

Hey congrats! I can’t believe you wrote 200 posts already! Let’s go REALLY celebrate when you hit 1000 :)
.-= MoneyNing´s last blog ..How to Downsize Your Lifestyle =-.

14 years ago

Congratulations Sam! Your site is definitely one of my favorites. My favorite post is the one of Lyndon. It goes to show that money is just part of the equation. Keep rockin! :)

14 years ago

Congratulations Sam! You absolutely do have a unique site here and truthfully, I never would have imagined I would be following a finance blog. But you’ve opened up an entirely new world to me, so thank you for that.

And also, thanks so much for the mention above. It’s an absolute honor to be on that list.
.-= Earl´s last blog ..The Strange Habits Of A Traveler =-.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

200! way to go!

This is still one of the first sites I hit in the morning! You should feel great that you’ve really added something special to the blogsphere!!!

Congrats on being at #13 on wisebread’s top 100! Now to crack the top 10!!! :)
.-= Money Reasons´s last blog ..Lemons to Lemonade – Lessons Learned From A Broken Lawnmower =-.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

Commenting…, It’s been a pleasure.

Keep up the great work, your site is now like a comforting friend to most of us! I can’t imagine what the pf space would be like without your site! I also like the way your writing style continually gets better and better :)

Good stuff, definitely a must read site!
.-= Money Reasons´s last blog ..Lemons to Lemonade – Lessons Learned From A Broken Lawnmower =-.

14 years ago


I am so thrilled that you included me in your roundup. Thanks!

Here’s to 200 more posts!

14 years ago

Sam, Congratulations on reaching this far, and thank you for the various topics you included in your blog!

Until a year ago, I could not imagine myself reading a financial blog, because finance and budget were just boring to me!

But I have enjoyed visiting your posts, including this “serenade” :O).
Thank you again.

Len Penzo
Len Penzo
14 years ago

Congrats my friend on 200 posts. The number of comments for 200 posts is amazing – which is a testament to your ability to tap into the peoples’ collective interests and/or hot buttons!

I thought I was the only one who really knew about Mazzy Star. I have So Tonight That I Might See. I bought it when it first came out for the song “Fade Into You.”

Here’s to another 2000 (sic) posts, Sam! :-)

All the very best,

Len Penzo dot Com
.-= Len Penzo´s last blog ..The 5 Biggest Home Repair Ripoffs =-.

14 years ago

Congrats on the 200th! I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to the next 200!
.-= MyFinancialObjectives´s last blog ..New Student Loan Objective =-.

Rob Bennett
14 years ago

Sometimes it’s hard to to respond to all of your wonderful comments (7,100+ so far), yet I will always try.

You do indeed put a lot of effort into this, Sam. That’s one of the things that I like to see at a blog — you’ve got to care about the community that meets at your place and caring means taking the time to put a few words together in response to the words of your fellow community members.

.-= Rob Bennett´s last blog ..My Daily Caller Article: Can We Handle the Truth About Stock Investing? =-.

the cynical investor
the cynical investor
14 years ago

Congratulations ! Looking forward to the 500th and 1000th posts :)
.-= the cynical investor´s last blog ..iPad contest =-.

14 years ago

Good stuff man. Thnx for keeping it real! Enjoyed the song too, even though I’m a man, baby!

Investor Junkie
14 years ago

.-= Investor Junkie´s last blog ..Fidelity Investment Rewards Visa Card Review =-.

14 years ago

Congrats on the 200th post. To play my traditional slightly pedantic and opposing role here on the wonderful FS, the singer is called Hope Sandoval, as opposed to the band Mazzy Star. I saw them in a tiny venue in North London in c. 1994 and they were wonderful. Incredible voice from such a physically tiny woman. Great choice!

I’d wish you luck on the next 200 posts, but they always say you make your own luck and that’s doubly true of the Financial Samurai! :)
.-= Monevator´s last blog ..Weekend reading: What matters and anti-matter =-.