The Right Amount Of Life Insurance To Protect Your Family

Owning the right amount of life insurance is important to protect your family. The global pandemic has reminded us time and time again about our mortality and the importance of getting enough life insurance.

If you haven't done so already, calculate your net worth to assess how you did this past year. Hopefully, you've grown your net worth in this incredible 10+-year bull market through aggressive savings, retirement company matches, a diversified investment portfolio, rental property cash-flow, and more.

The Right Amount Of Life Insurance To Protect Your Family

Once you've calculated your net worth, make sure your life insurance levels equals this amount, especially if you have dependents, or a spouse who makes much less than you. If you die, and want your loved ones to maintain a similar standard of living, consider matching your life insurance amount with your family's net worth amount.

Some might not agree with this life insurance guideline and wonder whether it would be better to have insurance that equals a family's debt level only. Having enough life insurance to pay off all of your family's debt is better than no life insurance at all.

If you're single and have no dependents, do you really need life insurance?  Probably not, but it's still not a bad idea. If you die with a million bucks in debt, you're living large!

As a father of two young children, I often think about the right amount of life insurance to protect my family. Let's go through an example to see what is the right amount of life insurance to protect different types of families.

The Right Amount Of Life Insurance Examples

To demonstrate the right amount of life insurance, let's look at this family of four in San Francisco with two children ages 8 & 7.

  • Wife (35 years old) income: $200,000
  • Husband (34) Income: $60,000
  • Savings Rate After Tax: 30%
  • House Value: $900,000
  • 401K/IRA: $500,000
  • Cash: $100,000
  • Personal Stock Portfolio: $100,000

Total Assets: $1,600,000 + $45,000 a year in savings each year they work.

  • Recurring Private Education Cost: $25,000
  • Mortgage: $500,000
  • Consumer Debt: $20,000.

Total Liabilities: $420,000

Net Worth: $1,090,000 – $30,000 a year for the next 15 years as their two kids finish high school and go to college.

Take a moment to consider the Robinson's family situation. What is the right amount of life insurance for Mr. Robinson? What about for Mrs. Robinson?

Related: Why Families Need To Earn $300,000 A Year To Live A Middle Class Lifestyle Today

Mrs. Robinson's Financial Situation

Mrs. Robinson is clearly the breadwinner of the family. If her income disappears, it's up to Mr. Robinson to take on the $420,000 debt level, which is 7X his annual income.  Furthermore, after taxes, Mr. Robinson will only have about $42,000 left over, barely enough to cover the $30,000 a year in tuition!

In this scenario, is a $420,000 life insurance policy enough? Probably not, since even after all debt is paid, Mr. Robinson would have to spend the majority of his salary on his kids tuition, buffered by the $100,000 in cash savings he can use penalty free.

With a $1,100,000 life insurance policy, Mr. Robinson can breathe much easier as he can use $420,000 to pay off all debt and have $670,000 left to pay for his kids education for 20 years and maintain his living situation without further disrupting his family.

$1.1 million happens to be 18X Mr. Robinson's income as he is living larger than his income could allow on his own.

Mr. Robinson's Financial Situation

If Mr. Robinson dies, the financial hit is not as great given his $60,000 gross income. Mrs. Robinson's $200,000 gross income can pay the $30,000 a year in tuition, an estimated $30,000 a year in mortgage costs at a 4% interest rate level, $10,000 a year in property tax, and $30,000 a year in food, clothing, and travel with $20,000 left over.

$20,000 left over for savings is still good, but will there really be $20,000 left over if Mr. Robinson is no longer around? Unlikely, given Mr. Robinson had very flexible hours and was able to care for the kids while she worked late and sometimes on the weekends. Mrs. Robinson needs help as a single mother, and the $20,000 goes towards paying for help.

Given Mrs. Robinson makes $200,000, she should have no problem paying the extra $50-$100/month for a $1.1 million life insurance policy vs. a $420,000 life insurance policy. $1.1 million equals 5.5X Mrs. Robinson's income.

Related: Why The Best Age To Get Life Insurance Is 30

The Right Amount Of Life Insurance To Protect Your Family

When you lose a spouse, the last thing you want to do is have more disruption due to your finances. Are you really going to pull your kids out of school and away from their friends after their mother or father just died? No.

The surviving spouse will be in mourning, and needs that life insurance policy as insurance that he or she can have as much time possible to figure things out.

If necessary absolutely necessary, the surviving Robinson parent can sell all assets to cover all liabilities and net roughly $1 million in cash after fees. However, the family still needs a place to stay and go to school.

It's foolish to be underinsured to save a nominal amount of money every month. $420,000 worth of life insurance is better than zero in the Robinson's case. However, it's best to simply match the life insurance amount for each spouse to the estimated net worth of the entire family.

In my opinion, getting a term life insurance policy is the best way to go. It's cheaper and does its job. Although, it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with all the various life insurance options out there.

In retrospect, I should have taken out a variable universal life insurance policy in order to take advantage of the bull market from 2009 – 2020. The cash value in the policy would have grown tremendously!

Right Amount Of Life Insurance Recap

The right amount of life insurance can be obtained by following these key points:

  • At a minimum, take out enough life insurance to cover all liabilities.
  • Consider taking out enough life insurance to match your family's estimated net worth.
  • If you're estimated net worth is small, consider the cost of getting life insurance equal to 5X-10X the highest income earner.
  • Check your company policy. Many employers will offer anywhere from a 1-5X base salary life insurance multiple. If you want more, you just have to elect and pay.
  • Protect your assets by taking out an umbrella policy, which covers liability beyond your car and house insurance policies.
  • The death benefit is tax free if your estate is below the estate tax threshold ($12.06 million per person in 2012). Hence, getting life insurance is kind of like getting it for free if you pay a high marginal income tax rate.

Life Insurance Recommendation

Check out PolicyGenius, an independent insurance broker that is revolutionizing the way we shop for life insurance – for free! Answer a few simple questions on PolicyGenius’s website and instantly receive free, personalized and comprehensive life insurance quotes.

PolicyGenius provides free, unbiased advice on more than 25 A-rated top life insurance companies they have thoroughly researched and vetted. Because life insurance prices are regulated, you don't have to worry about not getting the best deals. PolicyGenius helps you compare the best quotes all in one place.

My wife was able to double amount of life insurance and pay 20% less thanks to PolicyGenius. It is important to shop around for life insurance because pricing is so opaque.

The right amount of life insurance gives you peace of mind in case you pass. Ideally, you want to cover all your debt and all living expenses until your dependents are financially independent.

My wife was actually able to double her life insurance coverage for less money with PolicyGenius. We had mismatch life insurance policies, which made no sense.

The pandemic helped make us realize what the right amount of life insurance per parent was. I am thrilled both my wife and I have matching life insurance policies for the next 20 years. By then, our mortgages will be paid off and our children should hopefully be independent!

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4 years ago

Hi Sam, hypothetical here. Do you think one needs life insurance if they have a family but their NW is very high like in tens of millions and all income is passive? Does it still make sense to get life insurance?

8 years ago

hi there,

I have been reading your posts for a few months now, and thank you!!
I did want to ask if you have explored the Indexed Universal Life insurance product? I am currently looking into it and there is mixed feedback on the web. Would love to hear what you have to say.


11 years ago


As I’ve stated before, I am new to your site and like they way you think about things. I think in the same manner, though I haven’t taken all your steps and done what I want to get there.

In any event, your article didn’t go into the whole v. term debate at all. Obviously, there are many articles on the internet that get into this, but I was wondering what your thoughts on it were. IMO, a mix is typically right for most people. I could not afford all whole to have the coverage I need, but I don’t agree with the premise that after the kids are gone you won’t need life insurance.

As for me, I am late 30’s with young kids. Great family health history, so there is a good chance I would outlive the insurance actuarial tables.

11 years ago

Do you have any thoughts on life insurance for a healthy young single guy or gal who is doing well financially but with no dependents? Is it better to plan ahead or should you refrain until you know you need it?

Thanks. I appreciate your thoughts.

CJ Bowker
CJ Bowker
12 years ago

I came here from you’re article Mistakes I Made When Quitting My Job” where mistake #4 talks about you relying on your life insurance through your employer. Don’t you think there should be more stress put on getting an individual policy that you own so that if your employment situation changes you’re prepared.

SB @One Cent At A Time
13 years ago

My employer allows up to 8X gross income as life insurance and up to 3X spouse’s income. I have opted for maximum on both of them.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
13 years ago

I have most of my insurance through my employer which is a bit risky. If I leave, I’m uninsured and also read lately that sometimes employer-sponsored insurance isn’t as strong or supportive of policies (i.e. they try to weasel out of paying). Not sure how much of a problem that is since the example I read was someone that died drunk driving, but evidently, it’s easier for them to get out of paying out policies than a routine insurer?

Marie at FamilyMoneyValues

Even if you are debt free and have no dependants, you might consider having insurance on your life (but not in your name) – to help heirs with estate taxes. I’ve read many horror stories of families losing land, inherited IRA money, and other assets that have been in the family for generations because the owner passed without planning well to mitigate the tax situation.

Shaun @ Money Cactus
13 years ago

I got really panicked about this when we had our first child and got cover for both myself and my wife. Unfortunately the premiums can be a real killer, so you really do have to spend some time finding the best fit.

new gal
new gal
13 years ago

Needs-based makes much more sense for me. Kids college + income replacement + debt repayment – available assets (the latter 2 together are net worth). With small kids I think you do need to plan for college, and since I am sole income earner right now, income replacement for certain number of years is important, at least until kids are older. Doing the calculations we ended up with 10x my income.

I am actually just going through the process of adding more insurance to get it to that level. I had 5x insurance through my employer and was very surprised to find it’s quite more expensive than what is available outside, easily a $100-200 difference per year. Makes sense actually since I am in excellent health and don’t need to pay average group rates, but I never thought to look before

Also, on the over-insurance point, I’ve decided to stagger it up a bit. Take a 20 year policy for part of the amount and a 25 year for the rest. That way the coverage drops once college costs are mostly out of the way and a few years after we won’t need coverage at all (without dependents and hopefully enough retirement savings)

shanendoah@The Dog Ate My Wallet

We don’t have kids, but I am the primary (currently sole) earner in the family, so I carry the max life insurance I get through my job. Besides the house, our only other debts are my student loans, which are non-transferable, so he doesn’t have to worry about paying them off. So, I have enough to life insurance for him to pay off the house and live for 2+ years depending on his spending. Since we now have a roommate paying rent and helping with groceries, I’m guessing he could make those 2+ years and still pay for school out of pocket, though without my income, he would qualify for grants/free student aid

13 years ago

I agree with the needs based approach – take out enough to see the dependants through to the point where they can carry on without you.

That said, it costs money and taking on more than is needed is detrimental to your family’s finances.

At the other end of the spectrum from your example are people who don’t need any insurance even with dependants. Using myself as an example, I intend to take early retirement and will cancel my term life policy one year after I retire even though I have a spouse and two young children. Why? By definition if there are enough savings to support the four of us there has to be enough to support my spouse and children after I am gone.

NOTE: if Hong Kong had estate duty, I would look at the numbers again on an after tax basis.

13 years ago

My fiancee and myself have 3 times our income. But we have no additional dependents. I just have it if anything happened to cover funeral costs, outstanding student loans, and our rental property mortgage.

When we have children I plan on upping the number to 10 times for each of us (I’ll probably round up to the nearest half million). At that point you want to make certain that if anything were to happen they would keep their current lifestyle.

13 years ago

The net worth figure that you suggest is too low for my situation, but I think that I have the right amount of insurance. How do I know? My life insurance would pay off all our debt and leave my wife with enough passive income from real estate to replace almost half my take home pay. Plus, she would have more left over in stocks also.

13 years ago

I see life insurance and other insurance (disability, long term care & liability) as part of financial planning. In some ways it is as important as medical insurance. After all, we are going to die sometime.

13 years ago

Having kids really calls for a good life insurance policy. I get pretty good coverage from my work as does my DH so we are comfortable with what we have right now. If we have kids though we’ll probably get additional coverage to rest easier and make sure they will be taken care of.

13 years ago

Like YFS, I like a needs-based analysis of my life insurance such as this. Wouldn’t they calculate the shortage for retirement also and present value that number to cover the amount he would have added to any retirement plans to meet the goal?

I love the example. Makes the life insurance discussion much more concrete.

13 years ago

If you have a family, you should have at least 10x income in life insurance. I think life insurance should be enough to cover education cost so take 21 – (your kids’s age) and that’s how much you x you need. If your kid is 6, take 21-6 = 15. You need 15x your income.
Assuming your income is enough to cover living cost and you don’t have large recurring debt.

I don’t think net worth is the right number to look at for life insurance calculation. Currently I have 8x to 15x salary depending on how I go. Now that you made me thought about it, that’s not enough. I probably need 20x since the kid is not even a year old.

Sunil l Expedited Wealth Building through Entrepreneurship
Sunil l Expedited Wealth Building through Entrepreneurship
13 years ago

good article. personally, enough to cover all the liabilities and leave some to sustain the current lifestyle of those who depend on me for at least 10 years (yeah I know)…

agreed – umbrella is a must (IMO anyone with a net worth of half mil and more)

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog

Right now, I’ve just got the life insurance provided by my job, which is about 40 cents per month and worth approximately 2x my salary. Of course, this is enough for me right now, but since I’ll be going through some major changes in life soon (getting married) it wont be near enough then. Once i get married, I’ll consider my options with my spouse and make a decision.

Jeff @ Sustainable Life Blog

This july – have already been in cohabitation for a while, so that point is out. I’m sure that this will be one of the (many) things my future wife and I will have to do that I consider boring.
Including figuring out health insurance, etc.

Jeffrey Trull
Jeffrey Trull
13 years ago

I don’t have life insurance simply because I’m single with no dependents. Once that changes I’m sure I’ll reconsider and look into a policy. As you say, it does seem foolish to be under-insured based on your example above. That said, I would probably be looking at around 10x my salary right now for an insured amount.

Mike Hunt
Mike Hunt
13 years ago

Is there anybody that doesn’t have life insurance? I get some free through my employer but it only 1X my annual salary…

I want to live in this world being worth more alive than dead.


13 years ago

I used a needs basis to calculate life insurance and buffer in opportunity cost for loss of income. My spouse and I have similar incomes so this makes my equation a bit easier. We both have 1 million dollars of life insurance coverage. This allows us to pay off all debt and still have 600k left over. with no debt, 600k and a high income job. If one of us drops dead the other would be set for life financially even if the 600k is invested in a low risk investment paying 3% a year.

Value Indexer
13 years ago

For most people, just having life insurance equal to their net worth would be far too low. But they probably don’t have a lifetime financial plan mapped out in excel so they can calculate exactly how much they need to replace their income and unpaid work at any given time. For others it might be far too high if their net worth is in investments that make income unnecessary.

It seems like the 10x income + debt approach is more common which is what I started with. I’m going in to make some minor adjustments today but I’ll be looking at an increase too since my income has gone up and become more essential. I also want to make an investment plan to leave behind that makes it really simple to manage the amount left after paying off debts.

Incidentally the current insurance amount minus current debts is just enough to invest to cover our expenses today :)