What To Say Or Do If You’ve Been Unemployed For A While

Have you been unemployed for a while? Continuing in the series of helping people find jobs from a hiring manager's point of view, I thought it helpful to offer some suggestions as to what to say if you've been out of the job market for a while.

Don't get defensive about your long employment gap. Instead, be confident and truthful about your situation and woo your interviewer. You should always be confident and truthful regardless. However, in times of distress, you should be even more so.

We all feel we are special and deserve more. The truth of the matter is, we're likely not that special and deserve exactly what we have coming to us. If the firm you were let go from is still in existence and has actually hired other people to replace you since your dismissal, it's important to recognize you were at the bottom of the barrel. 

An organization doesn't fire its best people, they fire their worst people  If you want to feel better about yourself, go visit the many self help/personal development blogs out there. I'm not here to help you feel better about yourself, I'm here to help you find a job.

Things To Say If You've Been Unemployed For A While

  • I was looking for the perfect fit because I believe it's important for both parties to have an ideal union.
  • My plan is to be at an organization for the long term, which is why fit is so important.
  • I had an unexpected family emergency to deal with.
  • I've been taking advantage of the downturn to cross things off my bucket list eg trained for a marathon, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro, swam in the ocean with sharks etc.  These stories are fascinating to recruiters.
  • I was the best deep fryer at KFC and didn't mind working there while concurrently using the money to help start a business.  Employers love to hear people take action.
  • I believe the best time to take some risks and start a company is during a recession.  Opportunity costs are lower and the hunger to create is much higher.

Things To Do When You've Been Unemployed For A While

  • Volunteer. Non profit organizations are hurting big time with the drop in donations.  If you can't afford to donate money, donate your time.  This will seriously go the farthest with me and other hiring managers.
  • Start an online company. Showing something online and highlighting the marketing, branding, and revenue you've generated is a very powerful initiative.  I know that if I was unemployed for 12 months, I can show the employer Financial Samurai and Yakezie.com and talk for hours about the initiative.
  • Take classes to further your education and skills. There are so many University extension or online courses out there for one to take.  I wish I could take more while working, but I'm having trouble finding the time.  Use this time to learn!

Things Not To Say When You've Been Unemployed For A While

  • Don't blame me, I voted for ____.
  • I wanted hopey changey.
  • See what's happening outside the Capital building in Wisconsin? I'm going to rock you if you don't give me the job!
  • Why work when you've got 99 weeks of unemployment benefits?
  • It's low season now for surfing in Costa Rica.
  • I was living my dreams, being unemployed.
  • I had a mid-life crisis.
  • My trust fund doesn't pay me enough.
  • I'm too good for KFC or McDonald's.
  • When I create the next Facebook, I'm going to come back, buy up your little dog and pony show and fire you first in front of everybody!
  • Do you know who I am?
  • I'm a Gen Y-er and I deserve everything.
  • You know you'd rather be young and hot like me, but you're stuck on the other side of the table living your miserable life.
  • Grades don't matter. I'm special.
  • I'll make it worth your while.
  • I'm huge on the internet. You haven't heard of me? Duh.
  • I quit my job, when really, I got let go. Note: If an employer thinks you're lying about quitting/getting let go, you will not get the job. The natural feedback for anybody who feels lied to is to go on the offensive and deny. Whereas, if you are honest, you will likely create empathy and someone who wants to help you.

Key Takeaway

If you've been unemployed for a while, don't lose heart. There is a company out there who wants to hire you. Remember, you want to be upbeat, honest, and cheerful during your interview. Nobody wants to hire someone who is defensive about their situation. 

Instead, embrace your long employment gap and tell them you are fully re-charged with additional skills you've developed in the off-season to make for a great addition to their firm.

Buy: How To Engineer Your Layoff: Make A Small Fortune By Saying Goodbye

Readers, any other suggestions on what not to do or say and what to do and say if you've been unemployed for a while?  Do you think employers discriminate against those who have been unemployed for a while, thinking there must be something wrong with them?



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2 years ago

Hi came across this site and found it to be interesting especially this topic. However, it seems the responses are from many years ago is the site still active? If so how would you respond or What would you say when unemployed for a while due to being terminated for declining the vax due to your religious beliefs?

10 years ago

When I was laid off, I knew it hadn’t been working out for awhile, but the effect was devastating. I had very little motivation and quite a bit of anxiety about working again. This happened because although I loved the work itself, the environment was very unhealthy and was a revolving door for many talented employees. It was easy not to blame myself for this particular job not working out precisely because of that. What was harder was explaining why I had been laid off when I had been so successful in some aspects of my job in interviews (we were performing at unprecedented levels and it was making the news). I went into interviews feeling the need to explain this away because I worried that it reflected negatively on me in some way, that in some way I was defective or dishonest. I knew I wasn’t defective because so many of my other bosses had tried to hire me back at some point, however there was still the issue of perception and how employers can assume so much without really understanding the circumstances. I found that explaining it away didn’t really wow or impress the interviewers, and it just made me look like a weak candidate.

At some point, I just accepted the loss of the job and emotionally moved on. I was working low end temp jobs to make ends meet and taking classes for an entirely different career. I stopped feeling the need to explain the layoff in interviews. There was a real turning point when an interviewer asked me about the job gap. I explained that losing my job was devastating, and I needed the time to process that loss before I could move on and feel I could do my best for another employer. I also said that I took classes, excelled in them and have been doing some temp work in the meantime to pay some bills.

It also really helped that my former employer laid off another rock star employee who willingly and reliably gives me a glowing reference when I need it, explaining that within that year they had a professional employee turnover rate of 25%. (It wasn’t due to lack of funding either, it was due to an unhealthy work environment)

To say things are turning around and I’m climbing out of this long term unemployment gap is an understatement! I’m currently getting scouted by two employers with salaries and benefits way above what I had been getting before, and have just been hired by a company who is #1 in the world for their sector. So there is a silver lining, after all. Once I can list this employer on my resume’, literally the sky is the limit. It is a wonderful feeling (and a bit overwhelming).

My acquired wisdom? Be very careful of who you work for and grateful for any employer who truly values what you bring to the table. Employers can and do make or break careers for employees.

10 years ago

“* It’s low season now for surfing in Costa Rica.” this one is very humorous! I think this one is OK, not as a main response to a question about unemployment, but as a joke, maybe not to an employer, but to regular people you meet.

12 years ago

My dad is back in the job search market. He has ten years experience being self employed with two successfully companies in the same time period with revenues ranging from $750k to 1 million. he has since sold his companies when the market (construction and automobile hauling) slumped. after selling his companies, he has worked for another company 2 yrs, and then tried his hand at auto sales. my question is: should he discloses the revenue values in his resume and that the companies where sold?

Mr Frugal
Mr Frugal
13 years ago

Great post. You’re clearly a problem solver, like me.

I second Darwin’s post above about the appeal of people who seem to be in control. People want to work with people that can take care of themselves, have integrity, take action and add value to a team. I know I do!

13 years ago

This reminds me of what I would say when someone asked me about my previous employment back in 2001: “I worked at a dot com.” That right there would bring nods and understanding, and they’d move right along!

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving

The “what not to say” section cracked me up. I wonder if people would really say these things. I think a lot of people who are job searching worry when they have rather large gaps in their employment, so the “what to say” could be really benefical to them.

Invest It Wisely
13 years ago

If I didn’t find something to my liking, I wouldn’t go work at KFC (well, I might work some weekends at the warehouses!). I would hunker down on expenses and focus on side streams of income, and pour myself into that. There’s no reason to settle for something where you will be unhappy later unless you really have no other choice.

Marie at FamilyMoneyValues
Marie at FamilyMoneyValues
13 years ago

I was a hiring manager before I retired. I agree with some of the remarks above: prepare well for the interview – know what my company does, what skills it uses and how your education and experience will match to those things. Be honest – hiring managers know lots of people lost jobs – but show how you have learned new skills, kept up to date with your industry or polished up old skills while you were off. No one catch phrase will help you get that job.

Wall Street Guy
Wall Street Guy
10 years ago

Can I just ask a question. I have been unemployed at the end of 2008 after 18 years on Wall Street. My last company, which was prestigious folded under the economic crisis at that time. I left the industry and joined my brothers in what has become an endeavor that has yielded positive results as yet. I spent most of my time traveling the world and spent much time in Brazil. At present, I am very energized on the thought of returning to the job market but in a different industry. Based on your prior experience as a hiring manager, do you think it would be best to be honest about my background to any potential employer during an interview? Thanks

The Money Grower
The Money Grower
13 years ago

Sam, i would be interested to know how you, as a hiring manager, make decisions between who can do the job most competently and who will be a good team player.

Money Reasons
Money Reasons
14 years ago

At my place of employment layoffs don’t always make sense! I’ve seen them layoff people that were wonderful at their job, then rehire them once the market picked up. Strange huh…

I had a friend that got laid off at the beginning of the down turn, he enjoyed unemployment, then 2 year later (and 2 month before his unemployment was to run out) he got a job. I was wondering how he would get past the 2 year hole… But, my friend has a high level of charisma and is a great communicator. He had them eating out of his palms.

14 years ago

Exactly! No one wants to hire a guy who’s been sitting around doing nothing, waiting and hoping for things to happen. You need to do something! Be self employed and not unemployed, or leverage that time into something productive. Otherwise a huge gap in employment will be a red flag. Is it fair? Does matter, it is what it is.
So yes, employers will discriminate, and can you blame them? I know I sound like a dick, but when I quit PwC in 08 I had the WORST possible timing. I did it in May right before the econ collapse that shook the financial world.
My plan was to leave my high paying high hour job and take something that freed up my time to work on my web projects. Ideally something that paid in the high $30,000 low $40,000 mark.
I was only making around $1,200 a month online, not enough to live, but enough to hold me over (with savings) for a few months while I job searched…and I could not get the kind of job I though I could get! IE: a dude with big 4 experience and a masters degree in normal circumstances is in high demand.

My goal was to build my online income which comes via search engine marketing into a full time income, but it was not there yet and I need a job that did not gobble up all my time, so I took one, at a warehouse making $11 bucks an hour, and I took another one, as a professional hire for for $14-$17 an hour, and I took another one after that.
You see, I did what I had to do to get to where I am. That included taking jobs that were not commensuratre with my education. Whatever, I worked, and busted my ass to make things happen for myself. Others need to do the same to not only survive, but to thrive.

14 years ago

“The truth of the matter is, we’re likely not that special and deserve exactly what we have coming to us.”

Ha! Reminds me of a funny line I heard on Arrested Development.

It’s important to not appear as if you’ve been sitting on your bum for a prolonged period of time. I think it’s imperative that you’re able to demonstrate that you have the characteristics of a good employee even while you’re unemployed. Volunteering, as you mentioned, is a good example of that. Who knows? Maybe it could lead to a job or the development of a new skill set. It also increases your self worth to feel like you’ve made contributions to society. This confidence will come across in your interviews.

One thing I notice about many people who are unemployed for a prolonged period of time is their lack of preparation for the interviews they do get. You should carve a couple hours out of each day to rehearse what you’re going to say to interviewers and analyze how your experience and abilities are beneficial to a prospective employer. Study books on common interview questions. Research creative ways to find a job. I personally like the book ’48 Days to the Work You Love’ by Dan Miller.

The most important point is to be aggressive in your job search. Don’t expect companies to just fall in love with you because you’re awesome. It’s a competitive market out there.

14 years ago

Very good article. Made me smile a lot. You can write really funny, Sam! :-)

Great advice. People should be proactive but sometimes I think they get too gloomy and eventually too depressed. There are not a lot of opportunities out there (at least in Utah). My friend’s husband was unemployed for only a month and he already sounds like giving up. Too sad.

First Gen American
First Gen American
14 years ago

Very good advice.

I have a friend who was unemployed for a while (which is a red flag), but when I gave his name to recruiters calling about jobs, I just told them that his wife had a good job and didn’t want to relocate at first. As a result, his job search was too narrowly focused. She has since come around and is willing to move so now he is looking more broadly. Again, it’s the truth, but it also makes sense why he would still be a good candidate and also on the market for too long. He did end up landing a great job eventually, but it will require eventual relocation.

14 years ago

I would say: you ever see that movie Castaway? Yeah….it was kind of like that.

Darwin's Money
Darwin's Money
14 years ago

Good ideas; it’s good to show you were “in control” during period of unemployment and may have been out for a while partially on your own volition – because you had prepared, had money set aside, could do what you needed to do to re-enter the workforce on the right terms.

On the topic of “what to say”, I’m curious what phrase people use now when talking in casual conversation about being unemployed. It used to be “between jobs”. Of late, I’ve been hearing “I’m in transition”. It’s a little more ambiguous but I figured out what they meant after I heard it a few times. What is the new phrase you’ve been hearing?

Lisa @ Cents To Save
Lisa @ Cents To Save
14 years ago

My spouse was unemployed for 17 months. It was a looooong 17 months. He did receive unemployment, and went on a handful of interviews. That being said, it was put on his heart to delve deeper into the bible ( He is a Sunday school teacher) and grow closer to God. He spent several hours a day studying. And catching up on DVR’d TV shows. Not too bitter, am I?

There was no argument against that. Believe me… I tried.

He is employed now and has been for almost a year. I am grateful for that.

Lisa @ Cents To Save
Lisa @ Cents To Save
14 years ago

Hi Sam,

I was a tiny bit annoyed/bitter that he was unemployed for 17 months with govt benefitw.. But, I think those feelings were compounded by my own work situation, a 7% pay cut, drastic reduction in hours and a slight feeling of helplessness. (Can you say Pity Party?)

Anyway, no worries! Looking ahead to brighter days!

Everyday Tips
14 years ago

I think the employment gap on the resume is something many aren’t thinking about (but should) when they decide to extend that unemployment longer than necessary.

I think volunteering is a great idea, as is getting an education. What you can’t do is just sit there and take in the checks while you wait for the market to improve. You have to improve yourself too.

Car Negotiation Coach
14 years ago

I agree Sam, it’s important to highlight other activities during your downtime, and they don’t have to be job related, just show that you didn’t sit on the couch eating potato chips for 6 months. If you decided to take a mental break from the grind that’s ok as long as you applied yourself to something. If you decided to get your scuba certification and head down to the Great Barrier Reef for a few months, great! It makes for a cool story and shows that you took advantage of the time off.

Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
Sunil from The Extra Money Blog
14 years ago

i agree that proactive-ness is the best approach, no matter what is it that one engages in. sure, working for $8 an hour flipping burgers is respectable if one does it to plug in the gap and fulfill life’s needs, but so are alternative activities. if a candidate told me they took advantage of a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world and gain invaluable experiences, i would equally view them as proactive. it also displays several other intangibles/qualities.

honesty + tact (a lot of it) = usually does it