Are you ashamed about inheriting money? Don't be. Our parent's generation has made the most amount of money in the history of the world. A lot of money will be passed along.
“How did I get my million dollars? It was simple. One day, I bought an apple for a nickel. That night, I cleaned and polished it. The next day, I sold it for a dime. With that dime, I bought two apples. That night, I cleaned and polished them, and sold them the next day for twenty cents. I repeated that process every day, without fail, until I had amassed $6.40, whereupon my grandfather died and left me $999,994 in his will…” – A Yahoo commenter named Dave
A funny thing occurred on Yahoo Finance the other day. A fellow blogger by the name of Anton was able to get interviewed for a focus piece on how he became a millionaire by age 27. When I first read the article, I was pretty pumped. I thought to myself, Neat! Another guy showing the world that it's possible to get rich through disciplined savings and investing! I had experienced some similar luck with investing, earnings, and savings in my 20s as well so I thought his overall story was believable.
I never once questioned how he got to $1 million because he offered solid tips, invested in real estate, and spoke so eloquently on camera. But I guess the massive amount of attention he got from being featured on Yahoo's front page for a couple days wore on him. He admitted on his Facebook page just days later that he had actually inherited 75%-80% of his net worth from his parents who died years ago!
Immediately, everybody started bashing Yahoo Finance and Anton for the deception in the comments. They've got the toughest crowd online. Despite all the blowback, if his new revelation about his inheritance is true, he's still a millionaire!
Why Are We So Ashamed Of Inheriting Money?
Anton didn't seek Yahoo Finance. Yahoo Finance sought him out. I'm not sure why Anton had to lie by saying he is a self-made millionaire when he could have just said, “I made my millions the old fashion way. I inherited it,” with a smile on his face.
Hopefully Yahoo Finance would have still run the piece, but something tells me they would have passed. We're all simply ashamed of not having made money with our bare hands.
We know from a previous post on Financial Samurai that the average inheritance amount in America is around $180,000. But that's nothing compared to the average inheritance amount for Australians at $500,000! Anton fits right in with the average Aussie, who as far as I can tell, is having a fantastic time!
Every time I'm up in Lake Tahoe, there are Aussies there for three months at a time on their travel abroad YEAR. They are always merry, and now I know why.

Our parents have all had decades to accumulate a massive amount of wealth because they've experienced a tremendous bull market over their careers. I shared with you in my Massive Generational Wealth Transfer post how six of my adult neighbors are living off their parents.
Well guess what? I was invited over to my 7th neighbor's house and she revealed to me that she gifted her 38 year old son a 4 bedroom house in San Francisco. That's at least a $1.3 million wealth transfer.
Hard work, risk taking, and perseverance are no longer necessary ingredients for wealth. Having parents who bought real estate, saved, and invested for decades are all it takes for many 25-50 year old adult children to become wealthy. Parents are gifting their adult children money while they are still alive, because they'll be able to experience the joy of helping their kids out. Why wait until death when there's such a surplus of wealth?
There used to be a time when adult children would be ashamed of still living at home with their parents after college. But after countless movies and articles about how commonplace it is, society has accepted and even embraced the benefits of continued cohabitation as a way to bolster one's finances. Just read the 100+ comments from my post, How To Get Girls If You Live At Home With Mom And Dad to see how it's no big deal. I have 20-something year olds tell me all the time they are living at home without even batting an eye.
I remember rich guys in high school and college would roll up in their nice cars, which were given to them by their parents, while I walked or biked to class. The girls didn't care that the guys didn't work for their cars. They wanted to go for a nice ride too. My point is that even if you inherited your fortune, people don't care so long as they can benefit as well.
The Honor Of Inheriting Money, Not The Shame
The only reason why you'd be ashamed of inheriting your parent's or grandparent's money is if you DISHONOR their money by spending it frivolously on stupid things. If I ever inherit any money, I will probably set up a scholarship under their name, take care of the trees they planted, and make sure their money lasts for as long as possible.
Nobody asks for an inheritance. It just happens.
So for folks out there who want to publicly share their wealth to the world, really consider being more discreet. It's also a good idea to never tell anybody how much you fully make, especially if it's way beyond the average or median. The fame is nice for a bit, but it is fleeting. People will come out of the woodwork to try and discredit you. And if you do want to share everything, I think it's OK to share that you got rich through an inheritance. It's what you do with the inheritance that counts the most!
Common situations people should own up to regarding inheriting money:
* Parents bought you a car. Say it proudly, “Hey baby, my mom bought me this BMW. Wanna go for a ride?“
* Parents paid for your private school tuition. You can say, “So what if they paid $200,000 for me to go to private school. It just means that I don't need to get a great job to pay them back! I expect them to pay $120,000 for my graduate school experience as well.“
* Parents or relatives hooked you up with a job even though the company doesn't recruit from your school. You can say, “It's not what you know, it's who you know.“
* Parents bought you a condo right out of school. You can say, “Renting is flushing down the drain! Always buy property as soon as possible.“
* Parents bought you a fancy $10,000 Rolex or $6,000 Grace Kelley handbag. You can say, “Never spend more than you have. That's the simple key to getting wealthy.“
* Parents set up a multi-million dollar trust fund. You can say, “I'm not afraid to go after my passions and take risks in life. Failure is for the weak and timid!“
OR, you can be really humble and not say any of these things to piss people off. Just attribute your wealth to luck and your parents and say you're working hard to make your own wealth one day! You can very easily register a domain name, start your own business, and see what you're made of.
Recommendation To Build Wealth
Manage Your Money In One Place: Sign up for Personal Capital, the web’s #1 free wealth management tool to get a better handle on your finances. In addition to better money oversight, run your investments through their award-winning Investment Checkup tool to see exactly how much you are paying in fees. I was paying $1,700 a year in fees I had no idea I was paying.
After you link all your accounts, use their Retirement Planning calculator that pulls your real data to give you as pure an estimation of your financial future as possible using Monte Carlo simulation algorithms.
I’ve been using Personal Capital since 2012 and have seen my net worth skyrocket during this time thanks to better money management.

Let's be real now about inheriting money. More and more people are. The Bank of Mom & Dad is real. They are helping their adult kids like there is no tomorrow!
The idea of inheritance makes me feel a lot of negative emotions because, for starters, I felt like I was handed a lot of things and tried to follow rules and it got me nowhere. I could have just instead earned everything myself and found ways to learn online instead of jump through educational hoops to nowhere. Then I was made to feel guilty for being given all this stuff I could have earned myself and manipulative suggestions were given that I should comply when making certain choices or maybe I would lose an inheritance. It’s felt like a kind of slavery and plus I don’t feel the money was earned by the people ethically. Wish I had just been taught to work hard and earn everything myself and that people allowed people to have more freedom to work hard to earn their own living.
My comment is about inheritances and how they really do divide people and they divide families, they way they do this is because people are not equal anymore and obviously inheritance is a LAZY way to get rich and that’s why it upsets people so much, you do nothing and a big stack of cash lands in front of you! i can speak from experience as i am not from rich or wealthy parents and i am self employed but earn very little even though i work really hard and life is hard, i do not had a man or husband to lean on and if i did that would help a lot but i want to be a self-sustaining woman. i had a Aunt who i have have lived 5km from all my life, she lived on a family farm of my mothers parents and she did work on that farm, where the brother ran it as the father died young, she never had any expenses as lived at the family home and never had a vehicle either, she relied on the brother and i used to even call them husband and wife, i never called them that to them but i said it to myself :) anyway, about 2 years ago she ended up being not able to walk anymore because of her back pain, ended up being she had invasive lung cancer and she passed on a few months later…she was anorexic most of her adult life and we believe she smoked for about 10 years before she died. She died with no husband or partner or no children and has amassed 3 million, about 1 million of this she inherited. To my and my mothers horror, when we finally asked the other sisters about her will, as they tried to hide it from us we found out it was written in the will that no money to be given to either of us! All the money and two properties when to the other 2 sisters and their daughters and some neighbours who live close to us even got larger chunks of cash, up to $200,000.00! i can say i loved my aunt dearly and miss her so much each and everyday and i am in so much pain and hurt because of this as i know what was written in her will was not her wishes, i know she loved me and my mother as when we last visited her a few months before she died she was very loving toward us. The other 2 sisters and daughters wouldn’t share any of it with us so you can see the greed of some people, all they want is the money and that’s all they care about. i know in my heart that one of those sisters told my aunt to cut me and my mother out of my aunts will, i just know it deep in my heart as there is no way my aunt would have done that but now i will never ever know but i don’t want to see those people that have her wealth and are having a great time because i suffer each and everyday and its not just because of the money but the hurt of not having her around ever again and the hurt of thinking about those last words that were written and i know she never hated me but that’s the last thoughts i will have of my aunt the rest of my life and can never speak to her about it. i know i sure needed some of that 3 million and there is no reason why i shouldn’t have had some…very, very sad. i wouldn’t wish this sadness upon anyone. Everything is a reminder of her and the only way i can forget it is moving to a new country, which would be nice but not really practical…a beautiful sunny island would be lovely :) can always dream i guess…
Thanks for posting this. It really hits home for me as I recently received a large inheritance and have been thinking a lot of these points through (how I view it, how others would, who to discuss with, etc.) Luckily, it happened at what I would consider an ideal time in my life (mid 30’s). I have already established a successful business (in finance) with a work ethic and appreciation of money to go along. I now view my opportunity to do things at an earlier stage in life than if I did not have this blessing (as opposed to thinking about quitting now, which the money would allow for). Also, I view my job as to be a shepherd of the money, hoping to be able to leave my children with a lifestyle better than my own.
It always surprises me though when speaking with a friend or client that absolutely does not want to leave an inheritance to their children, regardless of size. I mostly assume that the reason for that view is that they may feel that they are not able to do so and do not want to set up another financial goal that they will not hit. I cannot believe that the “it would mess my kids up” and/or “it would destroy their work ethic” could either be the true reason for the belief that an inheritance is bad. Speaking as someone who is on the receiving end I can honestly say, with first hand knowledge, that it is truly the way parents raise children that impacts how they will handle an inheritance. Letting kids know about it early, talking about money as a family, and instilling the values of wealth and the hard work that builds it early on in a child’s life, and continuing that education is very important.
I have two sets of parents; one set that has done very well financially for themselves and another set that makes terrible financial choices. Now, I don’t expect to inherit anything from either parent, though it would be nice if my financially set parents left me a little something (there’s rumors, but I don’t trust what I hear – most will be donated to charity I’m assuming). I’m just hoping that both sets have enough money for their own medical costs! The second set I’m more worried about, obviously, since they have loads of consumer debt and money tied up in a piece of property that they are having trouble selling (it’s a co-op and the board dislikes my parents.)
Now, in the case of Anton, I’m guessing he didn’t want to admit he inherited the money because what PF blogger wants to come clean and say, “Hey, I didn’t make my money, but here’s what you should do.”? He probably felt his advice wouldn’t be taken seriously since he didn’t have first hand knowledge himself.
My parents have been poor their entire life. They made bad financial decisions (going on vacations, maxing out credit cards etc) and never had good jobs. They would have to do cash advances on their credit cards sometimes to pay the mortgage. I won’t inherit anything, but I have learned from their mistakes. Because I’ve seen them struggle so much, I’m really financially conservative and slowly building my savings.
Always a silver line. Great job learning from their mistakes!
I think there is a completely different reason why people feel ashamed for inheriting money. By Nature, people tend to be friends with those that are in similar situations as they are. As time goes by, when people change life styles, situations, etc. they tend to not stay as friends (or as close). So as this goes, If you were in debt, and all your friends are struggling with debt, you have common experiences and are in a common station in life. Then all of a sudden got $2 million dropped on your lap, now you can pay off your debt and pay for all the things you have wanted for a while. Now your friends cannot relate to you and you are not alone. Thus if you are still “in debt and have common life stations” you can relate and even though you are putting on a facade, you can now still be considered in the crowd of your friends.
I have seen this over and over. I am there now. I am a self made millionaire (at 36). I also inherited 1.3 million dollars when both my parents died (at 44). My spending habits might have changed a little (not much), but I now was 100% out of debt and owned my own 7 year old car. My friends started to gravitate away as I was the guy with almost a 3 million net worth, and they had a 3 car payments and a mortgage. Wealth isolates you. Wealth separates you from a society standpoint. This is why people lie about where they got their money.
As for the story of Anton, I can see why he lied (by omission). He had true, valid points in his article and everyone familiar with financial management knows he was right. The issue is the article basically put it out as he was self made and that it was “only” his skills/hacks which made him his millions with a 40k a year job. They did not mention the other influx of income, making it dis-genuine.
While it is an interesting thesis from a sociological perspective, I think further study would have be done to see what the deepest root conclusions could be derived.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You know what my immediate thought that popped in my head? I NEVER want to inherit any sort of money because I never want my parents to die. :(
Funny how the only three categories of people you know for sure have received an inheritance is:
1. Family – that’s a no brainer
2. The idiots who spend it on stupid flashy crap
3. They told you, for no apparent reason – as rare as a unicorn
The rest stay quiet about it and do something useful: pay down their mortgage or add to their investments. And they know to keep quiet about it because it honours their relatives/friends who have passed by respecting their gift (unlike useless status toys) and spares them from the stigma attached to inheritances in general.
I could care less about receiving inheritances, or about anyone who does, and it’s a fine place to be.
Maybe it’s the whole American myth/lore of the “self-made” man. No man is an island. Everyone to varying degrees have gotten assistance along the way, some just more than others.
No one can claim they “did it all themselves.” It’s like that time Obama caused a huge uproar by saying in a speech that “you didn’t create that.” And he had a point: did YOU pay for the infrastructure, the courts, the laws, the police, etc?
People get all hissy and complain when others have gotten help, but never reflect on the help they have gotten themselves. It’s all relative in my mind and a waste of time complaining about someone getting a bigger hand in life than you.
For whatever reason, there’s a stigma against people who have “come into” money or are perceived as not having worked hard enough for it. Look at the whole “99%” movement. But it goes back way, way further than that…French revolution, maybe? Even earlier? It’s not surprising to me that people feel guilty or scared to be forthcoming about inheritance or good fortune.
I think there are very few of us who have not benefited from someone’s generosity at one time or another. I know I have. Maybe not in big ways like a huge inheritance, but certainly in smaller ways when times were tough, or just because. My husband bought his first car with cash thanks to an inheritance from his uncle. That money is long gone now, but yeah, it put us a little bit ahead of where others might be who weren’t so fortunate. I still know things, though, and so do others who have been even luckier than me. We could easily have done something stupid and frivolous with the money, but we didn’t. It’s stupid to dismiss good money management experience just because of how the money was acquired.
Still, regardless of what feelings or biases may be involved, lying is inexcusable and good advice doesn’t make up for it. But lying is also very lucrative, thanks to readers who want the compelling comeback story rather than listening to the advice of a person who has been sensible (and maybe kind of boring) all along. There are lots of Antons raking in the blogging dough, they’re just coasting under the radar with slightly less ambitious claims.
There’s definitely financial gain to be had with more traffic and authority. I’ve noticed what has happened to Financial Samurai over the past 5.5. years. But you’d think that people can eventually see through the lies b/c of some slip or some piece of content that just doesn’t carry much weight.
This whole thing was just so poorly played out though. Fame and Fortune… be careful what you wish for.
It is Jealousy Steve .. pure and simple. People wonder why this other person – who has not other remarkable skills outside what they have, has been blessed with something they did not get.
The portion of my college tuition that was not covered by scholarships was paid for by my parents. When The Wall Street Journal did a piece on me, I stated that, and there was backlash about my story being unrealistic and some people putting down my PF expertise because I didn’t have to contend with student debt. Unfortunately, I think people are quick to dismiss anyone who ever benefited from anything. They spend so much time stewing and comparing their own hardship and misery that they don’t make a change themselves.
The thing that bothered me about Anton’s story was the deception. It would have been interesting to hear how he leveraged the inheritance.
That is such a shame, Stephanie, that your knowledge was discounted simply because you had no student loan debt. The fact that you and your parents managed to pay for college without debt is a great testament to making plans and doing what was necessary to accomplish that goal. The attitude you encountered is similar to honoring an alcoholic or drug addict for their rehab more than you honor someone who has been sober their whole life. Or believing that a person who no longer cheats on their spouse is better than a person who never cheated. What a strange belief system we have in this country now.
I’d love to read that WSJ piece. That’s pretty cool. Got alink? Not many people can afford the $60,000 a year at NYU, so I think that brings out a lot of jealousy.
Sam, great article! Interesting topic of conversation that people don’t like to talk about…myself included.
I don’t like to think about it, but I likely stand to inherit a nice six-figure sum if my parents passed. I tell my parents to spend like there’s no tomorrow and take as many vacations and see as much of the world as they can tolerate.
I tell them this because I’ve seen what ‘undeserved’ wealth can do. Most of the time the kids lose motivation and lack the discipline to further themselves. I use the word ‘undeserved’ lightly, because my family’s wealth came from a family business, that my siblings and I have contributed to as well.
How to live happily within your means, how to save\invest for the long term, how to be generous; that’s all you need to inherit to live well and prosper. Pass that on to your kids and they will do fine too. Any leftover money\inheritance is just the little surprise they get with the lunch they still pack to work.
I do not know anyone who has inherited something of worth. A friend inherited a house from his grandfather but he abandoned it because it is in a very bad shanty compound. None of my friends expect to inherit anything from anyone and we are not mad or saddened about it. We know that we have to work hard for ourselves, but interestingly, all of us want to leave inheritances for our children or future children. I think it is good to leave or give something of financial value to your children, so I do not see why one should be ashamed to receive something. The only reason I would suspect why people are ashamed is that others may see you as not having worked for the good life you have (and they are right, your parents worked for it). I would say that you just count your blessings, move on and don’t tell anyone about the inheritance.
I would say that people “look down” upon an inheritance just like people look down upon a lottery win.
If you won the lottery of $250 million, you would get 100 times the requests for donations than if your company IPO’s which generated you $250 million.
It is because inheritance is un-earned and un-deserved
Are people really ashamed about taking inheritance money? Why are people ashamed by inheriting money? I haven’t seen anything like that, frankly. Then again, I haven’t been watching any grown children of billionaires inheriting millions from their rich parents. Maybe they feel guilty, I don’t know.
The Financial Samurai article here mentions how hard work, risk taking and consistent perseverance are no longer necessary ingredients to get wealthy. So maybe the grown kids are ashamed by that perhaps? Well gee whiz, how about that. I think we all know how to get around all that work ethic stuff — inherit! A no-brainer. Having parents who bought real estate, saved, and invested for decades so their adult children can become wealthy, or at least comfortable, is how they used to do it. But baby boomers and ensuing generations would rather just inherit. It’s easier.
However, in my view the most interesting item from this article is this – that parents are now frequently gifting their adult children money while they [the parents] are still alive, so they can enjoy helping their grown children, and enjoy advising them on what to do with all that cash, and enjoy watching them receive it and invest it, and spend it. Happy times ahead! Hey, it’s a lot more fun to do it that way than after we’re dead and gone and can’t enjoy it any longer. Unless you believe in Heaven… and the ability to watch your grown kids from on high! Why wait until death is the main point. I agree.
But when grown siblings who have serious cash flow problems miss the boat, for whatever reason, coming to an agreement with aging parents to get inheritance assets now, before those parents pass away… those siblings have another option, as heirs, to get an advance on inheritance even without generous parents involved – and these days will apply for a large inheritance advance for themselves, or for a small inheritance loan – from an established niche boutique online inheritance advance firm like http://www.heiradvance.com, or http://www.inheritanceadvance.com, or maybe like http://www.inheritancenow.com, so they can access inheritance money real fast, in advance of probate closing, maybe to hire their own personal lawyer, or accountant, or to begin investing with inheritance advance cash… or for whatever purpose. I notice however that most heirs will use their probate advance, estate loan, inheritance loan, or inheritance advance, as soon as possible. Once they get their probate loan, or inheritance advance, interestingly enough… estate arguments quiet down, and the heirs with an inheritance cash advance seem a whole lot happier and more settled. They say money changes people… Well, maybe that’s true, whether it’s an inheritance advance from live parents, or an inheritance cash advance company; all those positive changes prove it.
Sam, I think you’re on the right track about why Anton admitted his lies.
I suspect that when he inherited, he shared the news with his Navy shipmates. Months later when they saw the Yahoo Finance story, they probably asked Anton why he didn’t mention the inheritance. To Anton, it would make sense to post a remorseful Facebook confession so that he could continue to spin the story before someone else exposed his lies. It looks like he barely did it in time, since by then the Yahoo author had heard from a shipmate.
The military taught Anton about integrity, and his lies are an insult to veterans. Even worse, his publicity backlash makes it harder for servicemembers to believe that they can save 40% of their income to reach financial independence within 20 years.
But I’ll keep sharing the math with people and encouraging them to use their military skills & benefits to build their own wealth.
Keep on preaching it, Doug! The math definitely checks out for military financial independence and your blog/story/book demonstrate it as well. I think I’m definitely on my way to FI as well. I can’t wait to add my own story to the list of early retirees/financially independent veterans.
I agree that lying about your finances to try to promote your site is incredibly insulting, especially since he frequently mentions his military background.
I guess this is also a great lesson that lying on the Internet only lasts until you get big enough for people to care, and then someone will do the math and take you down.
It is funny how society twist our arms about certain things especially when it comes to finances. The reality is, life is not fair and people have to wake up with the fact that everyone gets a different start.
Sometimes you have to go out and create your own opportunities, when others have them given to them.
I found out its dangerous to tell people you have money. Wheter you inherited it or not is yet another thing. Because of the crisis things dont look bright at my job, so the other day my collegue was told she looses her job 1th of january. Other collegues where telling each other she can afford it to be without a job because she has plenty of real estate and so she doesn t need this job as much as they do!!! A couple of years ago I inherited a nice appartment from an aunt, and just this month we bought our third rental property! I never for one second thought about telling these things to my collegues!!! Although we are super excited we bought rental property, and we do tell our close friends, I m always a bit sceptical about telling friends about the inherited appartment. IT seems like less of an accomplishment to inherit property, and maybe I,m afraid they would think something like: ” its not hard at all for them to buy rental property, they already inherited an appartment!”
But for us, the rental property was something we could accomplish without the inheritance aswell.
I used to think I would get an inheritance because my parents have made such excellent decisions. However, part of my family is now having a crisis and I believe my parents could be sucked dry in the next ten years. Now I expect nothing. =/
It’s not about feeling ashamed, it’s about being prideful. If someone in their late 20’s purchases an apartment that they pay for themselves, they feel proud about it. If their parents buy it for them, it really isn’t anything to feel proud about. Etc etc…it isn’t anything to feel “ashamed” about, just not proud. If someone has 1mm net worth at age 35 without any “help”, that is a great accomplishment. If they inherited it, not really an accomplishment.
Also, although I understand your point, credit cards do contribute in a small way to building wealth. If you sign up for rewards cards, you can walk away with thousands of dollars a year in rewards. After decades, this could add up…at least to something!
I think its really a waste of time. It’s fun, but there are better things one can do to build wealth.
Check out: Correlation Between The Number Of Credit Cards And Net Worth
Everything in life shouldn’t be about building wealth, Sam. Some things are just about fun! For some people, credit cards is really the only way they can afford to see the world.
American media tries very hard to find that “feel good” narrative, and if they can’t find it, they gloss over details and build it. No sincerity behind it, just an eye on page views.
As for your blog, I read your writing because your distinct voice is apparent. Even though I’d be closer to the Anton making $55k example in terms of who I “should” relate to, you write clearly about ways that describe how people can build wealth and develop multiple income streams. That striving to excel should be relatable. Also, your writing and journey is entertaining. Even when I might not agree with a point at times, it’s never dull.
Or maybe you have really good staff writers and we have no idea!
I do try my best to make the writing interesting because I want to read interesting articles and dialogue as well.
I’ve been able to clone three writers who sound and think exactly like me in order to produce 3-4, 1,500 word posts a week. Otherwise, how can this be possible for so long?! :)
My parents bought me a brand new car when I graduated college and I dared not tell any of my friends. We weren’t rich growing up but most of my friends were borderline poor – and they would’ve judged me harshly if I told them. They were living paycheck to paycheck just to get by and I had wiggle room in my budget because I didn’t have a car payment. I would’ve never rubbed it in their face, so I told them my parents just helped me with the down payment. Inheritances work the same.
I suspect someone in Anton’s circle knew about his good fortune and was threatening to expose him. So he came clean to avoid the ensuing media circus. It made Yahoo Finance look worse than him for not thoroughly investigating the details.
I’m envious you got a new college when you graduated! What was it?
One of the first year analysts we hired rolled in, in a new Acura SUV that cost $42,000 six years ago. He saved his managers some bonus money because they figured, why pay him since he already has an expensive car!
It was a VW Jetta, not exactly something to be jealous about. :)
I drove it for 12 years, over 200,000 miles.
You lucky dog!
My parents divorced when I was very young. Dad sold real estate, siblings and I lived with mom who’s career was a secretary. It was a very frugal childhood but we had a roof over our heads and food on the table. After us kids left the nest, and mom retired, I took care of her house, car, and finances. More years go by, she passes and the assets are divided equally. My siblings who didn’t have much interest in her elderly care were surprised at the assets of her modest career and lifestyle. There was no inheritance from dad. (Bless you mom for taking the parental responsibility of raising us!)
My dad always jokes that the day he dies he wants to do so completely broke. I think my parents paying for college is plenty of inheritance. Although, I wouldn’t turn down a home with an ocean view!
“Nobody asks for an inheritance.” Can’t say I agree with this comment.
OK. Feel free to elaborate.
This Yahoo story is the exact reason why I enjoy reading your site and other sites by authors who seem to know what they are talking about. You can tell when someone is bullshitting after a while, because lies and facts start to not add up.
Always be aware of who the author is, and take any advice with a grain of peppercorn. Yahoo Finance is big, but the author of this report is young and doesn’t have more than five years experience.
Society is screwed with their finances because the wrong people control the media. Blogging gives power back to the people.
Thanks Christina. I’ll do my best to keep things real forever!
Get rid of the slicing nonsense up top! ;) I expect this to turn into the FS tagline…
FS, Keeping things real… forever.