Men are dogs. If you give us an inch, we'll take a mile. But, if you put us on a leash, we'll gnaw it off and go even more crazy once we're free. There's a fine balance between loving your man and smothering your man. The question some people have is: why do women go out with deadbeat losers?
There are countless posts online where women complain about their deadbeat boyfriends for never paying for anything, never buying them gifts, always playing video games all day long while still living at home in their parent's basement, and never holding on to a job for more than a year to save their lives.
Yet, these women still latch on, hoping they'll one day change their man for the better.
It's just so weird that with a male world population of 3.5+ billion, a woman would settle for a deadbeat loser. Then agin, deadbeat losers are everywhere.
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Reasons Why Women Go Out With Deadbeat Losers
Settling for a deadbeat loser is like settling for a job you hate. There are way too many people who hate their jobs and keep on doing them, just like there are way too many women who settle for men who treat them poorly.
What is it about non-ideal situations which makes us keep carrying on, doing nothing to change? If you hate your job, get laid with a nice severance check in hand!
My theory is that in the beginning, most women don't know the guy is a deadbeat loser. He probably is reasonably attractive and tells a good story about his current situation and his ambitions. Obviously, he will be on his best behavior during the wooing process.
It might take one week, or it might take many months. But until a consummation is made, guys can be very charming! By the time a woman hooks up with the guy, only afterward will she see his true colors.
Her “oh, shit” moment comes at a time after she's given everything to him. As we are generally all optimists, a woman believes she can salvage the relationship and change him for the better. Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tries, she can't teach a gorilla how to put down the toilet seat, pay for dinner, and write her sweet notes of nothing.
It's too late, and eventually, the relationship fades. In retrospect, every woman who has gone out with a deadbeat loser realizes the case. “I don't know what I was thinking,” is a phrase that always comes up.
Why Women Settle For Deadbeat Losers
Let's review all the reasons why women go out with suboptimal guys. With billions of men out there in the world, why settle?
1) We don't believe we are worthy.
Above all else, I believe that the reason why we settle for someone suboptimal is because we believe we aren't deserving of more. This is utterly disappointing and ludicrous. You don't deserve to be mistreated or taken advantage of ever! You deserve to have someone love you back as much as you love them.
Those who ask for promotions get promotions. You must adopt a growth mindset to build wealth and get what you want. If you don't believe you deserve to be with someone considerate and respectful, you probably won't be.
2) We're afraid to be alone.
Life isn't worth living if there's nobody special to share it with. I'd rather be a median waged person with a loved one than be a lonely billionaire in the long run. It's irrational to think that you will die alone given the population of the world today. Every day, we have the opportunity to meet a hundred people if we want to. It just takes initiative.
3) We think we can teach a dog how to speak.
If there are five “must haves” such as humor, compassion, motivation, spontaneous, cultured and he has three out of five, the temptation is to settle. Perhaps over time, you believe he'll be able to develop the other two must haves and be that ideal guy.
You'll be able to change him for the better, which is hardly ever the case. The problem with this thought process is that he might actually lose one of the three must haves, and then you're really going to feel bitter for wasting your precious youth on him!
4) We're afraid to get hurt.
If we never try meeting other people, we will never get rejected. It's truly disheartening when someone else doesn't show you the same interest as you've shown them. Guys get rejected left and right because for some reason, society has told us we always have to initiate.
Rejection doesn't get that much easier to deal with after a while. Instead, we settle for what we have or just being a lone. That's sad, because time isn't on our side. The older women get, the smaller the dating pool tends to get since many women refuse to be with men younger than them, whereas it's everything goes for guys!
5) We're losers ourselves!
I never thought about this until readers kept on mentioning that deadbeat women tend to go out with deadbeat men. Society always sees men as losers, and women as misguided. I guess there is equality for all, after all! Read the 525+ comments so far on this post with fascinating perspectives from both men and women.
“All The Good Men Are Always Taken”
One of the best excuses women tell me for not wanting to be with an attractive guy who has all she wants is that she's afraid she won't be able to hang on to him. She's afraid other women will be all over him, which will seriously stress her out. She's also afraid as she grows older, he'll stop wanting to be with her. Deadbeat losers don't change much.
But here's the thing ladies. Men's libido's decline the older we get. It's the friendship that we cherish more of, not the sexual activities, the older we get.
Not wanting to be with the hottest and nicest woman possible is hard for men to understand. We men think that it is better to have love and lost than to have never loved at all. Guys also love it when their woman gets all the attention from other guys.
I guess it's because guys ignorantly believe their women will never cheat on them. Of course, we all know women cheat on men as much as men cheat on women.
Here's a detailed post on how to get a rich man to be your boyfriend or husband. Life is certainly easier once you have a rich spouse. The same goes for your children. However, be careful not to spoil them!
Try To Find A Better Man
Because there are likely millions of people who wish they had better, you have really no fear of never finding someone you're compatible with. One way to improve your potential for finding someone is to develop a better personality.
Online dating sights have increased your probabilities 10 fold thanks to just several clicks of a button, you can search for that compatible someone. Compare the scope now vs. 20 years ago. It's night and day!
Settling is such a weak thing to do. It screams of insecurity. You have the right to be happy because someone out there will truly value who you really are!
Seriously, it doesn't matter how much money you have if you don't have someone to share it with. If you don't have a love partner, I highly recommend you spend more time working on finding a great partner.
Related reading: The Easiest Way To Get What You Want And Achieve What You Deserve
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Why Do Women Go Out With Deadbeat Losers is a Financial Samurai original post. Finding the right person to share your life with is so important for living a happy life. Don't settle!
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Low life loser women themselves go with those other low life loser guys too. A perfect match.
Well it was several years ago I first started following this discussion. I was distraught, having been 17 years in a relationship with a “nice guy” who just wouldn’t hold down a full-time job. He had been a high school teacher and quit that, then he worked a few jobs part time then went back to school to be a podiatrist. He failed that and blamed his failure on his ex-wife (not me) for harassing him for money for their kids. Then he went to chiropractic school and became a chiropractor. But he would never find out how to take insurance and he only worked a few hours a week. About once a year or so I would bring up my concern about his half million in student loans and he would get upset with me, saying that I just don’t believe in him.
For a few years, he did become maintenance guy for an apartment complex and we lived there rent-free in exchange for his occasional maintenance work. During that time I also paid him to work for me part time. Apart from that, when he wasn’t away at school, I had let him live with me, always to try to help him get on his feet. I paid for dates, food, hosted his family at my house. Gave him every chance to achieve his dream. Always hoped (and still do) he would reach his potential.
His parents and I lent him money to start up his chiropractic office. He was not able to pay it back. I let him do work for me in exchange for living with me. One of his big pet leaves was people begging for money. He said he wanted to hand them help-wanted ads, and let them know there are plenty of places to work. The irony never sunk in that he himself was living off of others’ financing. I asked why he didn’t take one of those jobs, but clearly he felt he was too good for those kinds of jobs anyone could do. This is what made me lose respect for him. That, and I worked like a dog at my own job, and I came to resent his leisure time and activities. He taught himself ukulele, flew drones (that I had bought him), made YouTube videos, played geocaching with others online, flew kites…
I came to resent that he had time for hobbies while I worked. Finally, over time, he started to talk to me in the same tone he used with is ex…a tone indicating he had contempt for me. So my pity for him diminished.
Still, I was always worried what would happen to him if I broke up with him. Finally I said to him I wondered if I was dependence on me, and he said he thought so. So then, after 17 years, I got the strength to lay it out for him and separate. His first question was NOT “Are you going to be OK?” But “What am I supposed to do?”. That was four years ago. He was too proud to live in an apartment when he moved out, so his mom bought him a trailer.
For years before, I had agonized over this break-up decision, worried if he would be OK. Three months after I broke up with him, he was officially “in a relationship” with a financially secure nurse, several years older than him. (The next sugar mamma.) I have now met someone who is a hard worker like me, and we are able to enjoy dates and traveling and we both pay our own way.
This post is for anyone still following, and for my younger self who was worried about their dependent partner’s world falling apart: He was Just Fine! And I did not regret for a split second breaking up! For the record, there was no “other man” or “other woman” factoring into any of this. We were both faithful to each other. At least I was and I assumed he was, too.
For those who say women are just looking for money, know that I was the one who was working and supporting. I didn’t need him to take care of me, just carry some of his own weight, and work as hard as I did. Anyway, that is the update in 2024. “The Truth will set you free. “
Thanks for the update! And I’m glad you were able to break free and live your own life.
Y’all need to understand that someone who takes care of their physical and mental health while having a steady job is obviously the best choice of person. It should be common sense in all honesty. I constantly see miserable women married to or with a lazy men that won’t better themselves. Find someone that wants to be better and is willing to make the changes whether they do it on their own or with a little push. If you don’t see results then leave them and find someone better.
It seemed as if I was handicapped for most of my life regarding women. I was a dysfunctional chick magnet. My handicap was the result of having median-level looks and very little charisma. The looks can be enhanced with better grooming and clothes, but the charisma is what attracts women. A guy’s situation doesn’t matter to a woman if he has charisma. He could be a dog without a bone or an actor on a loan. It’s all good to them.
Losers stick with other losers.
The working man these days are not an option for many women, nor is he ever given the respect for being first responsible for himself, because he doesn’t exactly fit the bill for the bad boy life.
But, in contrast to that, a professional woman would feel the same as he isn’t fit for her life, and with these scenarios of lifestyle the essentials are not good enough, and they both will only look down on and away from him!
Today unfortunately just so many very uneducated entitled stuck up women nowadays that really think their S— doesn’t stink.
Women back in the past were certainly a lot smarter and much nicer to meet as well which today most women are very entitled low life stuck up losers altogether.
Just so many very entitled brainless women that are everywhere nowadays just like a disease that can’t be cured.
Most women back in the old days were certainly a lot more nicer and smarter than the kind of very dumb stuck up women we have now.
Look it’s not about “settling”.
Women don’t settle, what the loser guy lacks, they will get that from other supplies, like money etc.
What it is really about is : “He does what I say”
That is what all of these narcissistic women want.
They get money from other supplies, they can get much more attention from other supplies, why they keep this loser guy is because he is already a loser, to his POV, he thinks if a girl loves me when Im a loser she must really love me, all of this happening while he is literally her puppy doing everything she asks.
Yeah he might be playing video games etc, but more often than not he listens to her, he does what she says, just wait until this loser starts improving himself, taking control of his life, doing what is best for him, when that time comes, this woman will be the first to try to leave him because now things start getting clearer to him, now he will start finding out about all her affairs behind his back, and how he was such a dumbass to believe that she really loves him. There is no such thing as love, love is only an excuse guys/girls make to get something else that they want, the only real thing is commitment, when someone can commit without getting anything from you, that person will stay with you for your whole life, and eventually you will fall in love with them even if you hated them at first.
Ugh no people should learn to take care of themselves.
I’ve been married now 30 years we both settled their wasn’t anyone else please I don’t care what people think but I do believe in God and we both know maybe their is someone else but neither of us gonna spend our life alone God says no. I know so many people alone bitter. My spouse don’t take care of himself etc etc etc so what we are two imperfect people trying to enjoy life. And speaking of life I have things in my heart about certain men their are two men in my heart I won’t mention it’s in my heart and I’ve told everyone you have zero right to interfere and you don’t tell me who to love. Also one man after 20 years I approached him and praised his very being because you never know and if I die tomorrow I want him to know if I divorce I want him to know and I don’t bother him ok. I also have a friend and I have very few men friends it’s not allowed but he offered me his paycheck to sleep together and God bless him too he shares his love to me for me he isn’t a bitter man. And just for the whatever the men I find most attractive are a mess. Amen and May God Bless us all with true love that is everything .
Many men are bitter and looking for a man to complete them. Well sweetie look inside become a man that will complete you than admit to certain women you fancy you are interested quit expecting women to be men otherwise your going to be divorced and unhappy in 10 years cause you will live with a women man and get it and furthermore most women don’t see men with issues as losers and if you get off on seeing women as sloppy seconds or used up well you’ll get what you deserve in life old bitter alone spouting garbage on these sites
Because to really understand someone it takes time and let’s face it women are not perceptive they are taught by society these things selective qualities mean it’s a good thing. No women ever goes down to the nitty gritty and ask themselves hey does this make sense on a psychological level they just jump to stereotyping. Men do things for reason and that’s all image. The guy that puts on the gym time and looks at himself while he’s flexing doesn’t care about who u are he’s trying to get what he wants which isn’t even remotely close to who u are on the inside. Pleasure distracts. I’m sorry to say this but social media and the sht u see on TV isn’t supposed to teach u a damn about happy endings or compatibility. it just sells tickets…. U wanna good man look for a man that loves others and cares enough to put others ahead of himself not some punk whose putting all his attention on trying to prove he’s worthy. That’s what scams are. Women are the prime target for pyramid scheme and marketing because they use their emotions to decide on what they want which is easily manipulated. True beauty isnt skin deep stop slapping on make up and wearing thongs and pushup bras… The truth hurts and the guy that loves u will tell u wat u need to hear… The guy that eggs u on and pushes ur buttons to get u to do what he wants doesn’t. He just cares about his needs. Bad men aren’t bad they just have their own agenda and they don’t give a sht about who u are for u. How can u expect someone to know u if u won’t show urself. Flaws arent a bad thing they are the whole picture stop trying to be perfect ur not giving ppl a chance to even see u for the real u. U want someone that loves I for ur true beauty try spending a year connecting with someone on a deeper level…. Our body’s are just shells and as long as we use that as a way judging others and ourselves we will always be disappointed. Chances are u have clue to who he is and he has no clue to who u are and that’s because the whole dating approach doesnt give shts… It was sht that’s easy and prioritizes instagratification. For a starter stop putting out… If he can’t love u without the sex clearly he doesn’t like u for u. I’m sorry but that’s the bottom line. If u have a real best friend I know what I mean
This was an incredible straight edge knife cutting straight to the issue and addresses the condition directly while pulling no punches. marvelous comment.
Some women have no self esteem.
So they settle for a dollar bill, a
Little fat le man.
One thing I would never tolerate!
As a man, here’s a viable solution to this whole dating thing: don’t date! Make your money and live your life, and go for one-night stands (always wear a condom). If a decent woman comes along, maybe date her. But don’t waste your time on women, since most can offer little more than what’s between their legs. IMHO and experience.
Maybe the villainous dead beat loser maligned in the article has something really amazing between his legs and is skilled at using it. The article didn’t even go there. If he’s that good in bed, that could definitely be an answer to this article’s titular question.
LOL. You nailed it.
Money Over Women, You certainly nailed it.
Most women nowadays are very complicated as it is, very stuck up, have mental problems, Curse at many of us single men for no reason when we will try to start a conversation with them, real narcissists, gold diggers, and that list just keeps on growing. I am a good looking man that keeps in great shape, and i have a very good personality as well. And i still have trouble meet a good woman today, which i will never understand at all.
Only in America buddy. I’ve met women from Japan and Vietnam and Germany that really know how to treat a man. If she likes you she shows it not like the self centered dykes we have in the USA. Women are told since a young age that they are princesses and deserve it all. When they finally enter the real world they are no longer the Princess of the house and most women, these days feel that they can do just as good as a man, which unfortunately for them is not true. Men are more resilient and able to understand that they are not the King of the land. Unlike most women who hold on to illusions of her Royalty. Pathetic. It’s a codependent psychosis at best mitigated by the dream and perpetual searching for the grass that is greener that will eventually just die because you’ve trampled all over the lawn.
Women over there are a lot more normal compared to America that has the worst low life loser women nowadays over here unfortunately, which most of them really are since they’re very rude, nasty, narcissistic feminists as well.
Jahn, American women are pieces of garbage the way that i look at it, compared to most of the women back in the past that were the very complete opposite of today and real ladies as well. Most of these women today are either gay or bi to begin with, and never straight at all.
You know what’s crazy too? Now, women are complaining about something that has been called “golden penis syndrome.” Since men only make up 40% of college graduates now, women are complaining that men are lazy, don’t put much effort into dating or their own appearance, etc. Also, in Manhattan women say it is even worse, because the ratio of college educated men to women is exacerbated since 9–12% of men in Manhattan are gay… Funny thing about this is… the feminists caused all of these to happen and it’s all backfiring on them now.
Feminism is much worse than cancer that is caused by these pieces of garbage women, for which there is no cure for this very horrible disease either.
Maybe your good looking man in great shape with a very good personality is loving himself more that it seems you could love anyone else… Jus Sayin’
Said Wendy the idiot herself.
There’s a lot of people of both genders who are complicated, stuck up, and have mental problems (I’m a female and my mom regularly accuses me of finding men with mental problems sexier and more attractive than those who don’t). Admittedly, when I was married I was uptight and strange and progressively less and less happy. As a woman, I think the ladies who curse and get rude/unpleasant with men who approach them, she’s insecure and possibly thinking, I’m going to reject him before he rejects me. Maybe you need to reassess the places and change the places you go if you are only meeting hostile frustrating ladies there.
Most women i would say though back in the past which it was never ever about looks and wealth when looking for a guy to have a very serious relationship with, and now they want the money making men with the very big bank accounts with the 6 pack abs since a great deal of women nowadays as it is are very high maintenance and narcissists too. Very pathetic dumb women nowadays that lack a lot of intelligence and have no manners and personality at all either when it comes to many of us single guys looking to very seriously trying to find love today. And the very sad thing for many of us guys is that there aren’t really any good places to go to meet a good woman today that can just accept us for who we really are even though we aren’t rich.
“can just accept us for who we really are even though we aren’t rich.”
You are just as much of a deadbeat loser as the rest of them.
Still bumping the thread, lol
Jason is right. Unless your young and able to get a legal age girls. That’s where the best girls are. Good guys don’t want women who been around the block or better yet the “whole world” see the woman naked. Self respect remain high on the list of what guys looking for. Women today are very low quality and nothing good come from it. Jason has it on point of what women really is like in 21st century.. In fact it a lot worse now than let’s say 30 years ago?
Martha You’re a freak of nature in the first place. Get a life loser.
Martha, sounds like you really are a total loser yourself not to mention how very severely mentally retarded you really are.
I didn’t even realize that I was fishing for deadbeats.
Goodness what a big catch of deadbeats I have.
Accountability and self awarenes are nonexistent in your lot.
Said Martha the brainless and clueless fool herself.
Katzilla, There are really no places for many of us single guys to go to meet a good woman today at all unfortunately.
A chunk of this article is complete b.s. Women want a challenge. Point blank period. They also, deep down lust for pain and abuse to varying degrees (some want a little, others want a shitton). Why do you think so many like the get spanked, chocked, etc. in bed? The challenge is a form of abuse. Some women chase after guys who beat em (this is why some stick around or go back after “leaving” because this is what the wanted but will never admit to it). Others are genuinely stuck and tryna get out. They also chase after the dude who looks like he either gets a lot of “wet- wet” regardless if he is good in bed or not or the guy who looks like he is so good in bed he will turn her out. Thats it.
At minimum a guy who is getting laid consistently by different women who is a bit of a challange is gonna get some sexual and some women
At most a guy who is the sh1t in bed and will always keep her on her toes because he is that much of a challenge to her and roughs her up a little (not necessarily in a harmful way, but rustles her leaves to keep some form of friction or “drama” going in their “relationship”) is gonna have women slickly or even some brazenly tryna give him the panties. Plenty will say this that and the third but actions speak louder than words. Most will never reveal how they feel or what they do in the dark…EVER!
What makes you think thatbJason is a deadbeat loser?
However Martha, I’m a working man looking for what Jason is looking for in a woman, but, you just lost it on his and my standards of a woman deserving respect, having good qualities, with family values.
I know Martha that our standards may be a bit too archaic for your taste, but I can remember when families were more stable, with people really caring and looking out for one another.
Well now Martha, do you believe that (Shame) has become a Dirty Word?
“Guys also love it when their woman gets all the attention from other guys”
i have no problem if a man shows interest for my girl (it s not that i like it neither) BUT I DO CARE if my girl gives that attention back… then i got some problems with my girl, the third person got nothing to do with me
i wont stop a guy from showing his interest to my girl. that s normal.
but i will stop dating her if she falls for another man/girl. thats obvious
“My theory is that in the beginning, most women don’t know the guy is a deadbeat loser.”
CMOOONNNNN, that could happen to 1 in 1.000.000
but MOSTLY girls choose deadbeat man for many reasons:
she is the same or worst than him
she cant take a better man
she fall for the looks
she is afraid to be alone and has not secured a better man yet
(some girls try and fix a man, but those are the minority if they are dating a deadbeat man
most girls “Trying to fix” a man.. are girls that are datin a succesful man that cheats on them and is not afraid to be with many girls as possible. MANY GIRLS PREFER TO SHARE A TOP GUY THAN TO SETTLE FOR A NORMAL GUY)
“Settling is such a weak thing to do. It screams of insecurity. You have the right to be happy because someone out there will truly value who you really are!”
yeah, with super high standards and HIGH ego yeah.. lowering them sounds like weakness
JUST STOP CHOOSING IMPOSSIBLES if u are a normal girl and u happened to catch the best man out there.. CARE FOR HIM cause he can choose any other girl if he wants (if u think that u are at the same level or stop giving him what he needs he will dump u)
girls from the 2021 dont want to be with a guy at their same level and grow a couple from there.. they want the succesful man to love them..
the probability of finding that man is scarce and MOST woman wont.
NicoIas, I agree!
But a person who starts from the bottom appreciates it when he reaches the top?
However, a person that starts on top, usually feels entitled, and will never appreciate or be satisfied at achieving a relationship, the people around them, and within themselves, not anything he or she encounters…
Toxic women go with Toxic men most of the time.
You are truly right
Too many women are too caught up in the knight in shining armor image of men. After all, how can a guy protect a woman and her kids unless he is perfect?? Truth is that 1 in 8 men according to RAINN are sexually abused in the the United States, and others suffer horrific trauma as kids. A counselor is not going to cure all these problems. A guy needs a romantic woman to be able to listen to him, understand him, and make an attempt to assist him in a way that will not detract from her own growth as a lady.
Good and helpful insight here. Real communication, human to human, rather than sex- stereotyping and blaming.
what hurts me the most is male victims aren’t taken seriously,and it’s sickening and heartbreaking to say the least.
Conversely, females can point the finger and the accused is considered guilty before evidence is provided. I am a liberal woman and I declare this is illogical and unjust. The Salem witch trials were this sort of lunacy.
Oh please, America has become an ultra-conservative society. The word rape is so foreign to them that the courts around the country turned a blind eye. Have you heard the expression “2 steps forward 1 step back”? That’s what’s happening in our legal system here in America.
Rape as a criminal charge against a female first count most likely carries 10 to 20 years yeah I’ll compare that to a child molest station charge which would usually fall under you indecent deviant sexual intercourse on a minor average 5 to 20 years so you tell me why if your adult raves of female adult he gets more time than raping a minor how does that make sense not in all cases but I myself have been leave convicted felon and incarcerated for 14 years and I’m done several Terms to acquire the number 14 however you see it all and I believe the reason that we you’re so lenient on child molesters compared to adult rapists is because that we got this notion that oh they got a mental disorder no they don’t have a on this order well they do mean that with anybody who is attracted to a child has got a mental disorder and in my opinion it’s their preference kind of like homosexuality in my opinion it’s also a mental disorder however it’s their preference and that is why ciao molesters reoffend compared to the rapist so that’s all I got to say before you start speaking maybe you should know A little bit of the inside scoop instead of listening to CNN and I was that Mitu movement has done is open the door for false accusations
yes but not all “Felons of Minor Dievant Sex” Are Actually Child Sex Offenders! Sometimes they could have just turned 18 and been with someone 4 years young and they’d still be looked at as a child molester! I know someone who got put in prison for this and He is NO Child Molester! But Now He can’t be around other kids, or kid areas, and all this stupid stuff. He is attracted to adult mostly adult men, not kids! But people will forever look at him as a child molester! Mean while real child molesters sometimes end up getting the least worst sentences which is very odd anyways. Referring to another sex offender I knew. The least sex offender got a even worse charge then the “Bad Sex offender did”. Bizarre, just because it was “Homosexual”. So some how butt sex with someone close to your age is some how worse then a 20 year old having sex with little girls. Kind of bizarre. Anyways the system doesn;t always charge accurately in my opinion. As he is charged as the worst criminal ever, and he would never murder or steal or do anything dangerous to anyone. Other then being flighty at time and some other stuff that non criminals get involved in, he really isn’t in my opinion a true criminal but here he is charged like a murder? Yes People often treat sex offenders worse then murders, and not all but most sex offenders are often the most harmless humans in every other way, so they make them work in the back of kitchens and janitor, exactly where they can continue to molest others, if you really want to stop sexual abuse from a sex offender just put them in the middle of public give them something to do to focus and feel proud of, as not like most sex offenders would touch someone in the middle of 20 other costumers, like come on.
Our justice system has lost it site,focus, empathy,everything. Only thing that’s going to revive that and this country is shit can everything and follow the Constitution! Like now!!! Drop everything for 3 days and post,read,and follow it. Then you will see what I do then get a Gideon Bible and go to the index look up injustice,pride,prejudice,etc, it even gives you the solution. And later the court yard or court rm has to be in the church. Only way will be judged properly and see what 2-8 percent of us so called losers, deadbeats,who gave ven
Speaking of Lesbians, they’re everywhere these days. And real men haters obviously. Not to mention that they have tattoos all over their bodies, and overweight altogether which makes them real nasty as well.
Lets not forget the party girl who after sleeping with dozens of guys and reaching 30 all of a sudden wants a nice guy. It’s like getting a used car with 200k miles on it.
Those slutty women will just grow very old all alone with a bunch of cats when their time comes, especially when there many of us real nice single guys that would really know how to treat a good woman with a lot of love, respect, and commitment. Women today are just so very awful, and not nice to meet at all.
Why would she be required to disclose this her romantic partner? Then there is also the flip side of this, her experience would probably make her more skilled in physical intimacy than someone who had say, three or four romantic partners. Why are you assuming that none of the men she was with previously were “nice guys?”. Maybe it’s just me, but I really don’t understand where you are coming from. Don’t shame people for having a libido and acting on it.
This can’t go unaddressed. The way God designed it, was Adam and Eve: one man and one woman, for life.
A man and a woman, when they marry, are supposed to not have had sex with anyone. They are both supposed to be virgin. And only give their virginity to each other, on their WEDDING NIGHT.
Anything short of that incurs damages, which deprive them of the design created by God. They learn about each other sexually and grow from there.
That’s how it works best. That’s how God designed it. It’s a fallen world unfortunately.
I will never understand women. I am 35 years old and still single, never been married, don’t have any kids. I am good looking, well educated with three college degrees, and have a good paying job, however no woman seems to want me. I tried everything to find a woman internet dating, bars, church, the gym and I talked with a lot of women and some even agreed to meet up but after the first date they would say well your just not my type, I’m just not interested, I just don’t feel a connection with you even though they seemed interested when I first meet them. I guess Im too ordinary. Most women today like bad boys and losers. An example is when I worked at Pizza Hut about eight years ago. We had this pretty girl in her early twenties who dated our dishwasher who calls in sick half the time and is on the brink of getting fired. I could not figure out what she seen in this guy who could not even hold a job and does not even try to better himself?
To be a loser in order to get women is to learn how to talk like a loser. Act dumb most of the time. Don’t mention the college degrees and such. Women aren’t interested into that. Play bad boy type, act tough. Overall tailer the personality that the woman wants.
You can not just become a Bad Boy.
You either have it or not?
I’m a working man, self reliant, good natured, Bad Ass with a Bad Mouth!
But, that doesn’t even touch at being a Bad Boy…
That is why most of these women today are very brain dead to begin with, and they treat most of us good men like garbage as it is since they have no manners and personality at all when they talk to us. They’re without a doubt very severely mentally disturbed, and need help very badly. Most women were so much nicer many years ago, and now they’re a total waste of humanity.
I mean I am not saying the guy is a loser because he is a dishwasher. I was a dishwasher when I was in my late teens and early twenties while attending college getting my degree, but I worked hard and very rarely called in sick unless I was puking or had a fever. I would always work overtime if it was available too. However this guy was in his late twenties or early thirties and just didn’t want to work and wanted everybody else to do his job for him.
Incorrect. You say women are braindead but if you feel that way then why do you even care who they date?
Also treat most of us good men like garbage?
There aren’t “good men” that call women brain dead. Sorry you just called out why you’re not a good man. Sure you may fake “nice guy” to get something you want from them but when it doesn’t turn your way you’ll lash out so you’re not a genuinely good person.
Women were nicer years ago? No I think you remember what it was like to be a child and demanding attention that always got you noticed. Once you became and adult you have be what that specific woman desires and if you aren’t then she’s just not interested. Emotional labor of strangers is exhausting and women really don’t want to tip toe around men that clearly shouldn’t be approaching. Are you her looks match? If not then leave her alone and move on with the day.
Most women are real basket cases today altogether, especially American women. No manners, no personality, stuck up, Curse at many of us single guys for no reason at all when we will try to start a conversation with the one that we would really like to meet, What is up with that?
This comment is exactly why women don’t like you. Personally, as a women, I would run far away from most of the men commenting on this. These “deadbeats” probably respect and love the girls they date, which is more than they’d ever get from any of the haters in the comments. Holy f*ck, I pray none of you find a women, ever. Just leave them alone for erernity, please.
Blah, did you even read what the other man said? He said that women are Cursing at us for no reason at all which i even had it happened to me as well. Learn how to read.
hey at least you didn;t get ghosted, they told you straight out you were not their type, In my case aftr 20 years of marriage husband passed, it was hard after his death but listen to this, after 3 years i decide to mayb go out with a FF omg big mistake i was not aware of all this playing around messing with people’s emotions for a month then i got ghosted which was a term that I recently learned. I was very embarrassed even ashamed, mayb i was too nice, guy didnt even said hey you are not my type, we learn from mistakes but i can tell you one thing i think im ok looking well mayb better than OK lol i cook, i am very proactive not a complainer, and still men run the other way. hey you are right about one thing women are drawn to bad boys i don;t knw why its a damn curse.
i do feel alone at times i dont want to get married i don’t want to live with anyone i just want to have companionship NO one wants it i guess LOL
it’s so hard too hard, it was easy when i was young imagine i got married at age 22… things were different back then men had more honor, now everyone just doesnt understand friendship and companionship YIKES
Good comment of course someone has to come along and be rude, but don’t listen to them. The person below that is bullying.
You have three degrees and say “your” instead of “you’re”. Obviously the degrees were not in English!
Ok, there was one slight grammar or spelling error! At least I am smart enough not to do illegal drugs, am able to hold a job and not be a lazy freeloader on welfare, and don’t have multiple children out of wedlock.
Women — especially happy women who are comfortable with their bodies and enjoyable to be around — don’t like hyper-conscientious finger-wagging types. My advice is to stop constantly casting judgment about how other people choose to live, and to instead start offering something that women actually value.
Women who are enjoyable to be around, socially skilled, and attractive understand the importance of emotional, social, and sexual value, and expect a man to provide the same value in return. If you don’t, they likely won’t want to date you. And don’t think you can pretend to be someone of emotional, social, and sexual value until you “get the girl”, at which point you can go back to being hypercritical, moody, uptight, melodramatic, prissy, constantly negative, and so on. Even if you trick such a woman into dating you, you’ll not be able to keep up the act forever, and when she sees who you really are, she will leave you. Probably for a guy that you think is “a loser”, but who makes her feel good, is fun to be around, and has masculine energy.
If you want people to like you, then be LIKEABLE. Be FUN to be around. Make her feel good about herself and about life. Keep your negativity and drama to yourself. Be masculine in your behavior, don’t sniff like an old maid librarian who is offended that someone talked out loud, or put a book back in the wrong place.
That’s one way trip to prison, Maybe he-girl would like you in prison. With renew awaking happening in America. What your describing no longer exists.
Huh? One way to prison? Umm no actually that comment above yours was spot on. Women enjoy being around fun and interesting men. A man that’s always doing that self deprecating humor is exhausting. It’s like they want you to make them feel better by constantly putting themselves down. You’re sitting there feeling awkward. The other type is the one that is constantly bringing up his sex life so that he lets you know he’s getting laid constantly. Then there’s the guy that tries to show you pictures of his exs. That’s usually fail number #3. The goal here is to say “see I had a few good looking ex gfs” but really the majority of the women they’re sleeping with don’t top those charts so I’m already creeped out because those women weren’t even good enough to mention and the better looking ones are being used as props way after the relationship had been over.
Then there are the “neg” users. Everything feels like an argument when you don’t want to jump to their tune. They use alot of “WE this and WE that” as if we’re one person with one brain and clearly I’m not supposed to have my own wants or desires. I usually say ” Well it’s not WE” IT YOU OR ( ME/I) So I then have to go back and ask the question the way it should have been asked ” So YOU wanted ME to meet YOU some where? Is that what you’re asking ME?
The other one is LET’S ( LET US) go here or go there. Again these are command prompts that are just annoying. I don’t even know that guy and he’s talking to me as if we’re one unit. If you want me to go and do something with YOU then ask ME directly.
Then of course when I say Oh no I don’t want to do that then I’m met with hostility.
So no there are just some behaviors that make certain men unappealing.
Ohh then there are the 50-50 types. Seems all pro equality but it’s anything but. There’s nothing more unequal than the dating and mating between men and women. Sure if it was man with man or woman with woman I’d say there were closer to the 50-50 ideal but since sex between the “sexes” tends to put women at a physical disadvantage.
So I’ll get the guy that’s pushy and wants to ensure a sexual victory for himself as something to acquire FROM women not enjoy WITH women. So what happens is he looks for the the cheapest way to get his goal met always often using “WE” for selfish self serving purposes. HIs suggestions are always ” lets hang out” as if I’m jut going to someplace and aimlessly stand around without a proper plan just because he want face to face attention but doesn’t want to do the work of actually of actually being responsible for well anything.
So example:
Guy said hey how about WE meet up at this restaurant. What that says is ” How about I arrive earlier to the restaurant, order my own food and eat it and finish just before you arrive so you can order your own food.
What this says to me is that I should call the restaurant an hour earlier and order take out. Show up in sweats and when my food is ready to take I pay ,grab the bag and go home to enjoy a nice meal alone with some Netflix. You can call me on the phone and we can have a chat instead.
Actually I liked a guy who wanted to be a girl much more then average men, because he had qualities and could see things normal men couldnt and he was in jail. I loved him. So really, its your attitude that women don’t like. A “Masculine” Men is not the way to a girls heart.
Yes, what men don’t realize is , men sometimes also go after women who are “No Good because they Are Attracted to No Good Women, just like Women are Attracted to No Good Men!” There are guys out their that seek certian types of women who do not respect the kind of guy he is. Like i know some men who actually search for men who I know to be “B/tchy” And “Fighting Personality” That will never get a long with anyone, but These men like them because they think they are “Strong and Independent”, meanwhile they are nasty to other women and us women know they are not good dating prospects but some men choose these kind of women over and over again and they miss the good ones who actually like them because they didnt see the signs.
That is why most women nowadays are real demons.
The Danco worked pretty good, no choice but the two broke rommies enjoying all richness then F*off
I was reading your comment and I think it’s pretty obvious why if you read how this article was posted. These men that are losers are con artists. They tell a good lie , blame others for their current predicament and you find out after investing time that you wasted it. So what happens is that women tend to keep trying because of that time invested thinking if they quit they’ll be missing out on the updated version that doesn’t exist not as long as he’s with her anyway. The fact that you’re talking about a pretty girl that while in her 20s dated the dishwasher over 8 years ago while you yourself worked for Pizza Hut is also telling. Were you as attractive as this woman in the male form? I gather not because you admit to getting dates with women but for some reason they don’t see you as their type. That basically means that looks/ interests don’t align enough for her to feel things will go anywhere. What I mean you don’t have enough in common + looks wise you may not meet their standard. That doesn’t mean you will not meet the standard of other women but the woman that you’re trying with just don’t feel it. Even that dishwasher, do you really think he was saying he doesn’t like work or did he play victim and say he was getting picked on or harassed at work which was why he never wanted to go into work? It’s all about phrasing with many men that are considered “losers” that say just the right combination of lies or use misdirection to keep her focus off of why he’ll a terrible match. These types keep pushing for their ends of things but don’t come with the other side for the woman so they keep her waiting for things to pay off. Think of this like a job. A man applies for a job, doesn’t have the skill set but lies on the application boosting himself up as the best employee. His mistakes keep coming up costing the employer money to the point where the employer is waiting for the benefits to reach or exceed the cost. Most companies would fire a person after so much time but women tend to stay in and try and make it work. Once the employee burns the business down or gets caught stealing from the register does the employer ( woman) say ok enough is enough. The difference here is business is about the numbers. With women it’s emotion which isn’t always based on logic.
In 2012 times were hard the country was still in the recession and most places were not hiring except for places like Pizza Hut, Burger King, McDonald’s, Walmart, and fuel stations so I took whatever I could find, even though I already had my first college degree.
As for looks I was quite goodlooking and still am, and I was in good shape. My looks would have been good enough for the pretty girl at Pizza Hut.
Finally the dish washer was never picked on at least not at first, but after he was calling in sick half the time, always wanting someone to work for him, always wanting to go home early when he did rarely work, and never once working overtime once after we asked him dozens of times, everybody that worked there including myself lost respect for him. I could see a high school kid pulling this crap, but someone in their late 20s? Come on it’s time to grow up!
Women don’t want bad boys, I am one in real life, I don’t just walk around in a fag leather coat with cheap knockoff sunglasses. I think it is more of the Fantasy that exists only in her head. Some insecure women find it interesting that some average dude with no particular set of strengths or qualities can just go out and be himself. This helps some women even take it to the next step herself! The level of comfort a woman has determines who she can be with. If you are a HighLander per say and she is a countryside chick she’s gonna naturally feel inferior to you but set her up with a peasant boy who disobeys you and she’ll even sell her ass for him on account that the big dog she can’t have somehow Lost in her warped sense of existence. You as a Greater Man need to search for a Greater Woman, you understand? Now stop looking for what you think you want and tell the women you do want how it is in the Highlands of life. Stop wimping over basic bitches and elevate yourself, the right woman Will recognize this. Then show her your dick,lol. Seriously exposing myself has Always netted some fishnet action,seen? Women want Dick, they’ve just been told it’s bad…so thy want to be good. IE, don’t worry baby I won’t tell. Just me and You baybeh etc. Bitches ain’t shit treat them as such that’s why you’re the Man. Later.
A, just too many entitled, narcissistic feminists women everywhere nowadays unfortunately.
Ever stop and consider how many women either aren’t diagnosed with autism or misdiagnosed as borderline personality disorder? Both my mother and I went through absolute hell with men only to find out later in life we had Asbergers which explains why we were so overly trusting of snakes in the grass. Women’s “liberation” was a mistake. We were sold lies. The women who thought they were fighting for their freedom were actually fighting for their “right” to wear men’s chains.
Yes True but Borderline and Autism are not the same. They are entirely different disorders and I think maybe im quiet borderline.
Many of us “good Christian men” wanting a “good Christian woman” in church, particularly during college, were quickly disheartened when none of them would accept our requests for dates.
Maybe we didn’t appear to be as “sophisticated” and say “all the right lines” the godless players used to get into the Christian girls’ pants. We may have been a little shy or introverted, and didn’t always know what to say to them.
We never focused on sex and would do nothing to jeopardize a Christian woman’s purity. We wanted to date and marry them, not use them and quickly bolt, like the godless fornicators did.
Read this story of a “good Christian girl” who threw-away her Christian innocence to this player she met. She could care less about the nice church boys who loved her. She only had eyes for the godless fornicator, whom she quickly gave him her sweet Christian virginity. She gave her Christian innocent to HIM — a player — and let him be her first, not the Christian man she may later marry. Wonder how those “church guys” appear in her eyes to her now, now that the godless player used her and soon bolted?
[ link not added, from LoveShack.org forum ]
“…some of them were “nice girls”. One girl who I deflowered was really sweet and innocent and the only girl around my age I know who went to church every sunday. Not brilliant, but she wasn’t dumb either. She threw her virginity away on me instead of all her male church-going Christian friends who were all in love with her, I never called her back once I got what I wanted. ….”
This is a perfect case in point of what I was talking about. Women who are fun, enjoyable, and attractive aren’t interested in all this snotty, moralistic whinging. Such men are the partners of absolute LAST resort, women will take virtually ANYONE before they will go for the uptight, prissy, uptight finger-wagging man.
And FYI, it is possible to formulate a sentence without using the word “Christian”. Just saying. :P
Guess truth hurts, eh?
As far as I’m concerned, the post was spot-on.
It isn’t “snotty, moralistic whinging…” It’s fact as some/many “good Christian women” will give their virginities – their “Christian innocences” – to the nonchristian men they see.
They will let them – not the “godly Christian men” they may later marry – be the first to penetrate the depths of their Christian innocences and let those godless men be the first to experience all the sensations that comes when deflowering a woman.
Yet these same “Christian women” have the nerve to whine about a lack of “good Christian men” they can date. When those “good Christian men” tried to pursue them, they ignored them and only went for the “bad boys…”
Just look at all the very fat disgusting low life loser women out there that really think they’re all that nowadays, what a real joke. This is why so many of us good single men can’t meet a decent normal woman anymore today.
My take on this Is simply women go for losers/bad boys because they are seen has having more confidence, they are more exicting, more dangerous to be around, ‘sexually appealing’ to women. Something a ‘good guy’/ ‘nice guy’ is not. A women in her sexual prime (round from 19 to 25) will of course be looking to hook up with what she considers the most sexually attracted men (will tend to be bad boys)
Some of the comments on here from women can back this up. A bad boy is not going to commit to one lady simply because he has a string of women. He will go from one women to another with with no desire to commit. Why do you think women like chasing these and quite frank desperate for these types of men? Women like a man who has options with a lot of other ladies! To a women, having options means that you are most desired which places you at the top of the sexual market.
What women can’t understand is that you cannot change/fix someone by trying to lock them down. It has to be that person who needs to change themselves. Women make the mistake of thinking this. This is why when they get to their late 20s, with their biological clock ticking, its then now they want to settle with a good guy. Simply because they been rammed by alot of these same men causing them to have high double digits body counts resulting with none of them committing. They eventually had enough. Again their clock is ticking and the sexual value decreases so to them it reaches the time when they need to settle down, get married and have children. A women’s SMV decreases alot quicker then men. Mens usually peaks around his 30s going into his 40s.
What I also find assuming is when women post blogs, comments stating “Where are all the good men?” Guys please take this with a pinch of salt.. What she is actually saying is “Where are all the guys I am sexually attracted/ aroused gone?” If the former was actually true then most women at 30 and beyond will be taken and married. Its only when she probably reaches her mid 30s, when none of these bad boys no longer need her as they are sleeping around with women 10 years her age she will then start to seek a men who is respectful, got something going for him. Again look at all these blogs/youtube videos that women post regarding ‘Why I cant find a man’ or ‘Why I am destined not to find love as single mother for the rest of my life’
Even guys with high value and have their shit together (are actually decent, respectful guys) do not want messed up women/single mothers. Again they have options and have their stuff together so will tend to look for good respectable women. If a man dresses well, conduct himself right, as ambition and drive (masculine traits) he will have his options with women. He does not want messed up used up women who been rammed by losers during her prime years.
My last take on this. The women who do not want you during their sexual prime who are addicted to bad boys are usually the ones who have 3 children by 4 baby daddy’s, single and living of the government. They question why they cannot find a ‘good’ man… This is why they are the least desired women to date. To me, they are the equivalent of why women are put of by ‘Nice’ guys. It quite funny how some are stunned when they get a taste of their own medicine and are rejected by these same men (who now have their shit together) who they rejected during her best years.
In other words, most women out there nowadays are just real low life losers altogether themselves.
Actually what you state is the same statement that’s regurgitated in all forms of MGTOW spaces. Males that complain that women in their 20s rejected them but most of these men in their 20s didn’t have their lives together so they didn’t have anything to offer these women. The other issue is what these men that were so called “rejected” looked like in their 20s. Many times they don’t have the look, the personality, the resources nor the sex skills to attract women that quite frankly are far above their looks level. They know this but still want to approach women that will never find them appealing. Fast forward to later years when they actually get RESOURCES this doesn’t change their bitterness but they end up going out there to target the new young population of 20- somethings while being in their 30s and 40s. Now do they marry these women since they’re the new and fresh population of hopefuls? No. They treat these 20-somethings like trash thinking about their former selves and how they wouldn’t have gotten a woman like this in their past. So the unnecessary abuse begins as they seek to get revenge. These 20-somethings don’t understand the cruelty and abuse so they drop dating the creepy old guys and instead go back to dating men their own age that they can at the very least relate to and have actual conversations. They end up appreciating generational understandings as the older types typically talked down to them, brought great harm to their mental, sexual or even emotional well being and find men their own age a breath of air. In other cases they’ll use these revenge seeking older guys as financial toys seeing as they’re typically used as sexual ones. They just do an exchange as those resources can and will be used to further educational goals for career advancement. Once they’re on their way they go back to dating their own peer group to start building a family unit or they stay on the career track so they don’t need resources from any man much less one that will be extremely abusive.
You don’t sound like a gentleman with your choice of words, I believe that is why you are not finding a nice lady. There is not a man I know that would describe a person with such negative disgust.
Women today are so much different from the old days when love was very easy to find back then. Today women are very independent since they really can make it on their own which i will admit. Most women just want a man with money unfortunately, and just can’t accept many of us men for who we really are anymore.
Billions of women form the low and middle class..i cannot believe how weak and stupid modern day men are.
ICU, You really are very mentally disturbed.
“Most women just want a man with money unfortunately”
– Not true. They want men WITHOUT money. They want to be virtuous by sticking it to the man and donating their ss to the poor little but arrogant guy instead. Basically feminism.
This article is about why women want loosers. Loosers are the ones who will never own a decent house, who will never provide a good life for 3 children.
Some people mentioned women choosing for sexual attraction only. Maybe its ego they are attracted to, as they also have a big ego, as they were raised as daddy’s little princess. Arrogant people despise non-arrogant people, be it men or women.
So, if you can’t even spell “loser” correctly, what kind of a guy does that make you?
Protip: Looser is the antonym of tighter, not the antonym of winner.
*rolls eyes*
Stop treating hogs like girls