Why I Wrote A New Personal Finance Book: Buy This, Not That

After two of brainstorming, writing, rewriting, and editing during the pandemic, my book, Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom is now available! Let me share why I wrote a new personal finance book after writing about personal finance since 2009.

Buy This Not That became an instant Wall Street Journal bestseller and can be purchased on Amazon, B&N, and in bookstores everywhere. Buy This, Not That also became a #1 bestseller on Amazon in Retirement Planning. Hooray!

I’ve spent a combined 30+ years working in finance, studying finance, and writing about finance. As a result, I firmly believe Buy This, Not That (BTNT) is one of the best personal finance books out there. It is the book I've always wanted to write to help readers everywhere live better lives on their terms.

FinancialSamurai.com is an Amazon Associate. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your readership and support.

A Personal Finance Book Based On Firsthand Experience

During the course of my writing process, I also read over a dozen nonfiction books to understand what makes good books great. I then worked in my ideas with my editors at Portfolio Penguin Random House to make the book shine.

Money is too important to be left up to pontification. Therefore, everything I've written in the book is based on firsthand experience from a finance veteran. This way, I can share with you the good and the bad to help you make better decisions.

The secret to stop saying, “If I knew then what I know now,” is to simply learn from someone who has been through what you will go through.

I've also set up financial frameworks to help guide you on your path to financial freedom. Think of BTNT as your financial coach who gives you the confidence and the motivation to overcome life's biggest dilemmas in a smart and practical manner.

Order a hardcover copy of Buy This, Not That by clicking one of the retailers below. My book is your unfair competitive advantage for getting ahead in this brutally competitive world!

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Financial Independence Is Only Part Of The Journey

Once you get your money right, you can start better focusing on things that really matter to you. After all, money is only a means to an end. And for those of you who treat money as the end all be all, I hope my book will help change your philosophy.

Once you achieve a certain level of financial independence, where your passive investment income covers your living expenses, the world opens up.

The ultimate goal is to move money into the background so you can stop obsessing over it and start focusing on doing things that matter.

I show you how in the first half of my book. With actionable advice under a logical framework, I help you move forward with confidence.

Solving Dilemmas We May One Day Encounter

In the second half of my book, I tackle many of life's dilemmas and how to approach them using my 70/30 decision-making framework.

If you believe there is a 70% probability or greater you will make the correct decision, go for it! At the same time, have the awareness of knowing you may get things wrong 30% of the time. Unless the outcome is death or financial ruin, you will be able to learn from your mistakes, recover, and make better choices over time.

My book encourages you to think in probabilities, not absolutes. If you think in absolutes, you will likely miss out on a lot of great opportunities because you'll feel you need 100% certainty before moving forward. However, if you start thinking in probabilities, plenty of new possibilities opens up.

Here are some dilemmas the book explores:

  • Pay for private school or public school
  • Join a startup or work for an established company
  • Start a lifestyle business or go for the grand slam
  • Job hop or stay a loyal soldier
  • Live in an expensive coastal city or move to a low-cost area 
  • Invest in real estate or stocks
  • When to rent or buy
  • When to invest in tax-advantaged versus taxable accounts
  • Angel invest or don’t
  • Buy a fixer or a fully remodeled home
  • Marry or cohabitate
  • Marry for love or marry for money
  • Have children early or late
  • Return to work or be a stay-at-home-parent
  • Combine your finances or keep separate accounts
  • Get a divorce or stay married
  • Seek fame to boost your wealth or stay low key
  • Support your adult children or let them learn to swim

And so many more topics.

Again, money is just one part of the equation. It's how we use our money to make better choices that matters most. If any of these topics interest you, Buy This, Not That will help you minimize regret and maximize satisfaction.

Why I Wrote Buy This, Not That

I wasn't planning on writing a traditionally published book. As a tired father of two young children who also publishes three times a week on Financial Samurai, I already had my hands full. However, when Noah, an editor at Portfolio Penguin approached me on December 2, 2019, about the idea, I was intrigued.

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, I thought why not! If I was going to be stuck at home anyway for who knew how long, I might as well make the most of a suboptimal situation. This is the Financial Samurai mindset!

Back in 2008, something similar happened. The global financial crisis was starting to deepen and I was losing a boatload of money. However, it was in the summer of 2008 that I finally decided to propose to my girlfriend of nine years. I knew that even if I lost all my money, I didn't want to lose her.

Now, every time I think back to the global financial crisis, I immediately think about our small beach wedding, not the economic calamity during that time period. By writing Buy This, Not That during a pandemic, I'll look back and feel good knowing I did something productive to help others.

Here are some more reasons why I wrote my latest book.

1) It Had To Be Written

Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom Bestseller

One of the reasons why I started Financial Samurai in 2009 is because I noticed there weren't any personal finance bloggers with finance backgrounds. Therefore, I thought it would be a good idea to fill this obvious hole. I thought about money differently and wanted to bring my expertise and perspectives to the world.

When I was approached by Portfolio Penguin Random House with the book idea, I noticed there also weren't many nonfiction finance books that were written by people with finance backgrounds. Further, both my wife and I are practitioners of early retirement, not pontificators with steady paychecks. Therefore, I figured I might as well fill the hole again and share my perspectives!

After being able to escape corporate America at 34 and live the life I want for the past 10 years, I just had to write a book that could help other people potentially do something similar. Once you see how something is done, it's much easier to believe a similar path is possible for you.

2) The Importance Of Financial Education

There's a whole world of consumers out there who love to read books and not blogs. Therefore, it was only logical to write Buy This, Not That to try and reach them.

Creating maximum impact in an affordable way is important. I could create $2,000+ e-courses like some peers do. However, I felt packing in all the information in a book that costs $27 or less was a more accessible solution.

After 13 years of writing on Financial Samurai, I've also gathered a wealth of different perspectives from over 90 million visitors. These perspectives have helped me make better decisions and be a more empathetic person along the way. Buy This, Not That includes many blindspots I've had to potentially help others see things more clearly.

The world is in need of more financial education. Incorporating personal finance in schools as a mandatory course in high school or college would be a crucial step. However, financial literacy is curiously absent from the curriculum at most schools. However, I live in a bubble where I studied economics in college, got my MBA, worked in investment banking for 13 years, and have written over 2,500 personal finance articles since 2009.

The things that seem obvious to me or others with finance backgrounds don't seem as obvious to those without financial backgrounds. Therefore, my goal is to bring more financial education to those who seek to grow their wealth in a risk-appropriate way. It's our duty to share what we know and raise money-smart kids.

3) Narrow The Growing Inequality Gap

Since the global financial crisis in 2008-2009, the rich have gotten extraordinarily rich compared to the middle class. Meanwhile, those in the top 0.1%, have blown past the top 1% as well. I want to bring their secrets and ways of investing and thinking to the public in order to help more people build wealth.

While writing Buy This, Not That I also had an epiphany as to why so many personal finance authors write mainly only about saving money, budgeting, and index funds. I kept wondering why not also write about more interesting and potentially lucrative topics? After all, you can only save so much. But income and investment returns are unlimited!

After over a year of writing and re-writing my book, I finally understood why. Without a finance background, writing about anything else beyond budgeting and saving is much more difficult. No wonder why so many personal finance books just scratch the surface of so many important topics.

Hence, I've introduced helpful financial concepts, gone deep with multiple subject matters, while also making them easy to understand. There are two levels of rich. The highest level didn't get there through just saving and investing in index funds.

My hope is with the knowledge you will gain from reading Buy This, Not That, you will build way more wealth in your lifetime than you thought possible. And if this happens, your standard of living will go up and the growing inequality gap will ultimately narrow.

Why I Wrote A New Personal Finance Book: Buy This, Not That - net worth levels by class

4) New Perspectives With More Representation

As an Asian person who lived in Asia for 13 years, I used to be part of the majority. Then when I came to Virginia for high school and college, I became part of a minority that made up only six percent of the U.S. population. The juxtaposition was eye-opening.

At times, it was hard to fit in. I got into fistfights and was suspended once. I often felt like I had to battle to be given an equal opportunity to participate. Although some of the experiences were harsh, they also gave me tremendous motivation to try harder.

By high school, I clearly realized the world isn’t fair and never will be. Therefore, instead of complaining, I accepted the way things were and focused on what I could control. I bring this fighter's mindset to the book. It will give you the motivation to push on through no matter who you are or how difficult your struggles.

BTNT is your unfair competitive advantage to getting ahead!

We know people are biased towards people who look, think, and talk like them. It's why podcast interviewees, award-winners, bestsellers, and families who attend elite schools tend to be quite homogenous.

Therefore, I thought it would be nice to change things up a little and provide new perspectives. Maybe there will be more love and understanding for Asian folks in America if they read a good book by an Asian person who helps them. Perhaps kids who seldom see anybody who look like them will be inspired to write their own book or do something out of the ordinary.

Including People Who Live In High Cost Areas

In addition, a large percentage of every country's population lives in more expensive urban cities. High cost of living areas presents some unique challenges which I address in the book.

With how bifurcated America is, I'm hoping to create an understanding bridge between those who live on the expensive coasts and those who live inland. Ultimately, we all have the same goals of supporting our country and doing more of what we want.

I'm convinced most conflict in this world is due to a lack of understanding of other people and their personal situations. Let's spend more time getting to know each other and less time judging people for their choices.

5) Steady Navigation Through Bad Times And Good Times

As someone who has worked in finance since 1999, I've gone through the euphoria and despair of the first Dotcom bubble. Then I went through the investment mania of 2007 and the devastation a few years later with a significant amount of capital.

After each collapse, I've learned how to strengthen my finances so that no matter what happens, I'll most likely be OK. I want to share what I've learned to help more people survive downturns without too much harm. Reading Buy This, Not That will help armor your finances and provide security for your household. The book will also give you the courage to do more of what you want.

For so long, it's only been good times. And you may have read only the perspectives of people who've only experienced good times since 2009. This can be very dangerous. Bad times will eventually come, which is when you'll need financial guidance the most.

It is hard to understand your true risk tolerance if you don't go through a prolonged bear market yourself. Although the March 2020 crash was violent, it was also quick to rebound. Now things are once again very uncertain, which is where BTNT readers will outperform.

Buy This, Not That will help you navigate through stormy waters so that no matter how wretched the economy, you will not drown but thrive. Having peace of mind during difficult times is priceless.

Below is a snap shot of BTNT making the Wall Street Journal bestseller list. It felt good to be the only new entrant and the only person with black hair to do so. Breaking the status quo is awesome!

Buy This Not That Wall Street Journal Bestseller
BTNT is a WSJ Bestseller

Thank You For Reading Buy This, Not That!

I'm thrilled for y'all to read Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom. I actually violated my publisher's recommendation of keeping the word count to 80,000 words. Instead, I wrote about 111,000 words. I wanted to add as much value as possible given nonfiction books are all about the same price.

It is a big book full of vital information to help you enjoy a better life. There are so many important subjects that I believe you'll actually be left wanting for a book two!

Buy This, Not That is meant to be read and discussed with friends and loved ones. You'll have a great time debating my reasonings and making your own cases. I truly believe discussion and listening to the perspectives of others is the best way to learn and grow.

Order a hardcover copy of Buy This, Not That by clicking one of the retailers below.

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Virtual Speaking For Buy This Not That

If you're interested in doing an author chat, shoot me an e-mail at sales AT financialsamurai DOT com. BTNT is meant to be read with others and discussed. And who better to lead the conversation than the author of the book!

So far I’ve video talks with folks at Google, Yelp, William & Mary, Facebook, and several other organizations. They've all been a lot of fun and insightful.

Finally, if you're thinking about becoming a professional writer, here are my thoughts about how to make it work. It's not easy. But you will feel proud once you're done. Write because you love to write, not because you want to make money!

Thanks for picking up a hardcopy of Buy This, Not That. If you enjoy it, please leave a nice review on Amazon or wherever you purchased it. It's the best gift an author could receive.

So far, the Buy This Not That book reviews have been great. I plan on writing and publishing another personal finance book in spring 2025.

Buy This, Not That: How To Spend Your Way To Wealth And Freedom Bestseller

To Your Financial Freedom,


FinancialSamurai.com is an Amazon Associate. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your readership and support.

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2 years ago

I am currently reading the book – it’s great! One thing that I didn’t see mentioned is the Mega Backdoor Roth option in an employer’s 401k plan. How does that fit into your rule to max tax-advantaged accounts and then put 20% minimum into taxable investments? This gives me ~$40k more tax advantages space, albeit locking the money up for longer. This leaves very little leftover for taxable investments after maxing it out. How would you recommend approaching this?

Max Fischer
Max Fischer
2 years ago

Sam, Do you still have signed copies of your book? If so, where can I purchase them from?

2 years ago

Hi Sam,

Congratulations on your book – I just finished it! I wish I could have read it 20 years ago…right after law school graduation. I think your book would be the perfect college, law/med/b school graduation gift. Looking back, some of my financial decisions back then weren’t so bad but if I had your book, I could have set my future self up even better.

Most recently I decided to sell my current home and buy a new house – your 30/30/3 rule helped me through my decision making process on how much to spend. I also appreciate that you have a unique point of view/life philosophy that comes through in your book and writing. You have opinions that may not be universally shared, and instead of giving advice or guidance that would appeal to everyone, you offer a fresh point of view based on data and experience.

So that’s a long way of saying – many thanks for everything!

2 years ago

Sam –

I’ve been consistently reading your newsletters and posts since late 2020/early 2021. Prior to that I would visit your website through search engine results for a topic I was interested in.

In the past I have personally found your thoughts surrounding passive income, benefits of a pension, online real estate, risk tolerance, early mortgage pay-down pros/cons, and the importance of a death file the most helpful.

What I liked about Buy This, Not That, is how you’ve put your wisdom and experience into one book.

Thank you for doing this.

While the book is for everyone, I hope parents with young children and those in their teenage years read the book. It provides a much-needed alternative perspective to how we value our time and manage our money.

For my spouse and I we found the earlier chapters the most helpful. This is because we’re about to make a significant transition in our life to being debt free, our mortgage will be paid off next May. We will soon be working for ourselves, at least that is how I like to look at it. This is in part why I started following your writing much closer in 2020/2021.

We’ve always been savers, but not quite Financial Samurai’s. We’ve historically saved on average 23% in after-tax accounts, excluding ~18%-20% for debt reduction. Since our 20’s we have followed a model of keeping expenditures reasonable, saving aggressively in pre-tax accounts for retirement, paying off our debt quickly, and then saving and investing the rest. It has worked well. We are right about where you recommend for the 10x average income multiple at 40.

Even with this success, my spouse and I really started to see things differently the last couple years. We realized we had a decent amount of money locked up in accounts we don’t have access to until retirement. Maybe it was the pandemic, but for the first time in our lives we asked ourselves, “what if we want to stop working”?

It really hit me as I read your book. Our after-tax investment account ratios are 1.14, not the 2.0 you recommend for our age. This is not the end of the world, but it sure would have made a difference if we had either 1) been saving more, 2) bought a less expensive house and cars, 3) not paid off the house early (opportunity cost of the last 10-year bull market), or 4) saved less in our tax-sheltered accounts. Options 1 or 2 would probably have been best.

Lucky for my spouse and I we both really like what we do. We’re not looking to engineer our layoff anytime soon, but things can change. Your book inspired us to bring our savings rate to 50%, possibly 60%, after our house is paid off next May to super charge passive income.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience with the world, and for inspiring us to think differently about how to live our lives and manage our money.

Take care,


1 year ago
Reply to  Steven

Hi Steven,
I found your post & thought it was really interesting. You guys are smart to be on top of your financial matters, as many young people feel they’ve got plenty 9f time do that “later”. I’m curious if after 9 months, if any of your conclusions have changed. Curious to know how you keep track of everything. I need to be able to what’s going on with my finances without going to a few websites. Suggestions?
Thank you! 62yo Beachbum

2 years ago

Just finished your book! Amazing read!!

How many words was your book? What was the publishing process like? I know you mentioned 2 years in your book, what was the split between drafting and editing?

Asking as I just started writing my first book as my X factor!


2 years ago

It’s really exciting to hear about your new book! I’m planning to buy it later on this month.

2 years ago

Hi Sam,

Once again I found myself returning to your book and blog on the topic of Custodial Roth IRAs— and sending out the link to your blog post on that topic to a handful of friends this weekend. Now, I’m getting my LLC ducks in a row, and defining scope of appropriate admin work for my kid to do as an employee.

Your book just keeps on giving— and I’m gifting a copy to my sister next week at her bday party.


2 years ago

Hi Sam, I just finished your book. I needed to return it to the library here b/c there are 10 people waiting for my copy. I thought you would like to know that.

I am in a different life stage than you (empty nester) and live in the Heartland vs where you live in California. I could still relate to much of what you wrote. I am in total agreement with what you wrote about giving your kids the best education you can. It was what drove much of what we did through the years, and I considered it the most important thing after passing on our Christian faith. Your kids do not need to go to an Ivy League school or major in finance/medicine/law to be successful. Smart people are needed in every field all over the country. Our kids went to the flagship university in our state and we are so proud of them and the lives they have made for themselves in the fields of accounting and food science.

One thing I learned from your book was about rental properties. This was a topic I didn’t know much about. I did want to make a comment that some of the real estate companies that are investing in the Heartland (including my town) have not turned out to be good neighbors or landlords, so I hope you and your readers will closely research whoever you invest in so you are not unknowingly investing in a slumlord company.

Thanks for writing the book, Sam.

2 years ago

Sam, I appreciate that you are interested in this. I am writing you an email to talk about the out of area landlords and am trying to find links to share with you. My personal opinion is that people should be able to buy whatever properties they want, but you do need to be a good neighbor.

Cleophas Gaillard
Cleophas Gaillard
2 years ago

I have just read your book and I want to say thank you. Your strategy for career planning and side hustles was most helpful.

Kind regards,


2 years ago

Caught you on ILAB podcast chatting about this. Have followed the blog for a few years.

I was concerned that you didn’t clarify regarding the “asian hate” you’re seeing and who is going kinetic regarding that hate. I just fled the bay for Florida and am glad not to have to police these folks any longer.

2 years ago

I came across your website just a couple of month ago and liked it, so I purchased your book. It was an enjoyable read. Probably the biggest thing I came away with is that I’ve been living with a false sense of accomplishment. I thought I was saving a ton (30% of my gross income) because I was comparing myself to friends and coworkers. But that is not a meaningful reference (they don’t save much).

Bottom line is that saving 30% doesn’t hurt yet, and I realize now it will not get me to a passive income stream to allow me to retire as soon as I’d like.

Also, I’ve been way too conservative with my stock asset allocation, and I need to diversity my investments in general to create income (I only own stocks/bonds and a primary house at the moment). I’ve hesitated to invest in real estate in the past because I have little time to deal with more than one physical property, but the crowdsource route is appealing as a starting point. Maybe I can rent out my current home in a few years. All things I hadn’t considered before.

Congrats on your book!

2 years ago


Is financial freedom possible for someone who only earns minim wage or salary as I work as a administrator.


2 years ago

Good Morning Sam,

Amazon just delivered your new book and it is AMAZING! I’m sharing your concepts and information with friends to help them sort all this crazy world stuff out as best as possible and they need to Buy This, Not That!

I skimmed your book and want to share that I wish I had not been so fearful as a younger woman which caused me to work super hard and intensely to the disadvantage of my personal relationships. Back then, it wasn’t unusual for women to work hard but not smart because it was considered unseemly.

I went on to start two very successful businesses one of which included being a certified defense contractor for 20 years. It was tough and I worked really, really hard to start over at 40.

Now, I’m financially in good shape and healthy and enjoying supporting some meaningful charities. I now know that I will always do my best with what I have to work with and I’ll keep working on the problem until I solve it. Or cut it loose!

You’re on the right track for the guidance you provide on developing all personal assets – monetary, health and relationships. People forget that there are two types of currency — time and money. Now, time is my most valuable currency. It’s also my observation that when crap gets really very stressful that I can do a charity experience to break that momentum. It seems like it resets my mind.

I love your writing techniques…..relevant and intuitive without being stuffy and elitist. I’m feeling like I just had a great motivating conversation with an interesting friend.

Great job., Samurai!

Don Wampler
Don Wampler
2 years ago

Hello, I ordered BTNT from Amazon last week and I’ve made it about half way…it’s fabulous and I’ve learned a lot. I have a question to see if there is an error on P 149. The 5th paragraph, last sentence says “ The older and wealthier we get, the less we want to deal with other people and the less we can about maximizing or time”.

Thinking you meant the “more” we care about maximizing your time when we are older.



2 years ago

My favorite line from the book….”When the shitake mushroom hits the fan.”

Eric Meyers
Eric Meyers
2 years ago

By far one of the best financial bloggers out there. Thanks so much for writing the book! Looking forward to it arriving at my doorstep :)

2 years ago

I received my 2 new copies from Amazon. I plan to give one away to my 22-year-old niece, and keep one for myself.

I plan to listen to the audio book, and just refer to the book itself for the tables. I like audio books because I think I learn better if I’m moving, than if I’m sitting still (and since my job is already so sedentary.)

I hope you’ll still consider my 2 ideas for your future — becoming the next Oprah Winfrey or running for President of the United States! I am sure that you prefer your privacy, which I can completely understand. :-)

2 years ago

It is kind of weird there are so many personal finance bloggers who don’t have finance backgrounds. Same thing for personal finance and finance authors. The books that sell the most are either by journalists or professors, not by practitioners.

And maybe that’s why so many people are frustrated with their finances? They are taking advice from the wrong group of people, who are propped up by the institution.

I still remember this article by Carl Richards, a financial advisor who decided to hand over his keys to his home during the global financial crisis. Yet, he was considered the finance expert and given a huge platform by the New York Times. And after he welched on his mortgage, he still got to write books and be the personal finance columnist on the New York Times.

So I’m glad you wrote this book. It is much needed! Thank you!

C M Cal
C M Cal
2 years ago

Congrats! Just ordered mine through your link. Looking forward to reading it and absorbing some new insights.

BTW, you almost had me at the “reveal” that you were white. For a second, I thought this guy was good at faking being Asian!!

Tariq Khan
2 years ago

Ordering two for the sig. Congratulations and thanks for being a shining example. I will read it. My wife will read it. Then my 5 and 2 year old will read it. I will make sure of it. Congrats

2 years ago

Congrats Sam! Book ordered.

2 years ago

I’ll be receiving my book tomorrow. Extremely excited! I’ll be reading it this week. :) Congrats, again!

2 years ago


Orinda investor
Orinda investor
2 years ago

Hi Sam, I just placed an order for your book. It’s a gift for my high school age nephew. I’m sure he will receive more value from you than he will in his 4 years of high school education.
Thank you for your contributions to financial / life education.

2 years ago

Looking forward to the book Sam. I am sure it will be life-changing and a real gem to read.