Single men don't have it so bad. Single men always seem to be in the game. As single men grow older, they get wiser and more confident. If you're single, don't worry. You'll always have a chance at finding someone.
When I was younger I got my heart broken by an older woman. It took about two months to muster up the courage to ask her out and when I did, all she responded was, “Sorry, I don't date sophomores.”
No matter what I said, or what nice things I did for Karen, she was out of my league since I was younger. Karen was a 17 year old junior, and I was an incredibly good looking and intelligent 16 year old. I'm not making this up. This is exactly what my mom told me every time I brought her cupcakes.
The rejection was devastating until a bright light named Stephanie joined my high school as a freshman. Stephanie was Karen's younger sister and she was hot! In fact, Stephanie was even more beautiful than her older sister, and I just had to pursue.
For one semester, Stephanie and I had a frolicking good time. We hung out after school together almost every single day. She'd come watch my tennis matches and I'd take her to McDonald's afterward for some hot apple pie and McLovin.
Let's just say that older sister Karen wasn't very happy with either of us. ‘Til this day, I don't know why! Ladies, please explain!
Single Men: From Boys To Men
Women think men are immature. Perhaps it starts off in the 1st grade when we're running around yelling with blue slurpee stains on our Sesame Street t-shirts. Or perhaps the perception starts in the 7th grade where we start snapping one too many bras.
Maybe women think men are immature because even at 45, with our receding hair and ever expanding girth, we act like college dudes chasing tail even though we no longer have game.
Yes, men are immature, but only because women let us be immature. Being a goofball is the path of least resistance. Since we were wee lads, girls have always discriminated against younger boys in school. “He's a freshmen? Gaawd, eww! So immature!” Oh gosh, how lame.
As a result of our consistent rejections by “older” women, we don't like dating older women. We've been conditioned to be afraid, therefore we stay away.
Yet a funny thing happens as men get older. We get to date more and more women since there are more and more younger women to choose from! Meanwhile, as women get older, given they believe younger men are irrationally “eww”, their choice gets smaller and smaller.
Is the dwindling selection of men as women get older simply karma for rejecting us boys in school? Or is the supply shrinkage a decision by women to stubbornly continue to refuse dating younger men?
To answer these question, I surveyed roughly 25 men and 25 women ages 21-45 to get their viewpoints. Let's go through some of the results.
The Golden Cross Of Love happens for men at age 35. With 10+ years of savings and a career he is proud of, 35 year old men are feeling confident.
Fitness levels are generally good given illnesses, sports injuries, and work haven't had enough time to plague a body yet. The only thing missing from this single man's life by definition, is a life partner.
By the time you're in your 30s, you're able to buy a comfortable car and a property to call your own provided you've been saving and working since college. It doesn't mean you have to buy these things, but just knowing the fact that you can provides a 35 year old man a wealth of confidence.
Any single man in their 30s also has enough rejections from women to fill a notebook that could turn into a screen play. After a while, men become inured to a woman's dismissal, which ironically makes them more attractive because of an added level of confidence, that leads to better dialogue and approachability.
Of the 25 single men I surveyed ages 30-40, they all agree that around 35 is the best time for a man to be single. One of the key reasons is because they find women ages 35 and younger to be the most ideal. Above 35 is less ideal and not bad so don't be offended please if you are 36+. The 25 men simply admitted that they prefer women in this age range.
What About The Golden Cross Of Love for Women?
Interestingly enough, the 25 single women surveyed ranging from 26-42 admitted that 35 is the age where it becomes less ideal for single women. In fact, a number of females responded that after 35, their dating lives fell of a cliff, partly because guys wanted to date younger women, which is consistent with women's desires to date older men.
The Golden Cross of Love for women is scattered. Many said between ages 25-28 is the most ideal age for dating. However, some also said being 30-33 was also very satisfying since they felt secure with themselves. Nobody said over age 35 is ideal, although those above 35 have found loving older men as well.
The women in their mid-30's said they mostly dated men in their 40's, which begs the question: What happened to the men ages 35-39? Nothing happened to them, as it goes back to the Golden Cross Of Love at 35, where men have been condition to date younger women. The 35-39 year old man is dating the under 35 year old woman.
Related: The Best Age To Have A Baby
Other Points from the Survey
* Whether a woman is 24-29, it doesn't matter. A 29 year old is just as attractive to a man as a 24 year old. The 24 year old has no competitive advantage over the 29 year old in other words.
* There is a perception difference between a 29 year old and a 30 year old woman, even if it's just a one year difference. At age 30, women and men are viewed much older than the one year difference. Men do have a slight preference for the 30 year old than the 35 year old, all else being equal due to the optionality of having kids.
* There is a lower limit ideal age for men. The formula men like to use is half his age + 7 i.e. a 36 old prefers to date women 25 years old or older.
* Some women don't care about age, just like some men don't mind dating older women. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule, but they are a ~20% minority. Women respond by saying that “So long as there is chemistry, age doesn't matter.” Men, not so much. Men focus more on the age given there are enough women ages 21-35.
* At 60 years old, the activity for men drops off a cliff since 60 is the age women surveyed would be the limit in terms of dating since the oldest woman I surveyed was 42. However not all is lost. Many say that 60 is the new 40, so perhaps in 10 years, women will decide that it's OK to date younger men, and all this nonsense will be for not!
Men Look Forward To Getting Older
Thanks to women only wanting to date older men, and to fantastic comments from self-proclaimed attractive women in their 20's and early 30's who say they enjoy dating men 10-15 years their senior, men look forward to getting even older than 35!
Can you imagine the Golden Cross of Love being 35, where you get the most selection, yet attractive women pine for men in their mid 40's as well? Fantastico!
Instead of harboring resentment for women who rejected you when you were younger, like they rejected me, you should embrace the rejection and be thankful.
Nobody really looks forward to getting older because that's just one year closer to death. But thanks to women, single men everywhere are looking forward to getting old so they can play the entire field!
Related: How To Get A Rich Man To Be Your Boyfriend Or Husband
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Readers, why do you think women are so focused on dating older men? Is it really an immaturity thing? Do you think 35 years old is the Golden Age of Love for men? What do you think it is for women? Does dating activity really drop off for women after 35 in your experience?
Why do women bash men who date younger women, when women reject younger men? If you are woman, what is the widest age gap you've ever had with a man you've dated? Single men speak up too.

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Long time ago; young men were attracted, before girls were. Know I’m still not changed, starting out vary young. To point, my Dad was not man enough, I worked, never saw a wage! The opposite sex, is lazy! And uninformed about the direction of Love! Vary shy people…
“* Whether a woman is 24-29, it doesn’t matter. A 29 year old is just as attractive to a man as a 24 year old. The 24 year old has no competitive advantage over the 29 year old in other words.”
It is not nonsense! The hell are you talking about?! Age is just a freaking number, and it doesn’t define our capabilities or any of the crap that you people think age does define. You people are a bunch of freaking ageists!
How could you be in love with someone you didn’t spend any time dating? It sounds like you had an unrequitted crush. Why were you permanently broken hearted into adulthood from one rejection? How can a single bad experience set the stage for your entire life? If it were me, I’d want to move on. I’ve been rejected dozens of times and I still see all men through clear eyes. I assume he’s wonderful unless he proves he isn’t. I’m still looking for love even though I’ve been burned many times. Everyone is different and no two men are the same so why would I think all men are heart breakers with an agenda? It doesn’t make sense to hold on to a single rejection.
As i can see reading a lot of these post about women is that God really made a very bad mistake creating so many very ignorant women nowadays unfortunately. What a change from the past.
Anger and prejudice are holding us back and keeping us from being the happy, socially dependent human beings we are.
We keep making sweeping generalizations about the opposite sex. Surely half the people on the planet can’t all be as bad as you think they are. Getting your feelings hurt really sucks but using your pain to paint everyone with the same brush is not the solution for making things better. We need eachother and we need to be connected. In fact as children we can’t live without it so why do we think we can do it as adults. We are no better than the people we point the finger at and maybe you’ve only convinced yourself you don’t need anyone because there is no one left who you haven’t blamed your unhappiness on.
I beg to differ. Who needs people? People have bad intentions. They’re too brainwashed that they feel like they have the need to take control over others by forcing their opinions and their experiences onto others and expect them to live the same life as they are living. And that’s the reason why people are miserable with their lives these days, especially young people.
I would really love to meet the right good woman for a single man like me to spend the rest of my life with. Very much hate the single and lonely life altogether.
This poor bugger thinks he has it all figured out, but really deep down it’s quite sad, and lonely. Just spent the day with my father in the cardiology ward of the hospital. All mostly men, no surprise. You could see the ones that were loved and had their wives by their side, and the ones who were just waiting for death alone. The real joy of marriage, a good marriage is building a strong rock solid bond with your spouse. Knowing anywhere you are in the world, at any moment there is a human waiting for you with unconditional love, a safe harbour. That’s what finding a spouse is about. It’s not about “chasing tail” it’s about building the kind of deep knowing relationship where you can share your authentic selves with each other having that deep knowing and understanding that you are loved and accepted for who you truly are. If anyone is reading this comment, I implore you to seek out the above, and thank me later.
U sound like your 38+
Everyone dies alone regardless (unless u on a plane)
Ty, Then there are many of us men that weren’t single by choice from the beginning. And with the very big change in the women today is the reason why.
good. our attitude change is keeping away the intended audience…..stay mad
Jessica, then again with so many low life loser stuck up entitled narcissists feminists women that are everywhere nowadays sure really explains why so many of us single guys can’t meet a half way decent normal woman anymore either.
and you type like *you’re 15 – and yes, we all die alone, but many older women prefer to do it while NOT playing mommy to another adult
Exactly, every married woman I know has said that if their husband dies, they will NOT couple up again. I’ve no doubt some women fear aging alone, but my experiences have shown it’s men who are terrified of aging alone. So, I hope the youthful women being sought out are at least old enough to actually be a partner to someone in their golden years…because if they don’t choose carefully they’ll run out because they’re not wasting their 20s on playing nurse maid. if you choose your partner for superficial reasons, you’ll be abandoned for superficial reasons……
Jessica you loser, get a real life. It is unfortunate that most of you women will never be marriage material anyway in the first place. Most likely too much parting and sleeping around with different guys all the time since you will never be able to settle down with only one either.
I agree with this comment Im single not throughl choice and I work in hospitals and see the guys with their wives and I see the guys guys with no one it’s a sad sorry sight, I’m terrified of dying alone in a hospital bed no one caring it’s not nice returning home each day after witnessing the above goong hpbe to a dark cold empty house theres no point i agree its a miserable existence marriage is and can be a very fulfilling experience with the right person, I have no choice about being single I’ve beem single a few times amd loved alone many times and ive been married had partners I know which one I’d choose !
to all the single men out there i,m looking for a real loving relationships and guys whom know how to treat a young woman like she needs it good and prompt too and some serious fun in or out of bed and in the outdoors too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!asap too
Yes, my level of experience is with a certain age group though it’s hard to get over the jealousy when she talks with guys about sports and the teams she’s on and plays against…
I otherwise share the intellect and I hope the right personality traits, and will someday win that one’s heart, I believe age at least in my case is state of mind, Imkeep myself healthy and active enough for it to not be issue or center of thought…
With the very very big change in the women today which is the very real reason why so many of us guys are still single now, and not at all by choice either.
I’m a 40 year old woman and I’m one of those outliers who believes “age is just a number”. Granted, the 18-21 crowd is just a touch too young, but anyone above it is fair game. Levels out the playing field a bit. I actually had a chat with this with my ex-husband the other day (we are pretty good friends), and he refuses to date anyone who isn’t the same age as him (he’s 42). I guess we’re both outliers. Lol.
I prefer women near my age intellectually (52) usually. I’m just not sexually attracted to women my age, so I don’t bother. I’ve tried. Doesn’t end well. I can’t force it.
Being single and growing old alone all by yourself isn’t really fun at all when everyone else are all settled down.
Men and women should simply look for a partner around their age, particularly if they want a long-term, serious relationship and/or marriage. Sure, when you get into your 30’s and 40’s, a ~5-year age gap is manageable. Studies point to a correlation between lower age gaps and successful relationships.
Studies also show that mate selection age is very specific and pervasive in both genders.
Women like older men because they were better mates, providers and defenders, way back when.
Men went for younger women due to female fertility being finite. Younger woman, more kids.
Check the science on the topic, it’s very interesting. But when checking the males preferred age, make sure to get one of the self reported papers. The objectively measured ones (brain scan and band on the wang) produce socially unacceptable results. About 6 discrepancy between what’s measured and what’s self reported
That’s animal way of thinking. Theres a big bunch of people that actually just wants to settle down with someone that they love and if they lose sexual attraction that’s what communication & sex toys + kinks r for. Playing the field or seeing women as just baby makers is some peoples mindset but definitely not mine.
Steph, Most women as it is are very extremely dangerous to approach for many of us single guys very seriously looking for love today, and they don’t have any good manners either when it comes to us guys. Okay, how do you fix that when they just walk away from us even when we try?
Have you asked yourself why they are walking away from you, Richard? Honestly speaking, what personal characteristics of yours might be causing this issue?
To Just wondering, Well unfortunately there are so many women that have real mental problems when it comes to us single guys looking for love. Especially the ones that will curse at us for no reason at all when we will just try to start a conversation with them, and i know other single guys that had that happened to them as well. What is that all about anyway? So many gay women out there now, which i can see why.
none of that is an answer to her genuine question…..so, maybe THAT’S why you’re single and not because of some imagined female defect
In general, ANY young woman with a significantly older man I’ve known the woman is not the young hot ones, they are the ugly, fat or otherwise very undesirable young women that men their own age do not want.
The young pretty ones are with good looking men around their age.
The only exception is super rich, attractive movie stars. But being famous and attractive gives movie stars extra leverage on an unnattractive guy who is rich but not famous.
I will add there seems to be this delusion that youth Always equals beauty. But many young women are unattractive and even downright ugly aswell as many being average and below average looking.
I’m a very good looking been described many times as stunning 30 year and let me tell you in a store or wherever eyes are on ME not some average looking or ugly 18 year old. Infact teenage girls are often mortified, insecure and uncomfortable in my presence and I put this down to the obsession with appearance you have and insecurities you possess when you are that age. the pretty ones are the worst for it..
Most women nowadays are very stuck up as it is. And with so many very very ugly and overweight women with tattoos all over their bodies, well that makes it very easy for many of us smart single men to stay away from those very pathetic women to begin with. With so many women narcissists these days that really think they’re all that, well you’re certainly not at all. In fact, most of those women are real total losers to begin with.
Let me tell you something about what men want. Like myself, I enjoy eating a good plate of lasagna while sitting on the can. And I like my women younger, so that when they make cultural references I have no idea what they are talking about, and when I talk about rotary dial phones and answering machines, they think I am talking about stuff from the Ming Dynasty. I like burgers. Burgers and chips. And passing wind so loudly, the dog gets offended and leaves the room. Just make me a sandwich, and let me watch the game. Is that so hard? Let me watch the game. You can just go shopping for antiques with your light in the loafers buddy. The longest belch ive ever had? 12 seconds. Best dutch oven? Chick I picked up at a club in Chicago, was a little freaked out when she found out I had 18 year old kids, and was REALLY freaked out when I held her head under the covers and I let a Wendy’s meal deal #2 cloud go. But we were done, she grabbed her clothes and stormed out. I just think you have to find someone that matches your ideals and goals and aspirations, with young skin like milk. What I really want is someone who knows the inner, me, someone who can appreciate someone that can really get to know the someone that is the inner something of what I can understand that they can be, in other words, 3 minutes in the sack, and you make me a sandwich. I pay the power bill, and you get a dutch oven: we both get a few chuckles. The dog knows whats up, he has a pretty discerning mind…but he likes to watch, if thats cool, he just sits in the corner. Ladies, let me tell you something. But sandwich first.
Geez. Ha! I agree with you on all except the lasagna eating preferences.♀️ It depends on the people involved. I was married to a guy 9yr older 16 yr.I am with a man 9 yr younger. It’s a team effort.
Sounds sad. Goodluck getting any woman relationship-wise with that attitude, I’m sure even the dog committed suicide having to experience that.
Most women back in the past many years ago were really the best ones to meet at that time, which today they really are just plain awful to even approach since they usually are very nasty to many of us single men when we do.
most women many years ago couldn’t have their own credit card without a male cosigner…..in other words, marriage was a necessity. now it isn’t, and notice that the single women on here are not complaining about how unfair stuff is compared to the single men…..
I have been in two relationships with older men and in both I have ended up financially supporting them. Both of them decided to quit their jobs. I had my Master’s degree, they had a high school diploma and no future ambitions. They were constantly borrowing money from me. I was young, slender, barely weighed 110lbs and the first one, who was overweight and out of shape, had the gall to tell me that I “needed to watch my figure”. I was 16 years old and he was 29! He was such a pervert, I realized as I got wiser and left him and told him to go to hell. I’ve also learned that older men always have erectile dysfunction. There is NO benefit for a younger woman in an age gap relationship. It only benefits the man. That’s why all the articles proclaiming how wonderful old men are and how women are over the hill at age 5 are all written by old men. Women who do naively end up in such relationships end up being an unpaid cook, maid, possibly stepmother, nurse, and early widow (with no one to grow old with or to take care of her). Also, DO NOT have children with older men! Older sperm (from age 40) raises the risk of having children with genetic abnormalities, autism, schizophrenia, ADHD, dwarfism. Older men are also less fertile. The myth that men are in their sexual “peak” in their 50’s is a societal trope to boost aging men’s fragile egos. Both men and women age the same! Young women are NOT attracted to old men.
Most women these days are real gold diggers, and they will sleep around with these men that are much older than they’re just for the money.
Yep. Preach.
Any guy that writes about men only wanting younger women has been influenced by misogynistic, Red pill rhetoric. Look at the most gorgeous alpha male in Hollywood, Jason Momoa. His wife is ten years older and didn’t have his babies til she was 40.
If you are clear you don’t want kids or marriage and have your own money, then your dating pool miraculously opens up. I’m very clear with men that I’m only looking for a travel companion, sex, and fun. If I ever considered marriage, I’d be happy with a non-state one. I’ve had one male gold-digger try to get his claws into my money and I no longer trust anyone else enough to legally chain myself to them. I’d also rather not move in with them and have to act as someone’s cook and maid again. Once was enough! I think it keeps things more exciting if you aren’t in each other’s face all the time and have your own space/time.
I know us women have it easy when we’re younger and everyone wants us, but the reality is that it doesn’t last. It might last till around mid 30s but then it becomes a ticking countdown of when we will be replaced by a younger model. At least men get to be desired from 30/35+ without any risk of losing that desirability. I get that it’s hard for the younger ones who no one really wants, but it’s what, 10-15 years of loneliness and then the rest of your life with as many different young women as you want…? Surely that is a better life than what women have! I think men should start being more humble about their wide array of options tbh and quit whining! You have it better, with just a small price to pay of a few years of patience (which you can use to get your career sorted and become financially stable). Be happy, you are definitely winning lol. I wish I was a man…
Women today unfortunately are nothing at all like the past when finding love back then was very real for the guys that were really looking for it in those days. And our family members were real proof when they met each other back then, since it really was a very different time in those days too. Most of us single guys today just can’t meet a half way decent normal woman anymore, and they’re usually very nasty to us when we will try to start a conversation with them as well. I will admit that i really hate to grow old all alone as a single man all by myself, since we don’t even have no children at all to fall back on either. It really has become very dangerous for many of us single men trying to find love all over again, when at one time many of us were married before our Ex Wives cheated on us.
because women couldn’t do anything without a male co-signer….do you guys even know history?!
Reading this article and comments made me sad but has also been extremely eye opening. It seems to me that our insecurities cause us to invent dumb rules that keep us from experiencing happiness. Women say, “Men only want the youngest trophy they can get and sex.” Men think, “Women just want older men and money”. So we sabotage ourselves. Sure, there are men and women who are just superficial, but there are both men and women who want real, lasting relationships.
I am 39 and have never been married. I was approached by men 6-11 years younger than me all throughout my 30s, and in fact rejected them. And it was not because I said “Ew, immature”, even though I myself thought that’s what I was doing! It was really that I felt deeply insecure and thought they wouldn’t want me (even though they said they did!) or that they wouldn’t want me anymore when I got old. At that point, maturity was more about the individual man, so that really wasn’t the real factor. It was me. I pushed away younger men, older men, and everything in between. It’s hard that I’m at this point in my life and just realizing this, really desiring still to have my own family, but here I am, here we all are, and there’s still hope.
So I think we all just need to give ourselves a break, and stop seeing the world through our insecurities and stereotypes, and just maybe real love will find us, ultimately, I believe, in God’s love.
Joy, There are many of us good single men out there really looking for love today. The real problem is that there are so many very stuck up low life loser women these days that are certainly not nice to meet at all unfortunately, especially when many of us men will try to start a conversation that we think would be nice to meet for us. And then there will be times for no reason at all that these women will Curse us out when we will just say good morning or hello to them. Well that certainly doesn’t make any sense at all why these women will act that way with us since i know other single friends that had the very same thing happened to them as well. It is very sad how most women are these days, and that is why it is very impossible for many of us men to find love nowadays because of how very badly women have changed today from the past. Most women today just don’t have any manners at all, and their personality really stinks altogether too. Going back to the past many years ago which most women were very much different and real ladies at that time, and that made love very easy to find for our family members that really lucked out in those days when they met one another with no problem at all either. A lot of these women unfortunately are real narcissists, and really think their S—doesn’t stink which is why we have this real problem today. With so many women being very independent nowadays certainly adds to the problem for many of us men very seriously looking for a relationship now, and most of these women just don’t care to have a man in their life anymore either. It is a real shame for many of us men always meeting the wrong women all the time instead of a real good honest down to earth woman for a change. It is just too bad that many of us men weren’t born many years sooner to avoid this mess, and we definitely would had really met a real good woman as well since most women at that time were very old fashioned too.
So basically your upset because women have their own lives and money now and dont have to chain themselves to a man they don’t even like that much just to get by? Many of us have tried the love thing when we was young (cos that’s what we want, love not to be ‘old fashioned’ IE someone’s maid) and got burned and now we are happy being alone making money and living our lives. I’ve already done the kids thing and got sterilised, their dad has most custody. Other than wanting more time with my kids, this is the happiest I’ve ever been. I finally feel free, domestic drudgery almost drove me to suicide. Many women just don’t want that life anymore because well, it sucks.
Chloe, It is women like you that are real morons to begin with since you think all of us men are very bad to begin. Well FYI, there are a lot of us good men out there that really do know how to treat a good woman very well. And most of us single men can be very loving, caring, and very committed to just only one woman as well. That is, if we can only meet the one. Very impossible these days unfortunately, and many of us single men aren’t to blame either.
Chloe, Did you even read what that guy said? He said he had women Curse him out for no reason at all when he tried to start a conversation with them, and the same thing happened to his other single friends as well. I even had a woman tell me to go to hell at one time, and all i said to her was good morning. What in the world is that all about anyway? Well i can certainly say that there are a lot of women nowadays that have a very severe mental problem, and they really are a real danger to many of us single men very seriously looking for a relationship now unfortunately. They need to see a good shrink, and just maybe they will get the help that most of these very pathetic women really do need.
This was really difficult to read. If your expecting women to treat you ethically make sure you aren’t guilty of the same thing your accusing them of. You got on here calling people lowlives and losers.. two wrongs don’t make a right. You could try to be the bigger person and not give up on what you’re looking for.
Reading many of these comments are very sad when there are many of us single guys looking for love, and with so many women that aren’t playing with a full deck at all makes it much worse for us on top of it all. Women like you need help very badly since you’re are bunch of men haters the way i see it. Grow the hell up already since there are many of us good guys out there that don’t play games at all, and are very seriously looking to meet a good woman today. Oops did i say a good woman? Where in the world are they?
oh enough with the “pick me, i’m not like other girls trope”.
Jessica, you’re very mentally ill. Get help quick.
To some extent that makes sense, but it also sucks hard when you experience it and have to figure your shit out with no emotional support whatsoever. Which is very normal for a guy. Now that I’ve climbed that mountain, the emotional side doesn’t bother me anymore as I keep it down under lock and key, but I think if I had been accepted for who I was back then it would have made me more forgiving now.
That said, I do think you are right about the finding a career thing. Once I noticed I was never successful in asking any women out from 18-23, I just stopped, and put all my time and effort into studying and making myself mentally and physically stronger. Nowadays I’m working towards getting a computer networking certification and have been networking (socially haha) and mentee-ing under various successful members of higher ed. A lot has changed in 4 years. From high-school dropout/social outcast to honors level student with high-level connections, things are waaaaay better than they were.
My goal currently is to work towards getting a good job so that I can finally pay off my loans, and start living my damn life hahaha. I suppose the next mountain on the horizon for me though is being able to date women who are okay with dating someone whos never dated. Or even had a one-night stand, let alone kissed. I’ll probably be near 30 by then. I was always more attracted to intellectually driven pursuits as a kid and young adult than I ever was socially driven to chase women. I figure that if I have everything else that’s far harder to acquire, it will give me the tools to climb that next mountain.
I found your blog just about 2 hours ago and glad that I did.As a man in my early 20s,I was worried that I am losing out on the time to get myself a good woman.
Now after reqding some comments I wanted to say that why do women judge and shame men “just wanting sex”?
There are so many commnets here by women in that judgy undertone which really triggers me.
Right from their 18 to 28,they sleep around a lot.
They hold the keys to sex all the time.They decide id lf it will happen or not.Now when men reach their age when they get to decide,why are they bitching and whining about it?
Their own Feminism says that don’t judge so why this?
Also there was this women who said that older men come with good skills in bed.
I mean that is such a objectifying and mqterialistic way to look at men if you want commitment.
You are with him because he gives good orgasms?
Is this how degenerate the modern Western woman is?
From 18-28, women sleep around a lot?? A lot of my friends kept themselves until marriage. I know literally hundreds of gorgeous women who are virgins. Not all women sleep around…
Maybe you’ve never been around quality women??
Most women that sleep around a lot will never ever be marriage material to begin with anyway.
Yeah…but they have a high body count for sexual partners. If women have not pair bonded by age 30…..they will never find a person to ” settle down with” !
38 year old man . 45+ year old women hit on me , under 35 won’t talk to me. UNLESS they are unattractive or drunk as f- – . so i got options none of which i’m crazy about. When i was 25, anything older then me was not for me, but those were the golden years. not feeling like an older guy trying to show hes financially secure, that stuff is lame. I don’t want no gold digger
You are rare. Most men can’t differentiate between women wanting them as humans and women wanting access to their bank accounts.
Yes, men will attract younger women into their bed/marriage if they have money. But they will also likely find themselves divorced and a lot poorer 10 years later and/or cheated on. You are essentially paying for a VERY expensive prostitute. Which is fine, if that’s all you want. You do you.
For those wanting an actual partner who loves them regardless of whether they get old or go broke, look at what women say they are attracted to via dating site statistics. Most want a man around their own age +/-3 years max. Women don’t find most older men physically attractive, regardless of what some men hope.
When I was in my 20s I had zero physical attraction to the average 30+ man. HOWEVER, a handful of us were willing to date older men for the financial benefits. It was a temporary thing only, as we didn’t enjoy having sex with them and had nothing much in common. It was an exchange though, so both people knew they were getting something that they wouldn’t get otherwise. But there was no love or attraction on our side.
You said under 35 won’t talk to you sober and 45+ hit on you. But what about the 35-40 year olds around the same age as you? You don’t need to date cougars. Just find someone your own age.
Alternatively, get very rich to buy the time of younger women (many guys do this) and/or make yourself look physically younger so you are attractive to some of the younger women. If they don’t know how old you are when you meet and you look around their age, then they are more likely to forgive you being older when they do find out.
Cant be this delusional
It’s a myth women are always attracted to older men..me for when I was a teenager early 20s I liked guys my own age then mid late 20s I liked guys in their 30s.. however bizarrely and what I am not liking is now I’m 30 (but get told I look 25 and carded all the time) I’m starting to be attracted to men in their early mid 20s, and some of them are wayy immature..i get men of all ages looking at me but the creepiest thing is many of them are teenagers which look like kids to me
Well, I am a woman who always dated older men, so I can tell you. I dreamed of very mature men as old as 50 by the age of 12. First of all, the thought of dating someone of my age scares me. They make me feel old, and what will I do if they cheat on me with a younger woman? It’s a deep fear of abandonment. With older men, I am the young woman, and he won’t cheat, that is at least what I believe. Yet, these relationships have all been disappointing. They used me for sex at an early age, some were married, another one breadcrumbed me while he was a workaholic and I was begging to have kids. And so many damaged men. I tried finding someone of my age but they’re only interested in young girls or only want sex (especially on dating sites). Sure I fall for men of my age. I am 31 and just saw a gorgeous 36 year old man on a dating site but he responded that he doesn’t want a family… yet… I feel like it’s men who decide, not women. When I was 12 I saw boys mocking a girl because they knew she was the first and only who had gotten her periods, they said she would rot fast. So there was already a huge stigma already on “older women” in elementary school. In our own grade. So don’t blame us ladies for not liking peers. We are scared to death of being mocked for our age. OlderI men appreciate having us, well, at least for a while. They tend to use us as trophees. I think the best solutions is to go for men that are around 8 year older. That way, they are of the same generation but not so old they would only see you as a trophee and not grant you any children anymore. I fell in love with mine years ago but he was taken… I just haven’t been very lucky… I need to look more. 31… time is ticking… Another thing about liking slightly older men for me is just their maturity. They have more conservative views, like books, coffee, walks, museums, city trips, shorter nearby vacations, they have reliable jobs and built talents, they are more skilled in bed, etc etc.
i am 32 years old and i always tried to date younger women, and that never worked out, and now i think i should date someone in my age, stephanie you seem to be a mature lady and i would like to meet someone like you but it is very hard to find one who wants to commit and does not cheat, i guess i will be single forever.
I am an older woman! I met my husband when I was sixteen, married at eighteen! We raised four children and were married nearly 47 years when he passed away!
People forget that marriage vows are sacred vows! Compromise, communication and caring got us thru some pretty tough times! Beauty and good looks fade, but a good heart and soul last forever!
You sound like you really need therapy. You mentioned abandonment issues and paranoia, which isn’t healthy and will just keep attracting people that use you and throw you away again.
I would say you’re right but I kind of agree with her. I’m 29 and very much attracted to older men. I will admit it wasn’t until I was 28 when I develop standards in what I wanted in a man and had more confidence in what I offered but even then I still encountered men that I didn’t treat me with respect. I don’t expect marriage or kids. I’m open to different arrangements, I’m told I look good and I have my own career ambitions.
I’ve been able to cut uncaring men pretty quickly but it’s been extremely discouraging. They talk about how women their age don’t appreciate them but I show my interest in older men and get treated like a plaything. I don’t get it.
Ellie, one of these days so many of these single women will just grow very old all alone with a bunch of cats when their time comes for being very picky.
Stop listening to misogynistic, Red pill talk. It makes you come off as an insecure loser.
Said Angie the real total loser herself. Get a life.
A lot of women would rather be alone than with many of the men out there. Alot of us have already done it all and have decided life is easier having no man in the house just casual sex.
You would never ever be marriage material anyway to begin with. FYI, you would make a very terrible wife if you really were to get married. Stay single, that you be your best option.
Being in a profession of mostly women clients women in there twenties to early thirties sleeparound a lot , the think the men are ok with this but they are not they do it because it is easier now but they won’t have a relationship with them men and women do not think alike and probably never will , even now 2020 the quality men that women want don’t want a women with a casual sex mentally it’s not fair but true that is why you see so many women marry men that are beneath them looks wise because the men are just happy to be with such s beautiful women again a guy would never admit this but most of my male clients who are attractive feel this way quality guys who attract women don’t want to be friends with men who slept with there wife or girlfriend , women call these men insecure or jealous they are far from insecure or jealous they just don’t have to put up with that nonsense I feel sorry for the women because they think the guys think it’s ok but they won’t have a long term relationship with them
Are you drunk? That was one whole long single sentence, riddled with misspelled words.
.exactly I see that all the time. 33yr old man.
Lol your having a sook about grammar when wat he said was complete BS anyways hahah U must be a high school teacher
Most women just don’t know how to commit to only one man anyway since all they do is sleep around with all different kinds of men every chance they get unfortunately. Today you have many women sleeping around with other women as well, now that feminism is everywhere today. At least most women back in the past really knew how to commit to only one man, just like most men did in those days. It is the very big change in the women nowadays that have really caused this very big mess in the first place to begin with, and many of us men can be just very happy with only one woman had we met the right one. Good women just don’t exist anymore these days. Just trying to start a conversation with a woman has really become very risky for many of us single men now that we would really like to meet.
That was back when you had religion Today there is no religion.
My Aunt and Uncle were married for 68 years before he passed away, and it was certainly a very different time in those days when a great deal of marriages did last so very long back then. I was married at one time myself before my Ex Wife cheated on me, and i was the very committed man in my relationship. I was very happy at that time, and i always wanted to have children as well. It is sad that she turned out to be a real low life loser, which is why most marriages today just don’t last anymore. And i know friends that had it happened to them as well too unfortunately.
Most women back in those days were very normal as well, which was a real plus.
Most of these women that are very picky now when it comes to relationships, will just grow very old all alone by themselves with a bunch of cats since they have just too many very high standards now to begin with. Just too many stuck up loser very pathetic women out there now with too much drama which will make many of us single men that will love to grow old all by ourselves to begin with. Most women nowadays are just very awful altogether. MGTOW.
That doesn’t even make sense! Have another beer. Oh, and you misspelled the last word. The correct spelling is MEOW.
You’re welcome! Hugs.
MGTOW or incel is too harsh. Too restrictive. But just being single is fine
Lol this person with these run on sentences has commented on this article periodically through out the months. He has changed his named like 12 times, but you can tell it’s the same person. He keeps using: “Real Ladies”, “Pathetic”, “Nowadays”, and “MGTOW. It’s all one person pretending to be multiple guys with the same piss poor attitude. LOL what a loser.
Said the real loser himself.
I agree with you chum. Listen, you really do not need women. You need your car, your phone, your job, but women are optional. You can have so much fun, learning new skills, learn boating, financing, improving your physical and metal toughness, investing in real estate. Spend your time and effort getting rich, and physically attractive. Eventually a good woman will see your quality and come knocking. She will sense your maturity, your capacity to be independent, and self directed, not needy and bitter. She will admire that, then if you choose you can have or not her. Put yourself in the drivers seat. When you behave like that you will seen and rewarded by mother nature as a winner!
There are just too many very severely mentally disturbed women nowadays that have these problems making the dating scene very difficult for many of us single men really looking for love today, now that the great majority of the women are really like this today which is very scary how very awful women are these days when most women in the past really weren’t like this at all making love very easy to find back then. Women today have really changed in a very big way, and certainly Not for the good at all since Feminism has really damaged these very pathetic women very badly now unfortunately. Thank God that the great majority of the women in the past weren’t like these women today at all which is why the world has really increased in population over the years thanks to the women back then that most women back then were certainly Real Ladies and the very complete opposite of today altogether which made love very easy to find for the men in those days, with no trouble at all since most women back then really made this world happened at that time.
Now that Feminism is everywhere these days which makes the dating scene very impossible to meet a woman for many of us single men now. And since there are so many Gold Diggers today which many women will only want men with money since they’re nothing but users anyway. MGTOW is a real lifesaver today.
I disagree. I’m someone who earns alot of money but i’ve been single my whole life. I’m 33 years old. Women like unavailable men or men that appear that they have many options – This doesn’t imply being rich. Men that qualify women and basically can say to the women “What are you offering” and less trying to impress her win the women. I met with a dating coach just recently. He was shorter than me, earned way less than me but was swimming in girls in his bed each weekend because he makes them feel that he is better than them and the women buy it lol.
Many women are crazy foolish in dating. They fall for idiot lines from loud mouths. At first they brag about these loud mouths as the hottest, cutest (fill in the blanks) dudes on the planet. When SOME of them FINALLY find out that most of the dudes are a 1/10th of what they represent (often they are broke, deal drugs or have a disease which they gave the women, etc) THEN suddenly the dude are AHOLES and the women stop bragging to everyone on the planet about them LOL. Of course, the dude is the one who ‘lost out on the best thing they ever had’ blah blah blah. Those same women then RAIIONALIZE their foolishness (idiocy?) so they can live with themselves and deflect the deserved questioning or ribbing from family and friends. Meanwhile the dude feels like a rock star because he banged the hottie. He can put another notch on his belt. Dude also feels like a WINNER in the game of life because he banged the hottie. I never felt like a winner because of that but sure the FEW MOMENTS of orgasmic release were great but can get the same from PORN or an escort MUCH MUCH cheaper without the emotional narcissism or terrorism from the women when ‘dating’ her. And actually most (not ‘all) hot women I’ve known met or banged were a MAJOR pain in the azz. Not sure they were worth the banging when there are better options. Signed A Red Pill Person.
That is because most women nowadays are just complete low life losers.
red pill implies loser
So just act like him and you’ll have more women also. Problem solved.
Most women nowadays are just so very dumb and clueless altogether to begin with unfortunately. And yet the ones that wear so much makeup are trying to attract attention, but look like real clowns that really belong in the circus.
I’m a woman, this is true and it’s took me a long time to realise it. We do infact want and are attracted to bad boys, unavailable men, and often downright cocky assholes. I’ve noticed most men I’ve been attracted to are drug dealers. I’ve been told I’m stunning and beautiful by a lot of men by the way, and get started at by both men and women whilst out so Im coming from this position from being an attractive woman.
When I was younger I would have deluded myself that these bad boys were actually nice but they really arnt. Lol.
Kia, You sound like a real loser altogether unfortunately.
The word you have capitalized is actually spelled MEOW.
Tom, the word is an acronym and it is correct. Men Going Their Own Way. Stop trying to correct others for things you know nothing about.
He is too dumb to know the difference.
Said the low life loser.
Tom, get a life you loser.